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private Rockshire's Cavern Party!


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Slide nodded, and then said, "I'm Slide Grease. Most ponies just call me Slide." He then looked at the room. Scarlett stood there lonely,.but Slide didn't have much interest in her. But one pony caught his eye. The host, Rockshire, seemed to be a pretty beatiful mare. He could have fun being in love with her for the night. But, as he knew, nopony could truly love him, so it would be like every other mare; another fun thing for the night.


"So..." he said, not taking his eyes off of Rockshire. "Have you met any nice mares tonight?"

<p>MY OCS (So I never have to post a link again)Windy Scamper-Leafdew-Slide Grease-Silent Dance-MacHayver


Thank you ThaumicSlime for my avatar!

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Slide seemed to be staring at Rockshire and his lips moved, probably to speak with the pegasus, who flexed his wings. Scarlet took a dandelion cracker and another one, munching on the first one slowly, letting the taste of the cracker flow through her mouth. Scarlet finished her other cracker and then decided to speak to the two stallions and spark a conversation, so she approached them, but as she was near them and about to say something, Slide said, "Have you met any nice mares tonight?" It was unwise to interrupt just then, so she stood by, silently. As the pegasus finished replying to Slide Grease, she said, mostly directed at the pegasus because Slide already knew her name, "Hi! My name is Scarlet Crunch, what's yours?"


((OOC: Edit 2.0))


((OOC: God, edited it three times now. I think I'm done :) Now to reply to this new, new post.))

Edited by Opalicious

Signature made by me!

Here's a list of my old names so you all remember me, old to new. Strawberries Yum/The Opal Family/The Opals/Luna Opal/Bumble Berry/Rainbow Jack/Colgate Revolution/Bad Seed/Bad Apple/The Alicorn Amulet/Opalicious/Doctor Who/The Tenth Doctor. I can't believe how long I've been here :')

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"Well I haven't really met any as of yet. Unless you count the host but we only spoke for mere seconds." Magpie said he noticed that Slide was actually looking at the host. "Maybe you should try speaking to..." Magpie was interrupted by a mare, which he found rather surprising. "My name is Magpie. Yeah I know it's a terrible name, I wish I had been named something cooler like Raven."

Edited by Raven

"Even If I were free, would anyone love me?"


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Light felt his heart skip a beat hearing that. "Y-you do?" He asked as if he was surprised. He let a smile flash across his face while Star was looking in the water. Light lifted Stars face to look at him and he moved her mane out of the way to look into her eyes. *What now? What do i do?* he furiously thought to himself.

Star felt Light's hoof under her chin. She smiled at him, then, hesitating slightly, she kissed him quickly on the lips. She pulled back almost instantly and blushed, then she put her arms around him and kissed him for the second time, a little longer this time.

Something something something something


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"Magpie's not such a bad name, if you ask me. You have just the right colors, and magpies are pretty cool!" She glanced at his wings and said, "I bet your wings are also just as sleek and powerful like a magpie as well." She tried to examine his right wing, but she couldn't see it as it was tucked in. She realized Slide was also there and she also told him, "Hi, Slide!"


((OOC: Trying to acknowledge both characters.))

Signature made by me!

Here's a list of my old names so you all remember me, old to new. Strawberries Yum/The Opal Family/The Opals/Luna Opal/Bumble Berry/Rainbow Jack/Colgate Revolution/Bad Seed/Bad Apple/The Alicorn Amulet/Opalicious/Doctor Who/The Tenth Doctor. I can't believe how long I've been here :')

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Slide was suddennly brought back from his fantasy by Scarlett. "Oh, um, hi again Scarlett. Zorry for running off, I guess you could just say I'm eager to meet everypony. Unfortunately, not a lot of ponies have been as grateful to meet me..." he said, remembering Star running away.

  • Brohoof 1

<p>MY OCS (So I never have to post a link again)Windy Scamper-Leafdew-Slide Grease-Silent Dance-MacHayver


Thank you ThaumicSlime for my avatar!

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"I was a bit distracted myself, I hardly noticed you had disappeared until a few seconds later, of course I didn't mind!" Now that she got a good view of his cutie mark, she exclaimed, "You play trombone? That's so cool! I was going to learn once, but it was too hard for me."


