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General Chat Thread

Apple      Bloom

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Maybe that one could be more to your interests, or closeness and stuff. Plus, it's in June so you have plenty of time to decide.

Well, that's a little far away, but I've been to the area. It's a long drive, and my aunt, uncle, and cousins live there. My mother is not on good terms with my aunt. It would be far too complicated. Maybe if there is one a little closer later on.
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Well, that's a little far away, but I've been to the area. It's a long drive, and my aunt, uncle, and cousins live there. My mother is not on good terms with my aunt. It would be far too complicated. Maybe if there is one a little closer later on.


Awwww. :( Well, you still have time. Something might happen that could able you to arrange going. :) Maybe the My Little Pony Fair might be worth a shoit, but I'd guess you should instruct yourself on that before anything (if it even happens close to where you live). At least I hope I gave you ideas anyway. :)



New banner get: Too Many Pinkies


And it's awesome. B) Marco's on a roll! :D


Anyway, imma go to sleep guys. Good night! :)

  • Brohoof 1
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And it's awesome. B) Marco's on a roll! :D


Anyway, imma go to sleep guys. Good night! :)


Eeyup. He is.


Night, Arcy! :)


Maybe a new one for each episode?


Oooo, that'd be neat.

He probably is considering that every new episode will be out a week after the next. Which is also how often they change banners.

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@, Would you want to watch me test norns? There is a way to set up a world to test the intelligence of your norns. All they have to do is make it back home. Otherwise, they'll starve to death.
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@, Would you want to watch me test norns? There is a way to set up a world to test the intelligence of your norns. All they have to do is make it back home. Otherwise, they'll starve to death.


Sure, why not.

Im not doing much right now but messing in FL Studio and RS.

Send me le linky. :3

And then there were Too Many Pinkie Pies and an Orange Toad :o



Hello Everypony :3


Hai, ds8! :3
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New theory: Sombra's Special Talent is fear.


I thought Sombra's special talent was being a diva.


I'm off for the night, I'll talk to you guys later. Night.




I love my handhelds just as much. I normally take them everywhere I go just incase.


I had a PSP, but much like the Wii, I rarely used it.

Tried PC gaming... Didn't work for me.

I'm a pure console gamer. I was raised on a Sega Megadrive and a PS1.



I didn't ask you for what you thought.


Go to bed, Ganaram. You're starting to get rude now.


Yeah... :/


New banner get: Too Many Pinkies


New banner is 'squee' worthy :D


Hello Everypony :3


Bonjour monsieur. Edited by JayBee
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I shall join when I've warmed up with a hot chocolate.


Oh, now I really wanna make me a hot chocolate...I might do just that! :D



*is sad that I don't have any hot chocolate*

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Is it just me, or does the animation look a bit more fluid in this episode?


Hot damn you were gone all bucking day.


Have fun?


I had to work from 4-6, and then I had a gig from 6-10, and then literally everyone went to IHOP, and I just got home from that. So yeah, I guess so.


I ate too much though, I feel fat.

  • Brohoof 1
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Oh, now I really wanna make me a hot chocolate...I might do just that! :D


Hot chocolate is to me like a fuckishly huge tranquiliser dart is to an elephant.

If you see a bunch of text in the chat that looks something like grrerhhtyredz55e, then I probably fell asleep on the keyboard.


*is sad that I don't have any hot chocolate*


[Makes some appear out of nowhere]


  • Brohoof 1
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Is it just me, or does the animation look a bit more fluid in this episode?




I had to work from 4-6, and then I had a gig from 6-10, and then literally everyone went to IHOP, and I just got home from that. So yeah, I guess so.


I ate too much though, I feel fat.


I haven't noticed it any smoother.


Hot damn. Full freaking day.


Food trips after a Football game or band related thing are always bucking awesome.

I used to go to Waffle House with a few of my friends in band.


Hot chocolate is to me like a fuckishly huge tranquiliser dart is to an elephant.

If you see a bunch of text in the chat that looks something like grrerhhtyredz55e, then I probably fell asleep on the keyboard.


Thats one hell of sleeping method. :o



lol It doesn't put me to sleep.

Don't think it wakens me up either though.

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There are people arguing in the comments on whether or not the episode contained "genocidal" themes.


Barring stupid people, I thought the episode was brilliant.



How is that even possible?

I guess cause Twilight deleted a bunch of Pinkies....but lolwut?

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There are people arguing in the comments on whether or not the episode contained "genocidal" themes.


You stared at an orange-bird instead of the drying paint. I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!!!
  • Brohoof 2
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