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OOC: Clickity

Welcome to Blank Flank Academy!

Where nopony is judged and everypony is given a wide variety of sources and materials to help them find their special talent!



Blue Splash


Blue Splash trotted into the lobby of the Academy, his large grin almost comical. He was ecstatic! He had been waiting for a school like this for years! Of course there were schools for pegasi, unicorns and earth ponies, and he could have gone to one of those if he wanted too, but this school!


This was where he would finally be able to trot around without being stared at.


He trotted up to the front desk, and smacked his paper down with accidental force. "Whoops, sorry." he laughed nervously as the stallion at the desk glowered at him.


"Uh, ehm," he began, clearing his throat. "I'm Blue Splash--


"Dorm of the Sky, room 2." the secretary grumbled, shoving a paper his way.


Blue Splash backed off quickly and hurried down the hall where a sign that read 'This Way to the Dorms' was displayed.


Oh great, I just got here and I already made some pony mad.





"I'm here!" Masquerade trilled as he made his way to the secretary sitting at the front desk. "Hello!" he exclaimed and the secretary gave him a hesitant and mumbled, "Hello..."


"I'm Masquerade!"


"Yes, I see your name--


"I'm a unicorn as you can see, and I'm here to get my cutie mark so I can become an entertainer,"


"Uh, yes, so your in the Dorm of Sp-


"And when I was little my mom told me that--


"Yes, okay! You're in the Dorm of Spells in Room 5!" the secretary stated loudly and Masquerade grimaced.


"Okay, geez. No need to bray." he muttered, as he made his way down the hall leading to the dorms.

Edited by DarligPegasi
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((OOC: @@DarligPegasi, I remember you saying that Volt and Blue Splash were in room 2, not 1 tongue.png))

A yellow pegasus walked on the school yard. His spiky blue hair got in his face a little and he blew it out of the way. He was really happy today, for today he would no longer be laughed at for not having his cutie mark. He took a step inside the school and went to the front desk. 


"Volt Switch, Dorm of the skies." 


"Room 2. Your roommate is over there." The secretary pointed at Blue Splash.


Volt thanked the secretary and went over to the stallion. He tapped on his shoulder to get his attention.


"Um, hey, I guess. I'm Volt Switch and I was told you'd be my roommate so I thought I'd might as well say hi at least." 


Volt hoped that his roommate was at least friendly and wasn't going to chastise him. He'd already had enough of that. 

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((Yeah, sorry about that!))


Blue Splash


Blue Splash turned around to see a bright yellow pegasi with a spiky blue mane, approached and introduced themselves. He grinned, and extended a hoof. "Hey! I'm Blue Splash!" he said cheerfully. "So, roomies, huh? You don't snore do you?" he asked, jokingly. He himself was told by his dad that he snored heavily, so he didn't mind if his roomie did as well.

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Volt heard the joking tone of his roommates voice and he chuckled at the joke. "No I don't snore. Blue Splash huh? Anything I can call ya for short? I feel like saying Blue Splash all the time is gonna... I dunno..." Volt never tried to be mean, so when his sentence started coming across as that, he trailed off.

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Blue Splash frowned. He did have a nickname, in fact he had several but most were given to him by his father, so he hated them by default and the others were given to him by his mom, which made them special. He honestly wasn't at the point where he would let some pony who he just met, call him by one of them.


"No." He said bluntly, and then grimaced. He didn't want to start on the wrong foot with his roommate. "Sorry."

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Volt noted the tone of Blue Splash's voice and recoiled. He then smiled at the pegasus. "Well we should just, um, get to our room then right? I mean we don't need to do anything else right?" Volt Switch looked around the lobby, not seeing anywhere else to go.


((Last post for tonight, its eleven thirty where I am and I have school))

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Electro Dash flung herself merrily at the desk and, more specifically, at the pony at the counter; with her typical happy demener.

"Hello pony! My Name is Electro Dash! And I can..." She stopped and looked at herself before proudly saying.