((OOC: In a few minutes I'll be gone for two hours, so it is recommended if you excuse yourself from Scarlet Crunch unless you want to wait.))

Edited by Opalicious

Signature made by me!

Here's a list of my old names so you all remember me, old to new. Strawberries Yum/The Opal Family/The Opals/Luna Opal/Bumble Berry/Rainbow Jack/Colgate Revolution/Bad Seed/Bad Apple/The Alicorn Amulet/Opalicious/Doctor Who/The Tenth Doctor. I can't believe how long I've been here :')

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Moonstruck gazed unblinkingly at the look of sudden recognition and shock on Rockshire's face. "Oh, is that his name? Do you two know each other? Should I maybe let you talk alone? I don't want to intrude." She was evidently entirely serious, too, as she immediately made to stand up to go somewhere else.

  • Brohoof 2

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"Trombone's a fun inatrument. It's hard, at first, but I was able to get the hand of it pretty soon. I

Of course, you get good at something really easily when you spend all your time locked up in your room practicing over and over again." He said, remembering all the days he had done that when he was a young colt.

<p>MY OCS (So I never have to post a link again)Windy Scamper-Leafdew-Slide Grease-Silent Dance-MacHayver


Thank you ThaumicSlime for my avatar!

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"Trombone's a fun inatrument. It's hard, at first, but I was able to get the hand of it pretty soon. I

Of course, you get good at something really easily when you spend all your time locked up in your room practicing over and over again." He said, remembering all the days he had done that when he was a young colt.

"Did you get your cutie mark early on and try to get as good as you can at trombone as possible? It must of been tough, but worth it!" She thought about her own cutie mark and told him, "My cutie mark is a bowl of breakfast flakes. I enjoy making them and eating them afterwards, though I think the tastiness is a side effect of my love for making them."


((OOC: I gotta go now, I'll post as soon as I get home.))

Signature made by me!

Here's a list of my old names so you all remember me, old to new. Strawberries Yum/The Opal Family/The Opals/Luna Opal/Bumble Berry/Rainbow Jack/Colgate Revolution/Bad Seed/Bad Apple/The Alicorn Amulet/Opalicious/Doctor Who/The Tenth Doctor. I can't believe how long I've been here :')

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"No, my cutie mark appeared because what happenned to the music I played....but that's a story for another day." 'Another day meaning never.' He thought. 'Cereal. Really? Stallion, this mare is a bit kukoo. I'm still tempted to try my luck with Rockshire, however...'

  • Brohoof 1

<p>MY OCS (So I never have to post a link again)Windy Scamper-Leafdew-Slide Grease-Silent Dance-MacHayver


Thank you ThaumicSlime for my avatar!

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''Hey! Wait up!'' Splinter said while jumping up and catching up to Moon. ''I only heard what was going on back there, but I was too tangled up around the book to feel like jumping into it like I usually do.'' Splinter said. ''Why are there so many couples?! It's like all these couples were supposed to start on purpose!'' Splinter thought while looking at other stallions and mares holding hooves. 

(OOC : School is a pain. I don't get to go home until 4:30. :( ))

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Star felt Light's hoof under her chin. She smiled at him, then, hesitating slightly, she kissed him quickly on the lips. She pulled back almost instantly and blushed, then she put her arms around him and kissed him for the second time, a little longer this time.

(Sorry for the late post)

Lights eyes widened with surprise at the sudden movement and his surprise doubled up at the second kiss. He began melt into it and began to kiss Star back, wrapping his hooves around her as well. Light ended the kiss, shock still lingering on his face. "Wow." Was all he said through a slow and heavy breathing.

  • Brohoof 1

"And with a sigh, she closed the old dusty book and set it gently back on its self. Wishing for a better day to come tomorrow. So that today can be forgotten and lost in the memories of that book..."

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/cadence-r2169 -Cadence (Little Hop)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/lila-fireheart-r2356 -Lila Fireheart: The queen of FallenMoon
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/flash-note-r5473 -Flash Note: Silent, sweet, and explosive....


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(Sorry for the late post)

Lights eyes widened with surprise at the sudden movement and his surprise doubled up at the second kiss. He began melt into it and began to kiss Star back, wrapping his hooves around her as well. Light ended the kiss, shock still lingering on his face. "Wow." Was all he said through a slow and heavy breathing.

