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Apple      Bloom

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But overall minus that one part, it doesn't look too bad?

Yes, perhaps. If you can fix it, I shall pass final judgement.

No snack for Dusky?

Did you read the latest few posts? 

Edited by Berry Pie
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Did you read the latest few posts?



Wait... There is a new posts? o_o

<I already followed the thread. Seems like the notification failed>


Reading it now! z0ri3.png







Edited by Starshine
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Yes, perhaps. If you can fix it, I shall pass final judgement.

Buck. ._.


I'll try.

I'm guessing its nowhere near as hard as I'm thinking it is, but I was never that good in art class....



I don't have enough "Yes!" to give out here. :3

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Early morning for once, maybe i should get breakfast too. Snow is also melting... so sad. :(


Note: This laptop keyboard drives me crazy.. x_x

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Ponified slowpoke is adorable.







Wait... There is a new posts? o_o

<I already followed the thread. Seems like the notification failed>


Reading it now!

It's funny how I'm not getting notifications for your quotes.


Unless you have seen my latest post, then you've missed a few.


Buck. ._.


I'll try.

I'm guessing its nowhere near as hard as I'm thinking it is, but I was never that good in art class....

I'm sure it'll be simple for you. I can't figure out Gimp....

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Well, shit




Lapis is now FUBAR


I don't have enough "Yes!" to give out here. :3


This pleases Trixie




Early morning for once, maybe i should get breakfast too. Snow is also melting... so sad.


Winter Wrap Up? VnCRQ.png

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Lapis is now FUBAR

What? I-is that good?



Now that I'm free, I can easily get help in the morning. Nothing is stopping me from showing those notes I took down to Daylight, and I can confront Key Gear too.

Edited by Berry Pie
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What? I-is that good?


Fucked Up Beyond All Reason


Do you think the "thing inside" let Dusky spills all that to a mortal pony? He also wants you to read the book to confirm his ownership. Something about him hesitating when he said that the pony is now still asleep also sounds really suspicious. And there is this


Then, we... The strong, the wise, the intelligent, the fast... We will all be kept back and placed into danger by those that are less capable than us. They will lead to our destruction."

Lapis might want to convince Dusky that Asteria is more than what he said earlier. That Asteria is 'worth it'


It won't really matter if Lapis confronts Key or Daylight, nothing can really stop Dusky when Lapis got his hooves on the book.

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He's just reading. It would be crazy for him to tackle Advanced right out the gate.

I would like nothing more than going in, but I don't want to go kamikaze...yet.


I'm a wild at heart when I'm young. My parents are  often surprised I survived all of my antics

...*bows* Seriously, I'm clopping my hooves as hard as I can. I may have given my parents some heart attacks when I was young, but yours was just plain awesome.


Well, but it's not impossible, right? I'm just here kinda hoping. Maybe he will get attacked in the first night :x

While I appreciate you worrying about if I get eaten or killed in the RP for morbid wishes, I shall only do stuff if I get a HUGE approval from Berry.


I... I feel inclined to further vandalise that image... Unless somepony wants to further vandalise it first...

No one is stopping you my friend. 



Because that's when the new ponies get on board the train.   Signups are open at the moment.

Oh...interesting...I'll try to catch by that moment. No Pinkie Promises though.


@,  Yo Haven! Did you have your OC ready? Just curious.


You still need the experience, or you can just go Leeroy and go for it

Meh, I'll do a kamikaze on another occasion probably. ^_^


Early morning for once, maybe i should get breakfast too. Snow is also melting... so sad.

Hi Jonke!...And...at least you had snow... :(

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I really, really need to learn how to read music....

I stopped reading music a long ago... Now I can never play the piano again...






There's virtually very little variation between the hairstyles of my characters...

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Say, does linking to a borderline-NSFW image can really gets you a warning point?


I really, really need to learn how to read music....


Pretty sure they still got music courses for adults :x


Why do you need that for?


Meh, I'll do a kamikaze on another occasion probably.


Do kamikaze together with us in the GCT RP sajIQ.png


So apparently I'm an old man, as Berry Pie so eloquently put it.


Please don't let this stick, or I may slowly go insane.


You ain't that old imo. Young adult, some might say. You need seven more years to earn yourself the right to be called old VnCRQ.png

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...*bows* Seriously, I'm clopping my hooves as hard as I can. I may have given my parents some heart attacks when I was young, but yours was just plain awesome.


@,  Yo Haven! Did you have your OC ready? Just curious.

I'm not going to lie.

The very first thing I noticed in this post was "Clopping".

And then "I'm".

You can see where I'm going with this... :lol:


And no, I don't. :x

I had planned on actually working on it yesterday and today, but Runescape decided to throw a double xp out and I had to take advantage of it. (67 Dung now, soooo freaking worth it! : D)

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