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What do anti-bronies seek to achieve?


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I may not be experienced. But I see so much hate and twisting of cartoon series. Not just MLP, but all other cartoons have some sort of hate filled or twisted view on the internet. It's just the way it is. Best to remember that YOU like the show, and YOU find it awesomazing, and who cares what they think, they just want attention or they feel as if it shouldn't exist and want to push their opinion of the show without actual reason to hate... I think I'm making sense, sorry I just ramble on sometimes. ':D

Bored? Want to be more bored! Check out my channel (and sub :P) to wait for the upcoming abridged series!

"What series is that good sir?" - Interested Bystander (IB)

Why, it is My Little Overlord! :D

"That name sucks..." - IB<p>

;-; Just check it out: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIggp2B4qIFsPJrZ-mdKnCA Also, support MLP: The Game if you can! https://mlpforums.com/uploads/post_images/sig-4657732.MLP-The%20Game%20Icon.gif

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To be brutally honest and like some of you folks here already said, anti-bronies hate people who fall outside of the "norm", and instead of understanding it, they wanna make us go away. When you ask them why, they will just give you a bunch of witty insults like "BECUZ U'RE GAY", "YOU'RE AN AUTISTIC FAGGOT" etc, but deep down under the hood they are so adhered to the gender stereotypes that they believe that anything outside of their "norm" should be annihilated. Just try to go to Youtube and search up news report about bronies, and take a look at the comments section, and you'll know what I mean. 


I once got flamed by an anti-brony on deviantART, and after a couple of minutes of browsing his profile I found that this guy is really a rabid hater, making a LITERALLY 9000 characters of rambling how ponies suck and how his day is utterly ruined and his eyes raped by a ponified Solid Snake on his Google image result. I tried to argue with him but he said that I'm just going circles with "stereotypical brony shit", even I try to be rational and admit that our fandom has flaws he just replied "That means your fandom sucks lol. Period."

It was then I realized that arguing with this kind of people is like arguing with a racist. Basically if you're a race they don't like they will just tell you to fuck off and won't listen.

Edited by CTRLee
  • Brohoof 2
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Simple just to put others down for what they like. None is different if someones hates for no reason. I mean it just matter down to you what you like don't let other people influence you in what it is you like. Stand up for yourself.



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We are all actually just repeating urselves here. XD I see the same comment over and over again here.

Bored? Want to be more bored! Check out my channel (and sub :P) to wait for the upcoming abridged series!

"What series is that good sir?" - Interested Bystander (IB)

Why, it is My Little Overlord! :D

"That name sucks..." - IB<p>

;-; Just check it out: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIggp2B4qIFsPJrZ-mdKnCA Also, support MLP: The Game if you can! https://mlpforums.com/uploads/post_images/sig-4657732.MLP-The%20Game%20Icon.gif

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If I reply here I will simply be repeating what everyone else is saying.


1: They do it for attention.


2: They feel fear towards something that is not considered the "norm", so they feel the need to attack it. (Cavemen come to mind..)


3: They are simply close-minded and fear any kind of change. Pitiful, really......


4: They have nothing better to do with their lives, so they feel the need to hate on someone else who happens to like something that they themselves don't like.


6: I skipped number 5 and have nothing else to add here. ^.^

This is a signature,


and that was a post...

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To really touch on the basis of anti's, you need to understand that these people's mind set is to piss you off by any means necessary. From targeting a groups sexuality, to targeting individuals directly it's basically all the same cake with a new kind of frosting on top. But with anything, there's alway's two sides to the cake. So why do it? For some it's just for the lolz, for others it's a sport to see who's the better troll. But for some it's for a darker purpose, (I don't need to explain this for you to get my drift) (moving on)


In the end it's all just trolling, most bronies tend to overreact to pretty much anything thrown at the mlp series that's perceived as negative, though it doesn't help that there's relatively available amounts of weird ass fan ""THINGS"" (I'm not even talking about clop) (pssh) around the web for people to use to make the fandom look bad. As one would say "one bad apple ruins the bunch" & that's pretty much it.

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It's simple they have none .

