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movies/tv Why does it seem that most Bronies hate SpongeBob?


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I found Spongebob to be pretty funny back in the first few seasons, then it got disturbing and dumb.  My favorite silly kids cartoon is probably Fosters Home For Imaginary Friends though.


But really, I like My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic better than any silly kids show.  I like it for its characters rather than for its humor, and for me, that's a bigger deal.

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I was in college when Spongebob first became popular, so when I did watch it, I came at it from a different perspective from you guys. 


Spongebob is a brilliant surrealist comedy.  I mean, the movie was so absurd you can't help but laugh your ass off the whole time.  The David Hasselhoff cameo alone was priceless.  I mean, how many of you kids even watched Baywatch back then?  There's a lot of humor there that I'm convinced works better when you watch it as an adult than as a kid.


Another example would be my favorite episode from the show itself, "Krusty Krab Training Video".   For any of you who've ever had to sit through a fast food or other corporate training video, you *know* how cheesy these things are, and this episode captured them perfectly. 


So no, I don't hate Spongebob, and I think those who do really should give some of the episodes a second watch.


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Beats me. I had never even heard that they did. I love Spongebob. That's one of my favorite cartoons of all time. It's so funny...I can't get enough of it. And I could never outgrow it no matter what.

Edited by Asbel Lhant

The White Shinigami

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The first few seasons of the show were simply golden. There was no beating the simplicity and yet enticing stories they put out. Selling bubble blowing? Meeting Sandy for the first time? The Krusty Krab Employee Training video? These were classics.


Hate is a strong word to use as well. I dislike the quality the show has taken, but I don't hate it.




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I really dont see why people dislike Spongebob after the movie, for me it's still as awesome as ever. 

It's nice to watch a show just for the laughs in this day and age. Everyone seems to concerned with kids shows presenting us with morales and lessons and such, it's nice to just watch Spongebob and Patrick be a couple of total idiots for a while. 

Sure, some of the episodes I dont care for, but I still say there's a huge preference to Spongebob over anything else. 


As far as comparisons between Spongebob and MLP I can say I have never seen that myself, that's interesting. I'll definitely have to keep my eye out for some of those sometime :3 

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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I watched spongebob in early middle school, when it first started.  At first it was okay, but as it started to go down line of "stupid" humor, it just turned me off to it.  There are so many adult references that no 8 year old should hear, and it, in my eyes, brought about the STUPID cartoons we know of today.  Their humor does not teach morals nor does it entertain in a normal sense, (like looney tunes, where the humor included so much dialogue, whereas Mickey Mouse was very bouncy, but used real situations to bring humor and often taught something of a moral. I consider FIM to be more like the older Disney cartoons).  Spongebob, Chowder, Regular Show, Adventure Time, The Misadventures of Flapjack, Ed Edd and Eddy etc etc. use stupid humor.  Nothing is learned, no knowledge is gained, nothing "special" to be remembered, and morality is degraded, and when you make humor within the lines of these aspects, this is stupidity, and if stupidity is funny, then what will come of the people who watch it, especially when nearly every modern major cartoon there is out there follows this pattern?


I am not saying I do not at all like any of these shows, In fact most of them I have watched and enjoyed to some extent, but if that is all that is popular and out there and that is most of what is available out there, it's just not very healthy to be constantly exposed to.

There are many lessons in SpongeBob, trust me. Like Sailor Mouth and Best Day Ever for example. There are also educational games, so saying that SpongeBob is 0% educational is an invalid argument. Sorry.


Beats me. I had never even heard that they did. I love Spongebob. That's one of my favorite cartoons of all time. It's so funny...I can't get enough of it. And I could never outgrow it no matter what.

I 100% agree. Some people are just too blinded by nostalgia to enjoy anything! In fact I know someone that hates Season 3 of MLP FIM. I thought that this was the best season. The same goes for Seasons 8 and 9 for SpongeBob.


But anyways, SpongeBob is still extremely popular (more popular than MLP FIM of course) with fans young and old.wink.png img-1379355-5-xtWXQl1.png


i did stop watching cartoons, MLP is the first cartoon ive watched in years, i started watching it in 2011, and i still credit sponge bob to the over all decline in quality cartoons had in the 2000's

Only YOU really think that. But I do respect your opinion. But you have to understand, not every cartoon was inspired by SpongeBob during that time. And if you must know, the show itself is still doing very well (it's still more popular than MLP believe it or not). But they are both amazing shows. Nickelodeon and The Hub don't care if a group of people hate/dislike their shows if more people love/like it.dry.png  But that's the way it goes. Majority rules. Sorry.


And honestly, I hope that SpongeBob can last as long as The Simpsons. Hopefully this new movie will extend the show, like I said before.img-1379355-5-xtWXQl1.png

~~* :ooh:  :dash:  :P  :grin2:  :fluttershy:  :smug: *~~

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I don't really see why, unless you can count Spongebob going downhill after the movie. But, it wouldn't be easy to compare My Little Pony to the old Spongebob episodes. Pretty much, you can hate the show after the movie.



I USED to love Spongebob when it was still good. Seasons 1-3 and the movie were the  best, we're talking about Band Geeks and Chocolate with Nut, two of the best episodes of animation history ever.


