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Apple      Bloom

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Those look nice. Perhaps you'll make me a Derpy one? Also, I can fix that last Pinkie Pie one for you. Just give me a version without text. Do you have one?


I do, but it also doesn't have any balloons on it. Just the background and Pinkie. Can you work with that?


I might give it a try if I can think of something to do it around or if you give me something specific that I can do at my level.

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I do, but it also doesn't have any balloons on it. Just the background and Pinkie. Can you work with that?

I may be able to get the balloons. May I please have the thingamabob?


I might give it a try if I can think of something to do it around or if you give me something specific that I can do at my level.

Pony: Ditzy Doo and Applejack

Background: Somewhere fun, like an amusement park, or a carnival. Someplace where many ponies go to hang out with friends and do fun stuff together.

Text: "Friendship is a Priceless Gift" or something like that. You can be a little creative with that. That's just the message I want to express. If you can think of better words to use, be my guest. The font can be anything readable, just nothing plain looking. The color should be something that works with the signature. Since you're colorblind, this part might be a bit hard. Just try it out, and I'll tell you if it works.

Other: Basically, you're sort of making it for yourself, but I'm the one who is going to use it. My plan is to eventually acquire a signature representing each member of the GCT. So if none of the stuff above fits for you, just do what you feel is right. But I'd like you to at least keep the ponies and general idea.

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I may be able to get the balloons. May I please have the thingamabob?



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And here is the link to one of the MLP Vector club's Pinkie Pie cutie mark.




Pony: Ditzy Doo and Applejack

Background: Somewhere fun, like an amusement park, or a carnival. Someplace where many ponies go to hang out with friends and do fun stuff together.

Text: "Friendship is a Priceless Gift" or something like that. You can be a little creative with that. That's just the message I want to express. If you can think of better words to use, be my guest. The font can be anything readable, just nothing plain looking. The color should be something that works with the signature. Since you're colorblind, this part might be a bit hard. Just try it out, and I'll tell you if it works.

Other: Basically, you're sort of making it for yourself, but I'm the one who is going to use it. My plan is to eventually acquire a signature representing each member of the GCT. So if none of the stuff above fits for you, just do what you feel is right. But I'd like you to at least keep the ponies and general idea.


Okie dokie lokie.

I shall start thinking of stuffs now, but mind you, I don't normally have my computer other than the weekends, so it might take some time.


How long does a normal request take? Like one from the giant thread?

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How do you like my Life After Fart report?


it wasn't bad.


Good job on making all that up on the spot, though!


Dammit, @Twinkleshine! All these brohooves are starting to hurt! D:


I wouldn't know. I was ignored twice on that thread...


Ouch... :x


Talk about bad service...

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it wasn't bad.


Good job on making all that up on the spot, though!


All these brohooves are starting to hurt! D:


I think that in spite of a massive economic fuckup, a smelly atmosphere, somewhat increased global warming, and low levels of terrorism, a post-fart world is liveable... At least for a short time...


And I deactivated brohoof notifications.

Edited by Nakamura Nigh Suk
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Evilshy posting in here? That sounds too good to be true


Also, it was interesting. I'm up to the part where you are left all alone. Maybe. Who knows what the next chapter holds. Maybe I'll read the whole book from the seemingly random page I started on. It tells a story, you know. Of life, and loss. Of people and how they truly feel inside.


Holy, you're quite fast back there o_o


Yeah, this thread can make its own story and chronicles. You can almost say that this thread is already its own community :)


*hugs everyone

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Holy crap, you guys... I go to sleep to 0 notifications, and when I wake up... 111 FREAKING NOTIFICATIONS!!! MOST of them came from HERE!!! X_X You guys are ACTIVE when I'm not on...


GCT, where the unexpected happens on daily basis


I can still help.


Poor, Kyro and Thought Bubble.

She shall never ger her.....drink....


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In other news: I'm turning 20 in a few minutes. Commence crazy dancing!


Happy getting-one-year-older! :D


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Dammit, Twinkleshine! All these brohooves are starting to hurt! D:

Eventually you'll have callouses on your hooves, and they'll never hurt again. The pain is worth it, infinite brohooves are worth it. I'm off to bed, I'm coma-induced.

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Eventually you'll have callouses on your hooves, and they'll never hurt again. The pain is worth it, infinite brohooves are worth it. I'm off to bed, I'm coma-induced.


I guess...but then I won't have beautiful soft hooves no more! D:



Sucks that you have coma induced sleep, cause I don't! :D

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Not bad!

The only problem is the drop in quality, what did you export it as?

It shouldn't have done that.


I do not have any computer know-how. I have no idea what you mean...
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The perfect target is this gray pegasus with a blond mane who is a crappy recolor of Rainbow Dash. Can anyone guess?


It would fulfill all my satisfactions. Forever~


But other than Derpy Hooves, no. I wouldn't even punch Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo, Big Mac, and especially not Diamond Tiara, she's friggin adorable.


I might consider Braeburn, though...


This post makes me very sad and somewhat angry.

Just a tad ridiculous to want to hurt somepony who literally does nothing to anypony else just because they got more attention than you're favorite pony. BY ACCIDENT!



I am fully dissapoint with this person.

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I do not have any computer know-how. I have no idea what you mean...


What ever program you're using to make sigs, paint.net, Gimp, Photoshop, all allow for you to export your work in different formats.

You exported it in (saved as) something with less quality than png format does, thus lowering the quality.


Im no good at explaining, so thats probably clear as mud and dirt.


The jpg extension seemed to messed up with the pixels :x


And this as well.
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I am fully dissapoint with this person.

It's your everyday anti-fanboy, you can't really reason with them and their wicked views on the world :c


Strangely enough nobody said anything about me wanting to punch Celly in the face


Hey everyone, how's it going.

Nothing much, just us and the thread


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Hey everyone, how's it going.


My house was burned down, my children were mutilated, my wife was forced into slavery, I have the plague, all of my stocks are gone, my savings account has been robbed, and worst of all Taco Bell was closed today.


I obviously woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.

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It's your everyday anti-fanboy, you can't really reason with them and their wicked views on the world :c


Strangely enough nobody said anything about me wanting to punch Celly in the face


Yea. :/

And Celly can kinda deserve it in some ways and depending on how you look at it.

Ditzy has literally done not a thing wrong.

Oh, well.

Can I have a cookie?

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