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private Equestria Divided Roleplay


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Kichirou chuckled and sat down at the table as well.

His horn glowed a bright purple and moments later, his Shamisen was floating into his hooves.

After plucking away he began to play, slow at first but got faster and faster and faster.

A few moments later he was playing as if he had been playing for 700 years...which was how long he had been playing...basically, he is playing pretty damn good.

After a moment, he finished the song and his horn glowed. His Shamisen disappeared and he looked around the room, wondering if the rest of the six gifted would be coming in to join them for a drink.



House Everfree - The Road South


Rain's eyes widened. "You three get Fluttershy out of here. Evergreen, Are your timberwolves okay to fight ? I will stay behind and try my best to negotiate with whoever is following us." He said, turning around to face the dark forest.

"Do you have any idea how many ponies were following us ?" He asked, turning away from the forest and looking at Sparrow.

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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The Six Gifted - Somewhere in Equestria - Outside the Hidden Mountain Hermitage

"Your a murder, a killer, we both are," the assassin taunts with a grin, seeing if he can get her to react as he moved forward as if to attack, "the blood of so many are on our hooves."

Now the Storyteller know that by having his creation say this could upset the Dancer, something he wouldn't normally purposefully do, yet his character was created to do such during battle. He could always apologize later once the battle was was over...


House Earthborn - The Road South

A dark blue pegasus mare with green eyes looks upon those ponies that the stars told her would be there, those of Earthborn and those of Stormwing... both groups lost in so many ways yet perhaps there was still hope. The mare had been drawn to this place, being told that a message must be given... even though she did not understand it fully herself.

Stardream, as was her name, did not often interact with others because of her own fears and insecurities yet always her path seems to cross with others. Very rarely did this meetings have a happy ending and at least once it left her heart in pain... yet she knew that she had a purpose. With a sigh she walked towards those before her, ready for what may happen and already with words fading in and out of her mind on the ponies she would meet.

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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Eternity - Manehatten - Arcane District - Outside the high-profile building


Eternity didn't like the plan Long Stride came up with. But its was there only hope though. He ad to think about it for a moment. He didn't want to risk losing Star again.


"I-I- I suppose you are-" A piece of clothing fell from the sky and covered his head cutting off his sentence. He lifted it off him and looked at it. It looked like one of the arcanist's uniforms. "What in the...?" Eternity looked up and saw Stars owl. He followed them. And now, hes trying to help. "Why, that's Stars' Owl! Hes helping us. I have no idea where Star found him, but he's simply brilliant!" He said trying to keep his voice down. The owl then dropped another article of clothing for Long Stride. And soon another. The third must be meant for Star to wear when we sneak her out. "We should use these as our disguises to get it. I just can't use any magic. Hopefully nopony sees through our ruse." He laughed a bit. "Heheh. Sorry Long. But It looks like we aren't going to be rushing in there hacking and slashing, we are doin' this, Whitegold style."

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The Six Gifted - Somewhere in Equestria - Outside the Hidden Mountain Hermitage


"Your a murder, a killer, we both are," the assassin taunts with a grin, seeing if he can get her to react as he moved forward as if to attack, "the blood of so many are on our hooves."

Now the Storyteller know that by having his creation say this could upset the Dancer, something he wouldn't normally purposefully do, yet his character was created to do such during battle. He could always apologize later once the battle was was over...


She snorted, only moving back a little. He hadn't raised his blades in attack, so he shouldn't try to attack him. Only if he made a rude comment or attack her would she try something.

"That's my past. And while it may also be a special skill set that I have, I don't plan on needing to use it very soon. Now..."

She turned and looked at the Storyteller briefly.

"Are we done fighting? Or are you just trying to taunt me?"

That put her in a slightly better mood, but she looked still like she was thinking very, very deeply, and that it wasn't the best kinda of thought to be thinking.

"You didn't have to kill them. But... you had to at the same time. They would have known eventually, and you would have been hunted down and killed or tortured. And you wanted to live. So there was a hard decision to make, and you chose... was it the better decision?"

Suddenly, she leapt at the Assassin, and pinned him down under her own hooves. She couldn't wait longer.

"Good choice of words, Storyteller... you have me thinking. Can we be done now? I don't want to think anymore..."

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House Everfree: Fluttershy

Fluttershy pressed herself against Rain Fell at the mention of followers. "No. We will not fight. Not here and now. There are two few of us to have any effect as it is. I need every last one of you with me. We will simply have to go faster." Iron Will sighed and brandished a warhammer that could easily have crushed boulders. "I will remain behind my Lady. If they are friends, I will turn them back to where they came from. If they are foes... well... this end is as good as any other." Fluttershy was about to admonish him but he silenced her with an upraised hand. "Lady Fluttershy. You know I am the hardest to hide of your troop. As much as I want to remain by you, I will only be a danger to you in Manehatten." He looked at Rain Fell and snorted. "Carry her quickly forest kin. Legends of might and honor can only be told if there is someone left to remember."


