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Funniest Moments in the show?


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It seems like the show is more of a slapstick kind of humor than anything. Like Looney Tunes mixed with Ed Edd n Eddy/GABM. Hnnn

Edited by ~Vallo~
  • Brohoof 1



Your breath stinks.

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I forget what its called but the One over the barrel episode.
The whole conversation that took place in front of spikes bed
Twilight: you know she's not a tree right?
that had me laughing for a while.
Also the infamous derpy scene
Derpy after wrecking the town hall building: you okay Rainbow Dash? anything i can do to help?
Oh Derpy.

  • Brohoof 2

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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Twilight snapping when the parasprites were destroying ponyville (her face sells it), her trying to understand Pinkie and keeping a Pinkie Promise, her descent into madness in Lesson Zero and when she tried to prevent the disaster.

Also blowing the library in the air after Spike made an armor of pillows for that kind of emergencies.

Basically, when Twilight's rationality drops, hilarity ensues.

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I forget what its called but the One over the barrel episode.

The whole conversation that took place in front of spikes bed

Twilight: you know she's not a tree right?

that had me laughing for a while.

Also the infamous derpy scene

Derpy after wrecking the town hall building: you okay Rainbow Dash? anything i can do to help?

Oh Derpy.

I'm pretty sure that episode was called 'Over a barrel'


For me, I think that the funniest moments in any given episode are usually something that Pinkie Pie does.


Dressing up like a present in Dragonshy.

Losing her mouth in Magic Duel.

Torturing Dash with Cider in SSCS6K,

the "Duck season, rabbit season" scene in Putting your Hoof Down.

And, Of course: "I never leave home without my PARTY CANNON!"


you get the Idea.

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My Little Pony is a sparkly, happy diamond among things that are not diamonds. -Apple Cider


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Flutterguy takes the cake on this one. :)


I was incapacitated for like five minutes after I saw this the first time. Yup, this is when I realized I was hopelessly hooked.

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When Big Mac charges after smarty pants and launches all those other ponies off him like rag dolls. "Nope!"

Most of Pinkies moments are really funny.

Both funny and cute is when Rainbow Dash high-hoofs Fluttershy and she goes "Ouch."

Iron Will's feminine grocery basket made me laugh.

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Fluttershy being weaker than a bunch of little forest critters and butterflies in Hurricane Fluttershy. Also, when she flung the butterflies after getting minutely stronger. I don't know why, but that always gets me.

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You know, this is going to be a long list otherwise, so I'm just going to say "Everything in Hearts and Hooves Day".


... Actually, I'll list them anyway:


1) "We're gonna need a bigger envelope"

2) Cheerilee's expression when she's asked how somepony as amazing as her doesn't have a very special somepony:






That face right there says a thousand words.


3) "OH COME ON!"


4) We hear Big Mac say something other tha Eeyup or Nope for the first time in god knows how long, and it's *this*:





5) "It'll be CHAOS!!!" Apple Bloom's panicked vision of the apocalypse brought on by a lack of apples and education


6) "SCHMOOPY DOO-" *falls into pit*

  • Brohoof 3


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Crystal Empire Part One- When Fluttershy unzipped her skin to reveal herself as Pinkie Pie, that itself had me rolling, but Fluttershy's ensuing reaction just killed it.


That was probably the funniest thing in Season Three so far, and that was a sight gag nonetheless. GENIUS

  • Brohoof 3

Spreading friendship since 01-30-2012!

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There has been plenty of funny moments, but I
always remember I  found the 'Applebuck
season' episode to be one that I remember I found really really funny.

The part with the sea saw when AJ was helping

out Rainbow with the new flying trick, and AJ runs and jumps of that ledge to
land on the other end but she misses and splats on the ground.


And I loved it when Rainbow wasn’t ready and

AJ jumps off the ledge and Rainbow goes flying through the air

Oh also, I loved the bit where AJ kept

mishearing Twlight say ‘can we talk?’, and Applejacks like “Can bees squawk?.....
I don’t think so”, “ya need to walk to the zoo? Whose stopping you?”






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There's so many to choose from! Why must this be so difficult?! Let's see... here's some of the funniest moments (not in any order)


1. Fluttershy trolling Discord in "The Return of Harmony Part 1" Me: "LOL Fluttershy I didn't know you had that in you!"

2. Fluttershy's rage: "YOU'RE GOING TO LOVE ME!!!" Me: "Lolwut?!" in "The Best Night Ever"

3. Anything with Psycho-Twi in "Lesson Zero"

4. Celestia trolling Mr. Cake in "A Bird in the Hoof"

5. Rarity trolling the Diamond Dogs in "A Dog and Pony Show"

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For me, the funniest moments were:


  • Pinkie appears in a basket of apples next to Twilight and Fluttershy just as Twilight says "But Spike told me...".  Pinkie shakes her head, holds out an apple, and gives the most MENACING look as she takes a bite from it.  Given the context, that was my first genuine laugh-out-loud moment in this show.
  • In "Crystal Empire Part 1", Fluttershy walks up to Twilight, looks around for a moment, then suddenly unzips to reveal Pinkie Pie.  Then when the real Fluttershy walks in and notices her own costume, that was pretty awesome.
  • In "Too Many Pinkies", the moment when one of the Pinkie clones turns her head into an earlier-generation MLP head.  Not so much funny as it was just plain cool - that's the kind of self-referential humor that could only have come from a team who loves the show as much as its older fans. :)  (My wife also loves how they were totally channeling the seagulls from Finding Nemo in that episode.  FUN! FUN! FUN!)
  • Brohoof 4

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Take a look at yourself, then make a change.

