Stalliongrad 982 March 16, 2013 Share March 16, 2013 Terrible.. I remember going to pickup my niece from elementary school i was waiting for her outside the classroom and I overheard two boys talking about a girl in their class. And i know I heard the words "shes a dumb bitch" come out that little boys mouth. Yes i know times have changed and all that but ... really? We were worried about stupid things like cooties when i was a kid. And im only 19. I blame TV now. These kids watch these teen shows that have no content other than who is dating who and this fantasy land of what "high school" is like. But you cant blame TV because then it becomes an excuse. Blame the parents? I dunno but they have to be picking up this stuff from somewhere. 1 ~Signature Awesomely Made By Frozen Mint~ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~Scootaloo 440 March 16, 2013 Share March 16, 2013 Terrible.. I remember going to pickup my niece from elementary school i was waiting for her outside the classroom and I overheard two boys talking about a girl in their class. And i know I heard the words "shes a dumb bitch" come out that little boys mouth. Yes i know times have changed and all that but ... really? We were worried about stupid things like cooties when i was a kid. And im only 19. I blame TV now. These kids watch these teen shows that have no content other than who is dating who and this fantasy land of what "high school" is like. But you cant blame TV because then it becomes an excuse. Blame the parents? I dunno but they have to be picking up this stuff from somewhere. I know this is going to sound cheesey, but I can't help it... If kids were to watch MLP maybe they wouldn't want to hate so much. I know a good TV show with a good moral lesson won't save the world however it certainly is better than the sh*t on TV today. Also please don't blame TV that's like when parents try to blame violence on video games. 2 By Kyoshi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stalliongrad 982 March 16, 2013 Share March 16, 2013 I know this is going to sound cheesey, but I can't help it... If kids were to watch MLP maybe they wouldn't want to hate so much. I know a good TV show with a good moral lesson won't save the world however it certainly is better than the sh*t on TV today. Also please don't blame TV that's like when parents try to blame violence on video games. I know that now because I grew up playing Grand Theft Auto III and you dont see me shooting up Laundromats and Police Stations. I do however believe that there should be a line drawn somewhere. ~Signature Awesomely Made By Frozen Mint~ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~Scootaloo 440 March 16, 2013 Share March 16, 2013 I know that now because I grew up playing Grand Theft Auto III and you dont see me shooting up Laundromats and Police Stations. I do however believe that there should be a line drawn somewhere. Ya, but also I really don't think we should try to blame TV either. I think a lot of reasons kids get this way is that parents don't teach kids the difference between right and wrong (it needs to happen). By Kyoshi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Clover Heart 978 March 16, 2013 Share March 16, 2013 (edited) This was a while ago, but this totally sickens me. Someone seriously shoulda smacked all those kids upside their heads, because, I'm sorry, that's just not right. It is encouraging, though, to see the amount of backlash that this got and the amount of support that the woman got. Edited March 16, 2013 by Clover Heart 1 You're the most basic of jokes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
)O( Scarlet )O( 1,259 March 16, 2013 Share March 16, 2013 I'm sorry to the Americans who AREN'T like that, but DAMN! Australia is fairly easy-going and laid back compared to the fucked up shit that comes from America! (Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Limey 524 March 16, 2013 Share March 16, 2013 The thing that saddens me the most is that this kind of child cruelty doesn't surprise me that much any more. This is just like the murder of James Bulger case in 1993, when a couple of kids took a 3 year old toddler, tortured and killed him, and left his mutilated body on a railroad track. "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~Scootaloo 440 March 16, 2013 Share March 16, 2013 (edited) I'm sorry to the Americans who AREN'T like that, but DAMN! Australia is fairly easy-going and laid back compared to the fucked up shit that comes from America! Well... I'm not about to start pointing fingers at anyone however I will say that America isn't the only place that has problems. Just because you don't here of them everyday (like you do from the US) doesn't mean they don't exist. Edited March 16, 2013 by ~Scootaloo 2 By Kyoshi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