The Minotaur turned back the way they had come, beginning a long trot. This time he did not hide his presence, seeking to draw attention away from Fluttershy and her companions. At his loping pace he soon arrived at the joint Stormwing/Earthborn encampment. He rose from the dark like a giant and bellowed a challenge. "Who are you? I would know your names before I decide whether or not to grind your bones into the ground!"


Everfree Subjugaters: South-West Changeling Campaign (The Forces of the Liege will henceforth be named 'Everfree Subjugaters' to signify the official split from the House itself.)

To kick the proverbial 'hornet's nest' was a fitting description of Everfree's next move. This was appropriate because the Everfree forces actually did kick a nest, plenty of them in fact. The Everfree Forest boundary bordering the desert swelled with troops and war slaves. The Changelings could all fly and could replicate any pony. But the strength of Everfree lay in its unthinking hive mind. Despite repeated attempts to sabotage Everfree, Changeling spies were always rooted out. This was because they were not connected to the hive mind and showed up as individuals rather than part of the whole. Ents marched across the desert, sweeping their flayer cannons back and forth. This cut a glassy path through the desert, aimed straight at the Changeling Hive cities.


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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House Everfree - The South Road


Rain watched Iron Will walk off into the Forest, then he turned to look into Fluttershy's eyes. "Iron will made a pretty good point...both him and I are to difficult to hide in the city. It would make more sense if you were to travel with Sparrow and Eve...I will help Iron Will negotiate with them...and if need be, I will help him fight and win." He said.

Rain was usually completely against going against what Fluttershy said...but it was for her safety and it made more sense...he wouldn't be able to sneak through the city considering he was larger than a normal pony and he had antlers, as much as he wanted to stay with them, he couldn't risk the safety of Fluttershy Evergreen and Sparrow...it was in his nature to protect other ponies after what had happened to his mother.

He stared into Fluttershy's beautiful blue eyes for a few moments longer...then...he realized something...something no pony could ever know, something he didn't want to know as it would make leaving them even more difficult that it already was.

He gulped and looked down at the mossy ground, awaiting an answer.

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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The Six Gifted - Somewhere in Equestria - Outside the Hidden Mountain Hermitage



The assassin disappeared from beneath the mare, the Dancer's words telling the grey stallion that she was done with practice. With a sigh he hurries to stand next to her, hoping she was not too upset. Looking her in the eyes he explains softly as he looked the mare over, “I apologize for the words I had him say, it is a common strategy for him to try and enrage his opponents and get them to make mistakes through taunts.”

The Storyteller then looks at the mare's front, where the assassin's blade had scratched her and asked, “are you alright?” He was worried on what more the mare would have to say on his words and finishes with, “You fought very well, I would expect nothing less... I could watch you dance for quite a while my lovely friend.” The stallion kept some distance from the mare, just in case, as while they were close even he knew he may have taken things too far with bring up the ponies she had likely killed.

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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House Earthborn - The Road South




@@Vedana Purity


Fixit felt his ears twitch and turned his head in the direction of the disturbance. In the firelight he could just barely make out the silhouette of a dark blue pegasus, her green eyes shining a little in the light. She seemed reluctant to approach, shy even, but Fixit stood all the same. His hoof flew to the sword at his waist, drawing it with the distinctive scrape of metal upon metal, and held it before him in a two hoofed grip, his eyes narrowed.


"Stop right there," he warned, shifting his grip a little. He hadn't had to practice close combat in years thanks to the efforts of Ponies-At-Arms on the frontlines, and hoped that if the intruder turned out to be hostile she wouldn't just waltz up and gut him thanks to his dulled reaction times and techniques. The sword itself was fairly weighty. It was actually a bastard sword, meant to be wielded with either one or two hooves, but he lacked the strength and skill to properly wield it with one hand. As a gunner, though, by the time the enemy actually reached you there was no time for technique; you either killed the enemy in one swift blow, or lost your head.


"Identify yourself, in the name of Houses Earthborn and Stormwing, or I must politely request that you leave."


The Six Gifted - Equestria - Hidden Mountain Hermitage




The Composer watched her brother playing and shook her head in disbelief. She would never work out how he did it. Well, she knew how he did it - it was that shamisen he slung across his back, magically imbued with... something, she supposed. She wasn't sure how any of their items worked, or how they'd coincidentally managed to find them. Was it fate that they had found them? Was it just an accident? If any other ponies in the world had picked up these items, would they have the same powers? 


