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Apple      Bloom

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Haven just wish you didn't say that. @, is just trying to make it something he's more comfortable with.


lol Somewhat.

I did actually think he messed though.

Though, it would be kinda funny to see...

Slightly hot if it was a hot/cute girl.

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Supposed the Pyfgcrlites were dumped onto a deserted island. Would we manage?


Uh, maybe... I have no idea how to survive. I'd need someone to tell me what to do. But I can follow orders, so just point me in the right direction and we'll be good.
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Weyland brohoofed one of my posts? He DOES still like me... /tear


the Trio. You, Jay, Ganny, Jinx, Bluetrace.

With special guests like Zoop and Jonke and Scootacool.


I call dibs on king of the island


Note how I worded that phrase...


Piss each other.


What does that even mean

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If however, you mean that in the OTHER sense I can think of, bring Viscra in and you two will horribly kick our flanks, not quite figuratively speaking.


I could see Star dominating us. :lol:


and if him and Vissy joined teams we would be horribly screwed! :o

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Weyland brohoofed one of my posts? He DOES still like me... /tear




I call dibs on king of the island




What does that even mean


Huh, he must have unblocked you to see your posts. :wacko:



Well, I get prince or whatever is below king.

Until I overthrow you that is...


And he means to make each other piss themselves.

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So, digest eachother, and piss ourselves out?

Sounds strange enough to be a fun image.


Ummmm, I have no idea.

Im not even sure I wanna think on it...


I was hoping you wouldn't elaborate on that...


Suppose the goal now was to piss each other off while trying to survive.

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Huh, he must have unblocked you to see your posts. :wacko:


He actually unblocked me awhile ago, but he hasn't brohoofed anything I've said for the past few weeks. Which wasn't normal.



Well, I get prince or whatever is below king.

Until I overthrow you that is...


I'll be watching you.


And he means to make each other piss themselves.


I mean, it was kinda obvious, but his execution was off.


Also, hi Trace!


Howdy Arc.

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Suppose the goal now was to piss each other off while trying to survive.


I'd be fishing whilst smacking people with an inflatable hammer every time a vowel is used in a word.
  • Brohoof 1
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Suppose the goal now was to piss each other off while trying to survive.

Like I said before.


Well, Star and Haven would probably gain the upper hand QUITE quickly, while me and Berry work together to make innocent yet effective trolls, and Jinx and Trace work together by making the stoic stance that can piss someone off rather quickly. Then you would be analyzing from outside wiating for the correct moment to make a "lightning troll", so to speak and Jay would be classy as hell which might rustle some jimmies out there. Then Dreamy would be sleeping off somewher while others try to piss him off, not working, effectively pissing THEM off, and Zoop and Dr. Scootacool would work in tandem knowing all the tricks there could be to handling this kind of situations.

Howdy Arc.

How ya doing my good friend?
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I mean, it was kinda obvious, but his execution was off.

It was like that to disguise it, even though everyone knew what it meant.. well everyone who's been here the last few days.

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Is this the Skype group?


No? Okay then.


I'll just...

/me leaves.


This is like the second time Lobstaarr. Do you want to chat with us?
  • Brohoof 1
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This is like the second time Lobstaarr. Do you want to chat with us?


Wait, what?



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Wait, what?






Now I regret ever brohoofing that post


Don't be like that.


Suppose the goal now was to piss each other off while trying to survive.


Hmmm It really just depends on what is around and whats going on.

Like since Jay is fishing I could easily just run/swim through the water to scare off the fish.

Someones building something, I can remove one small, but somewhat important part.

I could also trample on someones wheat crops.

Many ways to do so. Just gotta look around you.

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I could easily just run/swim through the water to scare off the fish.

If someone ever did that if I was fishing for real, I'd get the nearest and largest hook, and take aim with my spare rod. ;3
  • Brohoof 1
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If someone ever did that if I was fishing for real, I'd get the nearest and largest hook, and take aim with my spare rod. ;3


lol Well, at least I know my methods work!


The only downside? I'd have a giant hook attached to me somewhere...

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