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Apple      Bloom

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Dear Lord, why did you make an ask thread?

I made it a while back. Also, I want people to ask me weird, deeply personal questions that I can only awkwardly answer with minimum details. Or perhaps I thought people had questions, and I was the only fruit pastry who could answer them.


I feel special being announced like that. :3


You does it fer meh sometimes.
  • Brohoof 1
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is time to post girly Dashie? :o



Just for continuation's sake.



These are impossibly cute


Shut yer bucking mouth, ! :l


no u


Lol, just call me whatever you like Haven or Kirby, which ever you prefer.


This is a hard decision.


Stop lying.

You know deep down you actually got happy and wet yourself in anticipation.


More like in fear.


Sounds like something Ganaram would say.

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And I finally caught up! Looks like I missed some interesting things! (like I always do. Something interesting ALWAYS happens when I'm not here...makes me think if I should wait before posting to see if that's true or not...).


ANYWAY, hi to all the GCT! How are y'all doing? :)



brohoofed an image with only Dashie in it?


I don't know what to say other than... I'm touched.


You should frame that brohoof. It will be auctioned and will cost lots of money in the future, so long as dear haven doesn't want to eliminate any trace from it. :ph34r:
  • Brohoof 2
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And I finally caught up! Looks like I missed some interesting things! (like I always do. Something interesting ALWAYS happens when I'm not here...makes me think if I should wait before posting to see if that's true or not...).


ANYWAY, hi to all the GCT! How are y'all doing? :)




You should frame that brohoof. It will be auctioned and will cost lots of money in the future, so long as dear haven doesn't want to eliminate any trace from it. :ph34r:


Do you seriously go through every single post?

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Do you seriously go through every single post?


Meh, I only had 25 or so pages. That's nothing compared to when I went through 100 to catch up. *shrugs*


We are all weirdos :D


Amen! :) I wish more people realized we're all weird, ergo calling yourself normal "makes" you the weird one. :lol:
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Meh, I only had 25 or so pages. That's nothing compared to when I went through 100 to catch up. *shrugs*



Amen! :) I wish more people realized we're all weird, ergo calling yourself normal "makes" you the weird one. :lol:


And they say gamers don't have a life.

Haha i'm just joking with you <3

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@, brohoofed an image with only Dashie in it?

I don't know what to say other than... I'm touched.


I guess girly Dashie is ok with me.....

I really honestly don't know for sure....

no u

This is a hard decision.

More like in fear.

Sounds like something Ganaram would say.




Fear is goof too.

Maybe he is rubbing of on me?

Good morning weirdos! :D


Morning! :D

Do you seriously go through every single post?


I do.


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And they say gamers don't have a life.

Haha i'm just joking with you <3


>Implying I'm not a gamer


I ain't hardcore, but I have had my fair share of "no life" moments. Record of most hours consecutively played stands at 16 hours while playing Tales of the Abyss. It just so happened to be an awesome game, so no regrets at all. :lol:


I do. Everyday.

Gimme that brohoof Haven! *brohoof*
  • Brohoof 2
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>Implying I'm not a gamer


I ain't hardcore, but I have had my fair share of "no life" moments. Record of most hours consecutively played stands at 16 hours while playing Tales of the Abyss. It just so happened to be an awesome game, so no regrets at all. :lol:


Haha. Its so boring when the time just "flies" away.

It feels like an hour but when you look at the time you notice its been 10 hours...


My reaction:


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I guess girly Dashie is ok with me..... I really honestly don't know for sure....

Prepare to be converted.


My reaction:


The first half of that movie is classic.

The second half, not so much.

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Haha. Its so boring when the time just "flies" away. It feels like an hour but when you look at the time you notice its been 10 hours...

Hahaha! To ber honest, with TotA it happened the other way around. Little time had passed, but I felt like I had played A LOT. The other side of ther spectrum stands with Final Fantasy XII (one of my definite favorite games), to which I dedicated at least more than 1000 hours. However, whenever I played I was all "WEEEE!"...and then I look at the clock and go "HOW IN FRIGGIN EQUESTRIA IS IT SO LATE ALREADY?!"...happened to many times for comfort. ^_^
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Do you not? Posted Image


A good GCTfag will always read every damn thing


Posted Image


Prepare to be converted.




The first half of that movie is classic.

The second half, not so much.



When i first saw the movie i could relate to the "fat" one so much! Really touching movie!

Until you come to the other half. Then it becomes a typical war movie with sucky sucky. 10 dolla.

  • Brohoof 2
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The site's fucking derped

Posted Image

Prepare your butt for a nap time!

Posted Image

I'm totally gonna start using this! Posted Image

Don't use it too much, though. Not everyone can take the word 'f**' without getting offended Posted Image

very interesting what you wrote in the RP, Beat has to exchange a few words with Sandweaver

I assume Sandy is fucked, then? Posted Image Edited by Starshine
  • Brohoof 2
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