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private Equestria Divided Roleplay


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@@Spell Shock,



House Moon and Star - Outside Hoofington


(OOC would we be unaffiliated?)


Eternity continued to look at the map planning out where they should head to if they want to just survive.

"Well, I suppose we should head down to Manehatten. From what I've read in books the slums out there is full of homeless ponies like us wishing for a place to stay. We might be able to get supplies there. Though I don't have much money." Eternity looked through his saddlebags again. "Here it is. 100 bits. All I brought for Hoofington, and i didn't even take it out of the bag so its still here. I guess that is pretty fortunate of us."


He started walking in the direction of the city. "If we are going to travel there we need to cross the white tail woods. The forest isn't too dangerous. Not like the gigantic Everfree forest I've read about. We might be able to camp out there if we don't reach the city tommorrow. We might even meet some deer folk that live in the forest. It's how the forest got's its name ya know. Because of the deer's tails. But most of 'em moved to ol' Everfree. But ya never know, might be a couple lingering about." He rambled.


Eternity looked back towards Hoofington. As night approached he saw the lights of the city glow. A lot of the flickering and moving. Must be all searching for them. He frowned and paused for a bit and then he looked at the girls.


"I guess there isn't any objections is there?  Any objections to going to Manehatten? Our only other option would be New Ponyville which is controlled be Earthborn, and they hate unicorns. I heard they cut of horns there."

Edited by AnonBrony
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@@Spell Shock,@@Sky Warden, @, @, @@AnonBrony,


House Whitegold - Manehatten - War Prison Cells


The guard was tempted to use his tranquilizer darts on the annoying Cultist. His partner sensed this and place a hoof on his shoulders, meaning "no". 


House Whitegold - Manehatten - Artisan District - Performance Hall - On Stage


Rarity kept a calm face, panicked eyes, and a worried tone in her normally-sosphisicated voice. Deep down though, accompanying her sheer concern for Sweetie Belle and her surprise and anger for the mare who she barely remembers was exasperation multiplied by ten. You featherbrain! Going around telling every pony around your position in the spy network! What part of "secret agent" do you not understand?! Being a mistress of deception though(a master of deception in fact), she kept that rage hidden inside of her quite well.


The assassin was quite amused at the rage she could see was bottling up inside of the House leader. Her amusement vanished when that agent broke through the window above. BUCK! A top agent?! She proceeded to toss her throwing knife at the agent. Being horrible markspony material though, her trajectory was terrible.


House Whitegold - Manehatten - The Streets of the Inner City


The soldier faced the stallion who just spoke to him. I see he likes to drink... was his only thought. "Did you see anypony who shot the arrow that took down the Cultists?" he asked with very little hope.


House Moon and Star - Outside of Hoofington


"Awesome, you're awake," Star Rain said blandly. She wasted no time in tossing in her own suggestion. "Sounds like a good idea," she said. Underneath the emotionless exterior though, was a torn up, confused filly younger than the 15 year-old she was on the outside. The road ahead will be arduous. And we MUST stay away from House Earthborn!


At the mention of the practice engaged by the House, Star Rain's eyes darkened and she pawed forcefully at the ground so that she left deep marks. "It's true."

Edited by MagicalStarRain
  • Brohoof 1

R66Gz.gifClick this dragon hatchling to help it grow, please!

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House White Gold - Manehettan - The streets of the Inner City.




After the soldier looked up at him and asked him such weird thing, Cunning Horn snorted heavily to the question, spitting some of his rum when he did. He quickly regretted that though. It gave another unnecessary pain on his nose. Still wincing to the pain, he turned to the soldier, "A stallion who shot those arrows 'eh?" he shrugged, "If my memory serves me right, I did shot some arrows. Not sure if that's what ye are squawking about," he scratched his chin and rose an eyebrow as he looked back at the soldier. After another shrug, he took another guzzle from his bottle. He rose his bottle in front of his eyes, watching the light play on the moving liquid inside. His head felt lighter, indicating that the alcoholic drink started taking effect. He shoved the water from his mouth with his hoof before he talked again, "Why do ye care anyway? I thought ye White Gold ponies don't even know how to thank somepony for their effort," he smiled to the soldier, "But I bet your precious Lady Rarity taught you 'eh?" He pronounced the Lady Rarity with a fake respectful tone.



Pinkeh asked me to put this here. Just another What Do You Think About Me stuff.

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@, @@MagicalStarRain,

Cult of Laughter- Manehattan- Prison cells


Lila was starting to find Winds singing very annoying and began to yell at her through the rope. "umph ou ump p? A swer imph oinmh oo ill ou!" *She isn't going to shut up is she?" Lila thought in desperation as she continued to chew at the rope. Over time she began to become bored with chewing even though she was already half way through it. Lila began to come up with plans in her head on how to get out while she chewed, and chewed, and chewed. *Ugh, how long does it take to break these things? we must have been sitting here for at least an hour now, and I swear to pinkie if Wind doesn't shut up i'm going to ring her neck when we get back to the undercity.* Lila thought as the last of the rope began to break from the constant chewing. She had already come up with a plan to get herself out of the cell when she could talk properly. *Come on, almost there......... got it!* Lila had a momentary feeling of success before going on with her plan. She began to clinch her stomach with one hoof and made a pained expression. Lila stood up and did a fake wince with each step she took trying to get as close as she could to the bars in the cell as the chains would let her. "It... ahh!" she fell over now holding her stomach with both hoofs and wore a very pained expression trying to make it seem as real as possible.

"And with a sigh, she closed the old dusty book and set it gently back on its self. Wishing for a better day to come tomorrow. So that today can be forgotten and lost in the memories of that book..."

