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MLP Forums Member Interview Series

Harmonic Revelations

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I wub this! :wub: I hope by at least 2 years or 1 you interview all the members, except the ones who just joined because they need some like experience at the forums before they are asked anything. I hope I get interviewed. It would be epic.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Interesting :3


Interview one of the crazier and more unique members on this forum, it'll be hilarious xD (ex. Starshine or something)

  • Brohoof 2
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These are fantastic!

I hope to become prominent one day ^_^


Very good reads and a fun way to spend time If i may say so :3

Keep them coming friend :3


Goddamn right, you should be scared of me



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Interview #12: Marco~Ace Attorney


I had the pleasure to talk to an amazing member, who runs an incredible art stream everywhere Saturday! I personally like him quite a bit, not so sure the feeling is mutual, but without further ado, here it is!


1.) You have an art stream every Saturday, when did you first start doing them and why?


That is kind of hard to say, over the past year and a half of being a brony, I have done art streams and various other types of streams kind of randomly, some have been more successful then others. about 3 weeks ago I told Key Gear that I was planning to make a new Scootaloo wallpaper and he said that i should stream it, so on Saturday, March 2nd I did the stream and a few other people joined in, and Key Gear said that I should do the streams more often, so I decided to give it a go, yesterday,  Saturday March 9th was the first official  week of my Saturday Night Streams, where I will do art for about 2 hours, or if people have more engaging requests. After that I do a game or 2 for the rest of the night :3. 


2.) What's your favorite thing about Phoenix Wright-Ace Attorney?


My favorite thing possibly has to be the storyline of the game, the whole series spans over 4 titles of the main story, all of which are really tight and have a lot of continuity. The characters are  really well developed and you begin to develop a fondness for them. As for the game it's self, despite being what people may call a  "reading and answering questions" game, it does a really good job to go one step further, and more importantly, despite the games amazing storyline, it's lighthearted and comedic enough that you will find your self not being able to resist playing further. Also, what other game do you know where you can shout "OBJECTION!' at someone thorough the DS's microphone :3


3.) What is your favorite part of MLP Forums?


......I hate you, why would you make me pick? My favorite part of MLP Forums? I supose if I must pick, it would have to be the people here, both the members and the staff. When I joined over a year ago I had no idea what I was getting myself into, MLP Forums has proved to be one of, if not the best pony community I have ever inhabited. When I first joined, I made a note to get to know the owner of the site who we all know as feld0 and I found him to be one of the most complex and interesting human beings ever, but more importantly, an awesome friend. The same can be said for many of the staff members on the team. MLP Forums have provided the brony community a fantastic place where bronies can meet and talk about about the awesome show that brought us together, there is not one person on this forum I am on bad terms with, and the fact that this place has held my attention for this long, and most likely much more time to come, really means something  ;)


Despite me not posting as much as I used to, this is only because I tend not to voice my opinion that much, I only post if I feel I have something worthy to post, but I am always on the forums, lurking and doing my best to help out when I can.


4.) What is your favorite thing about being a community steward, and what is your least favorite?


I like the fact that I am able to help the forums and the community, albeit ever so slightly, and that comes to my least favorite. I don't feel like I am contributing enough to the community. This has nothing to do with me being a community stewart per se, but rather my current role seems to be that I help run ETV (Equestria.tv) but in all honesty I don't pay much attention as I should, in all honesty I never really have shown an abundant interest in ETV, not quite sure how I ended as staff for it  :P. I used to be a CS for running the TF2 server with ashbad, which was the beginning of the Community Stewart group, however ashbad left the community, and I found myself not paying to much attention to TF2. I do wish to help out this community in anyway I can, however I feel that what I have been doing lately is far less then adequate


5.) What are your hopes for Season 4?


Whilst I did not think season 3 is as bad as some people make it out to be, I do feel it was a decline in quality from season 2, and considering it was 13 episodes, I am sure it put many people, myself included, on the edge. I have faith in season 4, I don't know what to expect, or what I want from the season, but I will be sure to remain optimistic about it.


