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IOS 7 Upgrade  

44 users have voted

  1. 1. Are going to upgrade?

    • Yes, why not?
    • No, this sucks
    • Maybe
  2. 2. If yes, why?

    • It's so beautiful!
    • It's so simple!
    • I just like to be updated
    • This OS has more function than before
    • Because Its just awesome
    • Other
    • My answer is a NO or MAYBE
  3. 3. If no, why?

    • My iDevice is too weak
    • Because Android is awesome and Apple sucks balls
    • What's the point of upgrading?
    • I can't buy an iDevice
    • Maybe it's going to be hard to use
    • Other
    • My Answer is a YES or MAYBE

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Apparently apple forgot everything about good phone design with their new version of iOS. Not only are they showing that they have no capacity to think of something themselves (the phone looks like a rip off of an android theme, and it's dual app functionality is straight from windows phone), but they are just sloppily implementing things and it's bad.


Look at that white text on bright backgrounds, and those ugly background gradients. AWFUL APPLE, JUST AWFUL

  • Brohoof 11
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Am I the only one that doesn't think it's too bad. I mean, I agree with that white text on bright backgrounds thing, but I actually quite like it. I've never owned an Android so I can't really say whether it's blatantly copying it or not from what I've heard. But I think that many people are being too hard on it.

Edited by Absolute Zero
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Apple is dying. Everyone likes Android/Windows better, so their best shot is to make something similar to them.



Also, I think you are able to toggle the color of the default text on your iPhone. Otherwise you would be limited to very black or very white wallpapers. :P

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  • Brohoof 5
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Those gradients look so effortless. The interface's overall appearance sort of reminds me of a pretty poor theme I tried installing on my Galaxy Nexus a while ago. I really hope they aren't going with that GUI without some significant tweaking. I can see where they're trying to go, but it honestly just needs a little work... alright, a lot of work.


(note: I will likely never use ios, but oh well)

Edited by Celtore
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For a minute, I thought this thread was a joke.  But no, that's really was it looks like.


How could Apple possibly be capable of designing such lazy and ugly icons?  I'm serious, this looks like it was designed by someone who's had one, maybe two years of graphics design class.  Videos, Game Center, Safari, Photos, Notes, and Compass are the worst offenders, but the whole thing is just a mess to look at.

Edited by Pony Joe
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Okay, I'll admit that the only reason I came here was because of the Burzum reference in the title. But I agree with you, it does look very Androidish. Apple is dying, but so is Microsoft.

  • Brohoof 1
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the brightness and color reminds me of my Android phone...But even my Adroids icons arn't that vibrantor colorful...it's a killer on the eyes...it looks like something out of a cartoon..The icons look so bland...I lack any kind of graphic design skills and I could probably come up with something better in GIMP.

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I actually kind of like it. It definitely drifts from Apple's signature style, which really surprises me. I'm super accustomed to the iPhone user interface, and although it's nice-looking, some change would be nice. At a first glance I found the new style pretty questionable. It looks like a user made skin with an Android influence. After looking at it some more, I must say it's really grown on me. Maybe I'm just excited because it's such a drastic change compared to the old look.

  • Brohoof 2
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*Facehoof* you guys.... don't become the Linux reactionary people....


Anyway, while I am an Android guy, I applaud this new change apple did. iOS has been the pretty much the same for a loooong time now. It's nice to see some aesthetic changes now and then. When people freak out about this sorta stuff, I feel like I have to roll my eyes.


Just suggesting to calm down a bit. XD but no one will. That's the Techy way

Edited by AnonyPoni
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I am not a fan of this. Personally, I hate the "simple" look. I can't really put my finger on why... I guess it just doesn't go well with me. I like the old looks of some operating systems, such as Windows 7.

I love the interface the way it is. Honestly? If Apple stuck the options to turn Bluetooth, Wifi, Airplane Mode, and Cellular Data off in the notifications bar, I'd be a happy camper.

Some multitasking updates wouldn't hurt either. What we have right now isn't really multitasking-it's more like background running. If they could add this to iOS 7, I'm sure it would be a big hit.

I don't know how this is going to go over. If I find I don't like it, I may just stay on iOS 6.1.3.

  • Brohoof 2
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Anyway, while I am an Android guy, I applaud this new change apple did. iOS has been the pretty much the same for a loooong time now. It's nice to see some aesthetic changes now and then. When people freak out about this sorta stuff, I feel like I have to roll my eyes.

