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Brook Interviews Forum Members: The Series


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An interview I had with the lovely chap, Aaramus.


If you wish to be interviewed, click here.


Questions in underline, answers in bold and italic like this.


1. When did you first become a fan of My Little Pony, and what exactly pushed you into the fandom?

It was actually a mixture of a few things. Back in August my friend who likes the show showed me a few of the YouTube Poop videos which I found to be rather entertaining. At the same time at work we do some little marketing things for Hasbro in the UK and my contact there actually recommended that I watch the show. So I did and I found the actual show to be really well put together. 


Also somebody else showed the the Doctor Whooves series on YouTube and that pretty much sealed the deal. Over time I finished the first two seasons and since then I've been a fan.


2. Who is your favorite character in the show, and why is that character your favorite?


I find it so hard to choose between Twilight and Rarity! If I absolutely had to choose one it would be Rarity though. I think she provides by far the funniest moments in the show for me and Dog and Pony Show is probably my favourite episode of Season 1.


Her accent and voice actor are amazing and her mannerisms are simply hilarious. The way that she reacts to certain things just makes me laugh so much. While I can relate more to the other ponies like Twilight and RD, I think that because she sticks out more as an over the top character, it makes me love her. 


Plus that mane!!!


3. Have you ever been to, or would you like to go to, a brony convention? And if you have been to one, did you enjoy it?

I've been to a trade show and Hasbro were there...does that count?


Unfortunately I haven't had the chance to. England and the UK isn't particularly great for conventions at the best of times let alone MLP related ones.


I was thinking about flying out the BronyCon this year as I could probably afford it but I'd have to go with somebody else and they're not really up for flying. If I could find one in the UK then I'd be there in a heartbeat, I love social events and meeting other members of the fandom would be great.


As a follow up, I said "Are you aware of the fact that there IS a convention in England? It's called BUCK dude, look it up." and linked here http://www.buckcon.org/


To which he replied:

Yeah I knew about that one, but I'm away that weekend XD. Reading festival.


4. What is your favorite thing about the brony community?

I'd have to say that it's probably the art community. As somebody who studied art I'm very appreciative of the work that other people have created. The community seems to have this amazing overall skill when it comes to making MLP related artwork, whether it's by traditional means or digital works. 


I've been using Deviant Art for a while although I was never really a regular user but coming into the community not only as let me be a bit more creative in my own free time but I'm now finding these amazing bits of work because it's related to something I really like.


If I was going to be even more specific, the comics that people create are simply phenomenal. I'm currently watching two Doctor Whooves comics and they're simply fantastic.


5. What is your opinion on season 3?

I think season 3 has been great. The writing is good as always and some of my favourite moments have come from it. You've probably the best episode that they've made in Magic Duel and it was nice to see AJ get a little more screen time than perhaps she's had before, although the lack of Rarity is obviously no good.


The Discord episode was brilliant and overall I think it's been good. I have a few criticims that they've left out the letter to the Princess at the end which I think gave the first two seasons a bit more structure to them and I don't know why they've seem to have left it out but it's a minor thing.Spike At Your Service wasn't particularly good but I think they made up for it with Just For Sidekicks.


I think I'm enjoying it more as well seeing as this is the first season I've gone through week by week as I missed out on the first two.


6. Has being a brony changed you in any way?

From what I see on the forums a lot of people will say that it has but I'm going to say no. The reason for that is while the show has some great moral lessons to be learned and there is a lot to gain from watching it, I feel I already had those ideals before watching it.


I could argue that the show has helped me in my creativity outside of work but I can't honestly say that it's changed me.


It's the same with every show that I watch, I'm a huge fan of Doctor Who but the show hasn't effected my personality or what I think of certain things and events. I think about things the same way as I did before, I am a firm believer in common sense and doing the right thing and if anything watching the show has just proven to me that I've been doing the right things and that the mistakes that I make do get picked up on but they're forgiven by the people who care about me. I'm very much an optimist and because of that I find the show easy to relate to.


I can understand that people have been changed because of the show and people should learn from the lessons that are given by the show, but I feel I already knew all of that through experience and being taught by my parents.That may sound quite arrogant to some people but that's how it is.


People should definitely learn from the show though.


7. Do you liek mudkipz?

Is this an appropriate answer? (treeko is better though!!!)



