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General Chat Thread

Apple      Bloom

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He had a good run, even creating an undying child Norn.

Yes, and his genetics will live on. This game is a good example of life in it's barest form. You live, eat, breath, sleep, play, mate. And then you die.
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I just got back from camping, and then I have to go to a high school play. I don't wanna go to a high school play aaaafjfdsajk;fdsajkl;fda


anyhoo, how goes the general chat, general chat?

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I joined me with myself and created a repeating screen of endlessness.


I did that earlier just to see what would happen...


This was honestly the very first thing I did.
  • Brohoof 2
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This sucks... GCTopia broke. I am no longer able to enter it without it screwing up and exiting. Experiment over.


Final Results:


Highest Generation: 3


Oldest Norn: Jinx


Personal Opinion: Things were pretty okay. Most of the norns could at least survive without too much help from me. I just wish my norn could have fathered a child.... http://mlpforums.com/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.png

  • Brohoof 2
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Did you know that it's impossible to mention you?


Really? I'mma try.

@, hello.


Works fine for me.


Edit: Flicking back through the posts... Now it's broken because of the name change.

Edited by JayBee
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You must be using witchcraft. I won't for me...


I noticed when I quoted someone who mentioned me, said some characters weren't permitted or some crap. Oh well, the hooves will live on in my sig. ;)
  • Brohoof 2
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You must be using witchcraft. I won't for me...


I don't see much point in the mentions... Other than drawing a certain member's attention.

I prefer the quotes, cos people still get notified if they aren't following the thread :3


Anyone wanna see something funneh and gross? It's a real place too! XD


Go for it (You don't have to ask us :3)
  • Brohoof 2
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