)O( Scarlet )O( 1,259 March 16, 2013 Share March 16, 2013 I never said that Australia doesnt have those problems, quite the contrary, i5s just that you very rarely hear about them, whereas as soon as something like this happens in Americait's all over the news. Like I said Australia has these problems and aell, but you dont hear about it all the time, or when you do the media only tells half of the story and blows it way out of proportion. We're more laidback in thesense that not everything like this has to be reported on all the time... but that is just my own personal opinion. (Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EndtheRaven 161 March 16, 2013 Share March 16, 2013 What did they put in it exactly..? Causing permanent mental damage and amnesia? Must be one hell of a drug Kids are just dumb and don't think about that stuff. I'm not a big fan of society.. or humans. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Broccoli 127 March 16, 2013 Share March 16, 2013 Jeez, thats terrible! I suddenly feel so sensible and mature knowing about what these other kids in my age group do to others. I guess it also depends on where you grow up. If someone grew up in a rough neighborhood, then that's probably the only kind of life they know. My english teacher once had a discussion with my class about people who sneak large loads of illegal drugs overseas. At first sight they look like downright terrible people, but once you hear their story, how their life was like, and how they got into the mess, you could almost feel bad for them. Parents need to keep their kids safe from kids who give others dangerous substances to consume. Parents of the kids who made the drug candy need to make sure their kids don't do this kind of insipid shit. 1 -"My little pony, not yours!" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Koori 156 March 16, 2013 Share March 16, 2013 (edited) During my elementary years I heard some kids bullying other kids by taking them to WC, wanting to talk to them, and then suddenly bathing their heads in toilet water, WHILE some of them had not been flushed. In hindsight, that's the sickest thing I've ever heard, though I'm not sure if it's true since I never saw or heard of any victims. On the other hand I think I didn't care at the time. One other thing is actually what happened to me once, also in elementary school. I got into a fight with a group of kids during a 30 minute long recess and one of them actually hit me in the face hard. It didn't make me go unconscious, but I quickly decided to imitate unconscious and fell on a pile of snow (it was mid-winter at the time, quite cold too) in order to stop the fight. The other kids did stop and tried to wake me up. I didn't move at all. I actually wanted to scare them, make them see a possible outcome of a fight. The trick worked actually, but the result was different. Instead of scaring them, making them run away, they began to BURY me by putting piles of snow on me as if to cover up a "possible crime". I still didn't move after they finished and left. I stayed there for another 5 minutes before coming out eventually. What ticks me off is actually the fact that those kids would have gotten away with it. No teacher saw what happened and nothing was said later on. Edited March 16, 2013 by Koori 1 Get through the unknown like your life depended on it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Clover Heart 978 March 16, 2013 Share March 16, 2013 What did they put in it exactly..? Causing permanent mental damage and amnesia? Must be one hell of a drug Kids are just dumb and don't think about that stuff. I'm not a big fan of society.. or humans. It may not have been the drugs themselves that caused those problems, but they might have been laced with something else that could cause that to happen. Or it could be that whatever they put in it, that student just happened to have an intolerance or allergy to it or something. Either way, it's fucked up. You're the most basic of jokes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bowser 50 March 16, 2013 Author Share March 16, 2013 from what i know this story hasnt made the internet yet but it happened just yesterdayIf i find more info i will put it up ASAP I eat Golf I sleep Golf My wife get mad all I do is Golf AUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUHHUHUHUHUH Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shanks 10,816 March 16, 2013 Share March 16, 2013 (edited) What the hell is wrong with these little brats? If I was one of the parents of that poor kid if would take every ounce of strength not to cut their balls off. Someone needs to teach them some discipline and respect otherwise God knows what they will end up like once they get older. Edited March 16, 2013 by EarthbendingProdigy Rarity Get's Cockroaches Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Leatherbehlt 465 March 16, 2013 Share March 16, 2013 Drug test everyone in my school once the weekend's over, you'll burst into tears, considering 6th graders are here too. Yes the days of kids in the neighborhood playing baseball and tag to pass the time are gone. Sucks, doesn't it. Personally, the story you said doesn't surprise me, but it still is pretty messed up. A few months ago a guy in y class had bought candy canes to schol with them. The kind that John Lennon would eat to start tripping balls. At least 5 of his friends took them, and he almost managed to get the teacher to eat one (without telling him about the acid) Now imagine if we were at a public park instead of school that day, around a bunch of little kids. ... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zacharias 191 March 16, 2013 Share March 16, 2013 Honestly, I'm not the least bit surprized by all this... It's becoming an everyday thing to hear kids do mean and horrible things like this. I can't be bothered anymore, because I'm assured that because of these kids growing up, the human race is going to disappear within this century. Such news make me feel embarassed to be a human...I don't want to be associated with this ruthless species. 