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You just woke up AS your favorite pony....


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You mean your friend hypnotized him/herself to become Rarity, or is it Rarity from the show? I don't understand what you mean by that because I have Asperger.


What I would want to do? This:



His entire personality is just Rarity in a nutshell both overly dramatic and putting too much effort into style, even really minor stuff like both playing piano.  It really tends to tick him off sometimes.

"Hey, at least you don't sew right?"


"You're not making this easy on yourself."


I'm the uber-conservative one.
Rainbow Dash x Kitchen Sink OTP
A great man once said, "ON MLP 4UMS ERRYTHIN IS SRS BSNS"
20% Chance I'm on my Wii U while posting this.


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Rainbow Dash?

I'd go crazy and fly around. Of course, my braggy side of me may be doubled! :P


Mother will be like "Oh no..."

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If I woke up as Twilight Sparkle? I would be thrilled!

First, I'd be a little confused over the whole sex change thing...

But after that, I would go out and use Magic like there's no tomorrow.

Really, I would try to help the world and all its problems with my Magic. ^^


Heh, for me, sex change would be the best thing...right after magic.


I think most bronies would want to become either TS or RD, the two most useful ponies.

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(to the pictures cutelestia posted) Eh... Come inside I do not want.

Anyways, I dont know what pony I would be. I'm at a tie at Pinkie and Twi because of my bizzare overused inside jokes I would make all the time, and twi because of my organization and knowledge of computers... Except twi is really into books. I'm not so sure if I can compromise on that.

Edited by sonicdude558
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Well, I imagine I'd start acting like a very confused Fluttershy.

  • Brohoof 1


On 4/22/2016 at 6:16 PM, The Nightly Spectre said:

One does not ask why The Questioner is awesome. One should instead ask their gods if they ever compare to the awesomeness of the one and only Questioner.

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(to the pictures cutelestia posted) Eh... Come inside I do not want.

Anyways, I dont know what pony I would be. I'm at a tie at Pinkie and Twi because of my bizzare overused inside jokes I would make all the time, and twi because of my organization and knowledge of computers... Except twi is really into books. I'm not so sure if I can compromise on that.


Choose Twi. I would give everything to have her sexy mane. And her voice. And of course, personality. She's perfection, at least for me. She has weaknesses but they are not severe. That's why I want to be her.

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If I awoke as ANY pony...I'd scream first...Then Freak the F*** out...


then probably have breakfast...and realize I do not have the desire for bacon and eggs since I'm a compete vegan now if I want to keep this pony body healthy...

I'd call in...sick...Somehow, I feel like boss would actually believe me if I told him I turned into a horse...he's quite strange...

I would not risk driving...because you know...hooves and stick shifts...although if hoof logic from Equestria applied to IRL, I'd be okay with it, but I'd dress up as much as possible (providing my clothes *could* fit)....


....my husband....how will I handle him?




bestiality for the win???


"In fire iron is born, by fire it is tamed"



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because I'm Pinkie Pie!! :)

Edited by SnipSnap
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All credit goes to Kyoshi

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Turning into Rarity?... But... How would i hug myself? That would just be awkward! :o Needless to say that you can't walk as a Pony if you have your forelimbs constantly wrapped around yourself. 



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Also, for the record, if i woke up as a female Big Macintosh, i'd totally be ok with that.


Why would you want to be her?


Turning into Rarity?... But... How would i hug myself? That would just be awkward! :o Needless to say that you can't walk as a Pony if you have your forelimbs constantly wrapped around yourself. 




Other bronies are also turning into ponies in my scenario, so you can hug one who became Rarity!

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"One morning, when Peter woke from whimsical dreams, he found himself transformed in his bed into a magical purple pony."


I'd reread my Kafka and play out the events accordingly.... or maybe not.


I'd be dumbfounded, for one thing.  I'd try to go about my life as usual (although maybe not go to class), maybe try to see a doctor, but once I find out other bronies are transforming... it's time for science, baby!

Hablo español--Je parle français--日本語を話す--我说中文--...and sarcasm (yeah right!)

I compose music.  Six Pony Rags

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Why would you want to be her?



Because R63 Mac (also known as Macarina or Red Gala) is still as calm and collected (and big :P) as Mac is. Gender isn't an issue, :P 


My OC's:  MalinterRahl, Vengeful impact & alias-the-marked-one

First fic i've written since forever here

Skype: Malinter@Outlook.com

"Defeating a sandwich only makes it tastier." most legendary quote ever.

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Well, I imagine I'd start acting like a very confused Fluttershy.

This basically sums it up for me too.


