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Apple      Bloom

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I'm back bitches.

Anyone miss me?



I know, watch ponies speedpaints, that helps

I rarely ever watch speedpaints. Just not my thing.

I can try and do it while watching ponies though.

I've been back in Simtropolis again...

Das good.

I always believed that drawing is a gift that you born with, but I can be wrong, maybe it is possible to learn how to draw decently

I can see that, but I also have a slight belief that you can work at it and still get pretty decent.

Quick, send Scootacool's daughter to the past to stop him building the bot! D:
Who was his daughter again?

Scootacool had a daughter?

Time to pop outta nowhere. 1635 active reports o.O

Poor mods respect
Btw how are you all?

I'm pretty good. Just got back lel

They can just hit the "warning points to all" button.

...That sounds like one hell of a scary button...

don't worry about it XD life's better when you don't worry

It also can get a lot crappier because you didn't worry.

Dat Rarity.
And lulz
Hmm... are you part of the GCT family?

Dat Rarity in deed.
I hope so.

Maybe you could be Haven's brother or something. Or, if Sparky allows it, my other dad.

I'd love to have a brother/sister.



great, seeing as i've got a date later!

*Sniff sniff*
They grow up so fast. :(
I'm glad it went well.

i will, i'm taking her to the movies!

.....You need more original date ideas. :V

Music jam Where people get together and just play anything really

Ooo, you have jam sessions to?
What instrument do you play?

Anyone else love the sound of thunder?

Not really.
Rain is ok, but I could do without the thunder.

I'm easy enough for Sparky, so I shouldn't be that hard...

I doubt Sparky can properly take care of a child...

i made a test-spoof of the text that appears on every death screen of Resident Evil:
it's not the best work ever, since it's the first time i did it. but i think it looks acceptable.

Oooo :wacko:
It looks nice.

Hmm.. never thought about it actually so I will go with first thought.

I like turtles they are chill and I like to go with the flow so it seems natural I guess ?

Wartortles aren't normally lax as you. Heck, one group of their lower evolutions actually caused trouble purposely.

This I knew. Send him my regards and these pictures I've tapped to the bottom of this post.

And that is the most random assortment of pictures to send him.

*spedunkles into mass of plegh*


You made me waste time.

Don't worry, I'm sure someone else clicked on the link, thus, not making you waste time. :3

making more MIDI songs someone stop me.
dnb in MIDI. it works actually pretty well.
ambient in MIDI. i played below octave 1 at one point.

It should work just the same regardless of being a midi or not...
But I like the first one somewhat. Not too bad.

I forgot what I was gonna post, so have this instead...
Hopefully it's good enough.

No, its not good enough. :I

(love the Mario reference by the way)
random question, if i recorded myself singing, would you guys watch the hell out of it

Probably not.

what the heck does beta mean, i keep seeing that.

I do believe something along the lines of not as social or outgoing as others when it comes to using it for people.

We need this kind of add-on in this forum

That would be an awesome add on.
Maybe then people would stay away from obvious flame bait.
And we could also find the flame wars easier. >:3

had the most wonderful date today...

Das good.
I'm still crying over here. :(
Soon, you'll be all on your own. :c


What are lapels?

I thought all this time that it was thug accent


Are YOU a family man?

I have no idea what this has to do with anything at all.
But holy crap Guile's face.

I have absolutely no idea how to do a proper DnB intro.

Ummmm, just do an intro?
I have no idea what would even classify as a "proper" intro.

Isn't se adorable:

Waay too tiny. Need more meat.
Also needs a better cosplay idea.



Hay guise...] is joining the MLP Forums
Be nice...

Oh, god....
I'll remember her name so I can avoid her.
Its for the best.
Also, don't for the love of God direct her here. D:

I want to play majora's mask on the wii u

If only this was a real game on the Wii U... ;_;


I like this one better

Hopefully she won't get kicked out like the last time a parent of one user joined the forum...