Well I like to see them turn away from  their skeuomorphism, but they're doing it badly. The colors aren't contrasting enough in some places, and too contrasting in others. Hopefully they'll refine it before a final release.

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It doesn't look like a rip off of an Android theme to me. Actually it looks like they're going with the whole "flat" look everybody seems to be doing these days... And it's ugly.


But, I have a feeling it's better than Jelly Bean. :P

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Ehh, I definitely don't like the looks of that as much as the old versions. Fortunately, I have an Android and I'm not interested in getting an iphone, so sucks for you Apple kids. *Is typing this on a macbook pro* *Owns a Mac desktop* *Owns an iPod nano*

  • Brohoof 2
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Apparently apple forgot everything about good phone design with their new version of iOS. Not only are they showing that they have no capacity to think of something themselves (the phone looks like a rip off of an android theme, and it's dual app functionality is straight from windows phone), but they are just sloppily implementing things and it's bad.


Look at that white text on bright backgrounds, and those ugly background gradients. AWFUL APPLE, JUST AWFUL

This does not really suprise me. Android is selling a large number of phones now a days. Maybe they think if they copy the design more people will switch to apple? But, this does make me mad. I own a Macbook and an Ipod, but they were gifts.

Edited by Sir.Flutter Hooves
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Hey guys! I am just thinking if you can react to Apple's next iOS. Here's some pictures I got from the apple site.

post-16586-0-69916800-1371180167_thumb.jpg post-16586-0-37357700-1371180177_thumb.jpgpost-16586-0-14432800-1371180197_thumb.jpgpost-16586-0-88941100-1371180207_thumb.jpgpost-16586-0-71715900-1371180221_thumb.jpgpost-16586-0-64336700-1371180235_thumb.jpgpost-16586-0-70693800-1371180248_thumb.jpgpost-16586-0-94891300-1371180258_thumb.jpgpost-16586-0-86190400-1371180269_thumb.jpgpost-16586-0-83863300-1371180278_thumb.jpgpost-16586-0-39314800-1371180289_thumb.jpgpost-16586-0-83128900-1371180299_thumb.jpg


So what do you think? Are you going to upgrade or not? (I ACCIDENTALLY PUT THIS ON A GAMING TOPIC PREFIX, SORRY)

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@, ugh im sorry dude but i hate apple so much i refuse to use their products and i will most definitely not be upgrading xD that being said, it definitely does look like its pretty darn cool and i will mention some pros 


Looks alot better 

glad they changed it its been the same like forever xD

it appears to be better at multi tasking :D 

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I'm actually really excited for this. Apple really changed things up, and so far it looks pretty nice. I've been using Apple products for a while now, and the iOS hasn't really changed too much lately. Aside from looks, I'm hoping that the new iOS is going to be great performance-wise as well. I was on Apple's website a couple of days ago, and dang they really changed things up. But yeah, pretty excited to upgrade to iOS 7. biggrin.png

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I still have my iPhone 4 (not S), that I stopped using last Christmas when I got my Note II as I was sick of all the crap Apple were doing especially with ios 6. With that being said I never upgraded it past 5.1.1 at first due to their being no jailbreak and later on I had forgotten about it that with the last 6 version was pathced and Apple stopped singing the earlier versions I am stuck on 5.1.1... not that i really care though as I said it just sits there now. I've been considering selling it for a while but I just don't want to have to go though all that hassle. The new design looks interesting though.

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It looks pretty good I guess. I don't really have much against iOS but I prefer Android since Apple's OS is so.. I don't know. Closed.


But iOS 7 looks much better than the last ver imo

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I will get another iPod Touch on my birthday, due to the fact that I STILL OWN, the second gen ipod. If I get the new 5th generation, why  not? Apple must really improved their iOS hardware...

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I would if It becomes Jailbreak-able soon enough, I Myself own a Iphone 5, As It was Given to me by a friend of mine as he bought it and didn't like it and well I got it for $20, why not?

I own a S4 and a iPhone 5 To this Day, I like my S4 Better, But I love my iPhone too, I will be Upgrading once they make it jailbreak-able, and they'll have good apps for it, as I can't update right now, I'll have to Un-Jailbeak.


But I'm open for it.

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I'm actually really looking forward to this :) Apple's been needing a big upgrade for a long time. I'm hoping this'll have something awesome in it. This and the new Mac Pro (which looked awesome btw, just dreading what the price-tag will look like) could be just the thing Apple needs to get back on track.

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