6.) When did you first become a brony, did anything particular lead you to enjoy the show?


I was never exactly an "Anti-Brony" but I did never believe I was going to end up watching the show. After about 4 months of knowing of the brony existence, multiple forces eventually caused the inevitable, the straw that broke the camel's back was the youtube video put out by blunty3000 that detailed how he became a Brony. about a week later in August of 2011 I ended up blowing through the whole first season (at the time) in one night. I enjoyed the show's comedy, and it's storyline along with character development, same factors that led me to enjoy

the Ace Attorney series. 


7.) Who has cooler hair, you or Phoenix Wright?


Phoenix Wright of course



I believe that is his natural hair too, of course I feel bad for him when he tries to sleep at night and he is laying on his back, I'd imagine that probably props him up to an uncomfortable position.

Edited by ☣Harmonic Revelations☣
  • Brohoof 15


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This was one interview that I was really hoping to appear. Ace Attorney is fantastic, and an interview with the forums' greatest fan was always going to make a great read. Big-up! :)

  • Brohoof 4
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Woo another interview :D, its been a while! And as always its interesting and entertaining to read over them :).

I didn't really know Marco did art streams o-o, I need to start paying more attention to stuff I guess :P. Maybe I'll check them out sometime later.


Anyways, glad to see your still keeping this up harmonic :D, they're all enjoyable :D. Keep up the good work!


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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Interview #13: Megamare/~Ashley~

I talked to a user who I've worked with before on different projects, and who is generally a nice person. So without further ado:


1.) How did you first become a fan of My Little Pony, did anything in particular lead you to enjoy it?

Well, I was babysitting my brother one fine August day. Since my brother mainly watched Treehouse around that time, I had to sit on the couch and endure about 2 hours of children's programming. Or so I thought. By pure luck, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic came on. Right about then was when I became a brony. The only thing I regret is that I can't remember the name of the episode...

2.) What is your preferred method of doing artwork?
I have no idea how to do digital art, so I guess my preference would be traditional. Usually I just sit on my bed, with paper and pencil crayons and draw there.

3.) Is there anyone you look up to on the forums or aspire to be more like?
To be honest, I don't really look up to anyone. Although you are pretty witty sometimes, and Firebolt has really good art. So I would assume a mixture of yourself and Firebolt.

4.) What is your favorite part of the forums?
It's changed over the course of my short time here at the forums. Originally it was Forum Games, but after a while the games get pretty spammy. Nowadays I don't really have a favorite, as i'm all over the place... But it's always nice to see some art, so I guess my favorite part of the forums would be Octavia's Hall.

5.) Which Megaman game is your favorite?
I'm rather ashamed to admit the only Megaman game I own is the Megaman X port to iOS.

6.) What is your favorite fictional character (from any series) and why?
Princess Celestia and Luna.
Although most royalty seems to be perfect, Princess Luna and Celestia certainly aren't. Luna? Trapped on the Moon for 1,000 years, she can't fit in with modern society, and has a great deal of trouble making friends. Celestia? Her subjects treat her like a true royal, but she doesn't want that. All Celestia wants is for ponies to stop acting so uptight around her, but it would seem nopony will give her that. She tries to pull subtle pranks to get ponies to relax around her, but it only does the opposite. 
Personally, I sympathize with the two because they both have the same problem-They don't fit in very well. Sometimes I feel like that as well...

7.) Did you get that thing I sent you?
What thing...? blink.png

  • Brohoof 9


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More interviews you say? Me gusta :D.

I feel like its a bad thing that I don't really know someone much(Or atleast can't really recognize them) by their name in one of these interviews.. Maybe I don't spend enough time stalking the forums...*Doubles scheduled time for forum stalking*


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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This has gotten a ton of replies and for good reason too! I have too say I like the sound of this and would love to have the chance to be interviewed if possible :3. Hopefully you still have room for more users ;).

