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private Equestria University (Romance) (SOL)

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((it's fine.))



Gardenia pouted a little; again, she did not quite know why. Must be that I just don't want to share arm rests, she tried to assure herself. Gardenia followed Ciel into the auditorium. Apparently, they had already missed the first few rules they were announcing. Gardenia spotted two empty seats in the back. Gardenia pointed a hoof towards them, "those two seems good." Gardenia led Ciel to the seats and took one. She did keet her arms to herself, letting Ciel have the armrest.


Gardenia briefly looked at the stage, then she quickly scanned the audience. Oddly, she didn't see Minty, but she did see a few other notable figures from earlier including: Cliff, talking to Nightshade, the pony in the hoodie who she still couldn't quite determine if he was a zebra or not, Cinder sitting all by herself, and Psych, also sitting by herself. However, after that quick scan, she turned back around to Ciel, with a small smile on her face. 

Edited by GaleFenrir
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@Earl Gray

(I woke up at 12:46 noon XD)


I facehoof this Is gonna be a while "ugh, is this ever going to end..." I say under my breath so no pony can hear "I need a smoke" I get lower on my seat in an awkward looking position (like Lyra) and almost fall asleep out of boredom...

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Ciel sat down quickly avoiding the gaze of the staff mare who had been glaring at them, and rest her face on her hoof. She had never been fond of announcements. They had always seemed so drawn out to her, and why couldn't they have just received a memo or something?

Ciel scanned the surrounding seats and saw a few unicorns as well as the unicorn from before, scattered around. She hoped that when classes started, she would be able to get along with them, like she did with Gardenia.

"So, have you met any other earth ponies yet?" She asked in a low voice, hoping no pony heard her.

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Gardenia nodded her head at Ciel's question, and answered in a volume that matched Ciel's, though with more enthusiasm, "aside from Cinder, who we just met, I also met this mare named Psych Ward. She seemed pleasant enough, and she looks so cute!" Gardenia's smile widened. She didn't know why, she was hardly conscious of the fact she was smiling that much at Ciel. Must be because I am just so happy to be meeting all these new ponies, she tried to assure herself. 


Gardenia wasn't paying much attention to the actual announcements.

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Cliff half-listened to the smarmy pony onstage, who seemed much more concerned with how many times he could fit his credentials into the rules. Egotistical slimeball. The irony was not lost on Cliff, who smirked as he turned his attention back to Nightshade. Oh, and you're not egotistical? If you could give this crowd a demonstration in cloud kicking, you wouldn't hesitate at all.


At least the crowd would enjoy it more.


"Nightshade, huh?" He murmured, keeping his voice low so not to attract attention. He enjoyed the close huddle they had, due to their low tones, and caught a whiff of her scent; something deep, sweet, and flowery. Some harmless flirting between two attractive ponies never harmed a soul. "You like playing dangerously, sweetheart. I'm not sure I should hang around with you, you might damage my reputation as a wuss." His devilish smile invoked his teasing, and then he pondered her question.


Racing was out. He wasn't good enough at aerial routines to get into the Wonderbolts, and that was pretty much the only thing worth getting into. "Cloud kicking, probably," Cliff answered. "Although I used to race. Pretty good at it too, but right now weather patrol is more my speed."




Zatiko was appalled at his roommate; sitting there awkwardly on his haunches, mumbling about smokes and lack of things to do, while there was a leader onstage trying to set down rules! True, the Headmaster was going on quite a bit, and it was making him rather drowsy, but there were still things to be learned. Wasn't that what they were here for, to learn?


He took advantage of the darkness and manipulated a pencil near his hoof, not wanting to fumble awkwardly with the tool between his teeth. The amount of times things had to go in and out of his mouth was disgusting, and under the cover of the poor lighting, he used his brand of magic to scribble a quick note.


After writing it, he slid it over to his roommate without looking at him.




I do not wish to seem rude. I am attempting to absorb the knowledge presented to me in lieu of the pony onstage. We shall continue our conversation when it is less difficult for me to communicate with you.




@Psych Ward

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It was no good - the lights were too dark, the pony in stage had a voice that seemed to burrow in to her ears and block out her thoughts and ah wasn't really one for forward planning anyway. Why plan when accidents can be so much more fun?

