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Apple      Bloom

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How would that be different?



I have nothing.


Just make it cooler... like 20% cooler. (HAHA, I MADE A 20% COOLER JOKE. I'M SO FUNNY.)


Flight, enhanced armor, lasers, etc.

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You can be with Haven or anypony else you want to! I'm not the jealous type. But yes, you belong to me now. 



so you and dox can be polygamists and I can't 

They most definitely cannot.

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Don't cry, Paradox! *Hugs Paradox*



You can be a polygamist if you want to, Pink!



Your eyes are green? They're beautiful...

haven, save meeeee!





They most definitely cannot.


Haven, he had a kid with me. That pretty much seals the deal.

don't mean you own me.
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Haven, he had a kid with me. That pretty much seals the deal.

Not at all. Plenty of people have kids, but don't actually stay with each other.



And even then, the fact that yall had a kid while he was with someone else doesn't just void out their relationship status.

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Yep.  :catface: We're going to be together forever, Paradox!


You can be with Haven or anypony else you want to! I'm not the jealous type. But yes, you belong to me now.


But I... :(





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