She continued watching the Musician and thought about it. No, she thought to herself, He would be just as talented without his shamisen. Our items let our abilities affect things, but they don't affect our talents.


Maybe after she had restored her clan she and the Storyteller would have to investigate the matter. He'd already expressed interest in a scholarly profession, and she certainly didn't mind his company. It would be something to do with her immortality, keep her sane as the centuries flew by.

"Humanity is the end; knowledge is the means; I will not rest until there are no more secrets to be discovered; I will not rest until there are no more ways to improve; I will not rest until there are no more problems to be solved; I will wield no weapon but my wits and intellect; With these weapons I will battle ignorance until the light of knowledge shines bright; When the light of knowledge shines upon us all, then I shall rest, and not before." - Atmomancer Creed

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The Six Gifted - Somewhere in Equestria - Outside the Hidden Mountain Hermitage



The assassin disappeared from beneath the mare, the Dancer's words telling the grey stallion that she was done with practice. With a sigh he hurries to stand next to her, hoping she was not too upset. Looking her in the eyes he explains softly as he looked the mare over, “I apologize for the words I had him say, it is a common strategy for him to try and enrage his opponents and get them to make mistakes through taunts.”

The Storyteller then looks at the mare's front, where the assassin's blade had scratched her and asked, “are you alright?” He was worried on what more the mare would have to say on his words and finishes with, “You fought very well, I would expect nothing less... I could watch you dance for quite a while my lovely friend.” The stallion kept some distance from the mare, just in case, as while they were close even he knew he may have taken things too far with bring up the ponies she had likely killed.


"It's fine, really," she mumbled, looking down. She took a deep breath and looked back up at him and smiled softly.

"Could you? Then maybe we can get the others to throw some kind of party, and while the Singer, Composer, and Musician play, I can dance. Would you like that at all?"

She, in reality, knew that he would like that, but might question why to have a party.

"You're dancing is admirable, but the fact that he could 'watch you dance for quite a while' is... it feels as if there is a small crush on you coming from him. And while you aren't one for 'sincere' love... in fact, you aren't one for actual love at all... but while you aren't that, why not take a break? No one knows how many you've killed, no one knows who you've killed... And no one knows how long it's been since you've killed. In fact, only the Storyteller knows you're an assassin, so why not show a little feeling. You deserve a break."

The thoughts comforted her, and while she still had a little doubt, she figured that she would try to love for just a little, to see if she would enjoy it.

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House Earthborn - The Road South
@Vedana Purity
@Archi the Sandworm,
"Please stay your sword, one that had once said that he wish to fight for what he believes to be the true cause and free Equestria from its oppressors," the mare says now not sure she should move forward, clearly a bit afraid before taking a deep breath and answering in question, "I am a believer of Equestria and what it once was, that is what is all that matters. I seek to speak with thoses that had once been of Honesty, Loyalty... and if she is near Kindness though all here should hear my words."
The Six Gifted - Somewhere in Equestria - Outside the Hidden Mountain Hermitage


The Storyteller looked disappointed and with what he had to say as he answered, "I would love to continue watching you dance but I am sorry I cannot my beautiful friend, I have put aside my duties long enough. I really should continue on to play my next character, see what more I can learn and find." He really would like to stay and spend more time with the Dancer, as he did enjoy her company.

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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House White Gold - Manehettan - Military Hospital - Cunning Horn's Room


"No" - Cunning Horn shoved rubbed his face with his hoof - "At least not." He felt like cold air filled his lung, and the chill clotted on his back. He hated this feeling, which always came every after he dreamed about his past. His past with his companion, more specifically. He held his urge to hit his chest hard with his own hoof, hoping that he could shove that feeling away that simple, but he knew it wouldn't.


He took a glance at the pony. He didn't know who it was, or he just didn't remember. From the appearance, he looked like somepony from the military, with high position. That idea provoked him to pay more attention at the military-like-pony.


Still trying to calm himself down, he turned his head at the stallion, still with his head resting on the pillow, "How can I help ye? Names? Maybe names will work for now." He rose his eyebrows. If that stallion was indeed from a high position in the military, he would have showed more manner than him.



Pinkeh asked me to put this here. Just another What Do You Think About Me stuff.

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The Six Gifted - Somewhere in Equestria - Outside the Hidden Mountain Hermitage



The Storyteller looked disappointed and with what he had to say as he answered, "I would love to continue watching you dance but I am sorry I cannot my beautiful friend, I have put aside my duties long enough. I really should continue on to play my next character, see what more I can learn and find." He really would like to stay and spend more time with the Dancer, as he did enjoy her company.


"If he means to keep fighting, I swear, I really will kill his next character. I don't care who it is, I will kill them brutally. And if he keeps persisting, then I swear to the princesses, something bad will happen to him to... as much as I would hate to hurt him. There's something about him that's different from any other colt that I've run into. There's something that makes me like him a little, and that's never happened to any colt I've met. Ever. He's special in some way..."

