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Apple      Bloom

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I'm mad at you.






You don't have to bottle up your feelings, Paradox...


Exactly what Giggle said. If you want something known, you need to make it known.

That's just it, though! They have done nothing at all recently, just hiding in the background, even when threats were made o me!

Idk about hiding. More like just chilling. Nothing to really hide from, deary.


I actually have no idea of what threats were even made. More than likely due to bad memory, but also a bit due to actually not being around as much.

Dis kind o stuff.

I realized that the link didn't go through for some odd reason, , so have this.




he's mad cuz I kissed ya  :wacko:



but haven-kun isn't...

that's only part of it.

If it's only part of it then what would be the other part?



Who said I wasn't?

Doing a bit of cold shoulder doesn't mean the person dislikes them~

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well, its just that she had a really big pair of... uh, never you mind... ^\\\\\^

Oh. So that's all that happened? (How boring) Then why do you look so nervous?

Oh, for Celestia's sake, he massaged her titties for her.



She produces extreme amounts of milk and often times will have someone help her relieve stress by milking her. It's a very common thing, really. Many ponies have helped her with it. Some with good intentions...others...Not so much.

That looks like a fun game! ^_^

That's the kind of game I was talking about earlier. I need more of those.

Edited by Based God Synth
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Oh, for Celestia's sake, he massaged her titties for her. She produces extreme amounts of milk and often times will have someone help her relieve stress by milking her. It's a very common thing, really. Many ponies have helped her with it. Some with good intentions...others...Not so much.
That was... a blatant and direct response that I wish I never heard....
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Oh, for Celestia's sake, he massaged her titties for her.



She produces extreme amounts of milk and often times will have someone help her relieve stress by milking her. It's a very common thing, really. Many ponies have helped her with it. Some with good intentions...others...Not so much.

I figured that out pretty quickly. 


Wow. I had no idea...

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She produces extreme amounts of milk and often times will have someone help her relieve stress by milking her. It's a very common thing, really. Many ponies have helped her with it. Some with good intentions...others...Not so much.

is it the great day of milking already?

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*looks at glass of milk*

... :wat:

*continues looking at milk*


*milk staring intensifies*


:eww: *throws milk at wall*



Is the glass half full or half empty?


The optimist says it's half full.


The pessimist says it's half empty.


The engineer says the glass is twice as big as it needs to be.


The hydrologist says that there's half as much water as anticipated.


The computer scientist says that the amount of water in the glass will overflow if it exceeds the halfway point, resulting in negative water in the glass.


The physicist argues that the glass is full, half with water and half with air.


The other physicist would calculate the change of entropy from evaporating the missing volume of water.


The other other physicist would argue that if half the glass is truly half empty, he would urge you to run away as fast as you can.


The urologist will say that someone tampered with their urine sample.


The opportunist will have drank the water while the optimist and pessimist are duking it out.


The schizophrenic will wait for the glass to tell him the answer to the question.


Discord would drink the actual glass and leave behind the water.


The magician will show you the glass with the water on the upper half.


The other magician will show you the glass with the water on the left side of the glass.


Patrick Star would need a second glass before he can say that he has glasses to put on.


Schrödinger's cat doesn't want anyone to even look at the glass.


The psychiatrist would ask you if the question at hand is really important and urges you to think about what's really bothering you.


The insomniac will be up all night thinking about the question.


The other schizophrenic will wait for the water to tell him the answer.


The one pony who wet the bed this morning will regret drinking half the glass before going to bed.


Tech support will ask if you tried emptying the glass and refilling it.


The pyromaniac will set the glass on fire.


The pyromaniac's friend will try to use the water in the glass to put out the fire.


Google would try to find the answer in under 0.48 seconds.


Internet Explorer will try to display the answer but crash halfway.


The clueless computer user will try to put the glass into the CD drive, thinking it's a cup holder.


The northern Canadian will heat the water to boiling and throw the water out of the glass into the air and watch it fall as snow.


A hospitalised Rainbow Dash would have complete difficulty trying to drink out of the glass.


The worrywart worries about the other half of water evaporating by tomorrow.


The waterbender would use the water for waterbending practise.


Amon doesn't care about what you do with the water, so long as you don't bend it.


The silicon-based life form would call the water poison.


And by the way, half of that list, I made up.

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That was... a blatant and direct response that I wish I never heard....

You'll thank me later.


is it the great day of milking already?

It's always the great day of milking. DGhB8qR.png

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@@Ganaram Inukshuk,

That was a very impressive list!  :)

By the way, that wasn't the whole list. This is:



Is the glass half full or half empty?


The optimist says it's half full.


The pessimist says it's half empty.


