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request shop The OC Portrait Request Thread (done in my style, with an example)

Mr. Jaguar

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So I feel like I've gotten to the stage where I can do requests that are actually good, so I feel like.....taking.......some.....requests........ya. Um, OKAY, SO, basically you show me a picture of your OC, then I draw it, and upload it via a camera photo (don't worry, I'll make sure they're very good quality photos), and then you can print it off your computer and do whatever with it.


Rules and regulations (whatever the fuck that last one means):


- No pornographic images, I don't really feel like drawing porn

- Nothing outside of my artstyle, please don't ask for hyper realistic pony art, like I can do realistic, I just don't feel like it these days, I'm riding a cartoony art phase at the moment

- Nothing in the image except for the character and any clothing or whatever they have on them, I don't currently do background pictures, maybe that will change. Maybe

- No color drawings, I tried that this morning....I didn't end well..... *closes eyes*

- Tell me whether or not you want me to draw them in any particular pose/facial expression, and if it's a bust/head shot or full body shot, or I'm just gonna do it random


Time wise, I manage to do 1 drawing each day when I draw for myself, I don't know how many requests I could do in a day, at least 1, so if lots of people want requests, you may have to wait a long while.

Please note, all requests will be gotten to eventually, just drop in your request and at some point you'll get your portrait, even if I don't say anything till then.




At the moment, my camera's being lame, so I might have to get a new one, just wanna say that before people ask for requests. I can afford another one so no biggy.


edit: it's magically started working again, but I think it's unstable, so ya, it might stop working again.



I've got a new style, one thats more realistic looking than before, I'll post as soon as I can. Damn camera ><




First completed OC portrait, for Flow (Naru), Starry Sky:





Astrotuna's OC:




ZoeandNicole's OC, Music Rave:




SonicRules831's OC, Sport:




Pariah164's OC, Butterstich:




Thunder Dash's OC, Thunder Dash:




WingmcCallister's OC, Wick:




Seraphim's OC's, Crossfade & Arctic Frost:



Alright, I'm not gonna be like a certain artist from another forum who I made a request to and never gave me my request despite me having said he would do it, and just outright say it, I'm having trouble doing some of these requests, unfortunately : /. As I've been drawing these requests, I've learned that it's difficult to draw something you don't really find interesting, or at least not interesting enough. I could, theoretically, but there's a good change that it would be lacking in the love department, which is mandatory for my drawings to be the best I can make them, or to even be good at all.


I'm not saying I won't ever do all of these requests, it's just......difficult to motivate myself when I'm faced with something I have no desire to put onto paper. If I don't want to do it, then there's no point, the end result will most likely be crap. I dunno what to do, I'm not sure if I wanna say I'm only gonna draw OC's that interest me, because I don't wanna exclude people just for that, but at the same time, it's not gonna be worth it to draw OC's I don't wanna draw. To be fair tho, one of the OC's I've drawn so far has been one I didn't wanna draw, and it turned out to be one of my best drawings ever, and I'm very pleased with the result, but as I said it's not impossible, so yeah.


That, and I'm on a realistic art binge atm, and I don't know when I'll be interested in drawing cartoony again. I have a feeling it's not gonna be for a long while......I do plan on finishing these requests at some point, but I'm not making any promises, for any of them, even the ones I do want to draw. I think what I'll do is, when I'm back to drawing OC's, if ever, I'll attempt to draw ones that don't interest me, and if I just can't motivate myself, I'll tell the person. No I don't like excluding people, but it's not fair to the people with OC's I want to draw to not draw their OC's just because I don't wanna draw certain other people's OC's.


So that's all I got to say for now. Hopefully no one's upset by this.

Edited by Mr. Jaguar
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Not here to request something. Just here to take a peek at your art and compliment it. I like it, the eyes on Luna are very nice and the proportions on her are very nice. Well done. 

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I would like to request a portrait. Can you do my OC, Music Rave? Link in the sig. I just have one question. Do you digitally paint/ink them or do you have to ask someone else to ink/paint it? Never mind. I just read your entire first post.

Edited by ZoeyandNicole
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Hmm, I actually quite like your style of art, so I'll take a request smile.pngHere is the OC, as it is the only image I have of it xD. But talking time-wise, I'm not picky whatsoever, so take all the time you need.  




I need to know if you want your character in any specific pose/facial expression

That can be of your choosing, just whatever you think works/looks best.

Edited by Assassin✮Derpy
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@ Fiddles, ty img-1408406-1-smile.png


@ ZoeyandNicole

I'll need a description of how you want your character posed and the facial expression, sorry for not saying that originally.


edit: actually I guess you would've told me if you wanted a specific pose so I'll just be random and hope you like. I can always draw more.


@ Assassin, you're next of course img-1408406-2-smile.png, both your OC's look pretty good. Also, my camera's working again img-1408406-3-smile.png

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If you're bored and got nothing else to do you could draw king Sombra for me. I'm just curious how would he look like in your style.

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Loving your style~ Would you care to draw my OC in a full body shot? As for expression, could you do a stern/unamused style? *still have yet to come up with a name for him, maybe this will help me decide on one :P* Here's a pic~



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@Tenebris, maybe,tho this is an OC request thread, but I guess as long as I'm only drawing characters from MLP it could be fine. Though I'm just gonna draw MLP OCs for now.

