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gaming Bioshock Infinite


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Well, I guess I have to go somewhere to say this. I suppose some of it could be counted as spoilers, but I'll try to avoid mentioning anything specific.




I was somewhat disappointed by Bioshock: Infinite. Compared to the original
Bioshock the weapons were bland and the upgrades were even more so. I'm not completely certain about whether there were more or more distinct Vigors relative to Plasmids, but I can say for sure that it didn't feel like there was a huge amount. The
environments were almost entirely linear, making Columbia feel less like a city and more like just a set piece. The story was just as linear, with the few choices provided having no noticeable impact on the story (Maybe multiple playthroughs would help, but I doubt I could manage to sit through another 12 hours). Even on Hard, having certain gear made some otherwise interesting battles laughably simple, especially the very last one. Being limited to two weapons at a time was a huge disappointment, and combined with the lack of portable health- and salt-refilling items made resource-management non-existent. Really, it came down to "My favorite weapons have no ammo, I guess I'll use some crappy ones for a while and pick them back up later." Still, it was an above average shooter with plenty of unique and interesting (if not always balanced or entertaining) mechanics.


The story on the other hand... I'll put this in another spoiler, just in case. The less-specific version is "The story was good, except the ending."



Right up through the last battle it was great, and the Voxophones add a lot of interesting information to the world as a whole, but the really long not-technically-a-cutscene thing at the end where you have no choices on what to do but you have to sit there and make your character do a bunch of boring stuff whether you want to or not... not only was that a mediocre way to tell that part of the story, the whole thing didn't really make sense, wasn't consistent with the rest of the story, and felt like "We need to end this in a way that will seem like it has really deep, philosophical implications, but we don't actually have a philosopher that's willing to offer advice."


That, or they just wanted really badly to top the original's "Holy crap, didn't see that coming" revelation, which I plan to go back and play through myself since I never really finished it but it was included in pre-ordering through Steam.




Edited by Kamil

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i just finished this game i agree with the guy above  really linear level design, way to easy even on hard difficulty, way to short , i did like the overall world, and the characters were just awesome  i did not like the story it was OK just a confusing mess for me  so in conclusion  it was awesome at first but as i progressed farther i got bored of the game.


signature made  by the awesome  Frozen Mint

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Well, I guess I have to go somewhere to say this. I suppose some of it could be counted as spoilers, but I'll try to avoid mentioning anything specific.




I was somewhat disappointed by Bioshock: Infinite. Compared to the original

Bioshock the weapons were bland and the upgrades were even more so. I'm not completely certain about whether there were more or more distinct Vigors relative to Plasmids, but I can say for sure that it didn't feel like there was a huge amount. The

environments were almost entirely linear, making Columbia feel less like a city and more like just a set piece. The story was just as linear, with the few choices provided having no noticeable impact on the story (Maybe multiple playthroughs would help, but I doubt I could manage to sit through another 12 hours). Even on Hard, having certain gear made some otherwise interesting battles laughably simple, especially the very last one. Being limited to two weapons at a time was a huge disappointment, and combined with the lack of portable health- and salt-refilling items made resource-management non-existent. Really, it came down to "My favorite weapons have no ammo, I guess I'll use some crappy ones for a while and pick them back up later." Still, it was an above average shooter with plenty of unique and interesting (if not always balanced or entertaining) mechanics.


The story on the other hand... I'll put this in another spoiler, just in case. The less-specific version is "The story was good, except the ending."



Right up through the last battle it was great, and the Voxophones add a lot of interesting information to the world as a whole, but the really long not-technically-a-cutscene thing at the end where you have no choices on what to do but you have to sit there and make your character do a bunch of boring stuff whether you want to or not... not only was that a mediocre way to tell that part of the story, the whole thing didn't really make sense, wasn't consistent with the rest of the story, and felt like "We need to end this in a way that will seem like it has really deep, philosophical implications, but we don't actually have a philosopher that's willing to offer advice."