(Though after getting used to begin a girl, I'd probably like the fact that animals like me)

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If I woke up as Luna, needless to say I would first perform my four tests to determine if I was in a lucid dream. If all of my tests returned that I was indeed in some form of reality, I would probably have a nervous breakdown for possibly an hour or two. I would eventually realize my magic powers and the whole "dream invasion" thing, which would probably make me be more fascinated than panicked.

Meanwhile, while Celtore is performing tests to assure this is reality, everyone on Earth is like "what the hell, the moon should've been lowered 3 hours ago...", etc.

  • Brohoof 1

On 4/12/2014 at 0:00 AM, Miaq_The_Truthful said:

This is the internet, not reality.


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I'd be Pinkie Pie, yay. :yay:

Now, I'll be super excited and happy at everything! :)


Signature by Kyoshi

Hymenoptera is the most superior order of insects. | I'm the best Street Fighter player ever... in my hometown.

Rosalina's #1 fanboy.

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*gasp* "yay" I'd probably go into shock and have to be hospitalized.

I'd probly go up to Jesse (my friend who disapproves of Bronyism) and say "HA, NOW YOU KNOW IM BETTER, I mean, if you don't mind.........)

  • Brohoof 1

img-24000-1-yay.png Yay!


mmmmmmmmm................ beef jerky....................

~Danfo98, October 22, 2015, at 5:04 PM

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Queen Chrysalis. For once i would do what a villain in MLP never did... KILL THEM ALL! *EVIL MANIACAL LAUGHTER*

Naaaaaaaaaaah just kidding i would encourage peace and consider re-union with the ponies. I would unlift the curse that had been set upon them or whatever thing that makes them feed upon love... and i would lead our people to a glorious future! FOR THE CHANGELINGS GOD-DAMMIT!!!

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Actually, if I woke up as Teary Eyes, I would kill myself first.

Not over the fact that I've become a pegasus, but the fact that everyone wants to kill me, and even in this form, the world would be perfectly happy to see me gone.

Creator and lead man of The Marvel Alliance!!!

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Odd...Wasn't this topic called "You just woke up AS Twilight Sparkle (or your favorite pony)" yesterday. :huh:  Hmm.. must have merged with an earlier topic due to being very similar. Either way, I'll answer for two main scenarios: One, if I woke up transformed in own Real, Live-Action World; the other, if it happened in Equestria instead.


If I woke up as a pony in our Real World:

If I woke up tomorrow in my own bed and looked in the mirror, I would at first freak out seeing Princess Twilight Sparkle staring back at me. I would be a walking, living, breathing, Flash-animated character in the Real Live-Action World. The Roger Rabbit effect would apply here. I wouldn't need my glasses to see that. Luckily, the rest of the household would have already been gone to work for the whole day. It's just me and our three little kittens.


After calming down, I would decide to take advantage of this and tried to do some magic with it. Turns out that while I did get Twilight's appearance and abilities, I didn't get her memories, just kept my own memories of my human life up to this day. Hilarity would ensure with only our cats as witnesses. But by noon, I've gotten down how to control my magic, despite not having any direct memories that Twilight herself might have had. I can learn pretty quickly when something interests me. I even would have learned to magically changed my voice so to others, I would sound like myself and not Twilight.


All of the sudden, there'd be a knock at the door. "Oh no! I've forgotten that my friend was coming over here to watch the final part of the Ace Attorney/Friendship is Magic crossover Turnabout Storm with me today!" At first, I would act and talk as if I was busy with something in the other room, while my friend came into the living room and waited for me. Of course, the truth had to come out sooner or later. So, I'd prepare to reveal what has happen to me.


About my friend: he may not big a fan as I am, but he has watch many FiM episodes with me in addition to the multi-part fan-made crossover, Turnabout Storm over the last several months. Of course, when my friend saw me, he'd start to freak out, but I'd magically zipped his mouth and explained. Eventually, my friend would convinced me to try flying. He knew a secluded place where we could do this without being seen.


After many comical tree crashes, I finally got used to flying around. It was so wonderful. But then, I'd get a vision. It was the real Twilight making contact with me. My mind would go into a pocket dimension between worlds where I would meet Twilight in MY 20-something body wearing a young male human outfit. (Most likely made by Rarity using what limited knowledge of humans that Twilight has learned while in Canterlot High from Equestria Girls.)


From Twilight's explanation, it turns out that last night, she tried a spell that went wrong and swapped our bodies in the middle of the night. She's been in a form like mine before when she went to get her crown back, but as an animated human girl, not a live-action guy. So, there were embarrassing moments that only Spike would witness. By noon, the Mane 5 arrived at the library and, working together even without Twilight's magical body, were able to find a solution. The solution allowed Twilight and me to be brought to this meeting place halfway between worlds.