Star blushed. "I uh...Yea.* She said, smiling. "Um...Maybe that was a little too forward...I should have asked or something...Sorry." She said. *Wow...Just when I try to be more social and forward...I kiss him...I totally messed this up.* She thought, looking back down at the water.

Something something something something


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''Ah, jeez!'' Splinter muttered to himself while noticing the kiss. ''It's like a madhouse of romance in here! And I'm locked out!'' Splinter thought. ''Okay, Splinter. Calm yourself. You'll win at one point. If you can actually manage to not act like a complete idiot at every turn!'' 

(OOC: I'm checking out some Creepypasta. I'll be gone for a while. :U )

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Star blushed. "I uh...Yea.* She said, smiling. "Um...Maybe that was a little too forward...I should have asked or something...Sorry." She said. *Wow...Just when I try to be more social and forward...I kiss him...I totally messed this up.* She thought, looking back down at the water.

Light nuzzled Star on the cheek lightly. "Hey, come on now. No need to be all dejected is there?" He asked trying brighten her mood. Light pushed his body against hers and wrapped a wing her too. "Its surprised me some but, i think i liked it... A lot." He added with a warm smile.

"And with a sigh, she closed the old dusty book and set it gently back on its self. Wishing for a better day to come tomorrow. So that today can be forgotten and lost in the memories of that book..."

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/cadence-r2169 -Cadence (Little Hop)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/lila-fireheart-r2356 -Lila Fireheart: The queen of FallenMoon
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/flash-note-r5473 -Flash Note: Silent, sweet, and explosive....


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Light nuzzled Star on the cheek lightly. "Hey, come on now. No need to be all dejected is there?" He asked trying brighten her mood. Light pushed his body against hers and wrapped a wing her too. "Its surprised me some but, i think i liked it... A lot." He added with a warm smile.

Star smiled as Light nuzzled her. "Oh...Well i'm happy you liked it. I was a little worried I was being too forward or something...i'm not very good at this kinda thing." She said, shuffling a little closer to Light and smiling even more as he put his wing around her. She snuggled up to him and closed her eyes.

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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I feel like I'm putting too much emphasis on the energetic nature of Scarlet Crunch, with special bonus effects from her cutie mark. This, as posted by Windy Scamper, makes her seem insane, which is exactly what I had been trying to avoid. What have I been doing wrong so I may fix it, while still keeping Scarlet energetic and active.


Time to sleep, but if you answer to this, I'll make sure to read it tomorrow.


((OOC: Pardon, thought this was OOC.))

Edited by Opalicious
  • Brohoof 1

Signature made by me!

Here's a list of my old names so you all remember me, old to new. Strawberries Yum/The Opal Family/The Opals/Luna Opal/Bumble Berry/Rainbow Jack/Colgate Revolution/Bad Seed/Bad Apple/The Alicorn Amulet/Opalicious/Doctor Who/The Tenth Doctor. I can't believe how long I've been here :')

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Star smiled as Light nuzzled her. "Oh...Well i'm happy you liked it. I was a little worried I was being too forward or something...i'm not very good at this kinda thing." She said, shuffling a little closer to Light and smiling even more as he put his wing around her.She snuggled up to him and closed her eyes.

*Snows going to be mad at me* Light thought to himself as Star snuggled close to him. He kissed her on her head and leaned back to relax in the spring. "Hey, Star. Why do you say you're not very good at socializing?" He asked, curious. It did confuse him a little since he thought she was doing fine.

  • Brohoof 1

"And with a sigh, she closed the old dusty book and set it gently back on its self. Wishing for a better day to come tomorrow. So that today can be forgotten and lost in the memories of that book..."

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/cadence-r2169 -Cadence (Little Hop)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/lila-fireheart-r2356 -Lila Fireheart: The queen of FallenMoon
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/flash-note-r5473 -Flash Note: Silent, sweet, and explosive....


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*Snows going to be mad at me* Light thought to himself as Star snuggled close to him. He kissed her on her head and leaned back to relax in the spring. "Hey, Star. Why do you say you're not very good at socializing?" He asked, curious. It did confuse him a little since he thought she was doing fine.

"Usually I am really bad at it...Like I can barely talk to a pony have I never met before. But tonight I have been doing better. I mean...When I was talking to those two colts on the bench by the snack table, well...That was kinda awkward because they kept asking me questions and there was one colt on ether side of me...Which was slightly confusing considering I had to keep looking back and forth. So eventually I just kinda said I had to go. I feel sorda bad." She said.