Tucking the notepad away, Cinder sat upright again, peering around, trying to catch sight of any familliar faces. Most of the ponies seemed to be in a stupor. She didn't blame them - the lecture was mind numbing. Edited by Cinderscribe
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"Don't want to push those wing muscles to hard, eh?" Nightshade smiled softly.  "It's not really dangerous work.  As long as you know what you're dealing with everything works out as planned."  She didn't pay much attention to the rest of the assembly, knowing she wouldn't pay any attention to rules anyways.

Edited by Psych Ward
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I noticed before hand that Zatiko wasn't pleased with my actions, but I was out, daydreaming and tired. Shrugged and sat up anyways, I tried not to make a nervous look, I had the feeling I actually said smokes quietly but still verbally (I'd that how you use it?) *i think I need to explain this to him in the dorm* I thought. I nod when I see the note and look up, but with an unamused look on my face...


@Earl Grey

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"Of course not," Cliff said, adopting a quiet, but high-pitched fluttery voice. "I simply cannot abide muscle cramps, and sweat is for beastly animals!" He flicked his tail and his voice dropped back down to the usual strident, youthful baritone.


She was a daredevil; and there was something in that self-assured manner that seemed a little cold. And she hadn't bothered to pay attention to the old fart onstage at all - Cliff was half listening, but Nightshade didn't even appear to be doing that. Normally, he'd like the attention from a filly, but there was something uncomfortably direct with her gaze.


"Well, tell you what. If you want to have everything work out later at dinner, I'd be happy to join you. Even if we talk about potions, I can nod appropriately and make interested noises." Cliff laughed quietly.





His roommate had received the message, and now Zatiko was taking as many notes as possible. He had copied down a neat little list of the rules, bullet pointing them and trying not to fall asleep. He needed to talk to his roommate as soon as possible.


He jumped when the Headmaster left the stage, and the crowd around him tentatively started to clop their hooves on the auditorium floor, half of them barely awake and the other half barely attentive.




The headmaster leaves the stage and a bubbly, purple-maned pony bounces up. "Wasn't that a riveting speech?" She squeaks, lying through her teeth and knowing it. "Well, I'm sure you're all starved, so why don't you follow the brick path down to the canteen where we can all have something to eat? Make sure you remember your room-key, otherwise they won't let you have anything to eat!"


She beams at the students, and the house lights abruptly flick on. Everyone starts yawning and stretching and making small talk, preparing to head over to the canteen. A few ponies, who came without their roommates, beat a hasty retreat for the exit.


@Psych Ward

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"Of course," Nightshade smiled.  "That completely understandable.  She leaned away as the lights turned on, stretching her hooves a bit.  She blinked against the sudden light, hating that feeling.  "Well I'm fine talking about anything.  You just asked me about myself."  She got up, walking past him.  "Now excuse me, but it appears to be time for dinner.  While I've already eaten, I've heard wonderful things about their pastries and I would hate to miss out on one."




Psych Ward instantly got up,  wanting to find her wanting to the canteen as soon as possible.  She hadn't eaten since the day before, too nervous before getting on the train.

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I quickly stand up at the thought were going to eat, "how does she say that was riveting speech with a smile heh" I say cocking an eyebrow and look at the stage"Well I can't friggen wait to eat already, I'm starved from listening to all that BS." I turn to Zatiko and begin to go to the canteen "hope the food isn't bad like in high school, blech hate the thought of that"

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"Psych Ward?" Ciel echoed, "That's an interesting name."


When the long and drawn out speech ended and the way too happy mare told them to go to the canteen, Ciel got up quickly but then sat back down, recalling what Gardenia had said to her earlier.. "Well that was one of the most boring speeches that I've ever had the pleasure of experiencing, but let's wait out the crowd.." She suggested, in attempt to not blatantly refer to Gardenia's phobia.


Then referring to their earlier conversation, "I haven't actually met any other unicorns. I'm not very social as you can see and I tend to not make any efforts in the friend making area." she laughed.

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Gardenia didn't really notice that the presentation was over until Ciel had gotten up, briefly. She was quite embarrassed, and turned her head, letting her forelock* cover her face. Oh my, she's awfully kind to consider my... shortcomings. Gardenia pushed her mane back into place and faced Ciel with a small smile, a faint blush on her cheeks. "I'm sure whoever you do end meeting in your magic class will be amiable."


*((the front part of the mane, i. e. bangs))

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Tripping over her own hooves slightly, Cinder starter to make her way to the exit, also trying to avoid the crowd of moving students at the same time. The end result was that she simply edged around the room slightly for a number of minutes.