Wait, what parent got kicked out?

i tend to get very few replies on my music i post here, myself.

This is why I don't post my music here.

As if you expect her to be an anti... ]

There have been anti's here.
Even an impersonator.
Man, was he awesome...


I'll have a bowl of that please.

sadly i must agree, but that whole "everypony is gay for breaburn" thing dont work on me, which is why i looked for the hat at first glance

No, it works for everyone.
No exceptions.
If it makes you feel any better, there is also the "Everyone is gay for Spitfire" one. Which makes you straight for her, so yeah.

Silly pegasister, everyone knows Braeburn doesn't swing that way.


Gooooooooooood evening to you to :3

Dat Derpy <3

Now this is something I want to see waiting for me in my house...

I wouldn't mind seeing that as well.

I really feel like I should swing by this place more often, but I also feel like I should be avoiding this place for a number of reasons...
Why must my brain be such a pain?

Why should you avoid it?

Is it bad that I've listened through this whole thing?... Three times?



>Liquid pride
oh my fuck I still laugh at that.


There is no escape from the dreaded friendzone I'm afraid....

so i herd u biches waz talkin bout me?!?!?!?!?

Nope, not at all.
Also, hai Plummy. :3

I forgot that Haven is suspended, he didn't see his drawing


oh really? :: thank you so much, I didn't have the time to log on and tell him.
I graduated today :)

Late congratulations, Sparky! :3

I hope the graduation went well. And why is Haven suspended?

Because I'm a hard ass.
Naw, just a few too many points.
Borderline and Abusive behaviour (apparently).


Fuck, I don't remember what this quote was aimed at.
Oh, well.

played some more Serious Sam: The First Encounter HD. it's a pretty fun game for what it is. now i'm trying to figure out where exactly Steam keeps the screenshots of the game (since i used the game's screenshot key a few times).

Serious Sam is stupidly fun to play. I love the guys who charge at you with bombs in their hands. I die laughing at them every dadgum time.

How's my GCT family? ;D

Quite lovely~
Miss your uncle? :3

Heya guys, how are yoy guys dong in this fine weekend? :)
On a totally unrelated note...
Look at her. Just... look at her, and say that she's not cute.
*is angry because someone said that Woona is not cute

Woona is by far the most adorable filly ever.

I have nothing to do for the rest of the day

I cannot stop staring at that Lyra...
I just wanna hop in there and start dancing with her! X3

did you watch the correct one
you have to watch this one

This is worse than the actual anime itself...

Don't you like MLP more than Pokemon any longer?

Because apparently she wanted on the "Bandwagon" of 8 people. <_<

Part of me says WTF, and the other part of me says that the two shows were created by the same person, and the other part of me (which was the part of me that made this post] ) would've said that Lauren Faust and Tara Strong were involved with one of the two shows prior to the Era of Ponies.
And you make too many namechanges. I honestly didn't know you were DMC.

Oooo! Draw Synth next, please! :3
Also, hai Ganny! :3

People are here again, time to fly up to my safe spot.

*Grabs Jinx by the wing*
Don't you dare fly away just cause it gets crowded down here. :I
Also, :wub: at that picture.

Good morning fellas
Have you had your breakfast today?

I actually usually rarely ever eat breakfast.
My lunch is normally my "breakfast" :x

What the bloody hell
Only some toasts with jam? Here I'm having a full-blown course for breakfast

Good thing I don't normally wear fedoras...
And I greatly envy you for that breakfast. :I

dafuq iz a breakfast
I found a nice song for Haven (I have no idea what his username is as of now).
u'll kno wat i meen if u check dat title

It wasn't a bad song either.

Cereal is the fanciest breakfast I go for.
Haven likes fads, he's Umbreon now.

Its not a fad dammit! D:
And cereal rules!

How could you westerners can survive with such minuscule breakfast

Its not hard at all really.
I don't eat that often either. Way less than one should.

Have a random Ditzy


I hate it when I'm bored.