It took some time in our meeting place, but we'd eventually worked out the spell that can switch us back. During that time, I told Twilight about how in my world, her world of Equestria is just a fictional world. Of course, that didn't change the fact that she's real in her own world, with her own friends and family anymore than I was real in my own world with my friends and family. I did casually mentioned the events of Eqeustria Girls to her and how she had to get used to her new form. Likewise, she did mentioned how despite not liking being in human form, she respects our world and wishes the best of luck to us all.


As we would successfully switch back to our own bodies, we'd finally say our goodbyes to each other. I would tell her that I'd always be watching and rooting for her and her friends. She would reply her thanks. Finally, I'd be back in my world in my body wearing the human male clothes Rarity made (they've changed from animated to real life clothing). I explained everything that'd happened to my friend and we'd both agree to keep today's events a secret. They wouldn't believe us even if we did.


If I woke up in Equestria:

A similar story to the above would play out. When I'd first wake up, I'd be thinking, "Where am I? No way! Is this Twilight Sparkle's Library home?" Sure enough, when I'd look in the mirror, I'd freak out seeing Princess Twilight Sparkle staring back at me. My scream would have woken Spike, who would have assumed he'd overslept and proceed to try to rush through his morning routine.


As I processed what was going on, I'd realized that I have all my memories as a human, but none of Twilight's memories. As a result, I'd only know the stuff about Twilight that was revealed on screen from the t.v. show. All morning in the library , I'd have tried to pass myself off like I was the real Twilight, but of course, Spike realized that I'm not really Twilight. He knew because of how I kept moving around in the same way Twilight did when she became a human girl. He was after all with her when they went through a magic mirror portal to get her crown back in another world and he was a dog instead of a dragon. Spike would think for a moment and remember how last night, Twilight tried a spell that didn't seem to do anything, but apparently did. The botched spell must have swapped our bodies in the middle of the night.


After quietly getting the Mane 5 and explaining the situation, we'd all work together to find a solution. Quickly learning how to use Twilight's magic, I'd perform magic that would pull me (wearing Twilight's StarSwirl costume from Luna Eclipsed) and Twilight into a meeting place between worlds. There I would find Twilight in my real, live-action body wearing long navy pants and my merchandise shirt that shows Princess Twilight Sparkle (complete with wings, crown and royal horseshoes) on the front.



We would exchange our sides of the story. From Twilight's P.O.V., she woke up in my body home alone in my house. She'd freak out when she saw my face of course, but quickly adapted due to having been in a body like mine before. After exploring my room filled with Disney movies on the floor and Legend of Zelda posters on the walls, she found my MLP FiM DVD sets. Of course, she'd finds this weird. Until my friend would show up at noon, she'd occupy her time discovering television, more "computer magic" and dealing with my 3 cats. (the oldest black one was the agressive of the bunch unless she's with my stepmother. the middle gray one was the mother-type of the three, and the youngest, brown and white one was like the curious child of three.)


When my friend would finally arrived, Twilight's lack of my memories would caused him to realize she's not me. After explanations, my friend would decide to help her. By the time he had arrived, she has already seen the stuff we Bronies have fanmaded about their fictional world. Unfortunately, she'd have the misfortune of seeing the disturbing stuff. My friend, despite not being as big a Brony fan as I am, helped Twilight cope with the shock by showing some good fan made stuff. He even managed to take her out to the shopping mall where they were selling FiM merchandise. (and no, she didn't fall for him. One human is enough to crush on, whether natural-colored or techni-colored) Twilight's faith in humanity would have been restored after seeing all the happy faces of men, women, and children, thanks to my friend.


Once she and my friend would be washing up in a private restroom, my summoning spell would pull her to our meeting place. After some time, effort, and story telling, we'd be back in our own bodies. Before we'd return to our own worlds, she'd tell me to thank my friend for her. I'd smiled back, telling her that with friends like the Mane 5, who've accepted and helped me get us both back home, she'll be just fine and that I'll always be cheering for her and her friends's successes. As Twilight returned my clothes, she also allowed me to keep the StarSwirl costume; she can always make another.


Back in my world, I told my friend the story. We'd both agree to keep today's events a secret. If anyone'd ask where I got the StarSwirl costume, I'd tell them a new and dear friend made it for me.

You mean your friend hypnotized him/herself to become Rarity, or is it Rarity from the show? I don't understand what you mean by that because I have Asperger.


You too have Asperger's? I can relate to you, sir/madame. 

Edited by WiiGuy
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A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively


Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs


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I would be Luna! OMG rainbow epicness!! Time to troll Celestia! And time to stalk ponies dreams. > :)

Edited by lunaisbestpony
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