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Combo Posting~


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You know how we have a minimum character thingy?

Well i think it would be fun to add a combo post system to spice things up a bit and make members want to make more higher quality posts.

Here's how I think it should go:

                      Characters ===>100 - 199 = 1 post. <=== How many posts you get

200 - 299 - 2 posts.

 300 - 399 = 3 posts.

 500 - 999 = 5 posts.

1000+ = 10 posts.

If the Mods/Admins feel like 10 is a bit too much, than they can decide on how many posts I guess.

(Please point out any of the bugs in this idea)

Thank you for reading~


Feld0 spelled backwards is illuminati


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I dont believe this would work for one simple reason... It isn't accurate.

If we did this we would lose an accurate way of telling how many posts we have actually made.


People should want to post high quality responses because its a good thing, not to become the highest poster.

Edited by Dawn♥Rider
  • Brohoof 8


Goddamn right, you should be scared of me



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The post count is irrelevant.

It should mean nothing to users.


Doing this will simply make people want to get their post count up so they can brag. It implies more value towards one's post count, and it will probably bring another source of elitism.

  • Brohoof 4


You'll be entranced by me ♥

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The post count, for me, means nothing. I can make fluent and very complicated posts if I want to, not blah blah blah blah. This would make detailed posts, yes, but then we'll get a truckload of braggers shipped to MLP Forums.

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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I don't agree, though mainly because I find it to be too complicated and confusing. Post count seems to frequently be elevated by people as some sort of thing of measuring quality, and an object of superiority. In truth, it is quite simply the number that tells you how many posts you have. It is a statistic, just like how many threads you've created. 


Post count here isn't entirely accurate either, as it is disabled in quite a few areas. Though that's because people think of it as being beyond its intended purpose. As something that makes you special in a few cases. And might post more spam in the areas it is disabled. Whilst I don't entirely agree with this, as former head of RP World, I can say it is a necessity. (People got out of control in there when I tried to remove it) But the difference between this and your suggestion is that it is simple. It still tells you how many posts you have in the given areas it counts. It is semi-accurate. And it's not just a bunch of confusing numbers people have to remember.


I'm just all for keeping it simple. The simpler it is, the less questions people who don't pay attention to the rules (which is a surprisingly vast amount of people) ask, the less annoying it is and the less it floods the forums with such questions.


Character count just isn't a good way of judging whether or not a post should count either. Little known fact: one of the reasons, I believe, that the limit was imposed in the first place was to make it easier for mods to identify spam. (People who try to spam past the limit tend to be really obvious about it.) Not just because it increases quality, which it does to a certain extent. But this system is very flawed. And doing this would only serve to bring out its flaws even more: more people trying to spam past it to get a post to count. It would increase the influx of spam, without the benefit of making it more easily identifiable. Because it already is.


It is a noble idea, but I just think it's vastly impractical.

  • Brohoof 2

Aether Velvet is the name of the OC in my avatar. Drawn by me. 


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This just seems like it would become a confusing mess and would accomplish nothing other than encourage people to artificially pad their posts to get the bonus which creates spam. People already do this to try to get around the character minimum so I say lets not give them another reason.

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How does a 2000-character post equal with a quality post? :huh:

This thing kinda reminds me of that ticket system they use in carnivals from games that you can redeem toys with, lol


While certainly having a basketload of post count sounds nice, it doesn't equal with taking care to write quality post whenever you go. One can simply spam useless sentences that contribute exactly nothing to the discussion and walks away with five post counts, while there are others that can easily provide a jarring input or controversial point of view with measly one post. Rewarding anyone who swamped their posts with useless words with extra post counts will only lead to a wasteland of a forum filled with recursive words.

Not saying that those who can spat out thousands of words in a thread as spammer, though. I myself know more than a handful of users here that can write out their opinions very descriptively, leaving no room for misinterpretation, and they're doing that like it's nothing :derp:


Better we start rewarding quality posts with brohooves (which thanks to my presence also means exactly nothing lol)

  • Brohoof 1


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As those who have posted have mentioned, implementing such a feature would completely annihilate any meaning behind the words "post count". As your post count is exactly that; how many times you have posted in discussion topics. If one is motivated to write walls of text for the sake of increasing their post-count, I would highly doubt their ability to make consistent coherent posts that are contributing to the discussion at hand.


In the end, it would simply be more work and yet another thing to add onto the tecchies' to-do lists, and it would be an entirely superficial feature that we see no benefit in adding.


This thread has largely run its course, thus it shall be locked now. Thank you for your suggestion, as all ideas to help improve user experience here is greatly appreciated.

Ob's stürmt oder schneit. | Whether it storms or snows.


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