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Apple      Bloom

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How did the whole getting dragged out of your house against your will thing work out for you? What are you sick with?


Fine, my parents wanted me to come and see my dad's friend's son's band play (I agreed to do it a few weeks ago, reluctantly). They were pretty good, so it wasn't all bad, I guess.


And I've had cold-like symptoms for I think the past 4 weeks. Or more, even. This cough I have is the worst part of it though, my chest is sore from it...

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[snippy ze mention], Did you see my Slender Gameplay vid yet?


I've plopped it onto my watch later list cos it's nearly Stupidly-Late O'clock (3:55 am) and I need sleepy times.


More torture on the Scrawl set tomorrow...

Filming stuff is fun, but not so much when you're forced to hold your pee for a long time.

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I decline most outings, there's nothing to go out to in this tiny village. I haven't caught a cold in a good 3 or 4 years, meanwhile one of my friends has had terrible coughing fits for the last couple years. Did you go to the doctor's or take any other countermeasures?

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Fj's community is quite bizarre. I wouldn't be surprised if they get butthurt over the weirdest thing.


Darn you and your knowledge of things. And don't even bother. I know what you'll say. "Lurk more."


Hey, anyone want to go on another trip to Omegle?

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I decline most outings, there's nothing to go out to in this tiny village. I haven't caught a cold in a good 3 or 4 years, meanwhile one of my friends has had terrible coughing fits for the last couple years. Did you go to the doctor's or take any other countermeasures?


I tried complaining, but I had already agreed to go, so I pretty much had to. I usually never want to go out anywhere either...


And no, I've just been taking cold medicine. My mom is stubborn when it comes to sending me to the doctor, so I'm probably gonna just ride it out... Even though I've had it for 4 weeks already.

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Hey, anyone want to go on another trip to Omegle?

Not right now, currently failing at Paint Tool SAI. Eventually I'll stop failing, I don't know when that will happen.




I go to the doctor's when it's a major issue, a lot of the stuff is pretty minor. That and I don't feel like shelling out money on minor things.

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Blah. This constant dropping is really starting to get under my skin.

Want to hide in a stream until the site stops messing up? Or at least watch me use Cleverbot on people on Omegle.

Not right now, currently failing at Paint Tool SAI. Eventually I'll stop failing, I don't know when that will happen.

The night is young. You may have time for both.
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Want to hide in a stream until the site stops messing up? Or at least watch me use Cleverbot on people on Omegle.


Sure, why not. I'll have to swap to my phone eventually.

Actually, how long are you gonna be doing it?

I might play doom until 12 and then join.

Drop the linky anyway.

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Sure, why not. I'll have to swap to my phone eventually.

Actually, how long are you gonna be doing it?

I might play doom until 12 and then join.

Drop the linky anyway.


Look up a post.
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