@Lugia, thanks img-1408574-1-smile.png, and yours is OC#3, and oh shit bat wings. Hmm, I wonder how those will look in my style. WE SHALL SEE!!

@ Assassin?Derpy

I decided to do yours first because you gave me your description first (my bad for not saying that in my original post ><), and damn, I think you're gonna love it img-1408574-2-smile.png, I'm just breezing through it, less than 10 mins I think and it's alright almost finished. I'm just gonna be making his fur dark grey instead of black because if I made it black his eyebrows and shading would be nonexistant, and that would look bad probably. I hope that's okay.

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@ Assassin?Derpy







I hope you like smile.png, I've got to say, something about your character made him really fun to draw, maybe because he's so different looking, I dunno. and now onto the next one!

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I hope you like


 I'd brohoof you more if it allowed me to. Thanks a BUNCH! It looks fantastic, you really did a great job with him, a thousand thanks smile.png

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 I'd brohoof you more if it allowed me to. Thanks a BUNCH! It looks fantastic, you really did a great job with him, a thousand thanks img-1408755-2-smile.png


Thank you, glad you like it smile.png, now, looks like I got more to do. Hmm, that one took only like 20 mins, I imagine the rest will be the same, well, the rest that are not full body shots at least.


Edit: @

Lugia, since you're the second to give me a description,






Your's is finally done :) , I think It turned out pretty well:




Like the previous request, I hope yours is satisfactory. (Stretching out my sentences to pass the character limit is fun). Now for the next, eh, actually I'm guessing if someone wanted a specific pose they would say it their post. So Zoe is next.

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This topic appears to be a request thread and has therefore been moved to Creative Resources. The Fan Art board is for showing off and getting critique on works that you, the topic-starter, have created.

Edited by akita-ken
Btw, I really love your art style too.
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...wow, holy crap. o_o I love your art style!


If it isn't too much trouble, do ya think you could do one for me of my OC Arctic Frost and his sister Crossfade? I have an idea in mind: two headshots, kind of facing each other with an aggressive feel to it like those pics you see of a head-to-head musician battle. They're both in my signature.


I REALLY look forward to seeing how this comes out. If two is too much, it's cool, I'll settle for a headshot of Frost smirking like he knows something you don't know. ;3

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@WingMcCallister and Seraphim, sure thing smile.png, oh and I've fallen in love with Zoe's drawing, shit, once I added the expression I gave her, I just went "MMMM". Damn, this one might be my new favorite of all my pony drawings ohmy.png.


@ akita-ken, thanks, and I guess you're right, don't know why I put this in the fan art board.

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I'm impressed with your style in portraits, I like it so much that I would like to make a request in drawing one of my other OC's, Starry Sky


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@Flow (Naru), Sure thing, I just got finished Zoe's request, but my camera ever so conveniently decided to take that moment to die. Literally, right as I was about to take the photo......dead. Hopefully it'll start working again soon, or else I'll have to get a new one.

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@WingMcCallister and Seraphim, sure thing img-1409971-1-smile.png, oh and I've fallen in love with Zoe's drawing, shit, once I added the expression I gave her, I just went "MMMM". Damn, this one might be my new favorite of all my pony drawings img-1409971-2-ohmy.png.

Awesome sauce. :P As usual, keep up the excellent work. :P I shall be looking forward to it. All this artage is poking the crap out of my imagination. =3

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Ok, I'm glad my camera died when it did, because the original I did for Zoe, looking back on it, was pretty bad. I don't know what I was thinking. I managed to draw a pretty good piece, basically I just had serious proportion issues because I hadn't drawn two visible eyes in my style before, so I didn't know how to do it.


I'm gonna try a style that's different, something a little less cartoony, or at least, less like the show.

 @Flow (Naru)

I like your OC the best out of the ones remaining, so I'm gonna do you next, just because I feel like the more interested I am in what I'm drawing the harder I'll try. Don't worry folks, you'll all be made whol- you'll all get your pictures finished soon smile.png

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I love that example picture! You're really good smile.png


Okay, so...could you do my other, unused OC? He doesn't have a name yet...and so far I've only used him as my avatar on Pony.fm


Here's what he looks like:




Any other info you need?

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@ Diamond Treasure and Midnight Dragon, sure thing, and no, I don't need any more info. Oh, and holy shit, I just found my new style. I've figured out how to do lighting effects in hair, and my eyes look more realistic now, the whole style is a nice balance between cartoony and realistic. I really should have been adding shine in the hair before, even the hair has a more realistic look to it. Now I just gotta figure out how to do all your OC's hairstyles in this style. Hmm.......


Also I think my camera may have finally died, either that or it just needs to rest a bit. Hopefully it's the latter. Whatever the case, you'll all get your portraits done soon enough, don't worry.



edit: Wow.....ok, you know what, those of you who've gotten finished portraits are getting brand new ones, because every single other pony drawing I've done up until this test piece for my newest style looks like ass by comparison. Like, seriously, fuck everything else I've drawn up until this. It's like drinking water all your life until one day you try a glass of orange juice, water just isn't the same. Yall getting remakes!

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