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Hypnotize yourself to be a pony, links included


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I was hesitant about this because I wasn't sure hypnosis really worked, but I tried the Fluttershy one out of curiosity, and it was a pretty trippy experience. I feel really happy though, and I don't know why. I'm going to try some others tomorrow.


Now I kind of want to learn how to perform hypnosis myself. To the internet!

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if you don't have an ipod or anything to download it on can you do it straight from your computer and do you have to pay for the download or anything


"Even the quitiest person could be the most outspoken one"-My OC

"Not knowing is the best surprise of all"-My OC

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if you don't have an ipod or anything to download it on can you do it straight from your computer and do you have to pay for the download or anything

Not sure if that's a question or not, but you can just download them to your computer and run them through any media player of choice.

Gonna be honest, don't take anything you see from me seriously on here. I don't go by the Lord Bababa username on anything anymore because of so many reasons including me being a jerk from time to time. This is the very condensed version of it but I'm not the same person now, I'm better. Not gonna post anymore on here so yeah.

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So what...do we just listen to it? Or is there some weird practice where I need an eagle claw, a lion paw, and a snake tail? I've never done hypnosis...


*Edit* Tried RD....voice at beginning freaked me out....thought someone was going to jump out of my computer...


*Edit Edit* So I tried, but think I messed up. Am I suppose to know what's going on during the hypnosis? I was able to hear everything, but my body went relaxed and I didn't feel like doing anything. But I never felt like a pony. Did I do something wrong? Or am I being trolled?

Edited by SongBrony
  • Brohoof 1


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I really tried, but this stuff does not work on me at all. It relaxed me, but it left me feeling weird the rest of the night. Do these recordings really make people think they have hooves and stuff? Seems like an elaborate prank to me. <_<

Edited by TailsIsNotAlone

"Human beings fascinate me

Being just the way they are..."

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I really tried, but this stuff does not work on me at all. It relaxed me, but it left me feeling weird the rest of the night. Do these recordings really make people think they have hooves and stuff? Seems like an elaborate prank to me. <_<


Guess it all comes down to the individual. I tried the pinkie pie one and I felt quite relaxed and didn't really take anything seriously. Didn't really have a craving for sweets though (Picks up M&M's). Anywho, I enjoyed it so it wasn't bad. It was a little freaky trying it at first as I wasn't used to being so relaxed. I stopped a few minutes in and was kind of shaking from it and reeling what the hell just happened. A few minutes later I tried it again after getting a better understanding and It turned out alright. I dunno i'm rambling I guess. 

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Which one should I first? Rainbow is best pony IMHO, but the voice freaks me out. Anything I should try out first? Suggestions pls?

This sounds really interesting.

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Tried this earlier today with no effects. Went into it open minded and everything. I guess it's like the force and only works on people with weaker minds :P

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Ooh! I want to screw with my brain! :D


...wait, the links aren't working for me >.< MediaFire is being a big mean meaniepants.


Oh welp. I guess now I don't have to feel sooper dooper scared about my brain being derped over. still.....I'M SO CURIOUS....i can't help it.....OHNOEZ :o


EDIT: Hey, the links are working! :D


I tried the Twiley one, and it partially worked. I entered a state of total relaxation and--no joke--I legit felt my fingers and toes fusing to become hooves. It felt really weird and really awesome.

Still, I couldn't feel my unicorn horn, nor fully believe everything the voice said. Ah well; it still made me feel really good.


Maybe I should try the Pinkie Pie one! :3

Edited by Night Shine
  • Brohoof 1



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This sounds really, really scary.

I'd try hypnotizing myself into my OC, or even Soarin if it was possible.

How long does this last?

Is it addicting?

Is it scary/weird?


I just don't want my parents walking in on me doing this experiment... xD

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I got myself to relax, my body went numb, but I haven't fallen for it yet.  My mind keeps finding ways of bringing reality back to my attention.  If I keep trying this, will my mind finally relax?

  • Brohoof 2
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So just how open to this do you have to be? 

I'm extremely strong minded and very stubborn, but im also able to keep an open mind if I need to. 

I'm just worried my subconscious will reject this - i've given meditation a go for a long time, but could never really do it. I kept getting distracted whenever I was about there. 

  • Brohoof 1

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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I'm just about positive that I'm not susceptible to hypnosis :(  but I'll give it a whirl. 

Who knows maybe I am and It just didn't work.

So just how open to this do you have to be? 

I'm extremely strong minded and very stubborn, but im also able to keep an open mind if I need to. 

I'm just worried my subconscious will reject this - i've given meditation a go for a long time, but could never really do it. I kept getting distracted whenever I was about there. 

I'm the same way as you are. stubborn and bull headed. I've managed meditation.

The trick with meditation is when you first start, try a mantra or something you can concentrate on. Alot of people just try clearing their minds, and at which point your mind becomes like a cat getting dipped in water. Bringing up old shit and running things through your head that make no sense. Even with something to concentrate on your mind stars behaving in odd ways. The trick is to keep trying at it.

I'm not entirely sure hypnosis works on me because I'm very analytical. I'll probably end up just thinking about the ways their trying to get you to go under.

  • Brohoof 2

"It's either Blue Cheese with wings or go fuck your mother!"- Joey"CoCo"Diaz

"I come in peace. I didn't bring artillery. But I'm pleading with you, with tears in my eyes: If you f*ck with me, I'll kill you all." - Gen James 'MadDog' Mattis USMC




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Granted. it's strange. Now...I want to say that it didn't work. BUT, and there's a but there...yes. I was the same as you, trying to actually understand everything that was said as it was said, and while I was undergoing "transformation" I was busy trying to analyze how the transformation would actually work. 


