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Apple      Bloom

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I'm guessing you missed it as well.


Don't feel too bad, I missed the first freaking half. :x


I missed the first 8 minutes, so I decided to just wait for it to get posted later.

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I missed the whole episode, so I'll go see if the channel I go to has uploaded it yet.

I have two reasons to celebrate today.
1: I now have a wide angle lens for my camcorder
2: My brother's cat is gone at last


I tried beer once and I thought it was disgusting.

The only beer I like to drink is Budweiser.
Most of the other lagers taste horrible.

Okay... 12 pages left to the 3000 mark. To everyone here, can I ask you all a favor?
Please don't let some anarchist spammer took over the thread when the time comes.

Roger that.
I have my chaingun set up ready to shoot down spammers. 

How's it goin, guys.

It's goin good. :3

Edited by JayBee
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Today's episode is probably one of my favorite episodes of the show

No spoilers please~



I'd knew you'd be happy, Scootabloom.

I was actually quite pleased myself.

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thanks very much for the spoilers. i'm abandoning all ideas of watching the episode right now.

Just letting you know, they actually have the episode on YouTube now. But on my phone and not home, so... Yeaaaaah... :/

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Just letting you know, they actually have the episode on YouTube now. But on my phone and not home, so... Yeaaaaah... :/

i said i'm not going to watch the episode. so go on, everyone, feel free to spoil the episode for everyone here! would save me the trouble from having to watch the fucking thing, anyway!


and while you're at it, please, feel free to spoil the whole season 3 premiere, too. i've already seen enough spoilers of it since it's aired. why have to watch the whole thing when you can get it spoiled instead?!!

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i said i'm not going to watch the episode. so go on, everyone, feel free to spoil the episode for everyone here! would save me the trouble from having to watch the fucking thing, anyway!

I haven't seen it yet, but spoilers don't really affect what I think of the episode.

Most of the 'spoilers' I see aren't true spoilers anyway. They're more like different version of what a TV guide would put.

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i said i'm not going to watch the episode. so go on, everyone, feel free to spoil the episode for everyone here! would save me the trouble from having to watch the fucking thing, anyway!


and while you're at it, please, feel free to spoil the whole season 3 premiere, too. i've already seen enough spoilers of it since it's aired. why have to watch the whole thing when you can get it spoiled instead?!!

I never go on this forum before I watch the new episode :P There's sure to be spoilers EVERYWHERE. In the status updates, in this thread, even in people's avatars.

  • Brohoof 1
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i said i'm not going to watch the episode. so go on, everyone, feel free to spoil the episode for everyone here! would save me the trouble from having to watch the fucking thing, anyway!


and while you're at it, please, feel free to spoil the whole season 3 premiere, too. i've already seen enough spoilers of it since it's aired. why have to watch the whole thing when you can get it spoiled instead?!!

He kinda wasn't here to actually see you even ask for no one to spoil anything. Can't really get mad at that.


And I don't see how thats even a spoiler. It doesn't tell much at all, really imo.

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alright, fine, i was pissed off for nothing. you would be to if you woke up and there were a bunch of shit everywhere and your stomach has been bloated since last Tuesday...


edit: by shit i of course don't mean the literal kind, despite it going hand-in-hand with stomach problems. i mean shit as in the OH GOD GET THE HELL OUT OF MY ROOM kind.

Edited by Princess Viscra Maelstrom
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I don't see how thats even a spoiler. It doesn't tell much at all, really imo.



This thread needs more holes.

[Runs around with a holepunch]

alright, fine, i was pissed off for nothing. you would be to if you woke up and there were a bunch of shit everywhere and your stomach has been bloated since last Tuesday...


edit: by shit i of course don't mean the literal kind, despite it going hand-in-hand with stomach problems. i mean shit as in the OH GOD GET THE HELL OUT OF MY ROOM kind.

[Hugs] That sounds horrible...

Hope you feel better soon.

Edited by JayBee
  • Brohoof 1
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Yup... This thread needs more holes. [Runs around with a holepunch]


Not strong enough, here take this.


*Hands you a blackhole punch*

  • Brohoof 2
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*Hands you a blackhole punch*

[Holepunches the wall]

[Watches the wall get sucked into an infinitely small point]

That's awesome :D


... I miss the wall now.

[Hits undo]

  • Brohoof 1
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Just don't let it fall into the wrong hands, or the consequences will be dire. I'm sure any government would weaponize it and we would have World War III on our hands. Of course it would be rather one sided.


Blackhole Bombs, goodbye world.

  • Brohoof 1
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Does anyone else think that changelings are adorable?

When they're not trying to take over a city, they're probably pretty cute. :3

I'd love to see the not so evil side of changelings.

  • Brohoof 1
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When they're not trying to take over a city, they're probably pretty cute. :3

I'd love to see the not so evil side of changelings.

I never gave the Changelings too much thought until the other day, ehrn I read a really great fan fiction.

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