"Well, then. I hope you enjoy yourself."

She smiled at him, and turned back towards the cave, sliding her swords into the dual holder that she had on her back. She sighed, not wanting to leave the Storyteller...

"Oh, so it is a tinge of love? Now you admit it? Seriously, Greylight, you've never fully loved, and you never will. Give him up. ... You can't? Congratulations. The chances of him getting badly wounded or even killed have just increased. Good luck with keeping him safe..."

She snorted slightly, entering the cave. She felt cold, but she didn't want to disturb any of the others; but her body shivered, so she sat down by a fire place in the main hall.

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The Six Gifted - Somewhere in Equestria - Outside the Hidden Mountain Hermitage

The Storyteller watched the Dancer turn away from him and towards the cave but calls as his appearance changes, his coat, his mane and tail, his eyes... yet his same smile still on his face as he winks at her, "don't worry, I have stayed alive for over 300 years... I am sure I can find a way to stay alive for a few more at least."


House Whitegold – The Undercity – The Tavern

@Spell Shock,



A stallion with a light golden coat, dark brown mane and tail, and a serious expression on his face walks into the tavern. Though it was mostly covered with a cloak, it was clear from what could be seen he was wearing what would seem to be gold armour... not a common sight unless your a city guard. Yet perhaps he was, as he held himself like a solider, perhaps even the royal guards before they got adsorbed by House Moon and Star that is. The pony goes to get himself a drink, and takes a table not far from from where Spell and the others are.

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House Earthborn - The Road South




@@Vedana Purity


Fixit was about to respond to the pegasus when he heard Iron Will's bellowed challenge. For a moment his sword wavered, but he quickly raised it again. However large and strong the minotaur might be he couldn't surrender, for the sake of his honour if not the lives of the ponies with him.


"Miss, I would suggest you stand aside until this matter is resolved," he said to Stardream. He didn't know who the mare was or what she wanted beyond spouting crypic statements, and would rather deal with the intruders one at a time. He glanced over at the minotaur, took a nervous breath, and steeled himself to answer his challenge.


"I am Earthborn," he muttered to himself "And in the name of Truth I shall not falter!"


"Hail, minotaur!" called Fixit to the imposing figure before him "I am Fixit of House Earthborn, and with me are Scootaloo and Orange Lightning of House Stormwing. What is your business with us?"


Meanwhile, Fixit planted his back hooves more firmly into the ground. If the minotaur's purpose was aggressive he wasn't going down without a fighr, and his trusty sword hadn't failed him yet.


The Six Gifted - Equestria - Hidden Mountain Hermitage






The Composer watched silently as the Dancer and the Storyteller both returned from the corridor that led to the Dancer's quarters. The Dancer seemed a little flustered, and the Storyteller... Well, as usual she couldn't get anything from his facial expression. That permanenet smile, the smile no one she knew could figure out and could mean almost anything. She both admired and disapproved of him for it.


She looked at the Dancer and a thought popped into her head. She'd never tested the Dancer's skills herself, and was somewhat bored. Perhaps a challenge would be fun.


"Excuse me, Dancer, if it's not too much trouble, but since I discovered your abilities I have always yearned to test your skills myself," she stood from her chair and caressed the fans at her waist, slowly walking over to the Dancer as she did so "Perhaps you would be willing to duel against a flesh and blood opponent? Nothing lethal of course, but I believe naked steel goes without saying for ponies of our caliber."

Edited by Archi the Sandworm
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"Humanity is the end; knowledge is the means; I will not rest until there are no more secrets to be discovered; I will not rest until there are no more ways to improve; I will not rest until there are no more problems to be solved; I will wield no weapon but my wits and intellect; With these weapons I will battle ignorance until the light of knowledge shines bright; When the light of knowledge shines upon us all, then I shall rest, and not before." - Atmomancer Creed

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@@Vedana Purity@,

House Stormwing – The Road South


Scootaloo did not wait for her opponents, drawing her sword and quickly facing the new arrival. “I don’t like the looks of this. The last thing we need is unwanted company.” But then it seemed that it wasn’t over just yet, a great Minotaur appearing in the fire light. “Well, that’ where those irregular tracks came from. Seems we’ve been following Everfree this whole time. But that begs the question; who would be so important to travel from the woods with the guard of a Minotaur?” Scootaloo took a step back and raised a foreleg above the campfire. “You might want to get ready to run.” With that she stomped out the flame, ridding the only light source for miles and rendering the field pitch black.