  • Brohoof 3



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Well, last time i checked back here, this thread only had a few completed interviews :P they were all quite interesting to read, and some were even quite funny.  :P


I was skeptical at first, but now, i think i'll gladly take the oportunity for an interview... So, if it's still not to late or possible, you can add me to the list if you wish :)

  • Brohoof 1


Thank you MatrixChicken for the Signature!

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Awesome! This interview was awesome. The last question was hilarious. I can't wait for the next interview. Maybe you could do someone that is a parasprite and below (like me). This is the best interview series ever. Well, there isn't a lot of interview series so.

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Interview #14: Chigens and Kay


Today I interviewed my amazing partner, in fact, today is our one month anniversary (Yay us!) to celebrate, I did an interview with her.



1.) How did you become a fan of My Little Pony, did anything particular lead you to enjoy the show?



Lots of stuff on the internet O.o (That is where I originally saw my first ponies)


My interests grew as I kept seeing them EVERYWHERE, so I decided to watch an episode sometime in September of 2011. I couldn't finish it so I lost interest for a while. When I got my laptop in December 2011 I watched every single episode in like 2 days. Then I joined the MLP Forum in January. smile.png


2.) You like snake-ponies quite a bit, when did you first learn you liked that type of thing?


 I made them up. So I guess...myself? I prefer the technical term "Serpony" which is pretty radical.


3.) What is your favorite part of the forums?


The users. Most of them are very caring and accepting. I have made many friends here who I hope to know for a long time yet...this place is almost my second family.


4.) What is your favorite thing about being a moderator, and what is your least favorite?



Everything. I love cleaning and organizing. Putting troublemakers in their place and whatnot. Least favorite thing would probably be...getting hate-mail x)


It happens occasionally.


5.) Tell us a bit about your musical tastes.



I love all kinds of musics, save for country, most rap, super heavy death metal, and screemo. I'm mostly into electronic music, trance, metal, and rock. Pretty much music that keeps me calm or music that I grew up with. (My dad being a metal-head that would be Ozzy, Aerosmith, ACDC, and the like.)



6.) What are your hopes for Season 4?



Needs more Rarity, Gilda, and Photo Finish. Definitely.


We don't need new villains. Bring back Sombra :V


OH! Snake Ponies! If they get in I would just die!


7.) May I take your hat, ma'am?


I don't wear hats wink.png

  • Brohoof 11


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Phew...dem dates. The twelfth, huh? About a week ago, almost a bit more :)


Anywho, with 28 individuals following the thread, and the thread in general starting to slow down, I think it's safe to finally let this topic resume normal function as an unpinned thread. Whether it dies or springs back to life, I believe it can support its' own weight and no longer needs to be prioritized over other threads :3


I do hope you keep going, Harmonic~

  • Brohoof 2


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  • 2 weeks later...

Interview #15: Zygen
I had an opportunity to talk with Zygen. I asked him some questions.

1.) When did you first become a fan of My Little Pony? Did anything in particular lead you to enjoy it?

I think I first became a fan of MLP something like a month before I joined the forums here, so like Julyish. Not sure exactly when. I just came across it after one of the friends I played League of Legends with had a Fluttershy pic on skype. Eventually I learned about MLP from that and found MLP later on after watching a couple clips outta curiosity. I gave in to the fact that I was kinda enjoying the clips and decided to try an episode and after watching the first I had to see what happended in the 2nd, then the 3rd... And before i knew it I had watched a bunch of episodes.

I'm not really sure if at the time anything particularly made me enjoy it, maybe it was just the fact that it was a nice innocent show and a good change from the normal stuff thats on TV alot. I honestly don't think I totally gathered my thoughts to think why I enjoyed the show until I became more involved in the fandom after I joined the forums here. I do love practically everything about the show, but to be honest I think my curiosity lead to me wondering about the show and watching it, then curiosity played into me wondering what episode 2 held, and so on for a bit. However I did quickly realize I enjoyed the show for whatever reason.

