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why are some people so emotional ?


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Some of my friends are emotional sometimes like to the point of crying. One of them gets pissed of really easily or for no apparent reason. When he's angry he just goes mute and doesn't say anything. When he's happy he is all happy and giggly to the point of being obnoxious to other people. My other friend when his other friends get angry for being obnoxious to them he starts crying and goes tell a counselor he sees for like three hours. He likes to start stuff (not with me) but when he gets treated back he goes back and cries and back to the counselor. He often tells me the issues and I listen and tell him my opinion but he never listens and does the same stuff over and he gets sad again. Sometimes I wish they were laid back like me but still there pretty cool people to talk to. Sorry if it seems like a random rant dry.png

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It sounds more like your other friend is an attention seeker if anything. I'm not trying to insult them, but it just gives off those signs of that. I used to know people like that, and while they were my friends and all, it was quite annoying from time to time.


The other thing is that they might be just very sensitive people. There are people like that, myself included, although I may not show it on the outside as much. 


" I see now that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant; it is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are." - Mewtwo

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People are emotional because, they aren't suppose to bottle up their emotions inside of them so they decide to let what they are feeling emotionally out to people. It just happens but sometimes, people act like drama queens with too much emotion. While other people have mood swings and it changes their emotions.

  • Brohoof 1
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I'm super emotional, but I can hold my composer really well lol. I guess some people just can't sometimes :S But my friends hate how I can get really philosophical and poetic when I talk. I just claim that there stupid but they just don't get as deep as I do on things. In retrospective if I met myself from anothers point of view and I came off like that, I'd think I'm a douche, no lies lmao.


Wish I did have more intellectual friends though, and people who didn't throw shit at me when I cry during movies lmfao. Nobody likes an emotional douche ;)

  • Brohoof 1

“Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.”

Mark Twain derpy_emoticon1.png

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I think the problem is not that they are emotional it is that they are not expressing their emotions in a healthy, constructive manner. There could be many many reasons for this and since I don't know your friends I could only speculate but wild mood swings like that are very common in people who are bi polar I am not saying that is the case with your friend but regardless of what the cause is they are not normal and he should maybe consider getting some help for that. Your other friend sounds like he is very insecure and is seeking attention with very little regard as to whether that attention is positive or negative which is also very unhealthy, he is going to have to learn that the harsh truth that though he does matter that the entire world does not revolve around him.

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I try not to be emotional in debates with people. It is hard to do so when you debate people as many times people will almost always be offended and use ad hominem. At the same time I can get emotional when going on a subject that goes to personal. I will not discuss the issue lets just say the issue is not safe for fillies to hear.


I BUKING LOVE AMERICA AND POLTICS. some wise quotes "An armed society is a polite society." "if it neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg, It should not bother me if my fellow man believes that there are twenty gods or there is no god" Thomas Jefferson.

Don't worry I'm a pinkie pie fan and I have my random moments of cupcakes.

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Having Asperger's Syndrome I'm much more sensitive to emotions than most people. So much so that I have to take 2 different kinds of medicine to control it. However being on the internet for so long has toughened up my skin quite a bit, and it's also helped me overcome my social anxiety.

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One of them gets pissed of really easily or for no apparent reason. When he's angry he just goes mute and doesn't say anything. When he's happy he is all happy and giggly to the point of being obnoxious to other people. 

That sounds a little like me, though I don't show it on the surface and only people who know me know I'm like that. 




Why are some people so robotic? They never feel anything and are completely controlled by logic as if humans were built to only conclude the most efficient method to eat, sleep and party.

NO ONE is completely controlled by logic, that's impossible. Logically there is no reason to do anything because there isn't. Logic doesn't control anything, all it is is a process to solve a problem with an end in mind. Logic cannot determine goals or whatnot. Emotions still decided that it's important to eat, sleep, and party efficiently. 


I really have an issue with people who are incredibly emotional. Or.. What they call "emo". I believe you just are socially awkward and depressed about stuff. You need to see a doctor and get help. You wonder why you're so alone and sad, well... Stop being such a shut in.

Stop that, I mean it. Thinking like that isn't going to help anyone. They aren't going to get help for themselves, not because they are selfish, but because the problem is so deeply rooted that it's preventing them for reaching for help, even though they probably want it. What they need is for some one to reach out to them. Also, some people are introverts and are perfectly happy being shut ins, and forcing them to do whatever is not a good idea. 

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NO ONE is completely controlled by logic, that's impossible. Logically there is no reason to do anything because there isn't.


Emotions are an inextricable part of human interaction and contextually they sometimes must be considered from a prudent standpoint. And difficulties can arise when emotions are not detected, such as facetious sarcasm (see above.)

Edited by Blue
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Emotions are an inextricable part of human interaction and contextually they sometimes must be considered from a prudent standpoint. And difficulties can arise when emotions are not detected, such as facetious sarcasm (see above.)