But, right after the great movie the quality dropped a lot, because all the original people left. The characters were annoying, Spongebob who used to a funny adult was now an annoying 6-year old. Plus, each new episode has already been done, cheap Krabs, Squidward's Depression.  Don't get me wrong, I used to love it, but it got unwatchable after the movie. 



Most bronies hate Spongebob? I thought it was the complete opposite, considering how many love to reference the show








If they hate anything, it's probably the new Spongebob episodes



I like alot of the old episodes of Spongebob but do agree with many people that it has gone downhill after the movie but though it really isn't my cup of tea I wouldn't go so far as to say that I actually hate it.



I loved ol' Spongebob when I was younger. It was one of my favorite shows, a close second to Ed, Edd, and Eddy. I have to agree that the show has kind of fallen flat as of late. But that doesn't mean I stop watching it, something had to keep me occupied until season 4!



I doni't compare them to each other, but Spongebob had a "Golden Era" of some sort which was pretty much every episode before the Movie.


I'll admit there's some good spongebob episodes which i'll watch if i have nothing better to do, but i rather watch this:



than this



Don't group Chowder with those other shows ; n ;


I hate the rest of those, but not Chowder, while it had some slapstick humor, it had pretty good moments were it took some background knowledge to understand, and it had constant flashbacks of other episodes as if trying to remind the viewer about them, and i still believe Chowder was the last good made in Cartoon Network, because i hate everything that airs nowadays.



The old Spongebob was one of the absolute best cartoons ever, how could people hate it??? I've never seen any bronies say they hate Spongebob unless they are talking about the new Spongebob, which is garbage in my opinion.



The first few seasons of the show were simply golden. There was no beating the simplicity and yet enticing stories they put out. Selling bubble blowing? Meeting Sandy for the first time? The Krusty Krab Employee Training video? These were classics.


Hate is a strong word to use as well. I dislike the quality the show has taken, but I don't hate it.




The problem is that a lot of people are judging the "new" episodes off of Season 5-7 episodes, which are very old episodes. Season 8 was a stellar season, and Season 9 so far has been of Season 2-3 quality. People love to judge the show on the basis of the "ALL NEW EPISODES SUCK!" stereotype, and most of them haven't even seen the ACTUAL new episodes. If I may suggest several episodes to the cynical pre-movie fans: 


Eek! An Urchin (Season 9)

Planet of the Jellyfish (Season 8)

Ghoul Fools (Season 8) 

Home Sweet Rubble (Season 8) 

Plankton's Pet (Season 9) 

Sweet and Sour Squidward (Season 8) 

The Krabby Patty That Ate Bikini Bottom (Season 8) 

Jailbreak! (Season 9) 

Patrick-Man (Season 9) 


Please watch any of those episodes, but Eek! An Urchin, Plankton's Pet, Home Sweet Rubble, and Ghoul Fools are the best representations of SpongeBob's dramatic inclination in quality since Season 8. 

  • Brohoof 2
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Old SpongeBob is still golden and the lines to old episodes are still solidly in my memory. "Hello SpongeBob, my name is PAT-back!" I haven't seen many of the new episodes but they seem very bland... it's kind of clear that post-movie episodes are made just for the money. It doesn't bother me though, as long as I can still enjoy the first three seasons.

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I'm guessing it's due to the seasonal rot, I remember it fondly from when I was a kid, but the scattered episodes I've seen of the newer seasons have all been kinda "meh".  



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Old SpongeBob is still golden and the lines to old episodes are still solidly in my memory. "Hello SpongeBob, my name is PAT-back!" I haven't seen many of the new episodes but they seem very bland... it's kind of clear that post-movie episodes are made just for the money. It doesn't bother me though, as long as I can still enjoy the first three seasons.



I'm guessing it's due to the seasonal rot, I remember it fondly from when I was a kid, but the scattered episodes I've seen of the newer seasons have all been kinda "meh".  



Eek! An Urchin (Season 9)

Planet of the Jellyfish (Season 8)

Ghoul Fools (Season 8) 

Home Sweet Rubble (Season 8) 

Plankton's Pet (Season 9) 

Sweet and Sour Squidward (Season 8) 

The Krabby Patty That Ate Bikini Bottom (Season 8) 

Jailbreak! (Season 9) 

Patrick-Man (Season 9) 


Check those out gaiz ^

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What'chu talkin' 'bout, OP? I heart Spongebob. I was in either 7th or 8th grade when it came out, and at the time I wasn't too big into it (I preferred Invader Zim and Fairly Oddparents at the time). As an adult, though, I realized that it was pretty much the same as any other great cartoon I'd watched as a kid: dumb childish humor on the outside, and subtle adult humor beneath. Pretty much the same reason I enjoy FiM, when you get right down to it.


I kind of see where some are coming from when they say the "newer" episodes (which are actually fairly old) aren't as good as "classic Spongebob", but at the same time, the more recent seasons have had some golden episodes, and the older seasons did have some "meh" ones. For one of the longest running kid's shows ever, I'd say it's still going fairly strong.

