Stellafera 3,836 January 26, 2013 Share January 26, 2013 New writers are best writers (and Cindy Morrow). Merriwether, Corey Powell... They seem to really be making good choices for taking up the mantle. And now I don't have to think too hard to figure out what my third favorite episode this season was (Sorry Too Many Pinkie Pies). I also approved of the way that the first part of the episode was in the style of a musical. If they continued it, it would have been freaking amazing. Spike seems to be improving his singing ability. While the rest of the chat was going "OMG SPIKE STOP SINGING", I was like "OMG BROADWAY STYLE MLP ALL OF MY YES". The BGM was also the best during this episode. Major props here. I love the way that it sheds more light on Tank and Winona. RD is RD, and adorably so, with Tank, and Winona is actually responsible and does what she's supposed to do, mirroring Applejack. As far as "OMG RARIEEETY IZ NOT GENEROUS", remember that the only gems that Rarity had on hand were the ones that she had sewn onto her outfit. She had to sacrifice the visual appeal of her outfit in order to give it up, and that gem was the centerpiece, no less. Element of generosity is still going strong. I like how for most of the episode, you were inclined to think that Angel was being a jerk. But just like he pushes Fluttershy with his attitude, he was just trying to make a statement that what Spike was doing was self centered. Almost every single gem that Spike had to give up was for trying to pursue Angel, which was exactly what the bunny had in mind; he hoped to teach Spike a lesson in greed. And when Spike finally admitted his mistake (which, by the way, was a really really really d'awww filled scene), Angel stopped. He even went and helped Spike. The thing is, Angel usually knows the right thing for everypony to do, but because of the fact that he's a bunny and can't talk, he has to use these indirect and sometimes mean ways to speak his mind. I even read one theory that in Putting Your Hoof Down, Angel was trying to convince Fluttershy to become more assertive with his pickiness; to push her until she decided that enough was enough. And finally, that ending was the funniest in the entire series. 3 Latest Video: Come On: An Ode To Best Friendship "Says they don't like MMDW or Merriwether Williams: Inb4 Stellafera" - Sugar Cube Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cocodrillo 1,565 January 26, 2013 Share January 26, 2013 Finally an episode where were the characters together. I think this season has too many "individualist" episodes. Rainbow Dash interacting with Tank was the cutest thing... Try to try again To see yourself again from time to time. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fluttermena 1,223 January 26, 2013 Share January 26, 2013 Who/what powers Tanks helmet? Zecora is new best troll. In one shot we see Big Mac and Cheerilee walking together, as well as Screwball (the insane asylum patient) 1. The gold-colored aura probably means Celestia enchanted the heli-shell. 2. Zecora is best everything. 3. That was Screw Loose, not Screwball. Screwball was the crazy flying pony in Discorded Ponyville in the season 2 premiere: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tall_But_Short_37 233 January 26, 2013 Share January 26, 2013 (edited) I also approved of the way that the first part of the episode was in the style of a musical. If they continued it, it would have been freaking amazing. Spike seems to be improving his singing ability. While the rest of the chat was going "OMG SPIKE STOP SINGING", I was like "OMG BROADWAY STYLE MLP ALL OF MY YES". The BGM was also the best during this episode. Major props here. Oh my goodness, how did I forget to mention that in my post?? Yes, I definitely had a similar Broadway fangasm at those few dramatic lines! At first I thought he was gonna sing a whole song like that about cake, and was slightly disappointed when that didn't happen! 1. The gold-colored aura probably means Celestia enchanted the heli-shell. 2. Zecora is best everything. 3. That was Screw Loose, not Screwball. Screwball was the crazy flying pony in Discorded Ponyville in the season 2 premiere: Screwball_id.png Ahh you are correct, thanks for correcting me! Edited January 26, 2013 by Tall_But_Short_37 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Champion RD92 8,658 January 26, 2013 Share January 26, 2013 Angel is officially the biggest asshole in the whole show. Granny Smith was kind of a troll lol. So was Zecora. I thought this episode was extremely predictable though; I knew right away that he was gonna end up losing all the gems he got at the beginning. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Discovery Dream 592 January 26, 2013 Share January 26, 2013 Darn, I thought this was gonna be shiperiffic. Just animals :I Whatever, always good to see more Gummy and Angel Bunny! <3 There better be some plotkicking. no rest for the wizardly. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WolfEdge 75 January 26, 2013 Share January 26, 2013 Spike and Angel were the bosses of dickery in this episode. It induced SO much hilarity. Zecora's lesson about dragon's greed was the best troll moment I've seen in a while, but really was a much needed lesson. Twilight had a Chaos Emerald! Anyone notice Screw Loose was out of the hospital in this episode? :'D I think he/she got better! Kinda. And Big Mac and Cheerilee were walking together! Continuity everywhere! Props to the BG Ponies! And this episode showed (more strongly than others) that Angel DOES have a heart. Him deciding to help Spike at the end when he realized the dragon was regretful for mistreating them was the best moment we've seen from the little guy so far. Angel just missed Fluttershy so much, he just had to be at his most douche-bag level to anyone trying to keep him away from her. XD Angel reaffirmed for