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/cadence-r2169 -Cadence (Little Hop)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/lila-fireheart-r2356 -Lila Fireheart: The queen of FallenMoon
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/flash-note-r5473 -Flash Note: Silent, sweet, and explosive....


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Cult of Laughter- Manehattan- Prison cells




Wind could just make out Lila's muffled voice from farther down the hall. "YOU'LL THANK ME LATER LILAAAAAAAAAAA." She sung, loudly, rattling the chains even more...and that's when a small pebble hit her on the head. "Oh boy oh boy oh booooooooy." She sung, yanking even harder on the chain. *So so so close...give me an hour and this will be out.* She thought, laughing loudly and pulling on the chain with tremendous force.

All of this was making quite a bit of noise but if you were to just glance into the cell it would be difficult to see the chain coming loose...you could however see the pebbles on the ground, but Wind just kept making noise and pulling on the chain.

*Why do I have this feeling...I almost feel like I care about what Lila thinks about me...but I shouldn't, because...I shouldn't.* She thought, hearing Lila's muffled voice again...then she heard a slight groan come from down the hall...and Wind's eyes widened. "Lila...LILA...YOU HAVEN'T TAKEN YOUR PILL'S." She yelled...hoping that this is what Lila had planned...because if not, Wind would be in biiiiig trouble.

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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House Stormwing - The Everfree Forest - Fluttershy's Chambers


Friends? Even after all this time she couldn't help it. And yet somethings still gnawed at the back of her mind, things Rainbow could not ignore. Was this really Fluttershy? "We've all changed so much over the years, all of us have come so far. Maybe even beyond repair." Rainbow looked away from the yellow Pegasus, almost getting lost in her sight. Taking a deep breath she spoke once more. "I recognized the Falcon, he's much older than the last time I saw him. Well, we all are."


And yet still images haunted her thoughts, clouded her mind in a veil of shadow and doubt. "What happened to us 'Shy? What did we become? What's happened to you after all these years? You're still kind, but it's become almost...  brutal." A serious tone began to creep into her voice suddenly, her eyes now focused and her worried expression replaced with a blank look. "This isn't right, you can't keep doing this. This forest isn't good for you, the force that rules it isn't good for you. Whatever this 'Liege' is, it's making you sick...  and I don't know if I can help you."


House Everfree - The Everfree Forest - The Dining Hall


Lily had remained quite for much of the conversation, sinking bellow the surface of the table in slight fear. Being her with her...  it sent chills down her spine, the fir on the back of her neck stood on edge. He hood now fully shielded her face from the outside world, a frail defense. And then came Stormwing, the warriors of the north. Lily had never seen them before, she didn't know whether to be fascinated or frightened. Maybe they were here on peaceful terms, even if they did have lots of sharp pointy weapons.


But now Fluttershy had departed with the others, Rain had even left her. She was left to the mercy of the other guests. Lily let out a rather timid squeak at the thought. "Oh, I should have never left home. Is it too late to just go?"


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House Moon and Star - Outside Hoofington


- “If we want to go in there ugly, we can make haste and try to cash in on any information regarding Archmages pet project. I have no idea how many Whitegold spies heard her, so maybe the deal still hot by the time we arrive. If we not really afraid of any countermeasures, I still have saddlebags full with books I lend from Canterlot library. Ought to worth something, just need to put anti-stealing spell on our bags, or we will get robbed before we even go past the gates. Thrice.” – Spell would reply, being familiar with different places a bit more.


-“Like in every other Whitegold city and village. We also ought to watch out for bandits, the name Whitegold alone brings con artists and bandits” – Lightning replied, she was serious for now, though she really wanted jump on Spell and tackle her for a bit.


-“Like you” – Spell replied, showing her tongue to her.


-“Hey, I’m no con artist. A little bit.” – She would reply, returning the favor.


-“Say that to the fruit merchant in that village.” – Spell replied, giggling


-“He tried to sell us rotten fruit! Besides, there wasn’t that much money in that purse” – she would roll her eyes up.


-“Right” – the only thing Spell replied – “But Whitegold be the better option. They at least more flexible when Earthborn, which will ram a brick wall if there is unicorn drawn on it. Literally"

Throught Equestria relics of the past lay forgotten and alone, never truly resting, awaiting recognition

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House Earthborn - New Ponyville - Outskirts




Fixit looked on as the minotaur marched away, fighting down the urge to blurt out some challenge or insult in protest to his casual slander of the Supreme commander. Thankfully, anything that might have caused the situation to escalate from tense negotiations to an all-out skirmish stayed inside his head. 


He looked at the mug hanging around the spear's shaft, finding it to be filled around halfway with a brown liquid. He dipped a hoof in suspiciously, licked the hoof. Upon tasting the liquid he chuckled and turned to Applejack.


"It's the finest vintage Apple family Zap Apple cider, ma'am. Must be at least 15 years old now. Wonder where Lady Fluttershy got this from..."


However, his face sobered upon mention of the opposing House's leader, and he gave a dirty look to the forest as he spoke. "I'm not sure if we should trust House Everfree on this whole "conclave" thing, ma'am. Seems like the perfect plan to get all the House leaders together and then backtab them all at once. Honourless foals..." he shook his head almost sadly, then continued "Of course, you know Lady Fluttershy best, ma'am, but a little caution surely couldn't go amiss."

"Humanity is the end; knowledge is the means; I will not rest until there are no more secrets to be discovered; I will not rest until there are no more ways to improve; I will not rest until there are no more problems to be solved; I will wield no weapon but my wits and intellect; With these weapons I will battle ignorance until the light of knowledge shines bright; When the light of knowledge shines upon us all, then I shall rest, and not before." - Atmomancer Creed

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@@Spell Shock,



House Moon and Star - Outside Hoofington.