2 Your signature is harmful towards the rights of Hasbro, and has been terminated as a result. You have the obligation to accept this. Do you accept it? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Limey 524 March 16, 2013 Share March 16, 2013 (edited) Guys, I know this act is horrible and despicable, but please, please don't loose faith in humanity as a whole. As a species, we are capable of terrible things, but think of all things that we have done, for good. Last night was comic relief, and the british public donated a whopping £75 MILLION to charity. That's amazing. I'm not denying that there were some people who didn't bother, or who laughed at the images of the starving children: lets be honest there probably were. But to loose faith in your own species just because of these selfish, evil bastards is just ridiculous. Do you know what the real thing is that sets humanity apart from other creatures? It isn't our intelligence, its our diversity. Do you think we would have invented and produced all we have if we all thought the same way about everything? Each human is uniquely individual to themselves. And thats why you can't blame an entire species for the actions of a few twisted individuals. By saying you're loosing faith in humanity, you're saying that you're loosing faith in everyone of the great people here. You'll be saying your loosing faith in yourself and your own individuality. For every act of act of extreme cruelty there is an act of selfless kindness. But kindness doesn't make for interesting news, does it? Edited March 16, 2013 by Navel Spess 2 "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hawkflame 3,310 March 16, 2013 Share March 16, 2013 Terrible.. I remember going to pickup my niece from elementary school i was waiting for her outside the classroom and I overheard two boys talking about a girl in their class. And i know I heard the words "shes a dumb bitch" come out that little boys mouth. Yes i know times have changed and all that but ... really? We were worried about stupid things like cooties when i was a kid. And im only 19. I blame TV now. These kids watch these teen shows that have no content other than who is dating who and this fantasy land of what "high school" is like. But you cant blame TV because then it becomes an excuse. Blame the parents? I dunno but they have to be picking up this stuff from somewhere. Maybe it's just me, but kids have been like that at least since *I* was a kid. Maybe not first or second grade, but certainly by fifth grade or so, I know my friends were using phrases like "bitch", "bullshit", "ass", etc- basically in an attempt to look cool. Sneaking into an R rated movie like Die Hard or Nightmare on Elm Street was like a rite of passage. 1 Sig by Thunderstorm Check out my Rarity fansite! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DokiNaku 31 March 16, 2013 Share March 16, 2013 Many children either has poor influences or none at all. Combined with a child's lack of understanding for emotions such as empathy and forward thinking this can lead to some disastrous results. Ever read Lord of the Flies? It pretty much paints an accurate picture of the exact thing OP is getting at. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sir.Flutter Hooves 2,953 March 16, 2013 Share March 16, 2013 I wanted to apoligize for my earlier post. I did not mean to say that all kids think it's cool to be mean, I know some are great. I should have watched my words. Thanks and bro hoof /) This fantastic signature is made my by awesome friend Rainbow Skywalker! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~Sugar Sprinkles~ 638 March 17, 2013 Share March 17, 2013 Kids now a days seem like they are getting worse. When I used to live in my old neighborhood, these kids (Were nice, don't get me wrong) but, they would cuss, they would talk about sex and KNEW about it, and basically acted like....grown teenagers. One of them started smoking. He was like....8 when he did. He then started to get gauges at like 10.....>.> Luckily his little brother wasn't like that, but only cussed. Otherwise, his older brother was the worst....ugh! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lunas Husband 2,777 November 30, 2013 Share November 30, 2013 Its sad to know things like this still happen... its sadly just the way of the world.. I guess.. it doesn't make it any better. but its just how it is.. if I could I would make sure shit like this never happens "Does not matter what they say, my sweet love! I love you! and always will." ~Princess Luna Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DarkMelody 2 November 30, 2013 Share November 30, 2013 that's is really sad and I've heard that happened in other similar situations and it happened once to my dad when he was at a party and his "friend" gave him a drink but it turned out it was something like a drug that made you crazy, but luckily he left right away when he found out. Its scary how it could turn out and thank you for keeping others aware of stuff like this happening and I hope he is ok because that is some dangerous shit to be giving to a child Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Oblivion 20,270 January 17, 2020 Share January 17, 2020 Just another reason why I am losing faith in humanity little by little honestly..... 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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