The engineer says the glass is twice as big as it needs to be.


The hydrologist says that there's half as much water as anticipated.


The computer scientist says that the amount of water in the glass will overflow if it exceeds the halfway point, resulting in negative water in the glass.


The physicist argues that the glass is full, half with water and half with air.


The other physicist would calculate the change of entropy from evaporating the missing volume of water.


The other other physicist would argue that if half the glass is truly half empty, he would urge you to run away as fast as you can.


The urologist will say that someone tampered with their urine sample.


The opportunist will have drank the water while the optimist and pessimist are duking it out.


The schizophrenic will wait for the glass to tell him the answer to the question.


Discord would drink the actual glass and leave behind the water.


The magician will show you the glass with the water on the upper half.


The other magician will show you the glass with the water on the left side of the glass.


Patrick Star would need a second glass before he can say that he has glasses to put on.


Schrödinger's cat doesn't want anyone to even look at the glass.


The psychiatrist would ask you if the question at hand is really important and urges you to think about what's really bothering you.


The insomniac will be up all night thinking about the question.


The other schizophrenic will wait for the water to tell him the answer.


The one pony who wet the bed this morning will regret drinking half the glass before going to bed.


Tech support will ask if you tried emptying the glass and refilling it.


The pyromaniac will set the glass on fire.


The pyromaniac's friend will try to use the water in the glass to put out the fire.


Google would try to find the answer in under 0.48 seconds.


Internet Explorer will try to display the answer but crash halfway.


The clueless computer user will try to put the glass into the CD drive, thinking it's a cup holder.


The northern Canadian will heat the water to boiling and throw the water out of the glass into the air and watch it fall as snow.


A hospitalised Rainbow Dash would have complete difficulty trying to drink out of the glass.


The worrywart worries about the other half of water evaporating by tomorrow.


The waterbender would use the water for waterbending practise.


Amon doesn't care about what you do with the water, so long as you don't bend it.


The silicon-based life form would call the water poison.


The chemist will try to find how much water is in the glass in moles.


The salesman will try to sell you a glass with a less-than-desirable amount of water.


The IRS will try to reposses the rest of the water in the glass.


The alcoholic is disappointed at the fact that the glass has water and not booze.


The germophobe will complain about the germs left by whoever drank out of the glass.


Jacksepticeye would use the glass as a receptacle to store a septic eye.


The one with OCD would continuously check the water level over and over again before even trying to answer the question.


Dr. Wilson will try to throw it at someone playing the "Leave a Tender Moment" on the jukebox too loud and break an antique mirror in the process.


The Buddhist tells you not to worry as the glass is already broken.


The entrepreneur will have already sold the glass while the bedwetting schizophrenic and pyromaniac magician were duking it out.


The prankster will be amazed at the fact that the warm water bedwetting prank actually worked.


The waiter will promptly refill the glass.


Button Mash's mom will have already cleaned the glass and put it in the cupboard while the clueless tech support insomniac and northern Canadian Google-using urologist were duking it out.


The bread will have knocked it over in its quest to become toast.


The cracker will only care if the glass has even one piece of cheese in it.


The baguette will have knocked it over, along with everything else in the kitchen.


Dr. House would put amphetamines in the water and offer it to Dr. Wilson.


The suicidal maniac would try to thrown down the water.


The bulimic will try to throw up the water.


The kid who has alien abduction fantasies will request for another glass of water, hoping he wouldn't get abducted by aliens again.


The incremental game would have users click the glass of water, accumulating a score of water drops. Users would then purchase upgrades using the water to accumulate even more water, ranging from optimists, pessimists, engineers, to physicists.


If you tried to ask this question to Cleverbot and had it choose between A and B, it will choose Q.


Akinator will guess your character is the glass, but will say the glass is both half-full and half-empty.


The painter will use the glass of water to clean his brushes.


The pony who forgot to pee this morning will see the glass as a sign of torture.


The one pony who forgot to pee this morning and last night will be glad they didn't wet themselves again and will look for a bigger vessel to pee in.


Detective Tritter will try to use the glass as evidence against Dr. House.


The conspiracy theorist will blame the railroads for the missing water.


Jory Caron will see if it's a good idea to microwave a half-full/half-empty glass of water.


The struggling author for children's books will try to see if "If you give a mouse a half-full glass of water" will catch on.


The doctor will try to recommend drinking fifteen more of these glasses a day.


The other doctor will argue that there is no set amount of water to drink a day and tell you to drink some water whenever you feel thirsty.


Deep-sea divers will strap the glass on the outside of their submarine to see if the outside pressure will compress it.


The other painter will ask the glass to stay still as he paints the glass of water.


Anyone who is thirsty will see salvation.


