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*Gasp!* You changed your name! :o

Thank @Jeric for that :please:


Anyway, I love this dress on her :wub:






Minecraft is flawed improved forever for me now. Each time I dig for those I can't stop thinking: "Rarity guide me!"


Anyway, how's my top 10, top 3 and quite probably top 1 fanclub doing :P ?

Rarity would love mining for diamonds :D

And I'm good. About to boot up System Shock 2 in a few minutes. Don't think Rarity would like that game, though :confused:


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Don't think Rarity would like that game, though


I would have to agree. Here is how I see this playing out at your house Ghostie.



 Rarity looks over your shoulders to see what you are doing mindful of your Pepsi.





This happens.





Your Pepsi can is still wobbling while Rarity is already a mile away hiding.



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Yeahh :muffins: This isn't a Rarity-safe game, poor girl. Not really her style, more of something RD or Twilight would enjoy.


I was talking to one of my friends last night about this game, though, and we made a little story about what would happen if Rarity was the protagonist in SS2:


[7/31/2014 10:18:49 PM] Aquila: lol
[7/31/2014 10:19:02 PM] Aquila: Rarity fighting aliens and robots
[7/31/2014 10:19:04 PM] Aquila: Hmm
[7/31/2014 10:19:19 PM] Aquila: Sounds good to me
[7/31/2014 10:19:50 PM] Aquila: Alien tries to attack her
[7/31/2014 10:19:53 PM] Aquila: boom
[7/31/2014 10:20:00 PM] Aquila: "That is no way to treat a lady."
[7/31/2014 10:20:10 PM] ghostfacekiller39: They'd be like "wtf"
[7/31/2014 10:20:51 PM] ghostfacekiller39: "Now, if you'd excuse me, darling, I must be on my way. I have an appointment on Deck 4 with Dr. Polito, and I musn't be late. Ciao!"
[7/31/2014 10:21:04 PM] ghostfacekiller39: The alien dude would be scratching his head, wondering what the hell just happened
[7/31/2014 10:21:12 PM] ghostfacekiller39: Goes back after Rarity after he thinks about it a bit
[7/31/2014 10:21:30 PM] ghostfacekiller39: "Echh. Unhand me you brute!"
[7/31/2014 10:22:04 PM] ghostfacekiller39: Alien begrudgingly presses forward, not knowing how to handle this and just does what comes to mind
[7/31/2014 10:22:23 PM] ghostfacekiller39: Rarity smacks him away with her hoof
[7/31/2014 10:22:54 PM] ghostfacekiller39: "I told you to take your grubby little..er, whatever those things are, off of me!"
[7/31/2014 10:23:02 PM] ghostfacekiller39: Big, scary magic starts coming from her horn
[7/31/2014 10:23:05 PM] ghostfacekiller39: She's pretty pissed
[7/31/2014 10:23:10 PM] ghostfacekiller39: Blasts the fucker
[7/31/2014 10:23:17 PM] ghostfacekiller39: He's wearing a puce mumu
[7/31/2014 10:23:41 PM] ghostfacekiller39: "Hm. THAT ought to show you a thing or two about messing with me, darling!"
[7/31/2014 10:23:46 PM] ghostfacekiller39: Rarity walks off
[7/31/2014 10:24:29 PM] ghostfacekiller39: She's proud of herself
[7/31/2014 10:24:48 PM] ghostfacekiller39: Alien actually finds the mumu comfortable and he's quite fond of the color puce...
[7/31/2014 10:24:52 PM] ghostfacekiller39: ...victory?



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Speaking of you @The JLmle, I just realized I didn't add you as a friend yet. :confused:



Here's an Rarijack pic to make up for it



Edited by Jeric
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Here's an Rarijack pic to make up for it


He said the magic word!



A gem for the precious jewel.post-25189-0-79425100-1406301242.png ( Thats kinda ambiguous... cuz the gem could be the necklace Rares is wearing and she would be the jewel, or the gem could be Rares herself, cuz of her cutie mark, and Apples would be the jewel... :muffins: )







So cute...post-25189-0-98096400-1405937731.png







"Give me that hat back, or ah have tha cuddle ya silly if ah catch ya!"post-25189-0-52301500-1406024376.png

"Thats what im trying to accomplish with that, darling!"post-25189-0-56084000-1405868582.png






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Just here to mention that even when I'm not super active in the thread for a few days, simply coming back and leafing through the pages, quickly scanning and seeing so many amazing pictures of her is truly a great experience in and of itself.  Might suggest trying it sometime if you can peel yourself away for a day or two.


I feel obligated to at least add something;




Loving that hairstyle...

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Off-Topic ... ever read one of your older posts and go ... wow ... was I drinking when I typed that?

Nope... I know me too well; it was Whiskey... I've often wondered "how much" though when reading a few of my old posts...

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Brohoof if you saw a certain LOTR commercial on TBS.

I can't brohoof since I don't have cable, but I do finally have an excuse to post this...


no offense meant to Sparity fans, it's not my thing but if you like it; that's cool... I just found the pic funny.  Full offense meant to twilight fans, vampire+sun=ash, sorry

Edited by The JLmle
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And I'm good. About to boot up System Shock 2 in a few minutes. Don't think Rarity would like that game, though  :confused:


Funny coincidence. I've completed it like, barely a month or so ago. For the first time. Currently replaying it with different class :P


Great minds think alike, I guess xD

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Apple pie...post-25189-0-98096400-1405937731.png


I just have to say again how much i love these two... Both as independent characters and as sisters.



Which one is the apple and which one is the pie though? :confused:

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Pie is baking which is a form of culinary art. Rarity is an artist. Rarity is pie. Rarity is also ? ... she is a mathematical constant and cannot be disproven.


This pic doesn't fit the randomness of my answer. You will like in regardless. :D




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Pie is baking which is a form of culinary art. Rarity is an artist. Rarity is pie. Rarity is also ? ... she is a mathematical constant and cannot be disproven.


This pic doesn't fit the randomness of my answer. You will like in regardless. :D






I like your Rarity randomness picture. :pout:




Have a random Rarity too!post-25189-0-34198200-1406310453.png

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I like your Rarity randomness picture. :pout:




Have a random Rarity too!


That outline makes it look like a sticker. WHY WON'T IT PEEL? OT6EQrY.png


Oh well. Even though the Rarity and Sweetie relationship is adorable, for me part of it is the realistic portrayal of siblings. You get on each others nerves.



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That outline makes it look like a sticker. WHY WON'T IT PEEL? img-2919353-2-OT6EQrY.png


Oh well. Even though the Rarity and Sweetie relationship is adorable, for me part of it is the realistic portrayal of siblings. You get on each others nerves.



Rarity and Sweetie Belle fight? Never!


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Silly Luna, the most beautiful and radiant star is not in the night sky. :please:


Why gaze unto the celestial canvas if you have the most lovely piece of art right there, next to you?

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Good afternoon fan club! It has been, ehhh, let's say a month and half since I've logged onto this website and all I know is that I have 325 notifications to sort through and that I've missed simply TOO much Rarity! Anyone care to fill me in?

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