I also highly dislike gender stereotypes from the beginning even before being a brony, so that's a further reinforcement to liking the show in a way I guess.

2.) Has the forum changed since you first joined? If it did, how so?
Well yes actually, however in a good way I think. Many additions have been made to the site and the such, such as for instance the welcome plaza becoming a more active place with posts counting there and lower character count, I had a good warm welcome from the couple people I had when first joining, but its certainly much more friendly there.

Theres also additions to the staff team of course, such as Artemis, DashForever, Akita ken, Along with of course CD who was still a regular member (Who I actually thought was a mod at the time being a bit ignorant about the forums for whatever reason ironically.) And many more additions which has expanded the forums and made for a better and even more friendly and well organized environment.

Sure theres been a bit of a fight between the "Waring" Pro Twilicorn's and the Anti Twilicorns, but honestly we're all still bronies and for the most part both sides have stayed. Things have calmed down and really I'm not finding the forums any less friendly and awesome then before smile.png. Sure some people left during the time I've been here(Not that its been all that long really) but it happens I guess. I still love everyone here biggrin.png.

3.) Do you have any future art projects you'd be willing to tell us about?
Well I don't normally do many big art projects unless I get a really good idea. Most of the time I just get on GIMP and decide I'm gonna "Attempt" to draw something, and then see what happens.

Only real Project I've had so far was the one I did with all the mane 6, but I actually planned that out, which was something I normally don't do to be honest.

I do have some art I plan to post possibly before this goes on the forums though. So I'm sure that'll be around. And of course I plan to practice and post more of my Mediocre art. tongue.png.

4.) What are your hopes for Season 4?
I just hope that Twilight remains the good ol same self she has been and doesn't change to much. I of course hope for MLP to keep its magic and remain awesome atleast in my eyes. Then again since I'm not a very big critic I doubt it'll be hard to impress me.

I do want another Scootalove episode, just because its so adorable biggrin.png. And we definitely need another Rarity episode, its been far to long.

I also want Dash to have a solo song for himself, just because hes yet to have one really. And I wanna see more Discord because Discord biggrin.png.

And of course being a Fluttershy fan I wanna see Fluttershy, but I'm sure that'll happen so no worries there tongue.png.

Overall I just want S4 to be epic enough to rival S1 S2 and S3 and maybe even surpass them. I have faith the writers will do great though smile.png.

5.) What is your favorite thing about the forums?
The Community, simply the community the people here are awesome, so much better then most people I know IRL really. I know its a cliche answer kinda, but its so true.

6.) How did you come up with the username "Zygen"?
I don't really know, It was just a name I came up with to use for Youtube and I was thinking Z would be a good letter to start randomly generating names in my head. Zygen just happened to come up I liked it and used it, no idea where it came from really. I've used it ever since then basically.

7.) So I see you like green. Do you get any financial support from environmentalists?
Well environmentalists don't like chopping trees for money, so they give me money made from recycled soda cans. Its kinda worthless except for money baths biggrin.png.

Edited by ┼☼Harmonic Revelations☼┼
  • Brohoof 7


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Yay me! I had fun being interviewed for sure :). It required some thinking and I tried my best not to give 7 lengthy paragraph answers so it wouldn't be to tedious :P.


It was fun though, had me thinking about some things and overall I just liked it idk :P.


Hope to see more interviews of some others to, not sure how many people are still around to be interviewed, but yeah :P, always curious to read some :).


Keep being an awesome interviewer and person Harmonic :).

  • Brohoof 3


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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Yay me! I had fun being interviewed for sure smile.png. It required some thinking and I tried my best not to give 7 lengthy paragraph answers so it wouldn't be to tedious tongue.png.


It was fun though, had me thinking about some things and overall I just liked it idk tongue.png.


