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movies/tv Movies ruined by one thing


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We all have a trigger that ruins a movie for us, maybe we don't like a certain actor in the movie, maybe the use of lens flares irritates you (*cough* star-trek *cough*).


So i pose to you this question:


What movie, despite having a good plot line/story and on paper SHOULD be good, was ruined by one thing for you?



For me, the movie Hoodwinked fits this criteria, the voice acting is good, the jokes are funny, i like the references and the plot line is clever with a nice twist on the normal fairy tale story, but one thing absolutely ruined the movie for me, the poor animation.




2005... compare to:


  • Brohoof 7

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Ah man, there are so many movies that I feel have done this to me, but I can't think of one. Usually, it's a domino effect with me; a movie has to have several things wrong before I can say a movie sucks.


For me, I guess a movie that comes closest to fitting this bill is the nearly perfect Terminator 2 and John Conner's really outdated and sometimes annoying dialogue. Sometimes it works, but most of the time it feels like James Cameron was trying to write hip, and failed, horrifically.


There's also Howl's Moving Castle (my second favorite Miyazaki movie after Mononoke) and its ending.


I'm not quite sure what Sophie did in the past that fixed everything in the future, and then everything after that is just ridiculous and squeezed into the final minutes. Not only is Howl revived and cured of his heartless-ness, with Sophie breaking her curse, but the Witch is turned good, Calcifer decides to stay, Turnip Head is actually a love-struck prince who's now been freed, and the war is ended just like that because said prince has returned. I have no problem with a happy ending, but all of this happens in a matter of two minutes. It's hilarious how happy and rushed it is. Next thing you know, they'll have also saved the community center, won the dance-off and basketball tournament, and returned the baby penguin to its colony.


  • Brohoof 1


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Reese Witherspoon is great as the high school girl who'll stop at nothing to win a school election.


Matthew Broderick, in a nice twist on his Ferris character from years back, is a stand-up teacher.


Witherspoon's character rips down her competition's election banners and throws them in a dumpster. Someone sees her doing it, and she's exposed (but it doesn't progress to her getting disqualified from running).


Later on, Broderick's character decides to rig the election to keep Witherspoon's character from winning by disposing of a couple of her votes.


He could have pocketed them.


He could have thrown them away at home.


Instead - and this is supposedly an intelligent man who already saw what Witherspoon's character did earlier - he...tosses them in the wastebasket directly by his desk, and the janitor finds the thrown-out votes, which leads to his resignation.


Ah, c'mon!"

  • Brohoof 1

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That movie Avatar (The blue people one).The graphics were pretty good but I hate CGI infested movies. The acting was good but I hated the plot. It felt really generic. Another movie was The Amazing Spiderman. It could be my nostalgia for the Toby Maguire spiderman. I hated Andrew Garfield's voice and acting as Spiderman.

Thank you for the signature Jenny Wakeman.



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That movie Avatar (The blue people one).The graphics were pretty good but I hate CGI infested movies. The acting was good but I hated the plot. It felt really generic. Another movie was The Amazing Spiderman. It could be my nostalgia for the Toby Maguire spiderman. I hated Andrew Garfield's voice and acting as Spiderman.


It had me until the shitty song during the credits. Then I snapped back to reality, and I realized how flawed the movie was.


Thanks to that song.


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Sig by the illustrious Kyoshi!

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The Phantom Menace isn't a masterpiece by any stretch of the imagination, but it was at least watchable--if it weren't for one character.




Luckily for us, we have the Internet:


  • Brohoof 5
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I don't like cgi movies. As for animes, they NEVER make sense. Every anime I have ever seen will, at best, start out interesting. Then in the last 20 minutes of the movie, it gets ruined by some nonsensical, mystical, "I'm really an angel in disguise" out of this world, bizarre crap.


As for games, Dead Rising was totally, completely ruined by the fact that it has a ticking clock. The game has zombies that have overrun a shopping mall. You can freely roam the mall and kill zombies with all kinds of weapons. But the game is ruined by the fact that you have about an hour before the game ends. You are supposed to do missions and gain more time, but it is designed such that it is impossible to do all the missions in one play. You are supposed to play the game multiple times to see every mission. So they take the cool concept of making a mall full of zombies, but destroy that by not letting you play because of the time limit. I played twice and stopped. I hate hate hate hate time limits in games.


