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What if Equestia was A real Life country?

100 beasts kaidou

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and there was no such think as a show called MLP? Like lets say We humans right now found a Strange Island wich Is Equestria? How would The Humans React? Also how would The Ponies react to see the ponies in the human countrys used as propety and Cannot talk? Will there be peace? Or will there be wars?

Blueblood's only fan in the whole wide Fandom

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Something like this might happen: "The Conversion Bureau: Not Alone" fan fiction might happen. A war of survival for the Human race against the Nazi like Ponies, with a few non Nazi like Ponies wanting to help mankind.


Summary: A TCB story about the hope for human survival and peaceful coexistence. Told piecemeal through newscasts, articles, forum posts, and short snippets of prose.






Or maybe (if non Nazi like Ponies) something peaceful like (The Gentlemanverse) Gentleman for Mares (warning it's a clopfic between Humans and Ponies romance. Only xenophilia, but still.) 


So it would be a Clopper's dream come true. XD

Edited by Rush

Check out my "My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic" fan fiction on Fimfiction.net under the same username here: Rush.

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Three things would happen.


1. Humans and ponies meet.

2. Being the way we are we screw up any possible chance of peaceful coexistence.

3. War ensues and Celestia and Luna use the sun and moon to destroy all traces of human life, leaving Equestria to spread its influences and repair the earth with magic.

The mind of the host will desperately try to create memories where none exist. Simple right?

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Three things would happen.


1. Humans and ponies meet.

2. Being the way we are we screw up any possible chance of peaceful coexistence.

3. War ensues and Celestia and Luna use the sun and moon to destroy all traces of human life, leaving Equestria to spread its influences and repair the earth with magic.

Bitch please, Love beated up Chrysalis. We just need to turn Chick Flick DVDs into lasers and the ponies are screwed.

On seriouse not I dont think Celestia would declare war on us just because of how screwed up we are

Blueblood's only fan in the whole wide Fandom

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I do not think our societies would mesh very well.


Equestria exists in a realm where sunshine and rainbows are quite literally tangible things, rather than enamouring descriptions of physical phenomena. Likewise, things that are good and things that are bad can be clearly distinguished as outgrowths of good and evil, or transposition there between depending upon efforts of friendship or corruption. Things to be defended from consist entirely of dangerous creatures from around the realm.


Contrariwise, modern society is a marsh inside a maze of complex media, information deluges and mortal wars on every side of schools of thought, extensions of power and productions of influence. It can take years for a smart man to conclude if the words "truth" or "love" have any meaning to him, or any relevance. Assuming he doesn't get shot first, either by an army wanting to take oil under his land, or by himself because he concluded Aldus Huxley had the right idea after all.


Theirs is a fantasy land designed for fun, humour, and the teaching of simple principles to easily influenced minds on behalf of a hope for better future. We live in a reality that is dark and cruel with only a vague shimmer of hope sought only by figuring out how to find the true meaning of life (through many like-shining distractions.)


Celestia would probably be deposed by American foreign policy or the Army trying to get at all of its gemstones.

Edited by Blue and Red
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I do not think our societies would mesh very well.


Equestria exists in a realm where sunshine and rainbows are quite literally tangible things, rather than enamouring descriptions of physical phenomena. Likewise, things that are good and things that are bad can be clearly distinguished as outgrowths of good and evil, or transposition there between depending upon efforts of friendship or corruption. Things to be defended from consist entirely of dangerous creatures from around the realm.


Contrariwise, modern society is a marsh inside a maze of complex media, information deluges and mortal wars on every side of schools of thought, extensions of power and productions of influence. It can take years for a smart man to conclude if the words "truth" or "love" have any meaning to him, or any relevance. Assuming he doesn't get shot first, either by an army wanting to take oil under his land, or by himself because he concluded Aldus Huxley had the right idea after all.


Theirs is a fantasy land designed for fun, humour, and the teaching of simple principles to easily influenced minds on behalf of a hope for better future. We live in a reality that is dark and cruel with only a vague shimmer of hope sought only by figuring out how to find the true meaning of life (through many like-shining distractions.)


Celestia would probably be deposed by American foreign policy or the Army trying to get at all of its gemstones.

??? Okay first of all you are talking about Our Society decades ago. Morden Society isnt really that dark in most of the places. In my village Nothing dark but Car Acciedents happens. Sure Wars still happens but atleast not as it was 1000 years ago.

American Foriegn Policy? You mean the right to vote? The fact that our leaders most of the times Stay only for four years?