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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"Usually I am really bad at it...Like I can barely talk to a pony have I never met before. But tonight I have been doing better. I mean...When I was talking to those two colts on the bench by the snack table, well...That was kinda awkward because they kept asking me questions and there was one colt on ether side of me...Which was slightly confusing considering I had to keep looking back and forth. So eventually I just kinda said I had to go. I feel sorda bad." She said.

Light thought about what she said for a moment, "Well i can see where being asked questions left and right can be nerve racking." He said matter-of-factly. "But you seem to be fine now. I think you just dont give yourself enough credit." He said in a soothing voice, trying to sound reasurring.

"And with a sigh, she closed the old dusty book and set it gently back on its self. Wishing for a better day to come tomorrow. So that today can be forgotten and lost in the memories of that book..."

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/cadence-r2169 -Cadence (Little Hop)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/lila-fireheart-r2356 -Lila Fireheart: The queen of FallenMoon
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/flash-note-r5473 -Flash Note: Silent, sweet, and explosive....


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Light thought about what she said for a moment, "Well i can see where being asked questions left and right can be nerve racking." He said matter-of-factly. "But you seem to be fine now. I think you just dont give yourself enough credit." He said in a soothing voice, trying to sound reasurring.

Star smiled and looked up into his eyes. "You're very sweet." She said, nuzzling his chin. "And I feel fine now because I have gotten to know you...very very well. But not well enough...I don't even know where you're from...Where are you from ?" She chuckled and looked around the springs. they were the only two ponies there.

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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''Ah, jeez!'' Splinter muttered to himself while noticing the kiss. ''It's like a madhouse of romance in here! And I'm locked out!'' Splinter thought. ''Okay, Splinter. Calm yourself. You'll win at one point. If you can actually manage to not act like a complete idiot at every turn!'' 

(OOC: I'm checking out some Creepypasta. I'll be gone for a while. :U )

Moonstruck looked up from where she had absorbed herself back into her drawings. She seemed slightly surprised, although it was a little hard to tell with her. "Oh, hello," she said. "You must really be uncomfortable here, if you're hanging around with me." The matter-of-fact tone she adopted, and the fact that she could speak lowly of herself like that entirely so unabashedly surely caused quite as much discomfort as that which she was pointing out.


(Last post of the day. I need sleep. I've had a lousy one, and I've got a few more lousy ones ahead of me. Ohhh, I can't wait until Friday.)

Find the Heart of the Jungle!

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Moonstruck looked up from where she had absorbed herself back into her drawings. She seemed slightly surprised, although it was a little hard to tell with her. "Oh, hello," she said. "You must really be uncomfortable here, if you're hanging around with me." The matter-of-fact tone she adopted, and the fact that she could speak lowly of herself like that entirely so unabashedly surely caused quite as much discomfort as that which she was pointing out.


(Last post of the day. I need sleep. I've had a lousy one, and I've got a few more lousy ones ahead of me. Ohhh, I can't wait until Friday.)

''Why wouldn't I?'' Splinter asked while sliding down the wall and sitting down again. But instead of paying attention to the drawing this time, he pulled out the book and continued from the page he had been on. ''You know, you write some really good stuff.'' Splinter said while flipping the page.

Edited by BLU Engie
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Star smiled and looked up into his eyes. "You're very sweet." She said, nuzzling his chin. "And I feel fine now because I have gotten to know you...very very well. But not well enough...I don't even know where you're from...Where are you from ?" She chuckled and looked around the springs. they were the only two ponies there.

"Me and my sis are from Fillydelphia, but we didnt grow up together. I stayed with my grandparents just because. But I followed Snow here to Ponyville a few years ago." he answered quickly. "What about you?" he asked now switching the conversation back to her.

  • Brohoof 1

"And with a sigh, she closed the old dusty book and set it gently back on its self. Wishing for a better day to come tomorrow. So that today can be forgotten and lost in the memories of that book..."

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/cadence-r2169 -Cadence (Little Hop)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/lila-fireheart-r2356 -Lila Fireheart: The queen of FallenMoon
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/flash-note-r5473 -Flash Note: Silent, sweet, and explosive....


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