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Apple      Bloom

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If the sudden Twilight cardboard sounds sane, then how about having Princess Luna herself looking through your window at midnight?


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I might be a bit concerned... First of all, what is she doing outside my window at midnight? o.o

  • Brohoof 2
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Place it within my closet and only take it out when my brony friends are over.

It's just your everyday local site where everyone thinks that they're the center of the whole goddamn civilization. it has enough elitism to make even Lucifer puke.


Sounds like a place I'd love to study...

If the sudden Twilight cardboard sounds sane, then how about having Princess Luna herself looking through your window at midnight?


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Well, there is a widow by my bed, and I'm skittish at night, so I'd be scared...
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Oh god you don't know how hard I am laughing right now!!!! xD


There's a prank where a tractor trailer is being towed from behind, and when you drive behind it, it will look like a truck is about to ram into you. Best works if one of the passengers is asleep, and you wake them up AFTER you position your car behind the truck in tow.


I'm off to sleep for the night, have fun with your bent cardboard Twilights and your sexy Pinkie screencaps.


If the sudden Twilight cardboard sounds sane, then how about having Princess Luna herself looking through your window at midnight?

If it were my window, she'd see a cut-up Twilight.


If it were Kyro, then there'd be two Twilights trying to ride one another.


If it were Viscra, then it'd be a cardboard Twilight in a cardboard diaper.


If it were Kyroganara, then it'd be a cut-up mess of at least three Twilight cutouts, with at least one with a cardboard diaper.

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This thread needs more Luna



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It would be a comforting thought that she is watching out for others :).

Her face doesn't look like she's enjoying whatever she is looking at :wacko:


First of all, what is she doing outside my window at midnight? o.o

Watching you... Posted Image


Sounds like a place I'd love to study...

Nope. Not if you value your sanity

  • Brohoof 2
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Well, damn. I ain't got shit to say back to that.



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That has got to be the hottest pic of Derpy I have seen so far :wub:


And it was also Dashie! Thats instant minus points!

Besides, you know ponies are sexier in clothes.

Not sure WHY..but, you know they are.

And it sure as hell is to me!

Idk, our opinions on sexy must be too different.

Let's agree to disagree and be friends! :3


I agree with this


I should wear glasses without the lens, Twilight looks le sophisticated.


I would if I were you


i think it's because they rarely wear clothes that we find them smexeh in them.


Me too,

especially in panties for some odd reason


it's because the clothes enhance specific features of the ponies. underwear showcases their butt, socks their hoof, hairstyle and manicure/make-up their head and face area, etc. it makes them more visually pleasing to our eyes, and we find it, attractive, be it in a sexual way or in an aesthetical way.


Makes sense

I find them to be attractive both ways



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Oh You silly filly




And i don't know, its not really sexy if you ask me.


You're also silly :V




lol dat funneh

me likey...


Same :3


not mai computer, my schools computer. in other words, not my problem. XD


then suddenly, they make you pay for it :T


That makes sense, Mr. Dox.

It's also a lot simpler than Vissy's explanation.

Which makes TOO much sense.


I thought it made the perfect amount of sense though :/


oooooooooooooooooooooo, ok. and yea, that other explination made me smash a computer.


You're silly


Too much sense was made in this post.

Common_sense.exe has crashed.

But, dammit are you right! D:

Ohcrap. Did your Common_sense.exe crash as well? Though, mine just fried my brain a little. You might need to get that checked out. :x


You're also silly :T


dammit. i can't figure out how to make this look good in Photoshop. oh well, i'll do it when i'm home i guess. need to go now.

*flashes away*

*suddenly everyone is in diapers*


I'm okay with this :3

the hell... why!?



its the Diaperocalypse :o


Your avvie is VERY adorable BTW :3


Hola GCT hows everyone?


Gud :3


It's Pyfgcrl Chat Thread.


But I like the fhfhrdiedkeshdgyujenhydujrnhedgycujrhdgyufjrdhbgycuj thread :T



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Aww, poor twile got a booboo :<








This thread needs more explosions.