Now, that being said it didn't work, I didn't feel like walking around on 4 legs afterwards, and I didn't feel like I could fly either (I tried Rainbow Dash, to see if I felt any more confident) so...it didn't work. HOWEVER, my legs did feel rather odd afterwards, and during the whole thing, my hands and feet did feel like hooves. I think I was just too concerned with those to grasp the rest of the changes. I also felt incredibly relaxed and like I was ready to go, right at the end of the...video...music...thing. So im gonna give it another try, I can see potential with this and it interests me, also, being Pinkie Pie would be BOSS.

Oh yeah and also, i'm not sure how I should be positioned. I was lay on my back with a towel over my face to block out the light lol. 

Not sure if I should be stood, sat, lay on my face, asleep (caus I nearly was >.> ) or what...

  • Brohoof 1

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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Granted. it's strange. Now...I want to say that it didn't work. BUT, and there's a but there...yes. I was the same as you, trying to actually understand everything that was said as it was said, and while I was undergoing "transformation" I was busy trying to analyze how the transformation would actually work. 


Now, that being said it didn't work, I didn't feel like walking around on 4 legs afterwards, and I didn't feel like I could fly either (I tried Rainbow Dash, to see if I felt any more confident) so...it didn't work. HOWEVER, my legs did feel rather odd afterwards, and during the whole thing, my hands and feet did feel like hooves. I think I was just too concerned with those to grasp the rest of the changes. I also felt incredibly relaxed and like I was ready to go, right at the end of the...video...music...thing. So im gonna give it another try, I can see potential with this and it interests me, also, being Pinkie Pie would be BOSS.

Oh yeah and also, i'm not sure how I should be positioned. I was lay on my back with a towel over my face to block out the light lol. 

Not sure if I should be stood, sat, lay on my face, asleep (caus I nearly was >.> ) or what...

Anything works for position as long as you're comfortable. I usually end up lying down with my hands on the bridge of my nose. 

If you feel yourself falling asleep stop and get up and move around to wake yourself up then go back to it.

"It's either Blue Cheese with wings or go fuck your mother!"- Joey"CoCo"Diaz

"I come in peace. I didn't bring artillery. But I'm pleading with you, with tears in my eyes: If you f*ck with me, I'll kill you all." - Gen James 'MadDog' Mattis USMC




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If, at one point, early in the morning, I wake up, and have to go to school, or really need to do homework... I might just try it with Twilight... But to be honest, I don't really want to be hypnotized. I like being who I am!


If I have to go to a party, Pinkie might be useful too...


And if I'm at a posh event, Rarity could be a godsend.


AJ, if I end up doing hard labor could help...


They all have their uses, I guess... But honestly, I don't mind work, I'm just a little clumsy and disorganized at times, and I actually don't mind posh events. I'm just somewhat antisocial. And I enjoy being me.

  • Brohoof 1

I am prone to leaving both short and long posts as well as with my profile feed...


I made this I am so proud of myself!

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So which files do I listen to first? I want to be like Rainbow Dash as I need to do some more exercise lawl 


but ye i've downloaded the 4 tracks but dunno which to listen to first, second etc




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Anything works for position as long as you're comfortable. I usually end up lying down with my hands on the bridge of my nose.  If you feel yourself falling asleep stop and get up and move around to wake yourself up then go back to it.



Chances are with me, i'll wake up, walk around and remember something I was supposed to do. Then forget about the hypnosis forever. 

I'm going back to it now, I feel...iffy - like im half complete xD May as well try again I suppose.


It takes a few tries though. Eventually you'll get it though, just keep trying.


When you say takes a few tries, do you mean one after the other with the same pony? Or try again day after day?

Because i've sat and tried the RD one 3 times now, and I got nothing more than numb hooves and itchy wings.  

  • Brohoof 1

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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When you say takes a few tries, do you mean one after the other with the same pony? Or try again day after day?

Because i've sat and tried the RD one 3 times now, and I got nothing more than numb hooves and itchy wings.  



Which order/file do you listen to for RD? cause I wanna try hers and be athletic...if it works >_<


heh characters lolololol now bye 


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Fan of the upcoming movie: Equestria Girls. 

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Which order/file do you listen to for RD? cause I wanna try hers and be athletic...if it works >_<


heh characters lolololol now bye 


The ind+BGM one, but I think im going to try the ind+loop for a while to be honest. I can feel it almost working every time, it just feels like I need to focus and let go at the same time, something that's hard for me to do.


I can see myself becoming addicted to this stuff ;_;


OK so yeah, I just listened for like the 4th time now, and my right forearm has gone completely numb. I think that's enough for one day. 

I dont think me being so tired for whatever reason helps either. Maybe i'll try again when i'm more awake...hopefully with better results *pokes floppy arm*

  • Brohoof 1

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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Well, what I read at the front page was odd...

But anyhow besides that, one thing that might prevent me from hypnotizing myself is my constantly working mind. And the only time I can clear that stupid thing is on sunday mornings when I go bowling.

This isnt a joke but 90% of my mind is music that constantly plays songs all day long. Once it stops though then I cant have anyone talking to me for a bit since anything anyone says (mostly the word 'trance') will make me think of music, any time. If im doing something, I think of music but unless im listening to music, then I think of my orikeros.

Sucks doesnt it, having an mp4 stuck on shuffle.


but its worth a shot. Ill try it in the morning after I finish school.

Edited by Moon Wave


A shoutout to Dr-Whooves for making this sweet thing~

Anyway, go ahead and visit my http://mlpforums.com/user/380-sirius-crescent/'>About Me page for my characters :3

Engaged to Steel Crescent as of 5/1/2013

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