best pet. I LOVE this episode! It's one of those eps I can rewatch without a second thought... but then again, quite a few of this season's episodes have been that way. And did anyone else notice Opalescense, who's fed by every 36 and a half minutes by the way (lol), was being carried around by Tank? XD 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rjrgmc28 130 January 26, 2013 Share January 26, 2013 To quote my GetGlue post earlier this morning:"(Sings) Spike is the best dragon ever, there’s more to him than guarding treasure……"This episode was a fun one to watch, and provided a bit of a breakaway from the "big" episodes so far in this season by adding a bit of humour here and there. One of the moments in the episode for me was when was trying to bake a cake and him singing also added a bit of a "kick" and a few aww moments to the episode. Speaking of Spike though, he has come a along way since his debut in the first season and has really evolved from a background character that the fans hated with a passion at the start to a all round fan favourite in the last two seasons, and the last few episodes have shown Spike in a new light that I can't put my finger on. Overall, a great episode all round. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BronymanMiranda 25 January 26, 2013 Share January 26, 2013 Who/what powers Tanks helmet? It seems to be magic. What with the glow and all. Christian, Brony, Classic Rock nerd, film fanatic, and all around geek. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shaky Novel 72 January 26, 2013 Share January 26, 2013 I just watched the episode, and it was pretty awesome. Spike is sooo cute . Makes me whish I had a baby dragon... and that I was a unicorn... who lived in a library... EHUM, HOWEVER, the episode was great. I'm still waiting for an episode about Twilight though... 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
moneyshredderofdeath 414 January 26, 2013 Share January 26, 2013 I quite liked the episode. I always felt that they didn't show enough of the pets (except for Angel) so it was nice to see a rare episode that puts a good amount of focus on them. And throwing the CMC in made it feel even more hectic, which I like. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thundershock 310 January 26, 2013 Share January 26, 2013 i just watched this episode, and i thought this was a really good.Angel was being so mean to spike.When spike started losing his gems,i knew all of them would be gone by the end. 1 Sig made by meh ((Find me on Deviantart if you wanna talk to me)) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
duidamasterXD 9,627 January 26, 2013 Share January 26, 2013 (edited) So, since my crappy alarm failed to wake me up this morning and I've been busy with tennis related things all morning it took me a while to get around to watching the episode. But I made it . I'm going to say what we're all thinking; Corey Powell kicks @$$. She has an amazing grasp of the characters and how they interact with each other and it all felt natural. M.A Larson had better watch his back, because Corey is gunning for the title of my favorite writer. Anyhow I really wasn't sure what to expect from this one honestly. I haven't been the biggest fan of Spike episodes in the past. I like the little guy just fine, it's just that I haven't always liked episodes devoted to him. That said, I liked this one and I think it's the best Spike episode yet. I'll start off with some of the peripheral stuff that I enjoyed. We got to see Zecora again! I'm slowly turning into a massive Zecora fanboy and I always love seeing her, especially when trolling certain baby dragons . And the best background pony (Cloud Kicker if you need clarification) made an appearance! Hurray! The animation was fantastic as usual, and there were many moments that made me chuckle to see. Everything seemed to flow fairly well and I was able to immerse myself in the episode. The Mane Six and their pets were in top form as well during this one. Dashie smashed my D'awwww Meter both during the lick scene and during the super secret nuzzle . More evidence for her being cutest pony. And of course our favorite devil rabbit. Angel is undeniably a massive douche, but this episode did a good job of showing that he cares about Fluttershy, has a conscience and that he is more than a mere jackass. The CMC were also fun to see . I love watching them get into their mischief and skydiving cute marks sound like a brilliant plan. They were also very cute, especially Sweetie Belle, whose voice seemed a bit different to me. And of course, Spike. While he was fairly manipulative, impulsive and greedy throughout the episode, you can't say that he didn't get what was coming to him. He learned his lesson and learned it well. Good show Spike. Overall I'm not sure how it'll stand in my favorite episodes yet, but I enjoyed this one a ton. Thanks Corey . Edited January 27, 2013 by DashForever 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fridge 382 January 27, 2013 Share January 27, 2013 (edited) Just finished watching the episode. It just proves to me that Angel is a little git lol.Glad to see that Spike actually learned his lesson about taking care of others stuff, let alone pets. Also very happy to see that they answered the old, what happened to the phoenix he had question, that'd been bugging me. And I definitely want to see more of Zecora, hell I'd like her own episode perhaps explaining her back story. Not a bad episode over all really. I was a little surprised to see the inclusion of the CMC (I avoided all the clips and spoilers) but it seemed to work. Edited January 27, 2013 by Fridge 1 Street artist | activist | Fanfic writer | Fire Spinner | attempting Musician Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rarity.Flutter.Pie 3 January 27, 2013 Share January 27, 2013 I loved this episode! I feel like I needed more Spike to watch and this episode was perfect. We got pets, Spike, and the cutie mark crusaders! 