I have to say, Aaramus is a really cool guy :)


  • Brohoof 3
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Another great interview, love seeing these appear. Especially this one seeing as Aaramus is a fellow Brit, and I'm always down to hear about the British look on the show n.n


Looking forward to the next one :)

  • Brohoof 1
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Another great interview, love seeing these appear. Especially this one seeing as Aaramus is a fellow Brit, and I'm always down to hear about the British look on the show n.n


Looking forward to the next one :)

It's coming in like 10 minutes so... be prepared I guess. Then again you could do a lot of things in ten minutes, so you don't HAVE to prepare. Just know it's out in... 9 minutes now.

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This is my interview with the full-metal brony, Crispy.


If you wish to be interviewed, click here.


Questions in underline, answers in bold and italic like this.


1. When did you first discover you like My Little Pony, and what caused you to join the fandom?

Welp, a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...


I caught wind of the show back in January of 2011, right around the start of EqD.  (Coincidentally, EqD became a website on my birthday.  Neat?)  So I gave the show a shot and found that I liked it quite a bit. However, what I came to love the most was the amount of fan created content. I was subscribed to a lot of YTP'ers on Youtube, and Pony started to become a pretty well used source.


This is the video that kinda sucked me into our little internet sub-culture instead of just being a casual observer:




That is when the decent into madness beginning of my being a brony started.  From there, I got myself a Tumblr and became a fan of several ask blogs, including Ask Pinkamena Diane Pie and Hot Blooded Pinkie Pie. Time passed and this here forum popped up.  Rest is history, I guess.


2. Who is your favorite character in the show, and why?

Oh, boy, the eternal struggle of who occupies the spot of best pone.


Other than the passing fancies, background characters, and fandom in-jokes (Magneto is best pony), it's a pretty constant battle between Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie Pie, with Pinkie Pie having a slight advantage due to her constant assault on the Fourth Wall. And if we're counting fan creations, I've always loved Lil' Pip from Fallout: Equestria.


But yeah, Pinkie Pie.


3. Have you ever been to, or do you want to go to, a brony convention? If you have, did you enjoy it? And if you haven't, why haven't you?


I would if one were closer, probably.  I've got a few friends who'd be down for the getdown, but the two I'd be most interested in going to (BroNYcon and Everfree) are nearly a thousand miles away in either direction from me.  Not to mention the time and money involved... yeesh.  Living in the Midwest is dumb sometimes.


So I'd love to, but the universe has kinda conspired against me doing so thus far.


4. Is there anything that bothers you in the fandom? If so, why does it bother you?

Hoo boy.  I might get some flames for this, but I think it's the amount of whining and the amount of hypocrisy I've seen.  I feel a lot of people are too easily offended by minor things, while at the same time, flipping shit when a humanized version of, say, Twilight Sparkle is drawn as a race other than white.


Love and Tolerate started as a meme and people took it way too seriously, and that hypocritical undertone has hurt the image of the fandom in some people's eyes. That's really the only thing that's ever bothered me about it.  I've got no problem with people who enjoy the R34 or any other aspect of the fandom.


5. Has being a brony changed you in any way?

I'm tempted to say no, but it's more of a yes, albeit indirectly.


Most of my sarcasm and general demeanor hasn't changed a whit.  I don't have a story about how ponies saved my life or stopped me from suicide or anything like that.  (And no offense intended to those of you that do!)  It just happened to be a cool show with cute pones and fun in-jokes.


The change came from being on this website and meeting some people from Tumblr.  There are a lot of things I've learned from listening to people, both here and there, about gender binaries and the like.  I would have never had known so many of these things without learning about them from people on these sites.  I've become a more accepting person because of that, as prior to learning that, I didn't know there was so much behind it.


So there's that, but in a "Wow, being a colorful horse enthusiast really changed my life" way, not really.


6. Chimicherry or Cherrychanga?

Chimicherrychanga or you're lying.



Fun fact: Crispy was the 27th user ever to sign up to the forums.

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img-1143601-1-happy-abed.gif <-- *note: best gif ever


This is an interview I had with the most awesome brony in the world ever, Kolth.


If you wish to be interviewed, click here.


Questions in underline, answers in bold and italic like this.