If anything Our Society might turn some of the ponies againts Celestia

Blueblood's only fan in the whole wide Fandom

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We have explored all of the islands.  The way I could visualize this happening would be if we say found an artifact that was some kind of gate that was the foundation for the pegasus myths back in roman times etc.  Say primative pegasus tribes and the romans had "met" at some point.  Now we find that portal buried deep in some excavation.


As for how humanity and equestria would interact:


1) Bronies would really want to emigrate.  It is questionable whether the government here would want that or not.


2) Resources would move from equestria to earth.  Values on gold and especially jewels would likely crash due to the increased supply however.  Human researchers would want to scour the everfree etc to find medical uses for manticore venom and poison joke etc.


3) Equestria would have limited use for a lot of our tech.  I could see them being very interested in some medical techniques and they might go with some version of the internet, but I do not see them moving towards the kind of things that we have in the way we have.


4) Equestria would have very little that we could find useful tradewise.  Magical devices and magic would for the most part not work well here.  Their tech knowledge is limited.  What really do the ponies have to offer humanity on a macro level other than an example on how to live? 


5) Tourism would be the largest industry.  People would love to visit the green landscapes and ponies and etc.  Magic for certain kinds of healing etc and/or dentistry and especially thrills would be very popular. 




Celestia would try very hard to limit things though as humans are not very kindly to environments.  I could see it eventually ending up with bronies being ponyfied and the places the tourists get to visit are not even seeing "real" ponies but the bronies that came across.


Eventually someone would probably try to steal magic or come up with magitech devices over there and make a play for equestria.  Their land is more valuable than anything else there.  This would not go well for either side.

Silvadel, the Pegasus of Insight.

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??? Okay first of all you are talking about Our Society decades ago. Morden Society isnt really that dark in most of the places. In my village Nothing dark but Car Acciedents happens. Sure Wars still happens but atleast not as it was 1000 years ago.

American Foriegn Policy? You mean the right to vote? The fact that our leaders most of the times Stay only for four years?

If anything Our Society might turn some of the ponies againts Celestia


I guess I was thinking pretty abstractly. But let's face it, who would influence Equestria? Your town, or the global community?


Let's just pretend Equestria is an island in the mid-north Pacific that was suddenly discovered due to a remarkable level of ineptitude by satellites and sailors for the past 1000 years.

The first course of action would be Ambassadors and Explorers from other nations (the nearest ones first; Russia, United States, Canada, Japan, China, Australia, New Zealand, in that order) to respond in kind to this new sovereignty.

Initial surveys would conclude that compared to modern "1st World Nations" Equestria would be a power vacuum in terms of military or governmental influence. I.E. Equestria's military only consists of varieties of Calvary. Thus Ambassadors would think to themselves that the only responsible and polite thing to do would be to have Equestria make friends with a few of the nations. In doing so, Equestria would grant a great deal of influence to the nations which it granted access to. Be that the United States, it would not be long before visitors, tourists and prospective North American business begin to root themselves in another foreign land, thus slowly swallowing Equestria into the American sphere of cultural influence. Likewise would happen if they decided to side with China except it would be Communist. Other nations like Japan, Canada and Australia would have their influence overshadowed by the almost overbearing-ly large ability of United States by virtue of the fact that it was an Ally.

It would not be long before McDonalds, GAP and Wal-Mart would be on Canterlot's corners, and unless strong measures for cultural protection and limitation of foreign influx were enforced by Celestia, Equestria would become slowly Americanized.


In the other direction, if Equestria tried far too heavily to prevent foreign access, other nations would think of Equestria as a hostile hermit nation, and the human societal mindset would probably lean a bit more towards a horse-powered North Korea, rather than a toy-land garden of Eden.

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4) Equestria would have very little that we could find useful tradewise.  Magical devices and magic would for the most part not work well here.  Their tech knowledge is limited.  What really do the ponies have to offer humanity on a macro level other than an example on how to live?

The fact that they have magic there may well make it worthwhile to ship stuff there, have it worked magically, and then ship it back here. There are likely any number of processes that would be simply to perform magically, but highly expensive to perform with technology. The key one would likely be medical work. If there's some operation that can be done in Equestria with a glowing horn, they can exercise their magical monopoly to charge just under the technological cost and pocket the difference between that and the true cost.


Think less North Korea and more Saudi Arabia. The ponies have a unique resource that they can leverage to amass ridiculous wealth. Assuming they can hold off foreign domination until they become an important link in everyone's supply chain, they may do quite well for themselves. Once they've got money, they can buy friends who will have a vested interest in Equestria's well-being.

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