"Yeah." Eternity replied to Spell "They probably would do that" He continued to study the map. "Maybe we could sell info. Hell it might even get us into the city. Though..." He paused. He didn't feeling like saying it. It will only escalate this war even more.


They walked for a while. It was finally beginning to get really dark out and the moon finally showed itself to the world. Eternity saw that they all were getting tired, if they weren't already tired. They finally came upon a small lake. It was actually quite pretty, but nothing special. It was in the middle of this field they had be walking in. It was just an average small lake.


"Maybe we should stop for now." He looked up the moon. He though of Luna for a bit. He had seen her sound the castle when he was younger."Its dark out. Might not be safe to travel at night. We still have a ways to go before we come up Whitetail." He walked over to the edge of the lake and lied down. He sighed. He was tired. He saw a lone tree by the water not that far away. He figured they should make a fire.


"Hey Star, mind if you go to that tree over there and get some wood for us? We can start a fire. Might have to be careful though. We are far away enough so that they can't see it from the city but if they come out of the city they might see it." He would of done it himself but he was really tired. Besides, it might help Star practice a little magic.

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@@AnonBrony,@@Spell Shock, @@Sky Warden


House Moon and Star - Outside of Hoofington


Star Rain shook her head at the info-selling plan. "I say we keep a low-profile while we're in the city. I don't trust those ponies one bit and I won't be surprised if some pony there sells information regarding us," she said. 


She was quite thrilled on the inside to be out here in wilderness, with the green meadow, the vast sky, the forests in the distance. She would've been at peace here if she didn't have a target on her head. All of this and we're fugitives on the run from a crazy mare and her followers. This is just lovely! she sarcastically thought.


"We really shouldn't make a fire if we're trying to run away from them!" she said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.


House Whitegold - Manehatten - The Streets of the Inner City


The guard could't believe his luck, though he expected more than this pony who looked as if he had come from a cheap bar in the Undercity. "Right, um sir. You're the pony I'm looking for! I was sent to escort you to our military headquarters in the Wall," he explained.

R66Gz.gifClick this dragon hatchling to help it grow, please!

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@@Spell Shock,  


House Moon and Star - Southwest of Hoofington


"I suppose you are right" Eternity replied. "It really isn't that cold out anyway." He sighed and paused for a bit. "I'm sorry. Sorry for everything I've put you three through. This is all my fault. If I were to of..." He looked down in despair. "But i guess that's all in the past now. All we gotta focus on is the future."


Eternity felt his stomach growl. He was a little hungry. There was a nice sized rock nearby. He lifted it using magic and turned it into a couple of apples. He floated them over to the group. "Anypony want an apple?" he offered as he took a bite out of one.


He pulled a book out of his saddle bag. It was the one that belonged to his brother. He started to think about him. But he shrugged off the thoughts and looked back toward to the young mares with him. He continued to eat his apple. "Hopefully things fare well form now on." he said "Once in Manehatten we can probably get supplies to sustain us for a while but after that, I don't know. Maybe we can stay in Manehatten with the rest of the poor folk there. But for now, maybe we should get some sleep. We have a long day of traveling tomorrow. Don't worry. I'll keep watch in case any pony comes."

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House Moon and Star - Southwest of Hoofington

- ‘The fire would be nice. We can try to went smoke into the ground with magic” -  Spell relied – And even if someone sells us out, I don’t reckon Twilight will march on Whitegold, it’s outright war and she can’t afford it right now. I know she can’t. It’s so unlikely, what we can sell this information ourselves, for cash.”


-“I don’t think they will see the light, only smoke so I guess wenting it somewhere isn’t that bad of an idea.” – Lightning replied, looking at Spell – “We can amass a lot of contacts in Whitegold, or we should if we to survive. I mean, we always had some problems, but we never had a whole house pissed off at us for something”


-“Except this one time with the brick wall” – Spell reminded, looking at Eternity and Star – “It would be kind of tough to go around three unicorns and one Pegasus through. We will have to make a horn for Lightning, I guess”


 “I have a few grass sandwiches if anyone wants” – Spell added after a bit – “And you should get rest,. It’s okay if we all sleep. Neither I or Ligtning have any dreams, usually takes a bad wind stream to wake us up. No point in staying on watch after being exhausted the most. Does anyone has healing magic? Both i and Lightning know some treatments, we could open a little treatment center. Create some goodwill to cash in later if need be.”

Throught Equestria relics of the past lay forgotten and alone, never truly resting, awaiting recognition

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@@Spell Shock



House Moon ans Star - Southwest of Hoofington


Eternity smiled at Spell and laughed a bit. "We can talk about it all in the morning when we are traveling. We need our rest now."

Eternity lied his head down. "Goodnight Star Rain, Spell Shock, and Lightning."


He couldn't really sleep though. Again he had too much on his mind. This time it wasn't about the portal, but about their future, what will happen once they reach Manehatten. They could sell info. But Ponies will get curious and their identities might get leaked out. Also he wasn't worried that Twilight would attack. He was worried others will attack them if the info got out. He wouldn't want to be the instigator for any entire battle or two. Then he though about Spells idea. It might work. Maybe they can do things magic related. Eventually they might go inside The Inner city. or maybe they can continue traveling. Become nomadic mages that you always here about. Traveling the world to learn about magic. It was a dream Eternity had as a child. To see the wonderful world out there. But the one they are living right now, really isn't so wonderful. He thought about magic. Mainly Spell's magic. He controlled that beast. Yet that beast was practically something he shouldn't be able to tame. Perhaps he can help Spell. Maybe get her to control it, and she can finally learn more magic. Maybe. And maybe Star can learn a thing or two. Maybe. Maybe they can live a happy life. Just... Maybe...