"This isn't getting me anywhere..." She stomped a hoof in frustration: she wasn't hungry in the slightest but she'd had more than enough of this crowded room and the stuffy headmaster.
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@@GaleFenrir, @,


Ciel grinned and got up as the pony traffic began to dwindle. "I hope so." She began to trot to the door, when she noticed the pony from before...Cinder? creeping around the room.


Well she's not a unicorn, but it would help to make a friend other than Gardenia. She thought, then paused glancing back at her roommate shyly. Did she even consider them friends?


Ciel shook her head, and resolved to deal with that later.


"Hey, uh...Cinder." She began hoping she got the mares' name right. "Wanna come with us to the canteen?"

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Psych Ward had waited in the hall, not wanting to be the first one to the canteen.  That would look odd.  She didn't want to look odd.  She paced for a few seconds before slowly making her way through again.  She looked around for friendly faces of either her roommate or another kind pony.

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@@DarligPegasi, @@GaleFenrir

"Oh! Ciel... wasn't it?" The mare beamed at the Unicorn who she had seen shortly before. "Yeah! I mean, sure, if you like!"

Glancing back at the diminishing crowd of ponies - most of them had left the room by now.

"I was, uh, just letting some of the others go. Before I did. Didn't want to get in the way or anything."

She noticed the other mare who was with Ciel a d waved a hoof.

"... Gardenia, right?" She said, happy that she had remembered both of their names.
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Gardenia nodded her head, "Mhm." Gardenia looked around, and saw that the auditorium wasn't nearly as full as it was before. She figured it would be safe by now to head towards the canteen. "There isn't so much a crowd now, perhaps we should go ahead and get some food."

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@@GaleFenrir, @,


Ciel smiled, already liking the brown pony's personality. "Alright, let's get moving before there's nothing left to eat." she joked, leading the way to the door.


"So, Cinder--" She began trying to make pleasant conversation. "What's your special talent?" Ever since she had seen the pony she had been wondering what her cutie mark was supposed to be, and so far all she got was 'a ball of dust'. Which she was pretty sure wasn't even close.

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@@DarligPegasi, @@GaleFenrir


"Me? I'm good at Science!" Cinder chirped. "I make things! Inventions, potions... " 


'... a mess...' she added silently in her head.

"Anyway, don't much understand what this is supposed to mean, It just kind of appeared when I was working one day." She said, nodding disapprovingly at the mark on her flank. "I guess its some kind of... chemical reaction?"


She shook her head, oblivious to the actual meaning.


"What about you? What do you do?"

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Gardenia let out a barely audible gasp when she heard Cinder ask that question of Ciel. "Oh, um! I... I am good at gardening and flower arranging, and you know, horticulture, which is a type of science," Gardenia said quickly before Ciel could answer, or rather, not be able to answer.

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I walk into the canteen noticing that not very many ponies are in yet. I sit Save a random spot for myself with my saddle bags, and go to get some food. "Hope this food isn't toxic frozen foods" I laugh under my breath and move on. (I don't know what the canteen looks like so it's pretty vague how I explained this) II rub my hooves together and lick my lips *looks good to me* i think to myself (OOCFYI ** is all in my ocs head.) I get a daffodil and daisy sandwich and some hay fries (refrence to ticket master :D I'm so original) THEN I sit down with my food "can't wait to chow down" I lick my lips again staring at the delicious looking meal.

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Psych Ward smiled, happy to see she wasn't the first pony to make it in.  She made her way to the food, getting a small salad and a daisy salad along with a couple small pastries.  She selected a purple juice she suspected was grape but had a better smell to it.  She looked around before sitting at the farthest table from the door.

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@, @@GaleFenrir,


Ciel smiled softly when Gardenia answered the question in her place. She honestly didn't know what she would have said if her roommate hadn't responded for her. She didn't want to snap at Cinder, because obviously she was just excited if not a little awkward. But she never really knew what to say to people who asked her what her talent was.


"Well, I have lot's of talents but none of them are my special talent." she said gesturing at her blank flank with her horn.


They reached the canteen, and Ciel used her horn to open the door. "Food smells good." she commented.

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"Huh, maybe you've got too many talents to settle for just one?." Cinder speculated casually, not in the least bit put out, Before catching the smell of food in the air. She point blank forgot what she had been talking about, as well as the sandwich she had eaten only recently.

"Wow! Your not wrong. Wonder what they've got?" She said enthusiastically, craning her neck to try and see past a couple of other students." I bet it's better than the stuff we have at home!" Edited by Cinderscribe
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