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Apple      Bloom

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Anyway... shouldn't that Clarity's search thread be closed? Pretty sure there is no question left

Probably, but I'm not touching mod stuff tonight. A bit too wired. :3


@,You better believe it bro.

  • Brohoof 2
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Wanna see mine?


1. Pinkie Pie

1. Rainbow Dash

1. Fluttershy

1. Twilight

1. Rarity

1. Applejack


I had no idea you were a member of the Pinkie Pie fan club.

Hell yeah, you are! I'm the one that isn't doing well. Real life keeps kicking me in the teeth and ruining my enjoyment of the day. I was supposed to post today, but I was so furious when I got back that I had to cool off for a while.


Darn. The RP is still afloat at the very least.

^ This guy is good, you should listen to him.

You really think so?

The OOC is pretty inactive mostly, which is unusual for an RP. :huh:

I'm used to it. Almost all the RPs I've been in on this site have been relatively inactive in the OOC section.
  • Brohoof 1
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Forget it. I can't keep up with this thread to save my life.


I like to make to make an analogy to a paper bag, for example:


Because some of us can't draw our way out of a paper bag, let alone draw a paper bag. Others can't find the time to draw themselves drawing their way out of a paper bag.


  • Brohoof 2
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I'm used to it. Almost all the RPs I've been in on this site have been relatively inactive in the OOC section.



And here in Ganaram's train we have twice as much OOC thread compared to the actual RP.


Probably, but I'm not touching mod stuff tonight. A bit too wired. :3

  • locate nearby food
  • shove it in your mouth
  • if not sleepy, repeat process 1-2
  • sleep until tomorrow
  • Brohoof 1
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,, , :


inb4 I put a paper bag over your heads and you have to draw your way out of it.


And here in Ganaram's train we have twice as much OOC thread compared to the actual RP.


It's the paper bags, dude!!!

  • Brohoof 3
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Maybe... Buuuuuut, you put Pinkie Pie at the very top. That's good enough for me!


Should I tell you the difference between permutation and combination, and why combination locks should be called permutation locks?

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Almighty Scootabloom.


I had no idea you were a member of the Pinkie Pie fan club.

My best ponies:


1. Pinkie Pie

2. Rainbow Dash

3. Rarity

4. Everypony Else


Darn. The RP is still afloat at the very least.

I will post tomorrow... Or bust. @Electrobolt will remind me. I enjoy being heckled by him every evening.


You really think so?

Yup :3



Watch it filly. I might be testing you. :ph34r:

  • Brohoof 2
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Should I tell you the difference between permutation and combination, and why combination locks should be called permutation locks?


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*walks in* Hi everyhuman. What'd I miss?


Edit: Woah, septuple ninja'd. That's a new record, I think.

Edited by Jadefire
  • Brohoof 1
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This also means you're in the AJ fanclub!




It means the order in which I like each pony is irrelevant. It also means that you can't just bake a cake by first baking the ingredients, THEN mixing them together afterwards.


Order is important for something, such as a combination lock or baking a cake.


Other things, it's not important.

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