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Careful not to blow up the entire thread

That would be bad


Suppose you detonated a nuclear bomb underwater.


Wouldn't it evaporate the water :huh:

Don't mind me, I'm stupid


it'll happen


also, i... i actually bought this at the store (sans the bottle):

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i have no shame.


And I shall be waiting :3


Also, no need for shame if you really like it :3

I kinda think its somewhat cute :3


you can prepare yourself, but it'll all be in vain, anyway





I'm staying perfectly still :3


also on another note, i bought music today: a record by Mikael Wiehe & Co (a local artist anyone not living in Sweden would have heard of), a maxi single by Definition of Sound, part 2 of the Romeo + Juliet soundtrack (YESSSSSSS FINALLY), and Zooroopa by U2.


Awesomesause :D


Random questions:

- Can you recall a time when you really had to go?


I would rather not talk about it :unsure:


- What's the strangest thing you ever saw on a road trip, or on the road in general?

Not sure,

I forget :blush:


- Have you ever wondered what would happen if you travelled too far on a freeway?

I WOULD say you would eventually make it to equestria but I'm pretty sure that isn't right


- [i ran out of questions]


It happens


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That is very awesome BTW :3


Why do I really sit up in my room alone, mom? To get away from life. To get away from annoying things. To be alone. It's not so I can blow you off by not letting you grade my work, it's to release stress.


I know that feel

I do the same thing


What would happen if your pets could give you a rating of 1 to 10, 1 being bad, 10 being good, on how good of a caregiver you are? Would you get a good score?


Probably a 7 or 8/10

Not sure though



It's art. Sometimes I link art. It's something I do.


And you do it very well :3



1. On long road trips.

2. I cannot recall. My memories are fragmented a little.

3. I imagine a lot of things. My heart says there is a big pit at the end of the road. But my head says that's a dumb idea, but I can't think of anything better, so I might as well agree with you Heart. And then my heart nods and says, "Well, I'm just guessing." And my head replies, "Eh, whatever floats yer boat."


Well then,

My brain and heart can't agree on crud other than keeping me alive



Twist makes peppermint sticks. Bon Bon makes candies. It makes sense they'd get together with Apple Pie.


Indeedy also,

Twist DOES look pretty cute in that pic :3


Twist looks so cute x3


Shadow (my dog) would probably give me a 5/10

I'm constantly kicking him out of my bed when I'm trying to sleep, and I hardly walk him.


My cat's name is Shadow


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...should I be pleased or terrified with the way they're looking at me?


Be scared...


Be VERY scared...





Meanwhile, I'll be happy :V




You should be terrified when all of the manes simultaneously go flat.


I would be terrified of that however,

It would be frivolous to run so i'd just stay there and let them do whatever :/



No, I think actually that would be more exasperating than terrifying. A gaggle of depressed Pinkies is going to be a hard group to cheer up.


I think he means the Cupcakes Pinkamena's



I'd be both.

Depends what they wanna do to me though.


they wanna eat you


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You are now a proud owner of a bent cardboard :wacko:


Not my day, also...





If the sudden Twilight cardboard sounds sane, then how about having Princess Luna herself looking through your window at midnight?


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I would be okay with this :3 Edited by dark stalker
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@, How would a baby dragon protect me from this supposed horrible internet site. It can't be as bad as the worst of 4chan, right?


I am completely destroying my ears by listening to music far too loud on these pair of noise cancelling headphones that give me a headache even when listened to at a normal volume.


That sounds awful... :(


Um, you should stop.

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Dear Vurckle:


It's Ganaram.


- Ganaram Inukshuk


PS: Where the hell would I put it? Forum Lounge?


Dearest Ganaram/Gangnam


Forum Lounge would be the best place, yes.

But i'd not create it since this thread seem to be so extremely popular. And they have so much in common that it would die.


xXxxxOooO Vicke

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I fixed it *collapse*









I strongly dislike my dumbphone http://mlpforums.com/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.png


what the buck Ds8 xD!?


Problem? XD


... Ok, what the heck was that all about??? o.o


My phone is very evil :(

Edited by dark stalker
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