I knew you were being sarcastic, I was just going onto a rant because there are actually people who think like that, I wasn't sure exactly what brand of sarcasm you were going at, if you know what I mean.

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I'm very emotional and sensitive. Though I also got trust issues, and tend to bottle all my feelings up (and then cry by myself to sleep later xD). <- I have a friend who hates how I can't seem to open up to people, and thinks that my happiness is fake. :/ I also had a close friend who'd get reeeaaallllyyyy upset (to the point of running away and not wanting to talk to me) if I decide to stay with other friends for a moment instead of always being with her. Then act as if nothing happened the next day.



I gotta say, I like emotional/sensitive people. Though being tooooo emotional/sensitive can lead to some..unwanted moments, it's way better than being with emotionless people, imo.

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some people act more out of emotion than on logic. it's human to be like that. myself, i'm an emotional person, at least compared to most other people i am around, and it's hard to act through the day at times when you're having an emotional fit and feel unable to let it run its course properly.




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There is a large amount of people, that are very emotional (Including myself) its not something we can really help, it just happens its like, our brains are going wow thats deep so you have to cry about it. But some people do overreact but it is easy to tell, if they get over it really easily they are probbably ovverracting. It all has to do with the chemical signals sent around the brain, like say somepony is yelling at me, my defence is cry, and don't stop. I cant control it, it just happens withought warning and it's annoying but hey it happens. It may get annoying to hang around these people but, just remember it's not like they are trying to be that way (unless they are then you have a right to get upset) Getting upset with a naturally emotional person when it comes to being emotional is like getting upset with your eyelids cuz they blink.

Edited by Arcticbloom



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I am quite emotional. When I get sad feelings I feel very very sad (though I dont cry that often when I am sad), when I am happy or when I for example hear a song about something that is beautiful (like "A True True Friend" or "Great To Be Different") I cry very easily. (Yes I just said I cry when listening to those mlp songs, yes)

Edited by Jokuc


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Because Y.O.L.O.


Because of the chemical imbalances in the mind are silly.


Because I said so.


Because things change, people are different, and normal is an illusion created by the populace and the powerful forces that guide us to issue self-enforced control over the entirety of "civilized society".

  • Brohoof 1


This is something I do? This is something I do.

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I'm one of those people who is very emotional. I don't get emotional because I crave attention nor is it because I grew up being a spoiled brat who cries when she doesn't have her way. I was emotionally abused by my parents, sister, peers, and even some teachers throughout my entire childhood and adolescence. That could be a reason why many other people are emotional like me. Sure, you don't get the scars as seen in physical abuse, but emotional abuse can do severe damage to your mental health. I'm not giving your friend excuses because I don't know him, but judging from your post, there could be a serious issue going on in his life. People don't just start crying for no reason, contrary to popular belief and the stereotype of "cry-babies".

  • Brohoof 1
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Every one is emotional in different views. I know so many people, when they get sad they start crying to the point where they don't talk and you just see tears running down their eyes. Personally I only cry when I get really embarrassed, or if I got hurt physically or emotionally. (Rude comments, rudeness...) 

  • Brohoof 2
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Some people just show their emotions more openly or have them more strongly then others, there's nothing wrong with it in my opinion. I prefer it to the general emotionless stereotype Expecially for guys, that seems so prodominent now a days.


I don't find anything wrong with it, I mean everyone's different, just like some people are more emotional then others.


You also never know they might be dealing with stress or depression or other problems, this could cause the strong emotions, anger or crying to. I know when I get depressed or something im easily agitated and angered. So that could be it or he may just be more emotionally driven.

  • Brohoof 1


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I wish I could be more emotional. I'm like a friggan robot with my Aspergers sometimes. Only time I ever get emotional is when I'm by myself listening to music or watching a really good movie. Emotions are good, I support them. Oh and bananas!!!!

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I don't know, I'm the kind of person who's really good at hiding their emotions. I can feel depressed and still wear a plastic smile, and I know because I've done it before.

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being over emotional is often a mental problem

i have an emotional stability problem (bi-polar disorder), and i often get overly emotional, but i tend to hide it, that way no one know ^^;


he probably need to go to psuchologist and get some pills against this thing




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Having Asperger's Syndrome I'm much more sensitive to emotions than most people. So much so that I have to take 2 different kinds of medicine to control it. However being on the internet for so long has toughened up my skin quite a bit, and it's also helped me overcome my social anxiety.




I wish I could be more emotional. I'm like a friggan robot with my Aspergers sometimes. Only time I ever get emotional is when I'm by myself listening to music or watching a really good movie. Emotions are good, I support them. Oh and bananas!!!!


I also have AS too and I understand both of those, as paradoxical as it seems, and can relate with both of them. I really don't know whether to describe myself as emotional or unemotional, though generally when people refer to some as emotional they are only referring to the expression, and the difference between feeling emotion and expressing emotion is important, and usually I don't express much. Some people fake big emotion displays, some people hide their emotions, and others really do feel as deeply as they express it.

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