And with that Eternity fell alseep.



By the time he woke up Star and Sleep and Lightning were still asleep. It was actually still pretty early out. The sun had just started to rise. Time to get going I suppose.


Edited by AnonBrony
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House Everfree: Outside Manehatten, (Unknown Ponies)

It was a simple craft, more an oversized balloon shoved in the general direction of the city with the hope wind currents would prevail. How exactly somepony had managed to transport the blimp cross country without being detected only made the situation more odd. Nevertheless, a blimp easily rivaling the size of a house rose from a stand of trees and drifted in the general of Manehatten, ascending above the height of the wall. However it was brought down, by arrows, magic, or simply crashing into a tower, its cargo would still make it to the ground successfully. It was a simple but elegant jewelry case, one owned by Rarity herself back when she lived in Ponyville. No one could open it except for her, as it would stand against even the strongest of forces without her touch. If or when she opened it, a simple note with elegant script proclaimed: "Dearest Rarity, it has been many years since we saw each other, but I hope you will find the time to consider this none the less. I am calling a conclave of the Six of us who used to comprise the Elements of Harmony. Should you wish to come, I will send word at a later date of its location. Sincerely and with optimism, Fluttershy." Inside there was also a simple strip of fabric with a flower embroidered on it, one taken from Fluttershy's Grand Gala dress that Rarity had made.


House Everfree: The Vicinity of Hoofington, (Unknown Ponies)

In much the same manner as the blimp, it was quite a mystery how Everfree had managed to convey their contraption across Equestria without attracting attention. It was a simple contraption, one made from the wild magicks and crystal from beneath Canterlot. It flew like a whirlwind of ice fragments, the clinking of its passing sounding like the continual chatter of a thousand crickets. It descended in the middle of Hoofington Town Square, collecting into a single crystal pedestal. On the pedestal would be a book, one of Twilight's old journals from back in happier times. It was bound by a clasp that only she could open with her magic. In the center was a small slip of paper along with a new entry, one dated to recently. "Dear Twilight, While I suspect you will shrug me off as a nuisance, I hope you still hold some degree of friendship in your heart. I am calling a Conclave of the former Elements of Harmony, in a place yet to be determined. Whatever you mean to do with Equestria, please at least consider this: Nopony wanted this divide and most want to fix it. Sincerely regretful, Fluttershy." The slip of paper would show a drawing of a six petaled flower. One of the petals had wilted and fallen off and each of those remained seemed drained of life.


House Everfree: A un-described location, (Unknown Ponies)

The idea was simple and elegant, a bit different from the others. Well, it may have been simple on paper but the actual practice had proved heard. A Laughing Doll had been captured and striped of its spikes and weaponry. Still unliving, it had been sent back to its Cult with a long chain around its neck, on which was an hourglass. Stranger still, it had a part hat and balloons tied on to it, along with an alligator tooth (A VERY big one). One the hourglass a message was inscribed: "To those who follow the Laughing Mare, whomever you may be. A Conclave is to be called, in which the Elements of Harmony, or at least those who used to be them, are intended to meet. While Pinkie may be gone, no doubt many of you knew her in life. Place the Party hat on her grave, along with Gummy's tooth. He would appreciate it. Whomever among you will speak for Pinkie in this Conclave, remember: She didn't like the color black."


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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House Moon ans Star - Southwest of Hoofington
As soon as Eternity would get up, both Lightning and Spell would jump up and look at him. They would when relax a little bit; Lightning yawned and would start looking around, while Spell would look for water source to get her face in the order after the night.


- “Good morning everyone” – Lightning would say to everyone after they all went up, Spell did the same. She and Spell were pretty polite and well, it’s not like they would talk a lot while someone is asleep.


Those two would look for food and water, especially some which they could take with them. Good grass, berries and stuff like this. Preferably something they familiar with and know is not poisonous. It really showed what those two are used to travel together; they still had all morning stuff in check. If they would find anything, Spell would arrange a somewhat equal helping of their eatable findings for everyone and well, stuff like that. It is kind of important to look out for each other when you are on the run.


Lightning would yawn and snuggles Spell. And kiss her on the cheek to which Spell would tackle her and well, tackle wars! 

Throught Equestria relics of the past lay forgotten and alone, never truly resting, awaiting recognition

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House white gold - Manehatten - artisan district - performance hall


Nightshade finished bandaging Sweetie Belle's injury. Her dress was destroyed in the process but it wasnt important compared to Sweetie Belle. Nightshade looked at Rarity "Mis Rarity we need to get you and your sister somewhere safe." She began to help move Sweetie Belle.


House Stormwing - The Everfree forest - Fluttershy's chambres


Windslash looked at Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash, they looked so much different from what he heard in stories when the mane 6 were all friends before this war. When he saw the emotions of joy from both leader's he was really hoping they would be able to put a stop to the fighting. 