My mind doesn't always wonder that far, but it still gets annoying at times when I'm bord.

y thred b ded?

Cause I'm not here. chansub-global-emoticon-ddc6e3a8732cb50f







Stahp that you two. :I

i've played a lot of Quake 2 today. pretty fun game. :3
what are yours? o.o

I don't remember what Quake I played on my N64, but goodness yes its fun. Especially multiplayer with a friend.
Such memories. ;_;

ded? when did that happen?




Edited by Umbreon
  • Brohoof 5


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I'm back bitches.


Anyone miss me?



I rarely ever watch speedpaints. Just not my thing.


I can try and do it while watching ponies though.


Das good.


I can see that, but I also have a slight belief that you can work at it and still get pretty decent.



Scootacool had a daughter?



I'm pretty good. Just got back lel


...That sounds like one hell of a scary button...



It also can get a lot crappier because you didn't worry.



Dat Rarity in deed.



I hope so.


I'd love to have a brother/sister.






*Sniff sniff*

They grow up so fast. :(


I'm glad it went well.


.....You need more original date ideas. :V


Ooo, you have jam sessions to?

What instrument do you play?


Not really.

Rain is ok, but I could do without the thunder.


I doubt Sparky can properly take care of a child...



Oooo :wacko:


It looks nice.



Wartortles aren't normally lax as you. Heck, one group of their lower evolutions actually caused trouble purposely.





And that is the most random assortment of pictures to send him.




Don't worry, I'm sure someone else clicked on the link, thus, not making you waste time. :3



It should work just the same regardless of being a midi or not...


But I like the first one somewhat. Not too bad.


No, its not good enough. :I


Probably not.



I do believe something along the lines of not as social or outgoing as others when it comes to using it for people.


That would be an awesome add on.

Maybe then people would stay away from obvious flame bait.


And we could also find the flame wars easier. >:3




Das good.




I'm still crying over here. :(

Soon, you'll be all on your own. :c



What are lapels?






I have no idea what this has to do with anything at all.


But holy crap Guile's face.




Ummmm, just do an intro?


I have no idea what would even classify as a "proper" intro.



Waay too tiny. Need more meat.


Also needs a better cosplay idea.







Oh, god....

I'll remember her name so I can avoid her.

Its for the best.


Also, don't for the love of God direct her here. D:



If only this was a real game on the Wii U... ;_;





I like this one better




Wait, what parent got kicked out?


This is why I don't post my music here.


There have been anti's here.

Even an impersonator.



Man, was he awesome...


I'll have a bowl of that please.



No, it works for everyone.


No exceptions.



If it makes you feel any better, there is also the "Everyone is gay for Spitfire" one. Which makes you straight for her, so yeah.







Dat Derpy <3



I wouldn't mind seeing that as well.


Why should you avoid it?






>Liquid pride


oh my fuck I still laugh at that.


There is no escape from the dreaded friendzone I'm afraid....


Nope, not at all.


Also, hai Plummy. :3






Late congratulations, Sparky! :3


Because I'm a hard ass.




Naw, just a few too many points.

Borderline and Abusive behaviour (apparently).


Fuck, I don't remember what this quote was aimed at.


Oh, well.


Serious Sam is stupidly fun to play. I love the guys who charge at you with bombs in their hands. I die laughing at them every dadgum time.


Quite lovely~


Miss your uncle? :3


Woona is by far the most adorable filly ever.

I cannot stop staring at that Lyra...

I just wanna hop in there and start dancing with her! X3


This is worse than the actual anime itself...


Because apparently she wanted on the "Bandwagon" of 8 people. <_<


Oooo! Draw Synth next, please! :3


Also, hai Ganny! :3


*Grabs Jinx by the wing*

Don't you dare fly away just cause it gets crowded down here. :I


Also, :wub: at that picture.



I actually usually rarely ever eat breakfast.


My lunch is normally my "breakfast" :x


Good thing I don't normally wear fedoras...