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WolfEdge 75 January 27, 2013 Share January 27, 2013 Just finished watching the episode. It just proves to me that Angel is a little git lol. Glad to see that Spike actually learned his lesson about taking care of others stuff, let alone pets. Also very happy to see that they answered the old, what happened to the phoenix he had question, that'd been bugging me. And I definitely want to see more of Zecora, hell I'd like her own episode perhaps explaining her back story. Not a bad episode over all really. I was a little surprised to see the inclusion of the CMC (I avoided all the clips and spoilers) but it seemed to work. Yeah, about Pee Wee.... did that last picture in the picture montage at the beginning imply to you too that he had let Pee Wee return to living with his parents? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fridge 382 January 27, 2013 Share January 27, 2013 Yeah, about Pee Wee.... did that last picture in the picture montage at the beginning imply to you too that he had let Pee Wee return to living with his parents? Yeah it did, he had some fun with the little guy then probably got told by Twilight to put him back lol Street artist | activist | Fanfic writer | Fire Spinner | attempting Musician Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sunny Fox 5,952 January 27, 2013 Share January 27, 2013 This episode felt like a Season 2 episode to me. And that is a compliment. I'm not enjoying this Season as much as the last, but this episode just got it right. Lots of nice continuity nods and teasing from the writers... 1. Cheerilee and Big Mac are a clear ship-tease. 2. Screw Loose seems to be recovering, discharged from the hospital and living at home with what appears to be a live-in nurse. I laughed when the nurse looked at her when she heard Winona barking, like she was afraid her patient had started to regress. 3. Pony Joe continues to have his treats eaten and ruined. 4. PeeWee has been returned to his parents, tying up a loose end from Season 2. All in all, just a good old single-premise funfest. Happy minion of The Fabulous One! Signature by Midnightive Check out my blog! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Squid 100 January 27, 2013 Share January 27, 2013 I don't like Spike episodes. Not as much as other episodes, at least. They're just not as fun to me. THAT ALL CHANGED TODAY. After Sleepless in Ponyville and now this, I think I can safely say that Corey Powell is one of the better MLP writers in my opinion. This was a really good episode, there were so many funny moments, though I think the primary reason I liked it was due to the inclusion of Scootaloo and the CMC. I just really love those fillies. :3 DID ANYONE ELSE NOTICE SCREW LOOSE? Screw Loose showed up in the background. I think that they were accompanied but one of the hospital people. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mile high 61 January 27, 2013 Share January 27, 2013 Awesome. just awesome. There was tank (and when he was spinning he was a TANK TOP XD) rarity giving him the smallest gem Yah generosity my ass. I surprised that got away with it. Big Mac a cheerilee together. Barry punch was going back to the Crystal empire lol And zecora wants spikes BOOTY XD. ________________________________________________ But as the episodes go on is it me or is fluttershy and spike looking like there comeing together 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aurum 18 January 27, 2013 Share January 27, 2013 I liked this episode. Although am I the only one who thought that the CMC shouldn't have appeared as much as they did? The pets needed more spotlight in their own episode. ;P You guys are awesome in spotting background Easter eggs. I almost never notice the things going on in the background. I'm going to look again for Screw Loose. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mile high 61 January 27, 2013 Share January 27, 2013 How does that small ass gem buy that big ass fan blower thing __________________ And someone can totally make a fan Fic about that nurse and screw loose Like she helps become mo sane and in the proses thay fall in love or something. i don't know. shut up. __________________ And gummy just desides to throw books of the shelfs for no reason XD __________________ I'm a man that hates to admit thing are adorable but The things sweetie belle said was so cute and the thing where rainbow dash loves tank and is concerned for him but doesn't whant people to know that was funny and cute I love spike and all no homo but its soooooooo funny when he is mad or agervated Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Feather Gem 967 January 27, 2013 Share January 27, 2013 Highlights of the episode: Pinkie Pie and Gummy Rainbow Dash and Tank Zecora donating! Why does every pony carry jewels? Sweetie Belle! Spike's WHY?! Just like his NOO! DiSCoRd'S AppRENtICe Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
XXVYNIKK 145 January 27, 2013 Share January 27, 2013 i LOVED TANK AND RAINBOW DASH. They were so adorable with each other. :3 I liked a Angle had those Bunny Squeaks. Episode could be better, still love it though. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aurum 18 January 27, 2013 Share January 27, 2013 (edited) How does that small ass gem buy that big ass fan blower thing I thought that, too! Perhaps the red ones are worth more? That's what I'm hoping. Rarity's been so ungenerous this season, that I'm hoping the tiny gem she gave to Spike was actually worth more than the others, and that she simply forgot that Spike likes gems to eat, and not to buy. Edited January 27, 2013 by Aurum 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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