House Whitegold – The Arcane District


Well that was rather unexpected. These robe like outfits seemed to be in good nick, although it may be a bit hard to explain why two of them would be caught wandering outside the district. “The bird could have picked one in my size. Well this means we may be able to get in without a hitch. Gives us more time to think about how we plan on getting out alive.”

Edited by The-Master


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(OOC: RAWR!!! My teachers have bombarded me with homework this entire week and last week somewhat as well, but I should be able to come on the forums more next week because they've run out of projects to give me...sorry about that...)


The Cult of Laughter - Painting


The Mare snorted when the Artist questioned her speech.


"That is my way of speaking.

You think it needs tweaking?"


She then sighed and silently agreed. Then he spoke again, and she replied, a little surprised.


"That is not what I meant by 'escape' - I wish lo leave the Astral Plane, for then I can use full power in the mortal realm. If you, how you say 'borrow' my Cult, it may just help. I believe they want to launch an attack soon, become active, but they are not sure whom they want to attack. If you have anyone in mind, go ahead. I only ask that you bring Pinkies' body to them so I may tell them in pony what authority I have given you and that you let the Cake Twins stay in their places to study their Gift. I would also like to ask who and what you are attacking and why."


The Cult of Laughter - The Fillydelphia Hideout - The Halls


Cranky Doodle was walking down the halls when he heard and saw a Euphorie running about, yelling and screaming at the top of her lungs. This was usual Cult behavior, but Cranky was not in the best mood.


"What is it?" he shouted at her. He coughed and hacked for a few seconds before continuing. "What do you want?"


House Everfree - The Everfree Forest - Somewhere Under the Rainbow...


Jade then came out from where she stood in the shadows. "There are ponies following us?" she asked, a little scared, although she tried her best not to show it. "Great..." she mumbled. Speaking to the group again, she said, "Fluttershy, I can accompany you to the city along with anyone who isn't staying behind." It felt odd calling her Fluttershy, but she wasn't the Lady of Everfree anymore, not really.

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House Earthborn - The Road South

@@Vedana Purity


Orange lightning appeared to be already fully equipped with his thunderer kit, sighing in the process of halfway making dinner for the three and now it was ruined. " Well looks like we won't be having dinner for tonight..." The huge winged Pegasus said, standing beside Scootaloo, taking a surprise to defend her, getting slightly more serious. "Alrighty sweetpea, just say the word and I'll shoot this Minotaur in the eyes faster than you can say 'Rainbowlicious'."  Orange Lightning grinned slowly, his eyes focused and his thunderer gun is fully charged, and quickly got ready to open fire when ready and given the command.


He looked and Fixit, although he was Earthborn he would still give him some protection despite the fact of what happened earlier before in Cloudsdale. As Scootaloo put out the flame, leaving the area pitch black orange Lightning got more than ready to open fire, his eyes pierced like lightning bolts, looking at the ponies and the minotaur in the area.




House Moon and Star - Hoofington


Vedana Purity sat down and drink a glass of water, his mind troubled yet calm remaining ever silent as he decided that Twilight Sparkle actions were as of right now the right thing to do. Vedana will have to deal with the times, but even she will require the support of the wise and influential blind unicorn. he waited alongside with Trixie until Twilight Sparkle ordered the two to come inside. "It is rather amazing indeed how much Twilight Sparkle has grown."

My Main OC (Vedana Purity): http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/vedana-purity-r2096

My second OC (Orange lightning): http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/orange-lightening-r2158


"One must let go of the painful past in order to achieve positive progress." ~ Vedanā Purity quote on life.


"Hey, hey, hey sweet pea. They don't call me 'The most hardcore flyer in Equestria' for nothing you know. Besides, someone has got to deal with the pesky Thunder and Lightning clouds!" ~ Orange Lightning quote to random mare.

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House Whitegold – The Undercity – The Tavern




Spell is just sitting at the table or standing by it, depends on what type of table it is. She would have a glass of water in which she would periodically descend the feather she got from Daawn. Tehnically, she supposed to use it in case those to misfits got into troubles, but it also was perfect source of coldness for water, since drinking warm water was least she wanted to do right now.


She was drinking a lot of water, she used a lot of magic and for her – it was an issue of wanting to eat and drink, especially considering her lack of big magical pool. Direct conversion of energy into magic is kind of not the most body happy experience.


She was thinking about what to do after Eternity would get Star. It would be wise to leave, considering Rarity will have a tooth for them very soon, which is kind of bad, all things consider. She had an idea, but it would need some traveling and she would need to split from Eternity and Star anyway. It was kind of important for her, but she couldn’t just abandon them without talking with them first.


She just hoped they wouldn’t mind her little adventure, but she was more and more sure about it, while she was thinking about her choices. 