  • Brohoof 1
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I honestly don't see any reason for most bronies to hate Spongebob, but I do agree, they shouldn't really be comparing it to MLP.


Spongebob was actually my favorite cartoon until I was in 4th grade, and I still like it, but I see no reason to compare it to MLP (even though about 6 months ago I was comparing it with extreme prejudice).


Still, my point is I agree with the point that MLP and Spongebob aren't really worth comparing.

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I liked spongebob from 1999-2004 and from then on pretty much stopped watching it as the episodes kinda seemed to be lacking after then. I don't about now but I always like watching the old re-runs from those years xD.

Edited by Locked



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I just love the old more then the new Spongebob


Thats when the joke's where funny not gross as heck


When Patrick was not super stupid


And when Spongebob was not a wlaking annoying yellow sponge who can make your ears bleed




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ok if bronies seriously were religiously against spongebob then I would immediately quite. because SpongeBob was a HUGE part of my childhood, and I will not see anyone slander it with their "oh horrible graphics terrible plot" etc. I don't care if it actually does have bad graphics or plots, it was my childhood. I have more fun memories with that show than any other, although mlp DOES have a close second.

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I'm a Brony and I watch SpongeBob all the time especial where there is nothing else good on, I in fact choose it over Fairly Odd Parents it just cracks me up and makes me feel young.

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I'm a HUGE Sponge Bob fan. I might even like it more than MLP. (Okay don't kill me bronies. ohmy.png )


The new episodes are bad, but the old episodes are the best! 








Edited by Rainbow Sherbet
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Patrick-Man (Season 9) 


God, i fucking hated that episode.


Like, no joke, i was actually gonna use that an example on how the quality of the episodes has lowered.


I like some of the episodes after the movie, i don't say "GOD EVERY EPISODE SUCKS NOW" I can only honestly say that i like maybe 1-3 of them, and i cant even recall them by name.




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After the movie SpongeBob's humor went from being it's own humor to being more of a Ren and Stimpy kind of humor. Now Ren and Stimpy is one of my favorite shows, but It has a very different kind of humor. While spongebob was more witty and clever, Ren and Stimpy was more of a gross out show. After the movie Spongebob's humor became a lot grosser and there was a lot of dark comedy.


Do i have a problem with dark comedy? No, I love dark comedy, but SpongeBob was never meant for dark comedy or gross out humor.


If you want an example of the Ren and Stimpy humor in spongebob go watch The Splinter. Right now go watch it and tell me it was not disgusting.

Hoi!!! i'm tEMMIE!!!



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God, i fucking hated that episode.


Like, no joke, i was actually gonna use that an example on how the quality of the episodes has lowered.


I like some of the episodes after the movie, i don't say "GOD EVERY EPISODE SUCKS NOW" I can only honestly say that i like maybe 1-3 of them, and i cant even recall them by name.


Good Lord, are you serious? I absolutely loved that episode; I thought the humor was great, the animation was great, the character interaction was great, the plot was great... I feel like had it been placed in Season 1/2/3, there would be no noticeable decline in quality between Patrick-Man and the other episodes in that season.

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Good Lord, are you serious? I absolutely loved that episode; I thought the humor was great, the animation was great, the character interaction was great, the plot was great... I feel like had it been placed in Season 1/2/3, there would be no noticeable decline in quality between Patrick-Man and the other episodes in that season.

There was hardly any interaction, it was mostly just going from character to character and showing what big of an idiot patrick is.


The costume part, it was probably the worst part of the episode besides "Patrick was right and he uncovered a villain"  which was a sudden rush to the end, the plot was "Patrick wants a job, he turns into a superhero, is a bad one, suddenly he does something good"


It seems like a mix of past episodes with more slap humor and less effort put into.


The animation is always the same, no importance on calling it great.




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There was hardly any interaction, it was mostly just going from character to character and showing what big of an idiot patrick is.


The costume part, it was probably the worst part of the episode besides "Patrick was right and he uncovered a villain"  which was a sudden rush to the end, the plot was "Patrick wants a job, he turns into a superhero, is a bad one, suddenly he does something good"


It seems like a mix of past episodes with more slap humor and less effort put into.


The animation is always the same, no importance on calling it great.


Compare the animation of Season 6 to the animation in this episode and it is great. 


What past episodes is it a mix of? I don't think the plot was as generic as you're making it out to be; I thought it was a very enjoyable entertaining that I honestly think would get much more credit had it been made in the Season 1-3. But noooooooooo, it's a post-movie episode, and because of that, everyone bitches and moans about how abhorrent it is. People are of course going to argue, "No, it's just the quality of the episode that sucks" but if "Patrick-Man!" as a single unit had been an episode produced between 1999 and 2004, it would have a MUCH better rep.

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Quite simply, seasons past 3 are generally less good. I still like season 4, and seasons 8-9 are at least 30% good, but this show has generally gone down hill with its comedy, increased flanderization, songs, ratings traps, and horrible premises.


Sure, there are gems occasionally. I find myself liking the sandcastles episode, and didn't hate rise and shine, but I think the reason others and I hate it is because it just isn't really good.

Edited by Flamegeyser
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