1. When did you first become a fan of My Little Pony, and what made you want to join the fandom?


Oi, let's see here...I suppose it was towards the end of 2011 that I started noticing pictures of pastel ponies covering the imageboards. At first I thought that it was some pocket of diehard fans that were just trying to be annoying and spam a little girl's show everywhere to tick people off. Boy, was I wrong.
So come April of 2012, the pony craze has really taken the internet by storm. I said to myself, "Self, you should watch an episode, just to see what everyone is so excited about." I like to think that I don't judge quickly, so I asked a friend of mine to put a couple episodes on a flashdrive because I couldn't download them myself (hooray for dial-up!), and that weekend I watched the first episode. Then the second. And pretty soon I was calling him up, asking why he only put the first ten episodes on there. Now I have every episode on my PS3, ready to watch any time.
What made me want to join the fandom...well, for months I just sort of hung in the background and lurked EquestriaDaily, FiMFiction, etc. Then I read Fallout: Equestria and remembered that, once upon a time, I fancied myself a writer. So I got this idea in my head and toyed around with it all summer, and in August I signed up for a MLP forum to publicize my story. I never really thought I would become an active member of the pony community.
2. Who is your favorite character in the show, and why is that character your favorite?
Of the major characters, I gotta side with Pinkie Pie. She's a bundle of energy and a lot of fun and is always trying to make people smile, which is a lot like me. And sure, she has her moments where you just gotta ask "WHY would you do that, Pinkie?!" But then again, we all have those moments, right?
Of the minor/BG characters, I really couldn't say. Somewhere between Vinyl Scratch and Octavia (both because of their love of music) and Derpy (because who doesn't love our wall-eyed mailmare? :3 )
3. What is your opinion on season 3?
Well, season one had its ups and downs. Season two, to me, was fairly consistent in its quality of writing. Season three is a lot more hit-or-miss than season one. I mean, c'mon, Spike is NOT a major character, but he gets a couple of his own episodes. I never really liked him anyways...
Rarity needs an episode, and SOON.
4. Is there anything that you can't stand about our fandom? And if there is, why does it bother you?
Honestly, there is nothing that I take serious offense to. Like I said above, I try to be accepting and not judge too quickly. Sure, some clopfics and gore pics push the bill, but to each his own.
(I actually had a good rant going...then I realized that I was making no sense.)
5. Has being a brony changed your life in any way?
Well, yeah, of course. You don't become a part of a fandom like this and expect your life to be the same.
To start, I figured out who I am a bit more. Nowadays, I'm the class clown. I try to make everyone laugh, even if I don't like them so much. I am thinking more about other people's feelings and, in general, am taking the lessons from the show in stride.
On a less philosophical note, it got me writing again. I was part of a..."special"...writing site when I was about 11/12. I had a story going there, and even got second place in a Halloween-themed writing contest against adults who had been writing for years. But then shit went down, I got banned, and just lost the will to write. Then I read Fallout: Equestria and spent days on FiMFiction last summer and the will to write returned. So without ponies, I would never had refound my love of creating and sharing my stories with the world.
6. What do you predict in the fandom's future? Where do yo think we'll go from here?
Paraphrasing the sniper..."As long as there are two people left in the world, SOMEONE is going to want SOMEONE loved and tolerated."
We really can't die anytime soon. It'll be years, probably decades before we start slowing down. We have millions of stories and pictures and videos and songs and have the capacity to make millions more. I think we'll keep growing and becoming one of those fandsom that in the future, when some new show comes out and ITS fandom asks "Well what if we die out?" They'll say "Look at the Marvel fans, the Star Wars fans, and the bronies. They're still around and their show ended long ago."
I'm hoping that, one day, we form the Brony Party and elect Lauren Faust our presidential candidate in the United States. Or maybe take over all the governments of the world and make her queen. One or the other.
7. Kolth, where do babies come from?
Well, you see, dear Brook, there are a couple ways that babies are made.
1: You can buy them straight from a factory or on the rack by the cashier in most mini-marts.
2: You can grow them from a pod after feeding on enough love (only available to changeling-humans, of course)
3: When a mommy cat and a daddy cat love each other very much, they get together and- wait, how detailed can I get here...?
To which I replied, "as far as you would go in front of a class of 13-year-old".
They shebangitty wallop the kerfluffin' balldidybop
My name is Bill Cosby, ya'll!
*Note, Kolth is the awesome king of everything, no matter what anyone says. Kolth is made of 50% coolness, 45% awesomeness, and 5% gas.
Edited by Brook
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@Brook, this was a lot of fun. Thanks for taking the time to interview me!


Kolth got interviewed before me? Madness. I'm much better than he is.


What I hear you saying is "Kolth and I must duel to the death." Is that what you're saying, friend?  ;)


EDIT: I see ELEVEN GUESTS browsing this topic. What the heck, guys.

Edited by Kolth
  • Brohoof 2

oOo RIP Forums Writing Centre ;_; oOo

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Kolth got interviewed before me? Madness. I'm much better than he is. Check me out! No, seriously, check me out!