Throught Equestria relics of the past lay forgotten and alone, never truly resting, awaiting recognition

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House Earthborn - The Road South@@@The-Master@@Vedana PurityFixit was about to respond to the pegasus when he heard Iron Will's bellowed challenge. For a moment his sword wavered, but he quickly raised it again. However large and strong the minotaur might be he couldn't surrender, for the sake of his honour if not the lives of the ponies with him."Miss, I would suggest you stand aside until this matter is resolved," he said to Stardream. He didn't know who the mare was or what she wanted beyond spouting crypic statements, and would rather deal with the intruders one at a time. He glanced over at the minotaur, took a nervous breath, and steeled himself to answer his challenge."I am Earthborn," he muttered to himself "And in the name of Truth I shall not falter!""Hail, minotaur!" called Fixit to the imposing figure before him "I am Fixit of House Earthborn, and with me are Scootaloo and Orange Lightning of House Stormwing. What is your business with us?"Meanwhile, Fixit planted his back hooves more firmly into the ground. If the minotaur's purpose was aggressive he wasn't going down without a fighr, and his trusty sword hadn't failed him yet.The Six Gifted - Equestria - Hidden Mountain Hermitage@@EquestrianScholar@@@NightfallThe Composer watched silently as the Dancer and the Storyteller both returned from the corridor that led to the Dancer's quarters. The Dancer seemed a little flustered, and the Storyteller... Well, as usual she couldn't get anything from his facial expression. That permanenet smile, the smile no one she knew could figure out and could mean almost anything. She both admired and disapproved of him for it.She looked at the Dancer and a thought popped into her head. She'd never tested the Dancer's skills herself, and was somewhat bored. Perhaps a challenge would be fun."Excuse me, Dancer, if it's not too much trouble, but since I discovered your abilities I have always yearned to test your skills myself," she stood from her chair and caressed the fans at her waist, slowly walking over to the Dancer as she did so "Perhaps you would be willing to duel against a flesh and blood opponent? Nothing lethal of course, but I believe naked steel goes without saying for ponies of our caliber."

The Dancer sighed. She thought she was done fighting for the day. She closed her eyes for a moment. But here was a chance to fight the Composer, the supposed 'leader' of the Six. And considering how the Dancer didn't want to fight and didn't like the Composer, she figured she should turn down the fight so nopony would get hurt.

"All right, fine. I'll try my best not to kill you."

"Wha- what?! You just accepted and with one words? Dancer, Dancer, you could be in very big trouble! Do you know the consequences? Or at least the potential consequences? Back out, while you can!"

"And do t back out or call for help, all right?"

She grinned, pulling out her blades.

"What did I just tell you? I told you to back out, not to say no back outs and no- getting through to you is hard. So I'll just wish you good luck, and hope to don't get killed. How's that?"

The Dancer got into a dancing position, but was also ready to strike and/or parry if needed. And she knew, and hoped the Storyteller knew and would see, that she would be graceful, more graceful than the Composer.

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Eternity – The Arcane District


Eternity quickly started to put on the outfit. It Actually suited him well. But he knew he shouldn't keep it. "I'm not sure what we will do inside. We can probably talk our way through those guards. Hopefully they aren't bothered by you wearing that and not being a unicorn. Though I suppose the hat would cover your 'horn'. I could sense Star kind of easily though. I'm sure I could fin her. We just can't be caught. As for breaking her out. Again no idea. Let's just hope that no one sees us breaking her out. If worse comes to worse we would have to fight our way out. I could probably teleport ourselves out if need be."



@@Vedana Purity,


House Moon and Star - Hoofington


Trixie was happily skipping down the hall way in Town Hall. She was going to see Twilight again. She would f stayed outside with everypony else and ordering and whipping ponies and all, but sometimes those things can get boring ya know?. OK. Fine shes drunk. She neated her duties for a moment and got a drink. She felt like bothering Twilight so she went her office, all while still carrying a bottle of good Ol' whiskey  with magic.


She would of want in right away but she stopped to notice the weird old blind pony hanging about.


"Why hello there." She said with a smile. "I am Great and Powerful Trixie. Sparkly's right hand Mare, Leader of the Inquisition, General of her armies and one Wonderful Mare. Why are you sitting out here all lonesome. Would you like to speak to Twily." She laughed a bit. "Hello? Can you see me?" She laughed more.


(OOC: Sorry Purity. But i didn't think you would go back and see Twilight. I know there wasn't anypony else to interact with but I thought you were going to do your own thing.)






The Six Gifted - Equestria - Hidden Mountain Hermitage


The Artist waited until everypony was inside. Or at least until the Composer was. He just sat there eating grapes. A smile grew on his Face when the Mare accepted, though everypony would just think he was smiling for no reason like always. He decided to go and travel again to Fillydelphia. Might be fun. But he knew the Composer would get mad if he just left. So he left a note, besides a piece of blank canvass. Once that was done he hoped into a painting and headed for Fillydelphia.


