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Our ponies don't look very realistic


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I think we should petition Hasbro to make the mane six more like the animals they're supposed to represent. The way they are now totally kills the show's immersion factor in my opinion.


They also don't do a whole lot of actual horse stuff and I'm starting to feel cheated. I've never seen them out grazing or pooping or anything! I mean, horses are supposed to need to poop at least 15 times a day, yet they've never had to poop and they've been horses for what, like three years now? C'mon, that's just ridiculous!


Also, how come they can talk? Horses are supposed to have brains the size of a potato, yet they can form complex thoughts and perform magic and stuff in the show. Totally unrealistic. Same with the magic and flying. I've never seen a horse actually do any of those things. The show needs to stop focusing on memorable characters, incredible storytelling and having an excellent sense of humor in order to bring ponies back to their roots:




If we don't fix this now it's only a matter of time before the show officially jumps the shark.

Edited by Circadian
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Maybe because it's a cartoon? derpy_emoticon2.png


This show is suppose to get little girls, and do you think pooping, realistic, potatoe sized brain, non talking horses will do that do them? They might as well just watch a nature documentary then! I like the designs, and they are a heck of a lot better than the previous generations.


This show will not jump the shark because of the non realistic things the ponies do, and look of them. It's a cartoon, not a nature program!


If Hasbro is reading this, we like the designs! Keep them, and let the show still do what it is doing!



Edited by Sir.Flutter Hooves
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You do realize hasbro will probably read this and think this is what we want, it happened with equestria girls, we better watch out. Common everyone what do we want a Derpy episode, when do we want it? Instead of Equestria girls.

Edited by Fluttershyfan94
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Yeah, MLP ponies don't look realistic. IMO, they look better. Less ugly. More human-like. Waaay more adorable and lovable, not to mention relatable.


I personally would not like it at all if they were made more like IRL horses. But, this is just my opinion, and if yours is different I'm not going to try and force mine on you.


EDIT: Wait, are you serious, or just trolling? If the latter, well played.

Edited by Night Shine
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I agree with you.  We should take away that charm MLP has and make the characters look more realistic.   A cartoon about realistic horses would do wonders for the ratings.

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I have a strong feeling that you are joking.


But if you're being serious then I disagree strongly. I just can't imagine realistic looking Applebloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo  or even a realistic version of the Mane 6, I mean just look at Fluttershy in that picture! No where near as cute as normal Fluttershy. I prefer them the way they are now.


( My opinion of course )

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I agree with you. We should take away that charm MLP has and make the characters look more realistic. A cartoon about realistic horses would do wonders for the ratings.


Well I'm glad at least one of you is seeing reason. It's good to know that there are others like myself that know what is best for the show.


But if you're being serious then I disagree strongly. I just can't imagine realistic looking Applebloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo or even a realistic version of the Mane 6, I mean just look at Fluttershy in that picture! No where near as cute as normal Fluttershy. I prefer them the way they are now.







Edited by Circadian
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Do we really want Pinkie Pie to look more like this?




Yes, that's a happy pony indeed, but it would make a disastrously terrible toys and blindbag materials


And those wings need to be at least three times larger to get those horses flying realistically :v

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Well I'm glad at least one of you is seeing reason. It's good to know that there are others like myself that know what is best for the show.










Realistic ponies in a cartoon is a horrible idea! I love the designs how they are, and we should just leave them. Also, no dialogue would be so boring!


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Well I'm glad at least one of you is seeing reason. It's good to know that there are others like myself that know what is best for the show.










mlfw9091-29529__safe_twilight-sparkle_anYea, no thanks. But if you like realistic ponies over our cartoon ponies, that is fine. Everyone has a opinion and i'm not gonna force you to change your opinion because I disagree. 

Edited by PinkiePieStyle16
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Well I'm glad at least one of you is seeing reason. It's good to know that there are others like myself that know what is best for the show.



Lol I hope you read my post knowing it was sarctastic.  (Which I'm pretty sure you did)  I can assure you no pony is ever going to want to watch a show about realistic looking horses that can't talk. 

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That "Equestria Girls" shit could use some work though.


I agree, and I found some better designs for that awhile back, actually! I think this actress is the spitting image of Rarity!






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I for one agree with the op. The lack of accurate equine anatomy in this series is just wrong. Also, how do they have jobs? Horses don't read or make dresses or take care of animals or throw parties, or work on farms- okay, well, that last one they sort of do- BUT STILL...


And what's with the cartoonish backgrounds and colors? Couldn't they have more realistic backgrounds? And not just the backgrounds, the look of this show is too... Cartoony. This animated series should go for a more photorealistic look, like you almost can't even tell it was drawn.



Perfect! The show should look exactly like that! I'm sure that the talented animators at DHX could recreate that image in Flash...

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You guys, he's making a joke.

Didn't know I'd have to explain that...But he is. xD Circie is being a silly billie goat and trying to get a rise out of ya'll.

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OP - 7/10

The OP expresses his opinions in a fashion that makes him appear serious whilst maintaining the sense of 'whiny-ness'.  Of course, seeing as you are a Rarity fan, it might suit you better to be complaining.

Thread - 4/10

The impact of the OP was less than substantial.  You had very little bites and a few nibbles.


Overall, I give your thread a 5/10.  Nice effort, but try harder

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This idea makes as much as sense as Equestria Girls. I smell a new spin off! Of course let's face it that the g1-g3 ponies look a LOT more realistic then what we have now, which is why they must be killed with fire.  angry.png

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This thread appears to be some manner of random (but strangely enjoyable) nonsense, or something spammy of the sort. Thus, it has been sentenced to the Forum Lounge section of Cloudsdale Colosseum. This is an automatically generated message, by the way.

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