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Well, every freaking time I've jumped in here to post something in the last 48 hours I have been distracted or called away (wife has been really sick for 4 days now too. 


Well, finally ... longest absence from this joint in many months. And I am being distracted again. Quick submit



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I plan on going down in history as that guy who posts things in the wee hours of the morning. (Well, in EDT at least)


Here's some more 3-dimensional fabulousness: http://shobey1kanoby.deviantart.com/art/Rarity-453568694











She should more often wear jewelry like this, even thought she cannot increase her beauty with that, because how would you add to perfection?


I love her eyes in this... They look like the most precious jewels... And they really are... They are enchanting and deep... Lovely and shapely...


You speak with such poetic sincerity. :proud:


Heck, with words like those, you could win over any woman your heart desires.









But of course, how could they possibly live up to a standard like this?







Edited by The Pony Pianist
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Good morning everypony post-28950-0-46282100-1413056515.png


Today let Rarity's beautiful magic energy flow through your soul and lighten up your day.


Be free and forget the problems that are interfering your joy. 





Let her gorgeous glance take you to the world of radiance and beauty. post-28950-0-00059500-1413056517.png






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Rarity! Her beauty succeeds to blow up my mind every single time I see her gorgeous and glamorous appearance.






Her beautiful face is fabulous by itself, but when you add the perfect body into it it comes something incredible. 


It is like adding tale to this already beautiful shining star so it becomes a comet which attracts everyone to look at it when they have a chance. It is so rare that to happen!






Her mane and tail share the same shining radiance as her elegant shapes. It truly adds more to this beautiful comet that flies through the skies.




 And when you add the amazing creations what her mind crafts into this equation it really becomes a Rarity to find someone who can fit into these characteristics.

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Good day everyopony!


Disappointing news. Twili didn't come home today. My local BaB was all sold out! They only had Pinkie, Rarity and Applejack, all of whom I have. But, my Rarity did get that new outfit I promised:




Look at the ADORABLE flowers on her skirt!



Plus, there's even a hidden rhinestone!



And we did end up making a new friend via Toys R Us. Where I picked up this little darling:



(I've been pining for one of these since the show began! I thought she was too perfect to be a toddler doll! Now if only Disney would give her an animator doll!)Sorry, off-topic rant over.

  • Brohoof 7
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