(That was all a silly joke, by the way. Kolth is an excellent member.)

Bro, you ain't even in the queue, get in line like everyone else, then maybe just maybe you'll have the tiniest bit of luck and I'll make an interview with you. Otherwise it just won't happen.


Really though if you wanna get interviewed, I'll add you to the queue :)

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@Brook, this was a lot of fun. Thanks for taking the time to interview me!



What I hear you saying is "Kolth and I must duel to the death." Is that what you're saying, friend?  ;)


EDIT: I see ELEVEN GUESTS browsing this topic. What the heck, guys.

That is indeed what I am saying. You shall fall by my hand.



Bro, you ain't even in the queue, get in line like everyone else, then maybe just maybe you'll have the tiniest bit of luck and I'll make an interview with you. Otherwise it just won't happen.


Really though if you wanna get interviewed, I'll add you to the queue :)

If you want to add me, that's cool. But you need to learn to never take anything I say seriously.


Signature by myself

Signatures, Avatars, Wallpapers!

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This is an interview I had with PewDieP-I mean UrdiePie.


If you wish to be interviewed, click here.


Questions in underline, answers in bold and italic like this, and also pink because Urdie asked me to.



1. When did you first become a fan of My Little Pony, and what made you want to join the fandom?


I could not escape them. No matter where I went, the ponies followed me. Youtube, Deviantart, Steam, Google, no matter where I went on the internet, the ponies were there. One day, I had enough. I HAD to know. WHY ARE THESE PONIES ALL OVER THE PLACE?! WHAT'S SO GOOD ABOUT THE SHOW?! WHY ARE PEOPLE OBSESSING OVER PONIES?! WHY AM I TALKING TO MYSELF?! So, I went ahead and watched the first episode. I said: "Psh, this is lame. I can't believe I watched this. I feel ashamed of myself for watching this crap." About 15 minutes later I said, "You know... I kind of want to see how that episode ends. I mean, I watched the first one, right? I might as well watch the second part and finish it." So I did. Then... It happened. I watched another... and another... and another... and now, I love ponies, and I fantasize about being married to Pinkeh. Boy, that escalated quickly.


2. Why do you like Pinkie Pie as much as you do?

(Make sure you make my replies to the interview in pink. The color code is #F7438C. Don't put this in the response to the interview though. Or do, it would be funny. Either one is fine.)



How could I not love her?<3


She's funny, she's nice, she's creative, she's smart, she's selfless, and she's a visionary. She goes out of her way to help others, when people have given up on themselves, she's there to cheer them up. She never stops until they smile, no matter how much trouble it is for her. She'll drop whatever she's doing to help her friends, even for the simplest of problems. This world is far from perfect. But Pinkeh is a hero, saving the world... One person at a time. I wish I could be more like her. She's an inspiration. The avatar of innocence, kindness, and enthusiasm; a true paragon. If more people were like her, maybe the world wouldn't need saving. When I see her on the screen, I instantly smile. When I see her laugh, I laugh too. When I see her cry, I cry. When I see her inspiring others, I feel inspired too. I know she isn't real, but the connection I've made with her is real to me. She's my sunshine, the breath of air that keeps me going, the beacon of light that lights me from the inside out. She inspires me to stop thinking, and to start doing. She helped make my life better, and she gives me the desire to help others too, just as she helped me.


Plus, her eyes are adorable<3 They are like the most perfect color ever<3333333 My heart melts when I look into her eyes<33


3. What is your favorite thing about the brony community?


The unity. People came for the Ponies, but stayed for each other. Equestria DOES exist, in the hearts of each and every Brony. They work hard to spread the values and wisdom that My Little Pony teaches all over the world. By making beautiful art... By giving to charity... By being there for others... The Bronies are turning the world into a brighter world, a kinder world, a better world. The Bronies are standing up for individuality by fighting stereotypes. They are proving to everyone that anything is possible if we all just work together. We need more people like that.