Cult of laughter - Manehatten - city entrance gate


(OOC: i worked with MagicalStarRain for this post)

"I've had these stitches for around a week. I was near the earthborn border when a scouting soldier tried to cut off my horn. When I refused he cut me. Luckfully, i made it away in one piece and someone help me from the soldier. When the doctors stitched me up they said that they had no clue how I managed to survive. I not supposed to move to much or theyll open. Now if you don't mind i would like to enter the city." Tondrak passed the guard the entrance fee, having just lied about the stiches. Satisfied, the gatekeeper took the money and his partners escorted the new citizen through the gate. "Alright, have a fine time in the city!" one of them said cheerfully. The second one got an ominous vibe, but quickly brushed it off. Having made it inside the city succesfully, Tondrak got exited, not because of the big city or Derpy and the two cultist but because this had been the closest Tondrak had come to retreiving his crown in years. He could feel it's pressence so close inside the city. After a moment of thought, he decided that if he was to save Derpy and the others, he would need all the power he could get, besides the allure of retreiving his crown had become completly irresistable. He headed off into the city where he could feel his crown's pressence getting stronger and stronger.

The Arcanists in the Arcane District began to sense something from one of the crowns they inspected. What's going on? I feel... dizzy... one of them thought. The others were beginning to sense it too. It was quite negative, so they tried to destroy it, but their magic reflected right back at them. Tondrak entered the arcane district and as he did he felt an attack hit his crown. He began to hurry up towards his crown. He entered the building with his crown, walking down the hall, he entered a doorway and their he saw it, his crown. He didn't even pay attention to the couple arcanists in the room, until one of the attack the crown again. Tondrak looked positively angry, even in someone else's skin. "I will not stand for this." Tondrak shut the door behind him, trapping them all in the room with him. Using his magic he pulled his crown onto his head. As his crown landed on his head Tondrak could feel his power returning. He began to emmit a dark ora around him. He shot one of the arcanist's with a spear made of ice, hitting him in the jugular, then shot his corps with a dark green colored beam. The dead arcanist rose and chuckled, he was now a laughting dead. It began to walk towards the other arcanists in the room, laughting. "Heheheheheh" Thinking fast, one of the Arcanists pressed the alarm button the room. The Arcanists who weren't in the room quickly evacuated the building. He then spotted a crown shard on the ground and hurled it at the dark, dangerous unicorn, hoping to knock the crown off so that he could escape with it. Tondrak teleported two feet to the right to dodge. He shot and killed the one who pulled the alarm, then turned him into a laughting dead. The last arcanist liked at Tondrak. "You'll never get away with this the guards are on their way." "Hahahah...Really, let me explain to you how this is going to play out. Your going to die and fight for me as my minion, the guards are going to show up and find that you are wearing a crown, they'll assume it's my crown and destroy it and you,they'll think you turned your partners and they'll assume the crown turned you into a laughting dead, in the mean time i'll escape the building along with the other arcanists long before the guards show up." Tondrak killed the last arcanist and put one of the regular crown's on his head. He put his magical crown in a saddle bag to hide. He held back his dark pressence to avoid detection. He walked out of the room and yelled "It's the crown it turned him." He walked out of the building and towards Derpy's location, thanks to the images the laughting mare showed Tondrak. He whispered to himself. "I should hurry before the guards find out that i tricked them, if they ever find out that is, hahaha."



House earthborn - canterlot mounatins


Big Macingtosh turned to some of his commanders and warned them that they were most likely surrounded and to prepare for battle. The single mage suggested that he had a plan and soldiers hiding in the mountain was more than likely. Big Macintosh walked up "I lead this army unicorn, and you are to surrender Canterlot to us"


House earthborn - New Ponyville - outskirts


(OOC: After thinking a bit i changed the earthborn post. i dont think applejack would negotiate after beiing attacked by everfree)

She took the Zapapple cider from Fixit. "No Fluttershy wouldn't resort to such betrayal, she might side with stormwing but she isnt a liar, and i saw no deceit in the minautaur's words, but you are right it's better to be cautious, i do not believe we should attend this conclave. Alot of earthponies died in this battle thanks to Everfree, and we will not negotiate with those who killed them. We will have revenge in the form of their blood and topple all their trees, but we will send a messenger letting them know that their will be no negotiations, we will not attack them while they believe we might have peace, we are not liars nor cowards." Applejack's one true sight came in handy often, beeing able to detect deceit has helpped her in the past.

Edited by discorded
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House Stormwing – The Everfree Forest – Fluttershy’s Chambers

How could she ever forget? Even today after all these years the memories were vivid in her mind. Fluttershy’s intended that the Houses to set aside differences, that maybe her friends would find a way to finally be reunited. And now here she was to plead her case, but Rainbow could accept it. Could the world ever go back to what it was, could Rainbow take that chance? These though racked her brain to the point of breaking.

Star Keeper could only watch on as his commander struggled to make a choice. Looking to either side is was obvious that his company felt equally as troubled. And yet there was nothing they could do, this was up to them to decide. The fate of Equestria rested on it.

And then something snapped inside her. “No.” Commander Rainbow Dash cast off any expression of joy or sadness, her face a visage of stern rage. “No, I don’t think so. Sweet innocent Fluttershy, thinks she can just bat her eyes and make everything go back to the way it was. You’re just as idiotic as usual.” Scootaloo’s heart sank, unsure whether to be sad, afraid or glad. Commander Dash placed her helmet back onto her head, turning from her old friend in a huff. “Are you too blind to see it? There is no going back, never. This is war Fluttershy and I intend to win it for the glory of House Stormwing. By battle and bloodshed are we made, we shall have everlasting victory. You…” Dash turned back to face Fluttershy, no sympathy or pity in her words. “…you will rot in these woods, scared of the world around you. I can’t believe I used to care for you, I can’t believe I ever wanted to…” She quickly stopped herself, starring holes into the ground. “I’m leaving… now, and don’t try and stop me. It only takes twenty of my troops to deal with your rabble.” She exited the room, her hooves hitting hard on the ground.