"I have no idea! But that's why I'm here! To learn! But I digress, May I have the location of room please?"

By now the secretery was probabaly just super annoyed. "Dorm of the skies, room 4." the clerk shoved the papers at her and she took them merrily.

"Thanks! And you seem stressed. Here!" She threw a small sack of bits on the table. "You can use that to relax when work is done! Think of it as a way of making you happy!" She let out a faint squee sound and dashed off to her dorm.

Edited by darklord260

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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Lana walked in to the main office(tripping on the cloak she was wearing, and swearing under her breath.)

She handed her paper to the secretary.

"Hi I'm Lan--"

"--Dorm of the spells. Room 5." She interrupted rudely. She wrinkled her muzzle at Lana's ferret, Draco.

"Alright. Thanks." Lana responded while giving a sheepish smile and hurrying Draco along.

Lana (and her ferret) trotted quickly to her dorm looking at all the posters and activity sign-ups hanging in the hallways.



Lana entered her room to see that another pony was in there. It was a stallion.

"Great." Lana whispered, annoyance dripping from her tone. "Oh well, I might as well be polite."

"Hi. I'm Lana. I guess we're roommates."




Flare walked slowly into the school worrying. She had accidentally set her sign-up paper on fire. The fire had just randomly shot out of her front hooves like it always does. The cross secretary gave her a mean look. Flare walked slowly to the front desk.

"Well hurry up now, I have other things to do." The secretary yelled. Flare trotted quickly to her desk. She gave the secretary the black and crumpled piece of paper. The secretary rolled her eyes but other than that she didn't seem to care. "Dorm of the Earth."

Flare rushed out of the office and she couldn't help sniggering.


She walked into her dorm. She threw her duffle bag on her bed. She started making herself at home. She put up her poster that has her favorite band on it (Paramare.) And waited for her roommate.

Edited by Eureka


Eureka's words of wisdom has inspired me, I should start listening to her more. ~DX Silver

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Blue Splash


Blue Splash winced. Great, now I've even made my roommate mad. He really need to stop taking his anger out on everypony!


"Hey, man. I'm sorry, it's just that my parents usually give me nicknames and that kind of makes them special." he muttered. "I guess you could call me...Uh...Well you think of something and I'll give a yay or neigh, how about that?"


He then began to trot down the hall, "I believe our room is right down here, since it's room 2."


* * *






Masquerade let out a cry of surprise at the feminine voice that came from behind him. He had just started unpacking his bags, but quickly used his magic to shove them sloppily back into his bag.


"Oh my Celestia!" he shrieked "I am so so sorry! That snippy secretary must have given me the wrong room number!" he sighed, rolling his eyes in exasperation. He began to trot out of the room but stopped when he noticed a flash of furry white--


He let out a squeal, "Oh my gosh, it's so cute!" He exclaimed "What is it, though?" he asked as he had never seen that type of creature before.

Edited by DarligPegasi
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Regal was walking into the lobby and looking around.

"This place looks nice. I think I'll like it here" he walk up to the secretary he smiled trying to be nice. 

"Your room is in the dorm of spells"

"ok so what's my room number?" the secretary gave him a mean look

"Room six"

"Wow you need to relax, anyway thanks" walking as fast as he could Regal already made a note to avoid the secretary. He had expected to his who was his room mate, but no pony was here. So Regal took the bed near the window. Regal liked to have a view of the outside.Pulling out a book from his bag he began to read next to the window.


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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"I understand. Is Splash fine? If not I'll drop the subject right now." He smiled at his fellow pegasus, showing that he wasn't mad and truly understood how Blue Splash felt. Volt looked around and saw room 2.


"Hey there it is. By the way, I know this is for ponies who don't know their talents, but do you have anything... special you can do?" Volt was a little nervous to show his roommate what he himself could do.


((OOC: I've decided that Volt can still generate electricity, he just doesn't know he can do the switch thing))

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The stallion looked shocked.