4. Has being a brony changed you in any way?

It's made me much happier, much more inspired, much more caring, and overall a much better person. It's also made me a lot less wealthy. :c




5. What is your opinion on season 3?

Season 3 is great. I'm sick of seeing so many people complain about it. "OH, IT DOESN'T FEEL THE SAME!" Oh, well, why do you say that? "THERE'S NO DERPY! THERE'S NO LAUREN FAUST! THEY'RE TARGETING US AS A FANDOM! TO MAKE US HAPPY! WHO DO THEY THINK THEY ARE?" Derpy's gone, deal with it. She had no impact on the show. Yes, I understand she symbolized the relationship between the staff of the show and the Bronies to many people, but let it go. Derpy never had any profound impact on the show. Yes, Lauren Faust is gone, that sucks, but she isn't the only one who works on the show. There are animators, writers, directors, many, many people who work together as a team to bring us the ponies we all know and love. I have complete faith in them. Lauren is gone, that sucks, but the show will go on. They're targeting us as a fandom? Why do you say that? You honestly think the writers spend all day looking up Brony fanon and conjuring up ways to incorporate it into the show? No, they have lives outside of My Little Pony. I think some people are focusing too much on the little details, that aren't able to appreciate the show for what it is. They're so focused on each individual Christmas ornament, that they will never be able to step back and appreciate the Christmas tree. I could go more in depth about this, BUT I DON'T FREAKEN FEEL LIKE IT.


6. Would anybody like some, POUND CAKE?



Urdie is good. Everyone needs Urdie. I would know.

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Everyone needs some Shepard Pie in their life :lol:                                               

My new motto: People came for the ponies, but they stayed for each other


EDIT: After searching wat Shephard's Pie actually is, it's actually very delicious! :D

Edited by ~Хаотичан Четник~
  • Brohoof 4

Please visit my Serbia Floods blog to see how you can help




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I say, what a splendid interview! Bravo good sir! It was truly an invigorating experience.


This Urdnot fellow seems like quite an distinguished and sophisticated individual!


His love for Pinkeh is so deep, so pure, so profound!


Bravo! I say, bravo!

Edited by UrdiePie
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@, What took you almost 45 minutes to reply? Were you looking for a Pinkie Pie picture big enough to express your happiness? Yeah, I figured as much. 

I got very emotional as I was typing my reply about why I love Pinkeh, and I just HAD to use the right words. :w


It was very difficult to put it into words. I just love her so much<3

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I got very emotional as I was typing my reply about why I love Pinkeh, and I just HAD to use the right words. :w


It was very difficult to put it into words. I just love her so much<3

Eeyup, should've known, we have a faggot Pinkie lover over here. Really though, I can relate, no I can't, but you're cool is what I'm saying.

  • Brohoof 2
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A great interview all round I feel :) I can't wait to see what the other candidates put.


But I do agree about Pinkie being a beacon, as cool as the others are she's the one I truly watch for and try to emulate.

Street artist | activist | Fanfic writer | Fire Spinner | attempting Musician

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Very nice. I'm glad both you and Harmonic are doing separate interviews. It makes things go a lot faster. Anyway, very nice interview. Can't wait for more.



Stay pony my friends

"And ALWAYS remember...to never forget." - Someone who I'm sure has said this before I did

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Interview with Rainbow Dash's ultimate fanboy, Sturdy Wing.


If you wish to be interviewed, click here.


Questions in underline, answers in italic and bold like this.


1. When did you first become a fan of the show, and made you want to join the fandom?

Well let's see, I believe I first became a fan of the show in February of 2011, you see prior to then I had been a vehement hater of the show without having seen any of it at all. My brother had watched from the opening episode the day it was released and had been asking my to watch it for two months as I would constantly ridicule him for his new-found obsession with a little girls cartoon. It was only after finally caving in and deciding to actually WATCH the show that I found myself inexplicably in love with it. As for the second part, I didn't join the fandom up until a few months ago, because while watching the show changed my mind about the show itself; my views on the fandom generally remained the same (I.E tons of autistic manchildren with the occasional good one thrown in) and once more I was proven wrong by actually joining the fandom and realizing what wonderful people everypony is! So I stand before you, a proud brony today.


*note: we need to show that answer to every hater ever.


2. Who is your favorite character from the show, and why is that character your favorite?

Oh gosh, well I am going to try to sound like as little an insane mouth-breather as possible here (if that is possible) My favorite character is Rainbow Dash by far, on two levels in fact. On an outward level, Rainbow Dash is absolutely beautiful, brilliantly designed, has the most awesome cutie mark of the bunch, and has a voice like an angel to my ears. However, on a much deeper level, Rainbow Dash represents an ideal that can only be understood by athletes such as myself. You see I am in intense, daily training for the U.S.A Olympic Swim Team and put 6-7 hours a day in the pool, it is Dashie's relentless determination to be the best, her desire to prove herself TO herself and the world by achieving a spot on the greatest team in Equestria, and her competitive almost arrogant nature that is so intrinsic in the mindset of an athlete that makes her just so appealing to me. She is more than just a mare, she is the embodiment of everything that makes me, me. She speaks to me on a very deep level as a person, which is the reason I have her cutie mark tattooed on my right thigh.