Anyone who isn't as thirsty will request ice to be added.


The poet will liken the glass of water to a blossom blooming in the ashes of a forest fire.


The drinking bird won't function properly since its beak is too far from the water.


The meteorologist concludes that this year's rainy season isn't as much as last year's.


The sociologist tries to find what about a glass of water brings people together.


The cinnamon pony would probably want something else to drink.


The pony who had tried the cinnamon challenge will need more water than that.


The pony doing the ALS ice bucket challenge would call anyone using that water a pansy.


The warehouse worker would drink the water if there were no other options.


The polar vortex would freeze anything in its wake, regardless of how much and what it's in.


The zeroth law of thermodynamics says that if glasses A and B have the same amount of water in it and glasses B and C also have the same amount of water in it, then glasses A and C have the same amount of water in it.


The first law of thermodynamics says that any amount of water in any number of glass is conserved.


The second law of thermodynamics says the number of glasses is always increasing.


The Pythagorean theorem says that, in a right triglass, the amount of water in the glasspotenuse is equal to the total amount of water of the glasslegs. The size of the glasspotenuse is twice as big as the volume of water in it to accommodate the amount of water in the glasslegs.


Newton's first law of motion says that the glass will stay halfway filled with water unless an external force adds or removes water from it.


Newton's second law of motion says that the force of the entire glass is equal to the mass of the water, multiplied by the acceleration of the glass.


Newton's third law of motion says that when one glass pours water into another glass, there is an equal and opposite amount of water going in or out of each glass.


The pastor will say that God created the glass on the sixth day of creation, but on the seventh day, only managed to fill it halfway.


The three little pigs will contemplate building their houses out of water, glasses, and nothing.


A CIPA patient will be told to put their hand in the glass of water, then proceed to put their hand in another glass with hot water.


The Heisenberg uncertainty principle says that you can never know the exact location of the water at any given time, and the best way to represent the water in the glass is with a cloud that surrounds the glass, whose density shows how likely the water may exist at that location at any point in time.


Eskimos have hundreds of words for the glass, even though they're technically two or more words strung together into a bigger word.


The diabetic who forgot to take their insulin will need more water than that to flush out the excess glucose in their system.


The other urologist will urge you to pee in the cup he handed to you.

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Is the glass half full or half empty? The optimist says it's half full. The pessimist says it's half empty. The engineer says the glass is twice as big as it needs to be. The hydrologist says that there's half as much water as anticipated. The computer scientist says that the amount of water in the glass will overflow if it exceeds the halfway point, resulting in negative water in the glass. The physicist argues that the glass is full, half with water and half with air. The other physicist would calculate the change of entropy from evaporating the missing volume of water. The other other physicist would argue that if half the glass is truly half empty, he would urge you to run away as fast as you can. The urologist will say that someone tampered with their urine sample. The opportunist will have drank the water while the optimist and pessimist are duking it out. The schizophrenic will wait for the glass to tell him the answer to the question. Discord would drink the actual glass and leave behind the water. The magician will show you the glass with the water on the upper half. The other magician will show you the glass with the water on the left side of the glass. Patrick Star would need a second glass before he can say that he has glasses to put on. Schrödinger's cat doesn't want anyone to even look at the glass. The psychiatrist would ask you if the question at hand is really important and urges you to think about what's really bothering you. The insomniac will be up all night thinking about the question. The other schizophrenic will wait for the water to tell him the answer. The one pony who wet the bed this morning will regret drinking half the glass before going to bed. Tech support will ask if you tried emptying the glass and refilling it. The pyromaniac will set the glass on fire. The pyromaniac's friend will try to use the water in the glass to put out the fire. Google would try to find the answer in under 0.48 seconds. Internet Explorer will try to display the answer but crash halfway. The clueless computer user will try to put the glass into the CD drive, thinking it's a cup holder. The northern Canadian will heat the water to boiling and throw the water out of the glass into the air and watch it fall as snow. A hospitalised Rainbow Dash would have complete difficulty trying to drink out of the glass. The worrywart worries about the other half of water evaporating by tomorrow. The waterbender would use the water for waterbending practise. Amon doesn't care about what you do with the water, so long as you don't bend it. The silicon-based life form would call the water poison.And by the way, half of that list, I made up.

A Scout will try to throw the milk at someone but everything freezes because hl2.exe has stop working

Edited by Edgeworth1001
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And now to add this to the list:


Proponents of Newton's particle theory of light will say that light, as a particle, will speed up when travelling in water and also change its direction of travel compared to when it's travelling in the ether, that is, the empty part of the glass.


Proponents of Huygens' wave theory of light will need a bigger glass and more water to test their theory out.

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