And I greatly envy you for that breakfast. :I





It wasn't a bad song either.


Its not a fad dammit! D:



And cereal rules!




Its not hard at all really.

I don't eat that often either. Way less than one should.






My mind doesn't always wonder that far, but it still gets annoying at times when I'm bord.

Cause I'm not here. chansub-global-emoticon-ddc6e3a8732cb50f


Stahp that you two. :I


I don't remember what Quake I played on my N64, but goodness yes its fun. Especially multiplayer with a friend.


Such memories. ;_;




I'm not gonna attempt to interpret that story.

  • Brohoof 1



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I'm not gonna attempt to interpret that story.

For you it was basically me seeing your drawing of Sparky and Jade Flare, which, I liked.

Do you plan on drawing Synth like them as well?


And I also said hai.


Hai, Ganny! :3


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For you it was basically me seeing your drawing of Sparky and Jade Flare, which, I liked.

Do you plan on drawing Synth like them as well?

I need a reference of Synth's Cutie Mark, though. Send it in the PM, if you will.


Over and out. (I got a class to attend.)

  • Brohoof 1



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...b*tches... Sup B*tches... It's Chad Warden here, aight. Today we're gonna be talkin' bout dat ps triple... Not dat wii....


yoyoyo wassup wit you guyz?

  • Brohoof 1

Just editing my signature to say that my behavior on here was cringe. I don't regret the friends i made but man i was cringe here

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*Grabs Jinx by the wing* Don't you dare fly away just cause it gets crowded down here. :I


It wasn't crowded here, people were at my house visiting. So I snuck into the thread to get away from them. It's more comfortable in here anyways.


You just grabbed a Ditzyfied person by the wing, yeah no *flaps wings so hard Haven loses his grip*



All three of us.


It's time for an unmotivated group hug, *insert unmotivated hooray here*

  • Brohoof 1


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...b*tches... Sup B*tches... It's Chad Warden here, aight. Today we're gonna be talkin' bout dat ps triple... Not dat wii....


yoyoyo wassup wit you guyz?

greetings, my fine feathered friend XD

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I need a reference of Synth's Cutie Mark, though. Send it in the PM, if you will.


Over and out. (I got a class to attend.)

Okie dokie lokie! Will do!



...b*tches... Sup B*tches... It's Chad Warden here, aight. Today we're gonna be talkin' bout dat ps triple... Not dat wii....


yoyoyo wassup wit you guyz?

I love that guy. :wacko:


And not much. Just now posted after my suspension + mini break.

Kinda bored. Might play N64 idk.



*cough* we already chat on Skype box so it doesn't count *cough*


Still no fair. X3


It wasn't crowded here, people were at my house visiting. So I snuck into the thread to get away from them. It's more comfortable in here anyways.


You just grabbed a Ditzyfied person by the wing, yeah no *flaps wings so hard Haven loses his grip*




It's time for an unmotivated group hug, *insert unmotivated hooray here*

Aah, I see what you mean now.

Good thinking.


Geez, you got some wingpower. :wacko:




  • Brohoof 1


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Geez, you got some wingpower. :wacko: yay~


As opposed to horse power?


See wut I did thar?


I replaced my motivator while I was increasing my wingpower, I'm completely fixed now.


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I'm sitting here reading about that kid who bought all the crap on the mlp gameloft game and like, it's funny but is there any other source than The Sun of all places? They've made up crap in the past and just euuugh they're like the fox news of the UK in my opinion.

Just editing my signature to say that my behavior on here was cringe. I don't regret the friends i made but man i was cringe here

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Moar Dashie <3

 Those thighs...


Err, I mean, get out. :I


As opposed to horse power?


See wut I did thar?


I replaced my motivator while I was increasing my wingpower, I'm completely fixed now.

Oh, I see it alright.


Well, damn. I need to replace my motivator....Nope, not motivated enough to do so. :/




 Stop lying.




Spoiler that monstrosity now. Edited by Umbreon
  • Brohoof 1


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