3. What is your opinion on season 3?

Now this is a question I think I can confidently answer on, seeing as I became a brony back before Season 1 even ended -puts on hipster glasses- I personally think that season 3 is comparably the best season out of all of them so far. Sure we need to take into account the fact that S3 only had 13 episodes instead of the usual 26; but that being said I think that S3 has done WAY more with the episodes it has been given.Many of my favorite episodes (Fall Weather Friends, Sonic Rainboom etc) are from other seasons, but S3 gave us Wonderbolt Academy (which if you pin me to a wall and force me to pick I will absolutely say way my favorite episode of the SERIES) confirmed Scootalove, had great character development for all ponies involved, save a little bit of mishandling the character of Discord I think that Season three has been incredible thus far, and if it is any marker of the future, I look to season 4 will eyes brimming with both hope and confidence.


4. Has being a brony personally changed you in any way?

Yes, absolutely; upon becoming a brony I accepted certain "tenants" that the fandom seemed to idolize at the time of formation, "love and tolerance" was the most glaring example of a change in personality that I could attribute to becoming a brony. I am now much slower to judge based on appearance, and infinitely more willing to give things a fair chance rather than letting my bias do the talking. I have found community and friends, and something I love with all of my hearts in this fandom, I can say without shame or question that I have been bettered by it. Though if I may add, less of a "fandom" thing and more of a "back to gushing about Rainbow Dash" thing. Since I started watching the show I have been putting much more effort into my swim practices, I find myself more driven, more motivated to better myself, whenever I find myself tiring out I think "WWRDD" (what would Rainbow Dash do) and push on ahead, knowing that my rest will come at the end of the day. So I thank you both MLP:FIM, mlpforums and Rainbow Dash for helping me become the future Olympic athlete I am.


5. What do you predict in the fandom's future?


Well I think that the whole Twilicorn business will produce more than enough IP to hold us over until the new season is released (Whenever in Celestia's name that will be) so I don't expect a major decrease in content.... Yet. You see, as much as I love this fandom I am struck dead by a certain anonymous forum user who had once said "The brony fandom will eventually collapse in on itself, as it is built off of an inherently limited amount of creativity" And part of me worries that this is in fact true.We are a fandom with no leaders, no guiding principle other than love of the show and it's content, and very poor organizational skills. I see us getting about two more seasons in the spotlight before settling down into a typical fandom, which I don't see as a necessarily bad thing. My biggest issue with our fandom can be seen on this very site alone, look at our new member retention rate, we lost more than we gain. Many brony's are the obnoxious "20% cooler" Rainbow Dash/Fluttershy fans who fall in and out of "fandoms" every other week, which speaks badly of us as a fandom and weakens us as a whole. But at it's core, I think we have a large, dedicated base of fans; and absurdly high quality program that is pushing 80 episodes and has not seen an ounce of quality drop, and some of the most insanely talented artists in the entire freaking internet


... Buckle up Bronies, this is gonna be a loooong ride ;3


6. Is there anything that you can't stand about our fandom? If so, what is it?

Sure, there is tons I cannot stand about our fandom. For one, I cannot stand the crowds of howling naysayers who refuse to just trust the freaking producers and writers to make a quality show, despite having been shown to have demonstrated that ability 500 hyperbililion times before (Seriously guys? How thick do you have to be to think Twilicorn is a ploy to make toys, don't be stupid) I cannot stand the "fans" and you know what I mean by that, the people who wear Rainbow Dash belts and "yay" T-shirts but laugh at you when you ask them what their favorite episode was (these people are not technically part of the brony fandom, but they still unfortunately represent us in the public eye) And lastly...Anypony who says Rainbow Dash is not best pony... I mean come on guys... come on ;3


7. Andrew, what's the meaning of life?

The meaning of life is to find your Cutie Mark, meet your one special somepony, and try your hardest to make Equestria just a little bit better a place on your way out.


Sturdy Wing is one of the most dedicated bronies I know, he's been in this fandom for longer than anyone else I know, and he's still passionate about it now as he was back then, that's amazing to me :).

  • Brohoof 2
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wait... i was behind Urdynoty pinkie in the queue :( kids these days.... no respect for order and queuing... oh well yet another fun interview 

Well, I guess you haven't read what I posted in the queue thread now did you? I pick at random my man :P 


Hey wait a second, are you doing anything right now?

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