That, or they just wanted really badly to top the original's "Holy crap, didn't see that coming" revelation, which I plan to go back and play through myself since I never really finished it but it was included in pre-ordering through Steam.





i just finished this game i agree with the guy above  really linear level design, way to easy even on hard difficulty, way to short , i did like the overall world, and the characters were just awesome  i did not like the story it was OK just a confusing mess for me  so in conclusion  it was awesome at first but as i progressed farther i got bored of the game.


I agree with you both on the weapons and Vigors and I myself was a bit sad that there was no vast majority on choices that the player can make(like seen in the E3 gameplay-trailer). Nevertheless I think Ken Levine and the writers where actually quite original with the story and though the ending is a total mindfuck, it is well thought.




There are no choices, there is no other ending, but thats the message that you get subliminally the whole game.

"Head or Tails. It doesn't really matter anyways" that's basically what the Lutece twins(who are really interesting characters) tell you throughout the whole game. At first nothing what they say make sense, in the end, you have a different perspective.

And that's what fascinate me about the game and the story. The more you read, see, hear, the more things add up and the more sense it makes




OC was made by Princess Ariona.

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Warning: spoilers!!!!!!!!!!





Out of all the "what the fuck" endings, this was the most "what the fuck" I have ever seen. I was so ridiculously confused at first, but then I took like an hour to really think about it and put the pieces together, and then it made more sense. I also read an explanation on the ending that pretty much explained a couple things I was still a bit confused about. 


I was not expecting Booker to be Comstock, I was like "what the eff what the eff what the eff"


I also was definitely not expecting Elizabeth to be Booker's daughter either.


Anyway, it was a really really great game. I had a couple minor complaints about the gameplay, but nothing that was that big of a deal. I mainly didn't like how you could only carry two guns at a time. In the first Bioshock, you could carry all of them and switch to whatever you wanted.


So yeah, amazing game.




  • Brohoof 1



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I'm playing it again on 1999 Mode, and it feels easier this time. Per the request of Irrational, I did my firs playthrough on Hard mode. I gotta say, fighting a Handyman is serious business. Shock Jockey does next to nothing; Murder of Crows slows them down for a second or two; Devil's Kiss is okay for some damage, but it doesn't slow them down; Bucking Bronco does nothing; as far as I know you can't possess them either. Undertow is my Vigor of choice for taking them down. Normally, they move too fast and vibrate the ground when they get close, so hitting them in the heart is next to impossible. Undertow holds them still enough to get a few good shots off. Only you have to book it quick when the effect wears off.

Original Fiction: http://mlpforums.com/topic/69008-hawkmoths-fiction/


לְעֵת תָּכִין מַטְבֵּחַ מִצָּר הַמְנַבֵּחַ.
אָז אֶגְמוֹר בְּשִׁיר מִזְמוֹר חֲנֻכַּת הַמִּזְבֵּחַ.

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Hello Everyone,


I was able to get my hands on Bioshock Infinite and Army of Two and made a video showing off the gameplay to help you decide if these games are right for you.


I have an unboxing video of these


Bioshock Infinite:



Army of Two:



Oooo so there are videos of Bioshock Infinite without commentary? Interesting...I wanted to do a Bioshock Playthrough on 1999 mode and put on youtube but am rubbish at commentary ^^


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                  Harmony's Evolution - Author 
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To any and all aspiring Fan Fiction writers: If you are interested in co-writing a Fic with me - Message Me 


Fan of the upcoming movie: Equestria Girls. 

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I finished the entire game in a single setting on a Normal. I can easily spoil the ending if you wish. Actually I won't its that epic



Your are the Main Antagonists as well as the main Player,

In the end your daughter(s) drowned you, there fore, the entire floating city and events never really existed/happened.

how ever the little tib bit after the credits is a bit odd...


Edited by MadDoggyca

Photo Finish,that's her name.

Makin' every-pony pretty is her number one game.

She do what she do, to make you more than you.

No-pony gonna care if what we share is true.

Cause lies are beautiful, the truth is not.

Come on little mare, you better shake that plot.

You know that's what they really all came to see.