Here's the note.


Dear Composer-Chan,


Sorry I am leaving again but I am going to go get your army. The client said yes. The Cult of Laughter is ours to command. Sort of. Anyway I will be back in a little while. Maybe. If you wish to contact me just drop a message in the blank piece of Canvass. It should come right to me.


Arrivederci for now,

The Artist...


He didn't feel like using Ink so he wrote the note with some old blood. It was dark enough to look like ink almost. The end of his signature was dripping a little. 


P.S Just put my painting I left here in my room Si? Thxkbai!


He actually did write "Thxkbai"





"Splendid!" The Artist cheered. "So glad you agreed. Though. I don't know much of the details. I think we are attacking Moon and Star. Though at first it will be a stealth mission. If need be we will call to your aid. I think. Things are subject to change. I will travel to Fillydelphia. And I will pop you back as well. Hopefully there we can discuss more with your Prophets" He paused for a bit before continuing to speak. "Ya know. I was thinking  There may be a way I can make you... walk again. Though, I don't know when I will be ready to do it or if its possible. For now you will have to stay in my coffin. For now just tell them of my arrival and that we may go to war.


"Lastly, and this is important. I work in this 'group'. Five other ponies. And I'm not the leader sadly. So you are going to have to listen to her. She calls herself The Composer. Though I suppose you may of known that. But in reality, You answer to me. Just pretend shes the real one in charge, Capicse?"


"Anywho, I should pop you back over there shouldn't I? Hopefully we didn't give the cult a heart attack. Arrivederci Laughing Mare. And you too... Pinkamena. Heheheh-" His voice trailed off and suddenly the Mare appeared back in her coffin right where she is supposed to be, and her coffin, she was holding. Tondrak's book.

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The Six Gifted - Equestria - Hidden Mountain Hermitage





In response to the Dancer's taunts the Composer just smiled "I propose first blood, although no cuts too deep. We don't want to cripple one another, now do we?"


In one elaborate flourish she drew and unfolded her two fans. They were much more durable than they looked, and while the fighting style was unconventional it was more than a match for any other she'd seen.


She began circling her opponent, watching and waiting as she always did. Like the Dancer she preferred to strike second, waiting to analyse her foe's attack patterns and find a perfect time to counter. It was the Taira way of manipulation and deception.


"Come now, Dancer, let us not dilly-dally. I have had 15 years to watch you and discover how you fight, and the information is strong in my mind. Whereas me... To you I am an enigma, an unknown factor. I'm unpredictable. And that, my friend, makes me-"


She leaped forward, hopping and turning 360 degrees into a two-fan slash, her robes twirling as the blades flashed. The strike was hard and fast.


"-dangerous!" she cried as the strike made contact.

  • Brohoof 1

"Humanity is the end; knowledge is the means; I will not rest until there are no more secrets to be discovered; I will not rest until there are no more ways to improve; I will not rest until there are no more problems to be solved; I will wield no weapon but my wits and intellect; With these weapons I will battle ignorance until the light of knowledge shines bright; When the light of knowledge shines upon us all, then I shall rest, and not before." - Atmomancer Creed

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The Six Gifted - Equestria - Hidden Mountain Hermitage





The Musician sighed. He had made a big pot of stew...yet no pony was interested.

Ignoring the stew, he walked over to where his sister and the dancer were fighting.

He sat down nearby and crossed his forelegs...interested to see how this was going to turn out.


((Just gonna say. Ignore the thing about the sharpened violin bow. Kichirou is gonna use two hook blades happy.png ))



Cult of Laughter - Phillydelphia hideout




"PINKIE IS GONE...SHE'S GONE...QUICK." She yelled, running down the hall towards the temple. A few moments later she ran in and her eyes widened...Pinkies corpse was back...holding a book. "But...she was...she wasn't here...I swear." She turned around to look at the door. "I may be crazy...but i'm not crazy." She said.



House Whitegold - The Castle - a hallway somewhere


Star sat at a small piano in her small room somewhere within the castle.

She was sitting at a piano and training her voice, singing whatever note she played.

After reaching the top of the piano she yawned and stretched then stood up and made her way out of her room. She was feeling rather bored and wanted to find something to do.

Edited by Jolteon
  • Brohoof 1

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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The Cult of Laughter - The Fillydelphia Hideout - The Chamber of the Laughing Mare


Cranky chased after the Euphorie mare, barely keeping up with her. He was coughing and spluttering, and when he got to the chamber, he slumped down onto the floor, breathing heavily, shakily, laboriously. He looked at the tomb of Pinkamena Diane to see it open, and the corpse held a book, which Tondrak snatched away greedily, his eyes gazing upon it with a savage hunger. "My book," he whispered, barely inaudible. He now had all of his items, and he felt more whole, more real, than he had in hundreds of years.