Scootaloo was close to tears, looking back at Fluttershy with nothing but utter sympathy. “I’m so sorry…” She quickly followed after her idol, her company following in quick succession. They reached the dining hall once more, Commander Rainbow Dash caring little for the others present, even the quivering mare behind the table.

“Fluttershy may have done us a service, despite her obvious foolishness. She has drawn the others right into our grasp. I have some old scores to settle.” Scootaloo did not respond her face pail and her stomach unsettled. “Maybe someday you’ll know the price we pay for freedom Scoots. These ponies are insane and mutated, vermin. The world is full of taint and it is our duty to cleanse it, to perfect it.”

(OCC: The deed is done, Equestria is doomed to yet more years of war and turmoil. I couldn't have asked for more.)

Edited by The-Master


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House Everfree - Castle ruins - Fluttershy's room






Rain's quiet relaxed expression turned from that to one of anger and annoyance. "Good Riddance. She called you here to make peace...and you just stomp on that like a bug." He called as Rainbow Dash walked out of the room. He glared at Scootaloo as she spoke then left...if she was really sorry, she would have tried to stop Rainbow Dash, but no. Rain longed to run out after them and give the commander a good smack but he turned to Fluttershy instead. "Forgive me my lady...is there anything you require of me ?" He asked, still feeling angry at Rainbow.


Cult of laughter - Manehattan - Prison cells


Wind continued her singing, making it louder and louder till eventually she was yelling. There was a small pile of pebbles on the floor that had built up from her rattling the chains, one end was slowly being pulled out of the wall...but like before, it still had a long way to go. "MY FRIEND IS SIIIIIIIICK...GET HER SOME PIIIIIIIILLLLSSSS." She yelled out at the guards with a happy loud laugh.

Something something something something


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House White Gold - Manehettan - The Streets of the Inner City



The offer pulled Cunning Horns' curiousity, but it gave him a good chance at the same time. Though he just wanted the guard to throw a pocket full of gold to him and leave, the idea of the military headquarters sounded interesting. That, if he wouldn't get any trouble there. Heck, what kind of trouble it could be? With that final thought, he nodded, put his bottle in saddlebag, and strode to the stair, slowly went step by step to the ground. He spotted the guards' weapon position and stood on the same side of the sheathed weapon, aware of everything.


"Let's do it quick." He said to the guard without looking at him. He heard some strange noises far away from them, but he guessed it was just some ponies cleaning up the mess created by the Cultists. He stole some glances at the guard as they walked deeper to the Inner City. He saw no sign of a new Cultist, and he thought he could get a decent sleep tonight, or could he be wrong?


After minutes of walk, they arrived in the front of a door which led to the Manehettan Military Headquarter.



Pinkeh asked me to put this here. Just another What Do You Think About Me stuff.

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(Sorry for my inactivity, guys.)



House Everfree - Everfree Forest - Castle Ruins - Dining Hall


Evergreen scowled at the backs of those Stormwing as they left the room, but made no move to accompany Fluttershy. If something went wrong, she would hear the whispers immediately. All the same, she sat rigidly in her chair, still glaring out the door as if she could still see that burned face she hated so much lingering in it. She looked rather as if she had lockjaw.


Almost as if in stark contrast to Evergreen's glowering countenance, that timid bird-pony let out a tiny squeak of wanting to go home. Hadn't she been like that once? Evergreen's eyes softened for the shortest moment before she remembered that she no longer had a home to go back to, and that it was all because of that evil pegasus scum! She pounded a hoof on the table, infuriated by her own thoughts. The fact that anypony could be so weak when the enemy was currently in a small room with their leader and that deer, both of whom inexplicably and unforgivably trusted them was repulsive. 


"Of course it's too late!" she almost shouted. "This is your home now. You may as well get used to it." She panted angrily into the oppressive silence, then, seeming to realise what she had just done, she wilted, quite literally, just like the flower she wore had the moment Rainbow Dash had stepped into the dining hall. "If Fluttershy wanted you personally, then you don't really have a choice but to stay," she went on, sadly. "She's not going to let us out of this forest again."


Her ears flicked, and she half-smirked. The meeting had gone poorly, as she had expected. Those Stormwings were too war-loving to ever hope for peace. And maybe now she could still get her small revenge... Surely they would be invading Stormwing next...




House Whitegold - Manehattan - Artisan District - Performance Hall - Onstage


Encore seemed to be the only one to see the glint of silver whir past another pony's head out into the audience, where it embedded itself into a vacant seat. It was really lucky that the pony who had stayed in that seat had been one of many who had fled the fight. Either way, Encore was apparently hte only one who was worried about getting the assassin. He took a few steps toward the place where the assassin stood, muffling his hoofsteps, moving soundlessly, and when he had gotten close enough, took a mighty swing at the assassin with the mic stand he still levitated, aiming at the base of the neck. This threat had to be neutralized before it actually hurt somepony else important, and the praetorponies were being utterly useless...

Edited by Descant ♫
  • Brohoof 1

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Noticing Encore's movements towards the back of the stage, Swift returned to full attention, cursing himself for being so foolish. Of course this wasn't part of the performance!


The audience had all run off... No, this was a genuine assassination attempt on a high ranking aristocrat, none other than Sweetie Belle herself!


He'd have to intervene alongside the other pony, the one valiantly brandishing the mic stand.


The agent had returned to his senses, this was about far more than just rank boosting and appearance! This was about gentlepony qualities, about proving his worth as an agent in combat!


With agile steps, Swift ascended onto the stage, moving behind Encore, supporting him as he prepared to attack the presumed assassin, lurking backstage.