Hope to see more interviews of some others to, not sure how many people are still around to be interviewed, but yeah tongue.png, always curious to read some smile.png.


Keep being an awesome interviewer and person Harmonic smile.png.

That means a lot to me, and yes, stay tuned, because I have a lot more interviews planned. I don't plan to stop doing them any time soon, as for that last comment, you're making me blush. 

  • Brohoof 1


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Ooh, interview me! I've never been interviewed before, but I'm bored, and have basically nothing to do.

I'll answer the questions as best I can. If you can't, that's fine. :)

"Mama told me not to waste my life, she said spread your wings my little butterfly. Don't let what people say keep you up at night, and they can't detain you, 'cause wings were made to fly" ~Little Mix, Wings
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                                                             Soarin' is best pony 
                                                         Join the navel revolution!

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#16: Fireball Rush


1) When did you first become a Fan of My Little Pony? Did anything in particular lead you to enjoy it?

I became a fan of MLP in December 2011, or thereabouts. I especially liked the music, as well as the characters' personalities and designs.


2) What is your favorite thing about Rainbow Dash?

Well, I can identify most with her, because she is very athletic like me, and likes to brag. Also, I really like her mane! 


3) How long have you had your pets? What is your favorite thing about them?

Well, I've had my dogs since 2009, ever since they were puppies. And as for my birds, I think around 2010 was when we first got them. I like how on one of my budgie's chest, he has a bright yellow patch that looks a lot like a pheonix rising from the ashes on it. I might post a picture later so you guys can see.


4) What is your favorite thing about the forums?


Gosh, my favorite thing about the forums? That's hard. I'll have to say it's the members, who are so friendly and always ready to share their opinion, and help you to develop socially and you can become really good friends with them! I have lots of good friends on the forums, I might even have more friends online than in real life. (Laughs)


5) Care to share any info about future art projects you might be working on?


Hmm, the biggest project I'm working on would be my paper-mache Princess Celestia model that I hope to finish up and post the pictures here. Recently I've developed a liking for paper mache.


6) What is your preferred method of doing art?


I have started to do vectors, and even made a thread offering to do vectors for other people. I am getting better, and anypony can become a professional or at least good enough artist with a bit of practice and motivation.


7) How long have you held residence in "Your Momma's Head" (as it states on your profile)?


As for my location, dude, I've been on Your Momma's Head before you were born!! 

Buck logic. tongue.png

Edited by ┼☼Harmonic Revelations☼┼
  • Brohoof 8


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Hmm, well, this seems like fun! I'll volunteer for a interview by you, if that's all right! I've always wanted to be interviewed for anything!

  • Brohoof 1
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I've been watching this thread for a while, and I had no idea this was a volunteer by request thing. Huh.

Well, I'm an open book, if you'd like to interview me for your series. If not, that's fine too. Just keep up the good work! I'll keep up with it all anyways. smile.png


EDIT: That was a polite way of asking to be interviewed, myself. :3

Edited by Flareon
  • Brohoof 1

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I've been watching this thread for a while, and I had no idea this was a volunteer by request thing. Huh.


Well, I'm an open book, if you'd like to interview me for your series. If not, that's fine too. Just keep up the good work! I'll keep up with it all anyways. smile.png

It isn't, at least, not necessarily. But things have been slow for a little while so I've been doing them by request until new inspiration strikes me for who to interview.

  • Brohoof 5


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It isn't, at least, not necessarily. But things have been slow for a little while so I've been doing them by request until new inspiration strikes me for who to interview.

'Wull in that case, I'd love to be interviewed if you have the chance. After all, "I've been dreamin', I've been waitin', to be interviewed by this great pony," :lol:

  • Brohoof 4

Finland is my favorite. All the other Hetalia characters can go now.

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You said that you're taking requests now, right? If so, I'd like to be interviewed, it would be pretty fun, assuming this would be done over messages.



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