"What...is the meaning...of this?" Cranky croaked through gasps. Tondrak quickly put his book behind his back and grinned. "High Prophet!" said he, oddly gleeful. "News for you." "Well, spit it out!" yelled Cranky irritably. Tondrak looked at the phlegm Cranky was hacking up. "I'd ask the same of you...yeesh. Anyway, the news is this: I have all of my items!" Crankys' eyes widened slightly. "All of them?" Tondrak nodded, smirking a little - he couldn't help himself. "I can now summon one hundred undead at once." Suddenly, the Corpse of Pinkamena stepped out from its' coffin.


"That will be useful,

If it is truthful."


Cranky pushed himself off of the floor and walked to where the body stood. "Laughing Mare!" He bowed, as did Tondrak. "Why have you come? Or, apparently, gone?"



Cranky, and one of no eyes.


We are to attack Moon and Star,

The reasons for which, who knows what they are?


We follow the leadership of an Artist of sorts.

He will lead us to victory, of that I am sure.


Tondrak, you must prepare your skills.

You, Red wind, must aid the Artist against your will.


Maybe Blood Wind can help you out.

Farewell, ponies - I look forward to hearing your battle shouts..."


With that, The Laughing Mare left Pinkies' body after walking it into the tomb.

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The Six Gifted - Equestria - Hidden Mountain Hermitage





In response to the Dancer's taunts the Composer just smiled "I propose first blood, although no cuts too deep. We don't want to cripple one another, now do we?"


In one elaborate flourish she drew and unfolded her two fans. They were much more durable than they looked, and while the fighting style was unconventional it was more than a match for any other she'd seen.


She began circling her opponent, watching and waiting as she always did. Like the Dancer she preferred to strike second, waiting to analyse her foe's attack patterns and find a perfect time to counter. It was the Taira way of manipulation and deception.


"Come now, Dancer, let us not dilly-dally. I have had 15 years to watch you and discover how you fight, and the information is strong in my mind. Whereas me... To you I am an enigma, an unknown factor. I'm unpredictable. And that, my friend, makes me-"


She leaped forward, hopping and turning 360 degrees into a two-fan slash, her robes twirling as the blades flashed. The strike was hard and fast.


"-dangerous!" she cried as the strike made contact.



The Six Gifted - Equestria - Hidden Mountain Hermitage





The Musician sighed. He had made a big pot of stew...yet no pony was interested.

Ignoring the stew, he walked over to where his sister and the dancer were fighting.

He sat down nearby and crossed his forelegs...interested to see how this was going to turn out.


((Just gonna say. Ignore the thing about the sharpened violin bow. Kichirou is gonna use two hook blades img-1339187-1-happy.png ))


The Dancer leapt back, almost in a spinning fashion. She could have sworn that she felt the could metal of a blade on her right hindleg, though. But she wasn't cut in any way, so she was still in the game. She used her dodge, to jump back some distance, using her wings to help her good away.

"Unpredictable isn't always good, my friend."

She tended to use the term friend loosely, on occasion, except with the Storyteller.

"Being unpredictable means that you could hurt your close friends and allies. And being dangerous because you are predictable is worse. No, the true thing to fear is being silent, being deadly, being... graceful."

She grinned, charging the Composer, but jumping last second, swinging her blades in a way that wouldn't severe the Composer's spin, as she once had to do, but to let them graze her skin and leave a slight cut. She hoped the Composer wouldn't drop away, or somehow dodge the move.

"What are you doing? You have to be joking when you think that you're charging someone! You never charge! ... What? You say you want to try being unpredictable? ... You say you've always been unpredictable? You're just saying that? That means you don't know yourself too well..."

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Wind bowed like Tondrak and Cranky. She listened quietly and when her...Other self was mentioned, she grinned and her pupils grew till they took up almost all of her iris. She looked up and grinned. "Yes Ma'am." She said, still grinning. She stood up and watched pinkies corpse lay back down.

Blood stood up and walked towards the door without saying another word.

She walked down the hall and thought about The Artist...she was still angry at him for hurting Derpy...but she could forgive him...if he did something for her in return.

She pushed passed a few other ponies who were all about to say something until they noticed her eyes...that's when they kept quiet.

Wind made her way down the hall and into her room.

She picked up the bag with the guards bloody head then picked a large box that rattled around.

She walked back down the hall, still grinning. She made her way back to the temple to search for Tondrak...it was time for Cookie...to wake up. "Hey Tooondraaaak sweeetieeee...wanna help me with a little something ?" She asked, walking into the temple.

Something something something something


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