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Apple      Bloom

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Do I get a crusade?


My friends would sometimes have a mock band at some of our basketball games.


But otherwise, no. None do.




At least I'll be able to get some of those crappy nachos they sell there. They're amazing.


and now this little filly needs her rest. goodnites everyone. *curls up on the bed and snoozes*



Edited by bluetrace
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Ok... I guess I'll go crusade for the cookies in my kitchen...


That's not a crusade, that's not even a campaign. Crusades entail a general idea reinforced over and over.


Come back and try again.

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God I couldn't sleep well last night. The nightmares keep pounding in my head

I just may still take you up on that offer once I iron out a few more things.

Well, if you really want to, we can conduct the RP in the safety of a PM. But we will need two. One for OOC, one for RP.

Fuck yes H66x8.png








Somewhere off-screen, AJ and RD is totally doing it

Moving along, I've returned to standard RPs. Feels kinda weird honestly. I'm so used to larger posts. People are kind of lazy and not that great.

Say, how long is long enough? VnCRQ.png


Lately I could only muster about 800-1000 characters. Should I work it out more?

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Oh yes, I forgot the Berrytanian Crusades...

Um, what is it I crusade for?


What have you done?




Freed your mind.


Yes indeed.

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That's not a crusade, that's not even a campaign. Crusades entail a general idea reinforced over and over.


Come back and try again.

How about crusading to beat the shit out of every final fantasy boss known to nerd kind?

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Say, how long is long enough? VnCRQ.png


Lately I could only muster about 800-1000 characters. Should I work it out more?

800 or so characters in a standard RP. Any longer would be a little rude honestly.


Then you're doing it right. Standard RPs need to be quick, yet detailed.

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Quick: Find what you think is the most memorable post ever here.

Memorability is in the eyes of the beholder. I could not honestly find a post that people remember the most simply because I am not them.


Actually, I don't think I can remember any.

Edited by Berry Pie
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You don't get the reference, do you? 

Not at all. :)


Lately I could only muster about 800-1000 characters. Should I work it out more?

800 or so characters in a standard RP. Any longer would be a little rude honestly.


Then you're doing it right. Standard RPs need to be quick, yet detailed.


Geez, that seems like such a big number...




Damn quote bug. :/

Edited by TGAP Haven
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How about crusading to beat the shit out of every final fantasy boss known to nerd kind?


A little bit more righteous, and a loftier goal. You're getting there. Although most crusades are started to change the world. Changing a single state of a fantasy game world isn't world changing enough.


You can also add the fact that a lot of people have already done that before.

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800 or so characters in a standard RP. Any longer would be a little rude honestly.


Then you're doing it right. Standard RPs need to be quick, yet detailed.



Fuck yesh


Kinda intimidated with all those monstrosity in Trixie Train, heheh


Geez, that seems like such a big number...

It's about two or three paragraphs afaik

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A little bit more righteous, and a loftier goal. You're getting there. Although most crusades are started to change the world. Changing a single state of a fantasy game world isn't world changing enough.


You can also add the fact that a lot of people have already done that before.

i haven't. i've only beaten, like, two or three.


how about building equestria in some forest somewhere? would that be righteous enough?

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Quick: Find what you think is the most memorable post ever here.

My memory is complete shit. I might think a post is memorable, but I won't remember it later.


Pinkie Pie from the Mentally Advanced series.

It's pretty small. 

Aah. Have not seen them. Maybe like one or two, but not many if any at all.
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Kinda intimidated with all those monstrosity in Trixie Train, heheh


It's about two or three paragraphs afaik

Eh, don't be. They're just extremely painful to read through.


Yes, you are correct. Example:

The two of them stopped in their tracks and cautiously turned around. The zebra would have to wait. For the time being, it appeared as though a stallion wanted their attention. By the look of him, he seemed rather important. Perhaps an official sent by the princess. But what was disconcerting was the fact he was wearing a mask. And the way his yellow eyes shone out at them unsettled Asteria.


Lapis, being the more levelheaded of the two, ventured forth a response. "Uh, yes, hello. We are fine, just investigating the village. We've heard that strange things have been going on around here and chose to investigate. I am Lapis Lazuli, and this is my assistant Asteria. We are travelling scholars. And who might you be?"


Asteria didn't like the look of the strange stallion, and was ready to cast a shield spell in case he wasn't who he appeared to be. After some close calls in the past, she had become a little on edge. Perhaps the pony could be trusted, but it wasn't worth the risk to trust an odd looking individual outright.

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how about building equestria in some forest somewhere? would that be righteous enough?


Crusading needs a purpose, and building something in a forest somewhere isn't world changing. It's singular forest changing.

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Crusading needs a purpose, and building something in a forest somewhere isn't world changing. It's singular forest changing.

it could change the world for bronies, man. that's what matters.

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I totally need some dream therapy in here :c

Eh, don't be. They're just extremely painful to read through.

I guess as long as it's brief and descriptive enough, it can goes through? Okay H66x8.png

it could change the world for bronies, man. that's what matters.

You can always start a crusade to redeem Bronies' reputation in the internet.

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I totally need some dream therapy in here :c


I guess as long as it's brief and descriptive enough, it can goes through? Okay H66x8.png


You can always start a crusade to redeem Bronies' reputation in the internet.

that seems like a worthwhile crusade. but who will join me in it?

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I totally need some dream therapy in here :c


I guess as long as it's brief and descriptive enough, it can goes through? Okay H66x8.png


Why so?


Yup, just try your best and write as much as you can. But honestly, don't write too much...

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that seems like a worthwhile crusade. but who will join me in it?

Certainly not those "Love&Tolerate" pansies :V


There are already a lot of bronies going around the internet countering the bad shit about the fandom. You won't be alone if you decided to step up onto something.



Why so?


Yup, just try your best and write as much as you can. But honestly, don't write too much...

I woke up sweaty three times last night, seeing various fancy images. While I can stand the horror, the lack of good sleep can get to me eventually :x

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