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Who'd win in a death battle: Snips or Snails?

Orablanco Account

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Title says it all. With all these "who would win" topics, I'm surprised his hasn't come up too much. Who would win in an ultimate fight to the bitter end: pudgy Snips, or his lanky friend, Snails?


Personally, my money is on Snails. He seems to be exercising some Buddhist level meditation, perfect for learning the 500 Scrolls of Death.

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Wow, I can see that. The biggest battle ever. lol

Well to tell you the truth I don´t even think they have the strength to kill another pony. The probably die of estarbation or something for trying to kill each other for so long. 

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Snails would win. He is a bigger pony than Snails, in height that is. That should be a clear advantage for him. But Snips could possibly win due to his heavy body type.

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In my honest opinion. I felt as if this entire situation has escalated rather quickly when it comes with the conflicts of two ponies...

I mean a death battle. That's... Interesting.

  • Brohoof 2
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I'd have to go with Snails as well, unless Snips' cutie mark involves him weaponizing scissors somehow. That would be kind of cool actually. Still though, something about Snails makes me think he'd end up on top.

  • Brohoof 1
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Pinning Snips with Snails in a fight is like having the Cutie Mark Crusader fight each other. I think it may end like how the Spongebob and Patrick fight went down.

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I just took this in. How the heck would these two ponies even formulate an idea that, 'Oh! I think i should overpower my pal in order to secure my title as the strongest pony in Ponyville!'?

They didn't even stand a chance against Trixie

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