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About 4 hours in and I am very happy to say that I am really enjoying the game. It looks great, the PC port although lacking a few options is good and I'm running at a constant 60fps all the time.


Not going to spoil anything but I'm liking the story line so far. Booker himself isn't an amazing protagonist but he does have some nice depth to him at times. As for Elizabeth, she is by far the best AI companion I've ever had. Not only do you not have to protect from everything all the time, she's actually useful so you can just get on with the shooting.


So far a really good first impression, very much looking forward to completing this. I do recommend that if you're used to FPS games then you should choose hard difficulty, I found normal to have little challenge.


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It is so satisfying to chain Vigors together. I love Murder of Crows with its aid, where enemies killed under the effect become traps. Crows + Bronco + Devil creates such a cool sight. I haven't had this cool of an experience since Bioshock 1, where when I'd chain Plasmids together. I also have the gear slot Blood to Salt, where slain enemies have a 40% chance to return Salt. Getting enough enemies together and hitting them with Devil's Kiss and Crows has a pretty efficient return on Salt. Also it's so much fun to use Undertow and Bronco to knock larger enemies off of Columbia.

Original Fiction: http://mlpforums.com/topic/69008-hawkmoths-fiction/


לְעֵת תָּכִין מַטְבֵּחַ מִצָּר הַמְנַבֵּחַ.
אָז אֶגְמוֹר בְּשִׁיר מִזְמוֹר חֲנֻכַּת הַמִּזְבֵּחַ.

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Oooo so there are videos of Bioshock Infinite without commentary? Interesting...I wanted to do a Bioshock Playthrough on 1999 mode and put on youtube but am rubbish at commentary ^^


I wouldn't recommend doing that, posting gameplay without commentary is actually an infringement of copyright, I had some 30 second clips without commentary and my studio requested I removed them, else I would have lost partnership. If you infringe upon copyright you won't be able to get partnered.

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I am SO GLAD that Bioshock got it right. As soon as I heard that we had to look after that girl, this is all I could think about:



I don't think I could go through with more "LEONLEONLEONLEON!" Elizabeth is actually a blessing in this game. Seriously, I would of died all the time without her throwing me ammo and health. She always seems to do it at the right times as well, not being willy-nilly with it, yet it doesn't feel like she's helping me constantly.


I never played the Bioshock games before, but this really did it for me. WELL DONE INFINITE!!!!!!!!!!!

19172255UxGVHj41.gifWe all go a little mad sometimes...

Strangers think I am quiet. Friends think I am outgoing. Best friends KNOW I am insane!

Faceless Flyer: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/faceless-flyer-r1868

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I just got Bioshock Infinite about a week ago. The only Bioshock I played was Bioshock 2 and luckily my copy of Infinite had a free copy of Bioshock 1 in it. :3 So glad I am able to play all Bioshocks.


So far, I think Bioshock Infinite is a great installment to the series. I haven't finished it yet though I think I am almost finished with it... I hope not. The game is just way too amazing to be finished! I find Elizabeth a real joy like when she throws stuff at you during  combat, you become invincible during that animation, so it gives me time to concentrate again or something which is something I take advantage of. XD

I seem to like the word plasmid better than vigors though. But I think salts are fine to me. Sounds catchy. XD That's just me. :3


My favorite vigors would be Bucking Bronco, Undertow, and Murder of Crows. Sometimes I would use Shock Jockey or Return to Sender as well. (Ain't nobody got time for Possession! I think it's kinda worthless... that's just me again! :P )


I seem to like Booker as well. He seems cool for me. Not sure why but he does. :P


Thank you, Gone Airbourne, for the amazing signature!

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i beat it the day after it came out and i was not a fan of the ending 



i did not like the end there was WAAAY to much going on at the last few minutes of the story and it left me very confused like when the 97

Elizabeths baptize you why do you rake both names? i was so confuesed i need to play through agian



anyway i think i need to play through again to see if your choices affect the story that much LOVED game play and graphics for me 7.9/10 


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The people who made Bioshock done it again folks. They have made another brilliant game.


The first time when I saw Columbia, my jaw dropped and i was like. "...oh my god...."


