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planning MLP FIM Dungeons and Dragons?


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Okay, sorry, I actually had to do work at work yesterday, and the site was taking their time approving my login info so I got a little behind. I'm working on my character now. Is there any class missing from our party that we need?


Also, in the rules I LOVE this one "Alicorn - Haha nope, you can’t be an alicorn." For some reason I just found that amusing.


Oh, and I'm not seeing the room at the moment either.


Edit: This weekend is fine with me. I work Saturday from 12pm to 6pm  CST, but I am off Sunday. Ideal for me would be after 8pm any night, but we'll see how it turns out :)

Edited by MoonFeather
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Alright, so then we can start this Sunday, correct? I just need to make sure everyone can get on. Also, make sure we get on at the right time, in each time zone! Make sure to post where you are (state or country) and or what time zone. Remember, we need this information as fast as possible! My time zone is central standard time, in Illinois. Can't wait to see you all on Sunday!

By the way, if anyone wants to Skype, we can start a party and then we can talk more efficiently. See you all Sunday! :D

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Alright, so then we can start this Sunday, correct? I just need to make sure everyone can get on. Also, make sure we get on at the right time, in each time zone! Make sure to post where you are (state or country) and or what time zone. Remember, we need this information as fast as possible! My time zone is central standard time, in Illinois. Can't wait to see you all on Sunday!

By the way, if anyone wants to Skype, we can start a party and then we can talk more efficiently. See you all Sunday! :D

Skype might work better. I'm woody.reid.vcompany, if you're looking for me.


And sunday works for me.

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Gotcha. Send me a request, I'll add you. Also, I'm often using offline mode, so messages from me may appear even when it says I'm not on.

Listen up, ya wankers! 


Being of short temper and quick fingers, I have found a site that works much better than RPGtonight. I've talked it over with Ballistic, and he agrees: Switching sites!


The new site's called roll20. You can find it here. http://roll20.net/


It's much better, and much easier to use. See you there.

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Alright, I set up an account on the new site. I'm still not sure how much talking I can do but I set up skype anyway, just in case. My name is vixiefoxx. I can't even remember why I chose that, but I can't change it so there ya go. Hehe.


I've got to go to work for a few hours but I'll check on here whenever I can.




 Don't be shy, just a few guys trying to play MLP DnD!


Ummm... mostly right. I'm not usually the kind of girl who obsesses about my appearance, but whenever I see myself on a web cam I feel like I need to put on makeup, do my hair, and doll myself up.

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Ummm... mostly right. I'm not usually the kind of girl who obsesses about my appearance, but whenever I see myself on a web cam I feel like I need to put on makeup, do my hair, and doll myself up.


I suppose I'll put a shirt on, then. Courtesy and all.


Kidding of course. I'll make myself presentable.

  • Brohoof 1
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Well then. That's fine! I'm about to sign up right now, and how will we find the game??? Will there be a link to it on this forums?


Should I maybe start a game?


Ballistic'll link us to the campaign. If you want to start a game just to see how it works, by all means, do so.

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Ok great! I found the page and i know how to get in. The website provides its own voice and video chat, should we use that guys/girls?

Ok, so this is a girl unicorn... Isis the magic-user. Good? I don't care, it's my character. XD

Alright I have the image below so you can make it a character.


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As far as a time to play, I currently work 12pm - 6pm Tuesday through Saturday. That's GMT -6. In March that will change to 8pm. I have no problem playing after work or on one of my days off.


I do love the new site and everything seems to work fine for me.

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Hello brony friends! I was hoping to start a new My Little Pony Dungeons and Dragons game, and I know some rules, but I need some help! First, I need a character sheet and someone tellling me what I need and how to roll for it. Then we need a DM and some players, then we can start! If anyone knows a great way to play this game, please post!

if You dont mind i'd like to play too :D However i dont know anything about this either... however if you're willing id love to! also there are virtual 20 sided die if u need them. just google it :)

  • Brohoof 1
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The site we're using has absolutely everything, we just need players and characters.  Here's the rules we LOOSELY follow: https://docs.google.com/document/pub?id=1PPyX9Bie69_NtO4qrLd3Ak3K02wflxIe5Lc9sgJIA64#h.gqnl85pj7aws


Just post a ponycreator image export here and I'll make the character.

Thanks :) Here is the pony creator code: 2S2S006200702E2EFFC49D0000000770EUN1837000020000V0000000FF7FFF21107F3FCC004CB2


Pony type: Unicorn pony


Name: Sphinx


Class: Knight


Armor: Medium


Cutie mark ability: A plus to my persuasion ability


Alignment: True neutral


I know that is way more than you wanted lol :) Did I do something wrong or am I good now?

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Where do we play? Is an RP gonna be made, or did I miss something in the opening post? Perhaps a Rizon IRC?


As for my character:


Race: Pegasus


2 points
Marksman Shot: weapon; autocrits, but 2- is a critical failure.
Trick Shot: weapon; 2- is a critical failure. Fires a special shot with one of the following effects that must be chosen when creating your character:
Explosive: hits the target and anything near it
Fire: ignites the target
Knockout: renders target helpless on a hit
Poison: poisons target, causing it to take wounds over time even when not helpless

1 point

Locatepassive; lowers DC of spot checks by 3.
Point Blank Shot: passive; can fire ranged weapons at enemies while in melee
Survival: can make basic supplies like rope, bandages, tents, torches and low-quality meals out of whatever happens to be around at the time. Also used to make special ammo on the road.

2 points
Bluff: whatever you say to someone, they firmly believe it
Terrify: recharge 2; DC 8 renders target helpless


Cutie Mark: Crossbow

Armour: Medium Armour

Inventory, Items or Tools: Crossbow, matches (for fire and burning arrows on the crossbow), food rations, money, and two knives (dual-wield).

Alignment: True Neutral

Deity: So...Nature?




Finally done! I hope I didn't misunderstand something and have to do this again.


Time to sleep, I'll reply tomorrow.

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