"Oh my Celestia. I am so sorry! That snippy secretary must have given me the wrong room number." He exclaimed.

"Oh. Haha. No worries." Lana responded.

He started trotting out of the room when he spotted Draco.

"Oh my gosh! It's so cute! What is it though." He said.

"That's Draco. He's a ferret."

Draco bounced around the room, spinning around Lana and the stallion. Lana let out a laugh. Draco jumped high and landed on Lana's shoulder.





Still waiting for roommate :D.

Edited by Eureka


Eureka's words of wisdom has inspired me, I should start listening to her more. ~DX Silver

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Sunset Sky


Sunset Sky trotted slowly through the lobby. She was nervous and somewhat excited. Everypony said there would be no bullying over not having a cutie mark, but what about her scars?


She entered the office and walked up to the secretary.


"Name and species, miss?" The secretary said without looking up..


"Um, I-Im Sunset S-Sky... P-Pegasus...."


"Then you're in the Dorm of the Sky. Room Four."


"O-okay... Th-Thank you..."



Sunset trotted to the hall with the sign specifying the direction of the dormitories and slowly made her way.

'Dorm of the Sky? I hope that doesn't mean it's actually in the sky... I can barely hover in the air. '


Much to her relief, it wasn't in the sky. Sunset opened the door and saw with disdain that she had a roommate. ((@))

"Great. Guess I should have expected it." she mumbled, barely audible.

She cantered in nervously and put her suitcase next to the seemingly unoccupied bed. She unpacked a few things and minded her wn business.





Snow Song

((Don't currently have a color for Snow Song...))

Snow Song trotted through the lobby and walked up to the secretary.


"Hello, Im Snow Song."


"Alright, room 3, Dorm of the Earth."




Snow turned around and cantered away, a grin on her face. She was excited to get started and wanted to see who her roommate was. She quickly found her room and opened the door to see another mare((@@Eureka She smiled politely and got the pony's attention.


"Hi, Im Snow Song." She said, trying to be friendly.

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Sunset Sky


Sunset Sky trotted slowly through the lobby. She was nervous and somewhat excited. Everypony said there would be no bullying over not having a cutie mark, but what about her scars?


She entered the office and walked up to the secretary.


"Name and species, miss?" The secretary said without looking up..


"Um, I-Im Sunset S-Sky... P-Pegasus...."


"Then you're in the Dorm of the Sky. Room Four."


"O-okay... Th-Thank you..."



Sunset trotted to the hall with the sign specifying the direction of the dormitories and slowly made her way.

'Dorm of the Sky? I hope that doesn't mean it's actually in the sky... I can barely hover in the air. '


Much to her relief, it wasn't in the sky. Sunset opened the door and saw with disdain that she had a roommate. ((@))

"Great. Guess I should have expected it." she mumbled, barely audible.

She cantered in nervously and put her suitcase next to the seemingly unoccupied bed. She unpacked a few things and minded her wn business.





Snow Song

((Don't currently have a color for Snow Song...))

Snow Song trotted through the lobby and walked up to the secretary.


"Hello, Im Snow Song."


"Alright, room 3, Dorm of the Earth."




Snow turned around and cantered away, a grin on her face. She was excited to get started and wanted to see who her roommate was. She quickly found her room and opened the door to see another mare((@@Eureka She smiled politely and got the pony's attention.


"Hi, Im Snow Song." She said, trying to be friendly.

Electro Dash was busy unpacking her things and humming a random tune when the door opened and her new roomate came in. "Ooo! New roomate!" She exclained with glee as she bounced over to her. "Hey! Are you my roomate? Cause if so then hi! And if not then... Hello!"

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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Flare was lying in bed, thinking about her fire problem. Suddenly the door opened. A mare walked in with a clean white coat and a black-blue mane. She smiled and introduced herself.

"Hi, I'm Snow Song." She said.

Flare smiled lightly and introduced herself also.

"Hey,...I'm Flare. Fire and Snow.....interesting. Just to let you know, I have a habit of being a clutz. Or setting things on fire for that matter." Flare added.

