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Apple      Bloom

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I spy...


Holy fuck that's a fuckload of games o_o


A while back Haven asked where I got my games >.>

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Currently, I'm a proud owner of three games on my laptop, Halo: CE, Minecraft and League of Legends... ._.


My laptop is very crappy...


However, my desktop has about 20 games or so. :P

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I'm not good with money.


I've got over 254 Steam games if you count add-ons.



Are you kdding me :o? Jeez, man :P.


The only games I have on mah laptop are Black Ops I, TF2, Supet Meat Boy, Amnesia 1, and Universe Sandbox. I don't even play the first 3 at all, while I play Amnesia from time to time, same with the 2nd one. Most of the games I play are on the PS3, which are CoD4, World at War, MW2, Black Ops I, MW3, Black Ops II, BF3, Saints Row 3, GTA IV, and Borderlands 2.

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Currently, I'm a proud owner of three games on my laptop, Halo: CE, Minecraft and League of Legends... ._.


My laptop is very crappy...


However, my desktop has about 20 games or so. :P

My laptop is amazing. I love it more than I have ever loved any other human being.


It's an Asus G75vw with a 3rd Generation Intel i7 processor, Nvidia Geforce GTX 670M Graphics Card with 3GB of VRAM, a 17.2" High Def 3D compatiable display, and packs 16GB of RAM.  :wub: 


Her name is Lynda, and I love her<3


Edited by Urdnot Pinkie Pie
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me like this version of Pinkamena



My laptop is very crappy...

At least you don't have to spend your time wallowing in minesweeper G16t5.png


I only have DotA 2 and some free gifts I got from my friend. I prefer spending my time playing a local mmorpg rather than on Steam.

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Bleh, im finally able to get on here. :l

Still stuck on my phone for the night. *sigh*


Anywhoo, I ordered a pizza from Pizza Hut.

I also asked them to Draw Applejack on the box.





They did not fulfill it. :(

They just wrote "Applejack" on the box.

And to make it worse, they misspelled her name. <_<







Also, I had a nice quote pack, but my damn phone for some reason overwrites whatever is in the clipboard when you cut something.

All that magic. Gone. :l




Anyway, sup errbody.

Edited by TGAP Haven
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Fixed my post. Just added the missing images.


Also, on the steam game thing, I only have about 5 or 7. I have waaaaay more console games.



Hai! ^^

How you be?

Everything but the temperature.BTW, think this for a second: You've read about Gem, and now I'm seriously considering integrating her into my RP.https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CK_sxBoyyr4BU2SXZ8nT1bZ2co0vxYulCv1XMaoNR-o/edit
Do it, filly.


Also, ill try and read those tomorrow when I get my computer.

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And to make it worse, they misspelled her name.

They replaced the 'a' with a 'q'

Someone over there needs to redo his primary school :c

How you be?

Nothing special, just me and myself :3


Don't forget to try to add my in skype. The faster we get everybody on the emergency line, the better.


Which reminds me...

Got any skype?

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Oh whoops, I thought it was the story you're currently writing. :x
There ain't much to it, as I said, except that there's something that I need to ad in, but I don't know what it is:
Age: 18-21 (Average of 19)


Gender: Female


Species: Unicorn



- Physical: A young pale-cyan unicorn mare with magenta eyes and jagged cyan mane and tail.

- Accessories: Almost always wears a blue jacket on her, as she does with her glasses (because she’s nearsighted). They have a whitish tint to them.

- Special: Her magical aura is cyan.


Cutie Mark: A set of two black rhombuses and two acute triangles arranged into a hexagon, so that the gaps between each shape form an X cutting through the hexagon.



- General: Gem is typically a hard-to-agree-with pony. She prefers to follow her own ideals, than rather to follow anypony else’s. [stubborn, hardheaded, idealistic]

- Positive: Gem has a way with mathematics, magic, and computing, and will express that in certain situations, in which she takes great pride in. [Narcissistic(?), prideful]

- Negative: Though it takes a lot to tear Gem down, if she is torn down, her depressions can be quite severe and detrimental to her health. [Extreme(?)]

- Global (using the so-called “big five”): Even-tempered; Talkative; Prefers routine; Antagonistic; Ambitious, hardworking.



Gem was born a Canterlot pony, but had a developmental delay throughout her life, notably, she wasn’t able to speak and wasn’t fully potty-trained.


Her mother was never around and her father would always put her down, and would instead favour her older brother instead.


She got her Cutie Mark when she rammed her head into her father’s computer (if you wanna call it a computer) in a tantrum, sending out a pulse of raw information through her head. Through this, she was able to communicate like a telecommunications antenna, and receive information through such. (However, this is a short-range ability, but she was able to sneak into her father’s office on occasion.)


Because of her developmental delay, she was never able to understand why she was the way she was, or why her father treated her differently. She was able to figure out why for herself through her newfound information-seeking ability. Once she had the information she needed, she eventually took her father to court when she was 11. (A few years prior, she had began speaking in absolute secrecy, but it was only when she was 12 that she was fully toilet-trained. 0_x )


She moved to Ponyville the following year in the hopes of starting a new life. She had moved into a dilapidated barn which she had refurbished, and had lived as the only computer specialist at the time, with her only client who would eventually become her closest friend: Nova.


When she was 15, she had saved her only friend from dying, and the two have lived together ever since. Gem moved out of her now-lonely barnhouse to live with her friend’s home, in which she still lives today.




Additional behaviour:

- Gem tends to use either the word “dude” or a lot of memespeak when talking.



- Works typically with computers, but can also be seen working as an electrician.



- When Gem becomes extremely stress or extremely anxious, her bladder clamps shut, inhibiting her ability to pee.

- When Gem first arrived to Ponyville, she had a vision of meeting a colt in the Everfree Forest in the middle of a blizzard. (This colt was later to be found as Ganaram.)

- Ganaram and Gem have only started crossing paths with each other when they were both 19.

- It’s worth noting that Gem’s last name is the same as Ganaram’s, but this was purely coincidental.

Edited by Ganaram_Bloodrune
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They did not fulfill it. :( They just wrote "Applejack" on the box. And to make it worse, they misspelled her name.


Silly filly, didn't you know they only draw the mane 5 on the box?


Art dump to make up for my insolence?





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