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Apple      Bloom

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I could legit see her doing something like that..... but, no. There's always a small back and forth over them. And I'm not crying, I'm stating my hatred for smiling. Hmmm, never looked at it that way.

but you said that you would post a picture smiling so I don't care about what you just said :3
  • Brohoof 1
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Bipolar Rarity... Bipolarity?

...my feelings on this are rather confused, but I'll allow the wordplay because Rarity.


both of mine are strongly related to me as well

I imagined so. :)



Yup. It's actually kinda metaphorical. Like, if you psychoanalyzed them, you might draw some conclusions.


One question though. If you "fused" your OC ponies, the resulting personality would be you?
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One question though. If you "fused" your OC ponies, the resulting personality would be you?

Basically, but since I've used Lapis more than Asteria, he is more like me during RPs. And if they were combined, I'd think they'd be too erratic. Also, my truest personality isn't fully captured by my OCs. But, it's close enough. I had to fill in the gaps between them, making them unique.
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Never is an ugly word, I prefer "A very long time"


Well, by the time I can actually obtain one the fandom will most likely be burned out. Might be able to find one on ebay in the future, or something...


Yep! It's vitamin D. Celestia should be largely exposed to it because she has to be seeing the sun all the time, but she's white. >_>


Celestia is actually a very light shade of pink, if you look closely.


I fucking hate soccer...


I fucking hate all sports.


At least you get compliments.

I don't even get that. ;-;


You're a nice guy and I enjoy talking to you.


Prego ponies :unsure:


I'm surprised someone didn't come in here and start complaining about how it disgusted them.

  • Brohoof 4
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Basically, but since I've used Lapis more than Asteria, he is more like me during RPs. And if they were combined, I'd think they'd be too erratic. Also, my truest personality isn't fully captured by my OCs. But, it's close enough. I had to fill in the gaps between them, making them unique.


That makes sense. Since one also wants the OC's to have a personality of their own, while basing their personalities as parts of your own, creating little voids to fill up with other things gives the uniqueness of each OC, and it'a makes it satisfying to write them, as it's quite like writing as yourself.
  • Brohoof 1
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Time for some random images~



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I still can't understand why people likes Babs Seed (or whatever she called)








Indeed it is.

Just post some orca diaper and you will see knives flying here :P

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Time for some random images~



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I still can't understand why people likes Babs Seed (or whatever she called)










Just post some orca diaper and you will see knives flying here :P


Is it me, or is your sig changing every few hours?


Also, I'm starting to have a big problem. I find myself internally raging whenever I see someone use the word "overrated". I was boiling not too long ago because of how much I see that word.......

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I dunno.


I guess I'll know when I start getting yelled at.


I still can't understand why people likes Babs Seed (or whatever she called)


I thought she was cute. I actually liked the accent too, which seemed to put off a lot of people...


Just post some orca diaper and you will see knives flying here :P




Oh, do you mean Viscra's OC? I guess I can see how it looks like an orca, with it being black and white and all... Interesting interpretation, though.


And even though I would love to post something like that, I'd rather not start another (literal) shitstorm.


Also, I'm starting to have a big problem. I find myself internally raging whenever I see someone use the word "overrated". I was boiling not too long ago because of how much I see that word.......


The word "overrated" is definitely overrated.

  • Brohoof 1
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bitch, in my ears that means: "I will"


Jeez ok I will goddamn.



Celestia is actually a very light shade of pink if you look closely.

I fucking hate all sports.

You're a nice guy and I enjoy talking to you.

I'm surprised someone didn't come in here and start complaining about how it disgusted them.


Wait, really? I've never noticed.


I do too.


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You really think so?!


I am too, actually.

  • Brohoof 2
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