The game itself is amazing, so much lager than Bioshock 1 and 2, a larger range of weapons to choose from, Elizabeth can be a huge help, graphics are beautiful, the story is amazing, even how the people acted for an ordinary day in Columbia was brilliant, it made you feel as if you are in that very city.


Read down for spoilers if you want to.




The last 15 minutes and the Ending though, I think everyone will agree and I won't spoil it. It is quite frankly, the biggest Mind Fuck in Gaming History.


I mean sweet jesus, the whole multiverse idea, how one reality can affect another, and the fact your playing as the bad guy but a different reality of you, AND the fact you have to die in order to make sure Columbia was not founded to save Elizabeth caused my brain to fry due to amount of information I had to take.


I am still recovering from it.



  • Brohoof 2

My Main OC (Vedana Purity): http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/vedana-purity-r2096

My second OC (Orange lightning): http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/orange-lightening-r2158


"One must let go of the painful past in order to achieve positive progress." ~ Vedanā Purity quote on life.


"Hey, hey, hey sweet pea. They don't call me 'The most hardcore flyer in Equestria' for nothing you know. Besides, someone has got to deal with the pesky Thunder and Lightning clouds!" ~ Orange Lightning quote to random mare.

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I wouldn't recommend doing that, posting gameplay without commentary is actually an infringement of copyright, I had some 30 second clips without commentary and my studio requested I removed them, else I would have lost partnership. If you infringe upon copyright you won't be able to get partnered.


Aww but I wanna do playthroughs but I suck at commentary :( 


Guess I'll stick to Rock Band videos >_< As my current ones haven't been taken down.


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                  Harmony's Evolution - Author 
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         Spiritual Renewal - Co-Writer and Editor


To any and all aspiring Fan Fiction writers: If you are interested in co-writing a Fic with me - Message Me 


Fan of the upcoming movie: Equestria Girls. 

Anyone mad enough yet?

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i beat it the day after it came out and i was not a fan of the ending 



i did not like the end there was WAAAY to much going on at the last few minutes of the story and it left me very confused like when the 97

Elizabeths baptize you why do you rake both names? i was so confuesed i need to play through agian



anyway i think i need to play through again to see if your choices affect the story that much LOVED game play and graphics for me 7.9/10 

Oh my god. Someone other than me disliked the ending. This has never happened before.


(I was originally not going to spoiler this, but some people have a fit about stuff like that.)



By the way, if you've already gotten through the whole thing you can read a summary on the wiki. I recommend doing that, I now at least get what was happening even though I'm still convinced they made terrible choices with the presentation and the actual content wasn't that impressive either.


Gameplay and graphics were great though. I still prefer the original's quirky-dark setting and varied equipment over the moderately brainwashed dystopia, though having it still be "functioning" did allow for some great large-scale conflicts that I would have loved to see more of rather than a 15 minute cutscene right after the climax...


  • Brohoof 1

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  • 3 weeks later...

Finished Infinite this morning, truly a mesmerizing game with an equally mesmerizing soundtrack. I mean, just listen to this



Purity, ethereality and peacefulness at their very best. Despite still being wary I felt at peace enough to let my guard down. And to think this was only a preview of the awesomeness that was Bioshock Infinite, no less!


"Ideals are peaceful.........history is violent"

Sgt. Don "Wardaddy" Collier

My OC - https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/tough-nut-r8817

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Heard from a couple of friends that it is supposed to be a great game, no idea if i'm getting it or not tho. Haven't played any of the other Bisshocks but have been planning too for a long while tho, but to go a little bit off-topic, the newest DMC is great ;)

This Amazing Signature Made By Miss Cloud Chaser. Judge my English and get Hell all brought over ya!

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Love the game omg was the ending awsome i was vary amazed by in i was on the edge of my seat because of it i cant wait for the dlc to come out i bought the seasin pass and the golden skin on the guns are ok but im realy amazed with it i recommend it to everypony

I <3 Rainbow Dash




All credit goes to Kyoshi for making a Wicked awsome sig for me /)

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