They are simply bored and lead pathetic lives so they ruin someone else's day .

Like all lesser species they'll eventully go extinct and unlike the dinosaurs they won't leave any trace because no one will give a shit about them .

this power is mine! It is my light. In brightest day or blackest night! I lay claim to all that falls with my sight!! To take what I want that is my right!
Fear the power of avarice. It consumes all who dare touch it.

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I think they're just going about making friends in a really weird and ineffectual way.

If they're trying to make friends them they've really got to practice ...

this power is mine! It is my light. In brightest day or blackest night! I lay claim to all that falls with my sight!! To take what I want that is my right!
Fear the power of avarice. It consumes all who dare touch it.

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They seek to provoke a reaction from someone or a group of people as they feel insecure and have little or no positive way of communicating to someone who has completely different interests to themselves, therefore they use mock aggression to scare off the said individual as they lack the communicating ability to converse politely with someone of opposite or different interests. There are also the people who are lacking in attention but desire it, so they direct their inpopularity onto an easy victim, Bronies being one of the largest and most easy fan bases to take the mickey out of and thus diverting the attention of the victim onto them. They will then try to get others to join them in saying as much grit and vile slur they can provide about said person to gang up on them and make the victim feel insecure/upset/angry.


I think I've summarised my take on antibronies, and genral trolls in one as they're basicly the same thing.


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

-Sig by Handsome Changeling
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It's onLy naturaL that the masses woUld atteMpt to rebel agaINst An imminenT new world order. It's just a matter of time before we, the next evolution of the speCies, rule Over this plaNet once and For all. That Is the Reason why the evolution of huManity has cEaseD. How can anyone hope to eliminate us?

Edited by SpaceOnion
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It's onLy naturaL that the masses woUld atteMpt to rebel agaINst An imminenT new world order. It's only a matter of time before we, the next evolution of the speCies, rule Over this plaNet once and For all. That Is the Reason why the evolution of huManity has cEaseD. How can anyone hope to eliminate us?

Preach it Snake ! :umad:

There are other fandoms who feel threatened for whatever reason, and need a war with bronies to get more attention and popularity.


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It's onLy naturaL that the masses woUld atteMpt to rebel agaINst An imminenT new world order. It's just a matter of time before we, the next evolution of the speCies, rule Over this plaNet once and For all. That Is the Reason why the evolution of huManity has cEaseD. How can anyone hope to eliminate us?


Preach it Snake !


It can't be... I don't remember saying that! What the hell is going on?!

Edited by SpaceOnion
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Hating something this passionately is a kind of love. They love bronies and they love MLP. Their very existence depends on us. I bet they spend just as much time thinking about MLP as we do.


Any collective body is like a magnet. It has two poles. As long as there are people who like X, there will be people who hate X. We're both part of the same dynamic system. They are our shadow. And we are theirs.


When we learn to accept ourselves for who we are, they will vanish.

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  • Close minded
  • Insecure
  • Hate for hate sake
  • Want to be cool by not begin one with something everyone else likes.
  • Jealous because there on fandom don't get as much attention
  • Want to be special little snowflake
  • Could just be troll
  • Have ponyphobia
  • Have been rub in the wrong way, by brony

This few of things i think abut when hear word Anti-bronies

  • Brohoof 5


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they just have nothing better to do, they want something to hate and they have nothing better to do than sit online all day and spread hate.

It's better to die on your feet than to live on your knees!

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They most likely... eat innocent babies D:

As opposed to eating evil babies. xD


Nobody gives me any flack in "real life" when I wear a pony shirt in public.  I've even rainbow'd my nails and ventured out into the world.  It's mostly when someone's protected by anonymity in the Youtube comments section or on an online forum when they suddenly become "brave" and launch an attack.  Cyberbullying 101: People don't know who you are, where you live, or how much of a scrawny little punk you are. x )  If people don't know these things, the consequences are minimal, and you can be whoever you want to be.  Unfortunately, that's usually an a**hole.

  • Brohoof 2

"It uses the faculty of what you call imagination. But that does not mean making things up. It is a form of seeing." - from "The Amber Spyglass"

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