Edited by Eureka


Eureka's words of wisdom has inspired me, I should start listening to her more. ~DX Silver

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Blue Splash grinned, "Yeah, Splash is great!" He stepped into the room and let out a gasp of surprise. "Wow, this place is pretty roomy. I was expecting it to be tiny and stuffy, hehe."


At Volt Switch's question he frowned, "Um...Well, I have talents but nothing too special. I mean my dad was a royal guard so I know how to maneuver through the sky and obstacles quickly and use a weapon and stuff. But nothing really unique."  Actually that wasn't completely true, he did have a hobby that he liked to do almost all the time, but he had gotten so used to hiding it, that he hadn't mentioned it because of habit. Oh well he'd say something later.


((Okay, cool! That'll add a unique twist.))


@@Eureka, @@Snowy Storm,


Masquerade cooed at the ferret and made funny faces. "Well Draco is adorable!" he said, using his magic to pick up his thing again. "Well I have to go before I get penalized for being in the Mare's dorm. See you later though!" he called as he left  the room.


After going back to the front desk to get the right room number, he finally made it to his room, to find that his roommate, a dark purple pony was already there, reading. He also noticed that unlike the room of the mare that he had just met --Oh darn it! I didn't ask for her name! -- there were three beds instead of two. But the room was pretty big, so it shouldn't be much of a problem.


"Hello!" he trilled, striking a pose and flipping his bangs back. "I'm Masquerade!"


He set his luggage on the bed nearest to the door, and began unpacking.

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"Oh, that's pretty cool..." Volt tried to think of a way to tell Splash about his electricity without it sounding awkward. "I can, uh.. I can generate electricity. But what I'm supposed to do with it I don't know. It;s just such a random thing too have, you know?" Volt knew he had been pretty straight forward and also had ignored Splash's remark. "Oh yea, the room is pretty big for just two ponies."

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"Seeya". Lana said as the stallion trotted out of the room. Lana sat on her bed and gave herself a huge *face-hoof.* She didn't ask for the colt's name. Oh well. She'll probably see him around the school at some point. Lana sat on her bed thinking and twiddling her hooves, waiting for her real roommate.


Eureka's words of wisdom has inspired me, I should start listening to her more. ~DX Silver

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Spark Bolt stood infront of the door to room number 1he sighed asking him self why he was here when he knew the answer. His mother had begged him to go to Blank Flank Academy she kept saying he was too old not to have his cutie mark but Spark didn't care in all honesty he refused to acknowledge that his flank was bare and went about his daily life. However, if there was one thing that Spark was taught all his life it was to never give up and that's exactly what he was going to do. And so there he stood in front of the door to the dorm room, HIS room somewhere he'd never imagined himself in a thousand years. He took in a deep breath letting it out slowly and pushing open the door to dorm room number 1.

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Glace Incendie:


Glace walked up to the front desk as the clerk said,

"Your late."

With extreme shyness, Glace began to say,

"Well you see i was coming and-- "

"Name, First and last." The clerk said with frustration.

"Glace Incendie"

"Dorm of spells room 6. GO!"


Glace trotted through the hallways into his room, and unpacked his saddle bags while greeting his 2 room mates.

"Um... Hi my name is Glace"

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Snow Song

Flare was lying in bed, thinking about her fire problem. Suddenly the door opened. A mare walked in with a clean white coat and a black-blue mane. She smiled and introduced herself.

"Hi, I'm Snow Song." She said.

Flare smiled lightly and introduced herself also.

"Hey,...I'm Flare. Fire and Snow.....interesting. "Just to let you know, I have a habit of being a clutz. Or setting things on fire for that matter." Flare added.

"Nice to meet you, Flare. Hah, that is interesting. Opposites." Snow Song went to her bed and started unpacking. She smiled when Flare spoke again. "That's okay, everypony's clumsy sometimes. So, where are you from?"