Swift held his breath, preparing himself for a fight, unsure of the assassin's full strength. If they were of a high standard, then why choose such an in-strategical target as Sweetie Belle? Unless this was a revenge attack from a vigilante...


One thing was for sure though, there were two defenders and only one assassin; Odds that settled in Swift's favour.

  • Brohoof 1
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House Everfree: Fluttershy and Parthos the Elder, Fluttershy's Chambers

She had meant to organize her mind and steady all of the swirling emotions so that she could speak. The joy of seeing Rainbow after so long battled the seething anger and regret for all that had happened to tear her perfect world and friendships apart. But, before she could fully master her feelings, Rainbow Dash gave in to her rash and judgemental nature, dashing any hopes Fluttershy had harbored. She remained in silence through the whole tyrade, only looking back at Scootaloo when she apologized. A sort of knowing look passed her expression for a moment, until it was overcome by a seething hatred. "I once thought her special, even amongst all my other friends," she said to Rain Fell. "I often wondered if Rainbow and I could... be more than friends. I've tried so long to reach her and the others. Now this."


She turned to look at Rain Fell, her eyes betraying a sudden weakness despite her clouded face. "I just wanted friends again, maybe a special somepony. But it seems I can never have that now, not from them, especially her. Rain Fell, I asked you to be my consort, somepony I could trust and confide in. I still wish you to agree to it if you are willing. But I won't feel upset if you do not. You've been loyal to me, unlike some others. In the coming days I am going to expand the Forest to the farthest reaches of Equestria until not even the Deep Sand Wastes feel the unrestricted touch of the sun. I had hoped for otherwise, but it seems my hoof is forced."


Parthos for his part looked rather sickly, his best efforts to convince Rainbow Dash having failed. "I fear that dark times are ahead My Lady, in spite of my actions," he groaned. "YES," a voice echoed through the room. "There are dark times forth-coming traitorous Ent, but the darkness will be the shade cast from my leaves." A dark force seemed to seep from the walls, jumping on to Parthos and sinking beneath his bark. The ent struggled for a few moments, until he succumbed to the outside influence, betrayed by a dark green energy shining from his eyes. The voice once again spoke, this time from Parthos himself, or what used to be him. "You would do well to learn from this Ent's mistakes Stag," the voice growled. "For he betrayed me, the Everfree Liege, and now his existence has been wiped from this earth while his shell serves as a body for my conciousness." The Everfree Liege turned to Fluttershy and spoke no more, his dark eyes seeming to stare into her soul. The yellow mare shuddered and leaned into Rain Fell for support. "He says," she whispered. "Now the True Coming of the End arrives."


House Everfree: Everfree Occupation Forces (Now Invading Stormwing Territory)

The call, heard by all but not ever vocalized, caused a frenzy of activity. Oak Forges burst into light with the power of wild magic, speeding up the process of growth of what normally was a decade to little under a day. The monolithic Oaks rose taller and taller, some casting a shadow hundreds of meters long. The tide, one of sharpened fangs and war constructs the size of buildings, began to surge northwards and eastwards. Some newly grown Grand Oaks crossed the river without slowing their progress. The skies, once the uncontested territory of the Stormwings, now began to darken with the massive swarms of Parasprites and winged creatures. On the ground, what mercy might once have been given was forgotten. Anyone that was hostile was to be slaughtered and those with potential were to be transmorphed on the spot or killed. The ground quaked with the vibrations of Ent feet marching, hundreds of the creatures appearing from the woods to follow the tide and reap destruction.


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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@,@@Sky Warden,  @@discorded, @@Spell Shock, @@AnonBrony, @,


House Whitegold - Manehatten - Inner City boundary - Manehatten Military Headquarters - General's Office


The interior of the building seemed quite vast compared to the exterior of it. It was smaller than the spy headquarters on the other side of the inner city, that's for sure. The vast majority of the Whitegold army was either patrolling the Wall or the Undercity. A good chunk of them were keeping watch outside of their posts in the Wall. The Prateorponies were in their positions to defend the House's most important members(except Sweetie Belle apparently). It was ominously empty due to the army dealing with the Cultist attack(and now a brand new threat).


The soldier lead the strange pony through the building until he came up to the vice general's office. He knocked on the door, then remembered he was out dealing with the Cultist attack. "Well, looks like we'll have to wait," the soldier said, shrugging at the stallion. To cure the impending wave of boredom coming up, he decided to get to know this pony more. "So, are you from the inner city or the Undercity?" he asked.


House Whitegold - Manehatten - The Streets of the Arcane District/Inner City


Arcanists bolted through the shadows ahead of the newly arrived Cultist. From their hiding spots, they casted their illusion spells on the path in front of the Cultist. Anypony unlucky enough to stumble into them would land in a roller coaster-like(did they even have roller coasters?) version of the area. Soldiers stood on the other side of the wall of illusions, ready to attack by the time the pony emerges... that is, if the Arcanists failed to take care of him.


House Whitegold - Manehatten - Artisan District - Performance Hall - On Stage


Rarity nodded for once at the zebra, relieved that at least somepony(or somezebra) was willing to help her sister. Much to Sweetie Belle's dismay, Rarity strained to levitate her on to her back and rush her to the emergency center. "Rarity! I do not need a medic!" Sweetie Belle shouted. She personally thought the kind zebra did her healing spectacularly. "Sweetie Belle my darling! Do NOT snap at your older sister like that!" Rarity shouted back in exasperation. The House leader thought just the opposite.


The assassin was disappointed that her target left alive, but she wasn't about to let anypony left in this place leave alive. She barely dodged out of the way of the mic stand. Unsheathing her sword, she prepared to fight the two stallions. "I won't let you leave alive..." she said in an obviously fake tone meant to be seductive. 


