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My Annoyance Over the General Annoyance Over Twilicorn


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I'm sure a lot of you have noticed the annoyance over Twilight Sparkle becoming an alicorn. In fact, I'm sure many of you have felt and/or expressed such annoyance. Now, there are lots of reasons for this, but the one I see the most is the claim that making her a princess is pandering to little girls, and not far behind that is the claim that it reinforces ideas that girls should pursue social status. Honestly, I don't think that's the case. I mean, yes, it's clear that Twilight becoming a princess does appeal to young girls, but I don't really think that's why the choice was made, and even if it was, that's not necessarily a bad thing. I think people tend to forget that the show was designed to appeal to little girls from the start, but is still good because each element is handled so well. The sheer fact that this event may have been geared toward the show's target audience does not necessarily make it bad, as long as it's handled well (which I feel it was.) Secondly, the idea that it tells girls to pursue social status. I simply don't think this is the case. The way I see it, becoming an alicorn was the next logical step in the development of Twilight's talent. Her defining trait is being good at magic, so it simply makes sense that upon gaining greater mastery of such a skill she would turn into one of the most magically capable beings in the world.The fact that that also entailed becoming a princess doesn't mean it's social propaganda, especially when you look at the fact that none of the other mane 6 seem in any way jealous or excluded, because they realize that that's her path and that they have their own paths they would rather follow, which lead to different ends. Overall I just think that people are being a bit too cynical about this. I'll admit I didn't like the idea at first, but I think they did it well. But hey, maybe that's just me. What do you guys think?

  • Brohoof 4

Nilkad_Naqadah, trekking through the barren wastes of the internet, searching for... I dunno, something less barren and wastelike, maybe?


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People feel as they do and that's fine, but people also really like the idea and that's fine too. The back and forth and defending is fine too as long as the anti ponies accept that their position is weaker since it is now show canon. It's not theory it's fact.

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No matter whether you agree or disagree with the decision the writers made, there is really nothing that can be done about it at this point. Besides, it's WAY too early to understand, since the plot arc is not complete yet.

  • Brohoof 1


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     I sometimes worry that it may alter the feel, or direction of the show too much, but I trust that the writers know what they're doing. Mostly I think It's cool. It's interesting to shake things up, and it's nice to see a children's show with a lightly serialized storyline. Not to the point where you can't pick up and watch from any point in the series, but in that past events are not simply forgotten, and characters are developed and canonized. A lot of older kids shows were just the same thing every episode, it's engaging to see characters develop.

    Also I think Twilight would probably make a better Princess/Ruler than Celestia, who pretty much lets all hell break loose in Equestria every few weeks, or months ;)

  • Brohoof 1

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I kinda like that Twilight became an alicorn. It will help her with her studies on magic because she now has new capabilities she would have never had when she was a unicorn. This could make for some more interesting plot and story lines. The only complaint coming from me, is that I wished the season ender would have been stretched to its traditional two-part story, instead of just one episode.


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My annoyance is that we have to create an entire subforum for people's whinging over the subject when that invites more unrest and drama. There's only so long you can carry that going, at some point you have to accept what the writer's did or move on.

  • Brohoof 2

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My annoyance is that we have to create an entire subforum for people's whinging over the subject when that invites more unrest and drama. There's only so long you can carry that going, at some point you have to accept what the writer's did or move on.

That's actually a pretty fair point, although from what I've seen, it seems like the original purpose of the subforum was speculation on what could be done, with discussion such as this being a secondary purpose.

Nilkad_Naqadah, trekking through the barren wastes of the internet, searching for... I dunno, something less barren and wastelike, maybe?


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I don't care if a decision is done to appeal to bronies or to the "target audience" so long as it is actually a good one and twilicorn was no a good one. Yes I know it can still work and have acknowledged that there are some interesting directions it could be take story wise but even if it does work out and I really hope it does it is probably going to take a while for the writers to smooth over the abrupt and sudden change and make just what in the hell happened in the season finale make even the slightest ounce of sense. As to the question of whether it is "social propoganda" or not, so far it seems that way but my final verdict on that is not going to be until season 4, I really hope they don't maker her a Mary Sue she is a great character and dosen't deserve that fate.

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I don't really see any reason to be upset with others for not sharing your opinion. I don't particularly like Alicorn Twilight for several reasons, the presentation and timing of it, the potential for focusing the show more on her than before, and it generally just feeling unnatural to me. You may not have any problems with those things, or feel that my worries are unwarranted. And that's great. I'm not saying it's objectively bad, it actually has a lot of potential to explore new plotlines for her. I'm saying that I personally don't like it very much. I'd actually love to be optimistic about Alicorn Twilight, to be able to appreciate what this means for the show as much as so many of you do, but I can't be just yet.  And I don't feel that it's fair to be annoyed with me over that.

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I don't really see any reason to be upset with others for not sharing your opinion. I don't particularly like Alicorn Twilight for several reasons, the presentation and timing of it, the potential for focusing the show more on her than before, and it generally just feeling unnatural to me. You may not have any problems with those things, or feel that my worries are unwarranted. And that's great. I'm not saying it's objectively bad, it actually has a lot of potential to explore new plotlines for her. I'm saying that I personally don't like it very much. I'd actually love to be optimistic about Alicorn Twilight, to be able to appreciate what this means for the show as much as so many of you do, but I can't be just yet.  And I don't feel that it's fair to be annoyed with me over that.

It's not really people like you I'm annoyed with, as you're clearly being quite reasonable about it. Perhaps I should have been more clear. It annoys me when people claim it's an objectively bad decision, and assume that it can somehow ruin Twi's character and make her a Mary Sue. Bonus points if such a person is really vague about what makes him or her think it's a bad decision. Such as...