Sunset Sky

Electro Dash was busy unpacking her things and humming a random tune when the door opened and her new roomate came in. "Ooo! New roomate!" She exclained with glee as she bounced over to her. "Hey! Are you my roomate? Cause if so then hi! And if not then... Hello!"

Sunset jumped and squeaked, startled by the pony's enthusiasm.

"U-Umm, I-I think so... H-hi... U-Umm, what's y-your n-name?"

She backed away a bit and hid behind her mane. At least this pony didnt seem like she would be the bullying type, but that didnt make her any less shy.


Glowing Notes

Glowing Notes cantered happily through the lobby. She was excited to be here. She hadn't had any issues about bullies or been self-conscious, but she didnt feel like she had had many options back home. That was why she was here.

Note trotted up to the secretary and said,

"Hi! I'm Glowing Notes and Im a Unicorn."


"Dorm of Spells, room 5."


"Cool, thanks."

Note trotted confidently towards the dorms and easily found her room, she entered and saw another pony there.

"Oh cool, a roommate." She said and held out her hoof to the mare.

"Hey, Im Glowing Notes, but you can call me Note if you want. I'm from Creinbrook, a little town where lots of musicians live. Who are you?"

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Blue Splash


Blue Splash let out a gasp of surprise. "You can generate electricity?" he asked, his eyes wide with awe. "That is awesome!" he cried, kicking the door shut with back hooves. "So, do you turn into like lightning or something? Have you ever shocked someone? If I touch you right now will I get shocked?" he blurted out, unable to stop the rush of questions that came out of his mouth. He didn't intend to be rude, but that was honestly the most awesome thing that he had ever heard of in his life!






Nuuro pranced into the lobby and right up to the grumpy looking secretary, a smile on his face. "Hey there! So, I know I'm late, but there was this old mare outside, and she was trying to cross the road, but then a herd of cows came out of NOWHERE! And to make a long story short, who saved her?" he pointed to himself "This guy!"


The secretary stared at him blankly, and pointed a hoof in the direction, of what Nuuro assumed was the dorms. "Room 1, Dorm of the Earth." he grumbled.


Nuuro shrugged and made his way to his dorm room, where he found his roommate. "Sup, brah?" he said, extending his hoof for a hoof bump. "Name's Nuuro, you can call me Nuuro." he said laughing at his own joke.


@@dyaviator, @@Snowy Storm,




If Masquerade hadn't turned around when he did, he wouldn't have even noticed his third roommate had entered the room, he was so quiet. Masquerade leaned forward squinting even though the problem was the volume of his roommates' voice.


"Your name is Grace?" Masquerade asked, confused as to why a stallion would have a mares name. Not that he should be one to judge, his name was Masquerade after all.

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Regal looked up from his book and saw his two new room mates. He was so far in his book he didn't see the two enter.

"Oh sorry I was caught up in my book" He closed the book and bowed to his roommates.

"It's a pleasure to met you all. I am Charming Regal, But I prefer to be called Regal"  he said with a smile.

"So may I ask your names?"

Edited by Snowy Storm


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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"Oh, no its Glace... but you can call me Techo " Glace said, slightly suspicious of what he was thinking."

"Whats your name?" He then asked.

Glace continued to unpack his bags as he and Masquerade had a conversation about them self's.

For once he discovered what friends could be. Not people that kinda laugh at your jokes, there someone that will be there for you and talk to you.



"Oh hi there, name is Glace, but you can call me Techo." Techo said shyly. 

Edited by dyaviator

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Volt was so relieved that Splash had thought about it that way. Most ponies did, but sometimes people called him a freak, although he was also used to that since he was a blank flank. "No I don't turn into electricity. It just kind of happens." Volt looked around and saw that the light was still off. His body illuminated an electric blue color, and the all of the color came off of him in a lightning bolt that shot at the bulb. The light turned on and Volt sighed. "And that was EXTREMELY low powered too. If I had went even one watt more than what I used, the bulb would have popped."

Edited by Fancy Ram
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