House Moon and Star - Southwest of Hoofington


Ugh... what? What's going on? Desert, Earthborn, magic, medic, horn, cut off, death, left, taken away... my art, my magic, my special talent, their secrets, my scar... In her sleep, Star Rain was twitching and clutching her neck(there's a scar on it). It was a torrent of memories and a pain from the past that felt so real. Her scar, being deprived of the talent that came with half of her mark, death of a pony she once knew, and being sold out by another pony she once knew. She couldn't wake up from any of this.

  • Brohoof 1

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House Everfree (Pretty Much) - The Everfree Forest - The Old Castle Ruins - Fluttershys' Dining Hall


Jade stared at the Stormwing soldiers as they marched towards Lady Fluttershy, the gaze of their leader commanding respect. Jade thought she might have recognized a face or two from when her home was taken, and dislike came forth, her expression going sour.


When was midnight? She looked up at the clock and attempted to read it. Eleven...fifty-eight? I must speak the phrase in two minutes!


Two minutes passed quickly, and soon it was midnight. Jade closed her eyes and, careful not to mispronounce anything, whispered, "Hist, Vol, Shiin." A shiver racked her body and her head looked towards the sky, gasping and gaping for breath. Her senses improved, her animalistic instincts grew stronger, and she felt almost one with the forest. It's beautiful, she thought, overwhelmed with the other sensations going through her body and mind. A feeling of dread also hit her, and she felt like it was saying, Watch out. It quickly subsided, however, and the feelings ceased, although her senses were still heightened much and her animal side showed more, as it had never before. She wasn't sure how much of the transformation was visible by the others, but the thought dissapeared as soon as it came - she passed out.


The Cult of Laughter - The Fillydelphia Hideout - ...A Small Pond


Mayor Mare had gotten the message from all the way in Hoofington, and she'd had quite the trouble getting to the Cults' main hideout discreetly, but she had managed to do so and walked up to Prophet Cranky at the designated meeting place - a small pond, not worthy of being mapped. She handed the package to Cranky, and he opened it in confusion. He read the letter of Fluttershys' all the way through, right to the end. At first he felt longing, then irritation at the end. How dare she insult the ways of the cult? And she had ruined a Doll! Cranky took out the head for parts and threw the rest of the package into the pond. The Mayor, while mad, still knew what the war had done, and her old self came back a bit when she looked at the party had and tooth. She watched as the package spiraled downwards into the murky black depths of the pond, down to its' watery grave.


The Cult of Laughter - The Fillydelphia Hideout - The Main Graveyard


A few hours later, when no one was watching, Cranky placed the hat and the tooth on Pinkies' grave. "I'm so sorry," he sobbed. He sat and waited for an answer, for hours and hours, weeping all the while, but none came... 

Edited by TheSonicAlicorn
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@@Spell Shock,  


House Moon and Star - Southwest of Hoofington.


"Good morning you two. You seemed to have slept well." Eternity said as the two fillys started playing Quite friendly those two. But i guess that would make sense. He looked at Star, who was still sleeping. She was moving around a bit in her sleep. He frowned. He thought she wasn't sleeping well. He walked over to her and shoved her a bit to wake her up.


"Wake up Star. Rise and shine. Time to get traveling" He said to her. He picked up a left over apple with magic and took a bite, then levitated the map over. "Now Unless you three want breakfast we should get going. Thank Celestia no one found us that night. Now if we were to be able to get to the woods before night again we would be good... as... gold." He stopped speaking because he saw something up in the sky. It was quite the distance away but he could still make out what it was. It was a flying mass of crystals. Flying. Towards Hoofington of all places. What the hell is that? Crystals? Is it an attack on Hoofington? is Twilight attacking? Or is it some search thing she is using to find us?


He was curious about it but he didn't want to get involved. He didn't say anything to the girls so he wouldn't worry them but they probably saw it anyway. He just trotted in the right direction towards the forest.





House Moon and Star - Hoofington Town Square


Guards started to surround the mysterious crystal contraption, expecting some sort of surprise attack or bomb. It was Just a pedestal though. But they still were prepared for anything. Trixie soon broke through the line of Guards to let Twilight and one of the Vanguard trough to see the item. Twilight walked up to the pedestal, and saw one of her journals on it. She was bit surprised yet intrigued. She pick it up with magic and broke the lock on it, she saw it was bookmarked by a piece of paper and turned to that page of the journal. She read Fluttershy's note.


"Well?" Trixie spoke to Twilight "What does it say? is it some war letter?"


Twilight finished reading the note and crumpled it up with magic and shoved it back into the journal then closed it. She looked down for a bit with a frown, then turned toward Trixie and smirked. "Apparently the Lady of the Forest is trying diplomacy."


"Diplomacy? You mean... like make peace?" Trixie bursted out with laughter. "Surely Fluttershy must be joking!"


"No. She isn't. She is foolish." Twilight burned the journal with using a spell. "Only magic will end this petty conflict, and fools like her are going to have to learn, that Friendship, is not Magic." Twilight turned to the Vanguard "Send word back to that I will not attend this conclave. Say I more important things to attend to." She then walked back to town hall, walking past the first pieces of the just-started Gate


(OOC: btw they will send the letter over with magic by teleporting it over like how Spike does.)






House Moon and Star - Canterlot Mountains 


The unicorn looked at Macintosh. "Oh. No thank you. Now, Because I am nice unlike my associate, I am giving you one last chance, Go home, or die. And you better make up your mind quick. My associate doesn't like waiting." The unicorn then took out his bow from under his robes levitating it with magic.

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