I don't care if a decision is done to appeal to bronies or to the "target audience" so long as it is actually a good one and twilicorn was no a good one. Yes I know it can still work and have acknowledged that there are some interesting directions it could be take story wise but even if it does work out and I really hope it does it is probably going to take a while for the writers to smooth over the abrupt and sudden change and make just what in the hell happened in the season finale make even the slightest ounce of sense. As to the question of whether it is "social propoganda" or not, so far it seems that way but my final verdict on that is not going to be until season 4, I really hope they don't maker her a Mary Sue she is a great character and dosen't deserve that fate.

Nilkad_Naqadah, trekking through the barren wastes of the internet, searching for... I dunno, something less barren and wastelike, maybe?


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I'm sick of hearing about it period. Personal growth in anybody or person regardless comes in all shapes and or forms. She studied dilligently and her persistence in her studies granted her a gift which she deserved. But this whole topic is so beaten to death it's a waste of thought energy.

  • Brohoof 1

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Bonus points if such a person is really vague about what makes him or her think it's a bad decision. Such as...

I have gone over why I think it was a bad decision many times in many different threads and I didn't feel like going over it again so fricken sue me. Some people don't like twilicorn and have their own reasons for it, it is called having an opinion and some people are going to have ones that are different from yours and you are going to have to deal with it. I can see that this is just another one of those arguments complaining about complaining, no offense but this thread has barely even started and I am already bored can somebody please wake me when something interesting happens? No, on second thought I am just going tune out of this as I have much better things to do.


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I have gone over why I think it was a bad decision many times in many different threads and I didn't feel like going over it again so fricken sue me. Some people don't like twilicorn and have their own reasons for it, it is called having an opinion and some people are going to have ones that are different from yours and you are going to have to deal with it. I can see that this is just another one of those arguments complaining about complaining, no offense but this thread has barely even started and I am already bored can somebody please wake me when something interesting happens? No, on second thought I am just going tune out of this as I have much better things to do.


Whoa, hey, no need to start getting upset about it. All I said was that you were vague in your post. It may be the case that you've been less vague on other threads, but I haven't seen any of those threads, and it's unreasonable to get upset at me for basing my statement off the information I have. Secondly, if you don't like this thread, you think it's boring or played out, that's fine, just ignore it. No one forced you to participate. There have been plenty of threads I thought were overdone, and I just either stopped replying to them or didn't start replying to them, rather than get upset at the poster. And lastly, yes I realize people have differing opinions. I can definitely deal with it. In fact, in the reply you quoted, I was quite cordial to someone who disagreed with my opinion, because that person was being reasonable. That's what it really comes down to. How reasonable or unreasonable a person is. Frankly I've stuck a verbal boot up the arse of people who actually agree with me, simply because they were being unreasonable.

Nilkad_Naqadah, trekking through the barren wastes of the internet, searching for... I dunno, something less barren and wastelike, maybe?


I critique things! http://nilkadreviews.tumblr.com


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People can feel how they want. I don't think Hasbro's pandering at all, they just wanted a new toy on the market, and the writers decided to represent Twi's development physically when they could have gone down a different road. I'll accept it as part of the show, but I don't have to like it, and I encourage everyone who chooses to represent Twi as a unicorn in fanon. That's just my preference.

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I'm really surprised at the depth and scale of the antipathy for Alicorn Twilight. Sure, I think it was a bad idea, but I'm prepared to shrug and move on. Most of the other controversies - like the Canterlot Wedding - seemed to die down once the episode in question came out, but this one just keeps going on and on.


Most of the reasons seem kind of silly, too. Twilight leaving her friends and/or being more important and powerful? Well, yeah, she's the monarch's right-hand pony. Were these ever not going to be issues? Or the problem that the pony type ratios are off now. Because what type of pony each of the characters are utterly defines them. And then there's the longevity concerns, which not only have no basis in the show - or support from the writers, but wouldn't actually become an issue for decades.


And...we haven't had a full episode with the Twilicorn yet. While I have my doubts about the concept, I'm willing to suspend judgement until I see how it works in practice.

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I'm pretty sure it isn't telling girls to pursue social status... because Twilight didn't pursue it. No time on her journey has the proclaimed about wanting to move up the ladder socially, or burst into a Lion King spin off (Oh I Just Ca't Wait to be Princess!) 


I think the lesson children are supposed to take away from this is, if you acquire all of these various virtues and apply them to yourself like Twilight, you will be successful. What is more successful than royalty? It isn't like how Rarity SPECIFICALLY did things to make her more popular and desired popularity. And you're right. What is wrong with being a princess or wanting to move up on the social ladder? We need those people in our society too! As long as you don't use cruel or dubious methods to gain said status, this is not a bad thing.

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I'm really surprised at the depth and scale of the antipathy for Alicorn Twilight. Sure, I think it was a bad idea, but I'm prepared to shrug and move on. Most of the other controversies - like the Canterlot Wedding - seemed to die down once the episode in question came out, but this one just keeps going on and on.


Most of the reasons seem kind of silly, too. Twilight leaving her friends and/or being more important and powerful? Well, yeah, she's the monarch's right-hand pony. Were these ever not going to be issues? Or the problem that the pony type ratios are off now. Because what type of pony each of the characters are utterly defines them. And then there's the longevity concerns, which not only have no basis in the show - or support from the writers, but wouldn't actually become an issue for decades.


And...we haven't had a full episode with the Twilicorn yet. While I have my doubts about the concept, I'm willing to suspend judgement until I see how it works in practice.


Biggest reason i think is that people have a full year to worry about the outcome of this and whether they should stay with the show or if it's starting to fall apart. But I'd appreciate it if people could just simply accept what's been done when they come to terms with it. Endless theorizing, opinions, or complaining really does no one any good

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