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The entire episode of "Party of One", but especially the awkward part where Pinkie invites everyone to the "after birthday party" and they all make excuses, and the crazy part.

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This is a personal favourite. Where they're all scared of Zecora and Pinkie is making up rumors about Zecora. It's kind of cute at the same time. : )

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The Canterlot Wedding where Pinkie Pie is decorating everything in her innocent childlike way, and fake Cadance says 'Perfect! ...if we were celebrating a six year olds birthday party.' And of course Pinkie Pie takes it as a complimant. It was funny on a couple levels. It was in character for Pinkie because she would take something like that as a compliment, and also there was a sense that the show creators were poking fun at themselves and the childlike nature of the show. 

  • Brohoof 2

Just repeat to yourself it's just a show, I should really just relax. -Mystery Science Theater 3000


You're dead if you aim only for kids, adults are just kids grown up anyway. -Walt Disney

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Man O man this is hard

Every episode had a moment where I just had to laugh

Oh well I'll just put some of the more funny scenes for me


Applebuck Season

That sequence where Applejack is faxed and can't understand Twilight cracks me up every time


Dragon Quest

I love the opening sequence. Where Rainbow Dash and Twilight try to convince Fluttershy to see the dragon migration. And then Fluttershy makes a break for it. I love it XD


Sonic Rainboom

Another great opener. No matte how may times I see it I always love and laugh when Fluttershy says "Yay" so softly, and Rainbow tries to get her to yell louder, only to fail.


Spike at your service

Say what you will about the episode, but I can't stop laughing when they try to trick spike with the fake timber wolf. Just looking at it, the plan seemed poorly planed. Plus Rarity's and Pinkie Pie's reaction after the fake chase and scream they made was priceless. Also Pinkie Pie's plan and mustach. Need I say more


Every scene with Pinkie Pie

Pinkie pie has some of the funniest parts, scenes, and lines. I can't put in them all, because there are so many of them.



Well thats all I'll put for now.

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Who else wants a Flugelhorn?





Oh, and Fluttershy running away from Rainbow Dash before the dragon migration, and going to smash the window, only to stop and push it gently, before flying out  :lol:

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Spike's "An outhouse?" line.


Applejack glomming the S'mores after Rarity carefully made it.


Pinkie Pie making a G3 face in TMPP.


Sweetie Belle's "OH COME ON" line in HaHD.


Cranky Doodles flinching as Pinkie Pounds her drum during her Welcome Song.

  • Brohoof 1

"Mr. The Dragon!" - Ms. Harshwhinny

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Probably my top 50 funniest moments would all include Pinkie Pie, so instead of listing moment after moment with Pinkie in it I'll do my funniest moment for each character.




I'll start with Pinkie Pie. Absolutely every scene with her in it is funny, but this one is the scene to rule them all:



When I saw this scene, I had to pause the video because I was in absolute stitches. Thirty minutes, red cheeks and the world's biggest after-laugh sigh later, I unpaused it. And subsequently paused it again because I couldn't help launching into another round of laughter.


Oh Pinkie Pie, you truly are the best pony.



For Twilight Sparkle, it's gotta be this one:

I love this scene because she sounds so fed up, and has a tone that says "Oh for crying out loud, SOMEONE BE THE ELEMENT OF LOYALTY SO WE CAN GET THIS OVER WITH." And the farce behind Spike suddenly being Rainbow Dash. Easily Twilight's funniest scene.
Tough call for my favourite Rainbow Dash funny scene, but I had to go for this:

The reason I love this scene is because we always see Dash as this overconfident, super-sure athletic pony. So to see her get tangled up in a tree, still trying fervently to better Applejack, and then seeing her go "Does this count?" is superbly humorous in how she suddenly loses her bravado and becomes this cute trussed-up Pegasus. :P
This is my favourite funny Rarity scene:
(From one of my top 5 favourite episodes.) It's brilliant - what's Rarity's top priority when in danger of being flattened by an enormous dragon? The fashion choice! :D I think, in terms of displaying the real and hilarious Rarity, this episode and scene does best.
As for Applejack...
Need I say more? Appletroll is best troll! n.n
Fluttershy is more of a cute moment pony than a funny moment pony, but this scene was just a massive hug from Hasbro:
Absolutely love it. Seeing her pop out from that tree disguise? I was pounding the desk in glee. It's just so representative of Fluttershy's antics. :')

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  • 7 months later...

Here is mine...

-In A Canterlot Wedding part 1, when Twilight asks everyone if they saw that Cadance was acting weirdly. Fluttershy says that she raised her voice on one of her birds, but it was signing off-key. The sound the bird made here is just hilarious! xD I keep laughing all the time at it.


There was also this industrial hair drier in season 3, where Spike is taking care of the animals.

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