Oh, I remember a movie that was ruined for me. The first Saw. At the end, the killer has the woman and her daughter at gun point. She manages to get the gun away from him, and she proceeds to NOT unload every last bullet into him. If a killer had you and your child at gun point and you managed to get the gun from him, you would shoot every shot into him, then beat him to a pile of goo, then set that goo on fire. I refused to believe that the woman was so careless as to not kill the killer, AND THEN GET THE GUN TAKEN AWAY FROM HER!

Edited by BronyNumber42

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Posted 6 minutes ago The Phantom Menace isn't a masterpiece by any stretch of the imagination, but it was at least watchable--if it weren't for one character.  


Am I the only one that didn't entirely hate him? I knew he was annoying but he was bearable but then again I grew up with the prequels first. I have major respect for the original trilogy but I didn't mind (kinda liked) the prequels.

  • Brohoof 3

Thank you for the signature Jenny Wakeman.



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Michael Bay ruins a lot of films for me. Here's two examples of "that one stupid thing" he did...


The Rock




Box tests positive for possible sarin gas. Two supposed leading experts in their field open the box and examine the contents in a sealed chamber. Inside the box is a doll. One of the experts thinks it's a good idea to make the doll wave its hand. Gas comes out.






Buscemi's character has an incredibly forced mental breakdown and nearly dooms Earth.


Cheap theater, all of it...

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The romance subplot from The Attack of the Clones makes it very difficult for me to watch, with all of that painful dialogue, and I'm not a very hard person to please(hell I don't even mind JarJar that much)

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The romance subplot from The Attack of the Clones makes it very difficult for me to watch, with all of that painful dialogue, and I'm not a very hard person to please(hell I don't even mind JarJar that much)

Yeah, I really couldn't stand the romantic aspect part. It bored me but I guess it did make sense because you know at the end of Episode 3. 

Thank you for the signature Jenny Wakeman.



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The Purge. It had a good concept, it started off interesting, but it ended up becoming a standard slasher flick. Not that it was bad, but for an interesting idea, it seemed like such a waste to turn it into a normal horror movie and completely ignore its original idea. Most of the film would have played out the same regardless of whether or not murder was legal. 

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(*cough* star-trek *cough*).

JJ Abrams. The new Trek films are okay, but it's not what I think Star Trek should be, it's being turned into a hipster flick. I feel sorry for the hardcore Trekkies. TNG is where it's at too.


I also dread the fact that he is directing the new Star Wars (there should be no more new Star Wars). I already dislike him profoundly.

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The Nightmare On Elm Street remake. Now, don't get me wrong, I like the movie, I really do. Freddy's new design bugs me severely. I prefer the old Freddy's design, but I still love the movie. At least he looks like an actual burn victim and not like a cheese pizza like the old one. I still love both and every movie in the franchise. So, it wasn't really 'ruined' it just annoys me when I watch it.


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The Last Air Bender, there is a lot of thing that make this movie bad, bad acting, meh special effects, can't say the name Aang right, and being kind of racist. M. Night Shyamalan is the main reason why I hate this movie. He's the reason why all the other crappy stuff was in the movie.

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Oh god...
I have so many things that can either temporarily or totally ruin a movie for me:


- Deus ex machina. Always. No exceptions.


- Too much action (Resident Evil films)


- Shaky cam.

Small amounts is okay, but most of the time in movies nowadays, you'd swear the cameraman is going through seizure or something. (Cloverfield)


- Badly done CGI.
Now, I have nothing against CGI, or even the "overuse" of CGI, provided it's done WELL, and looks believable. (For the record, I FUCKING hate "Avatar")

- Shallow villains. 

- Ben Affleck

- Freddie Prinze Jr.

- Inaccurate portrayal of historical events, or figures (Pearl Harbor, Hitler: Rise of Evil, et cetera.)

- Flashbacks


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The horribly racist dinner scene from Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

Sean Connery taking out a nazi plane with a umbrella and seagulls in Last Crusade

(Honestly both were worse than the fridge nuke yet no one ever complains about them)


Attempting to make us sympathize with Bane at the end of Dark Knight Rises

Alphas squeaky voice in Up (One of that movies only flaws IMO)

Booger jokes in The Hobbit ("Oh look a floater"!). That movie is a lot of fun but I could do without that.

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OK, here's the thing I hate most in a movie:


Checkhov's Disarm:


Our protagonist, usually a woman, is confronted by a villain.  S/he has a gun, the villain is unarmed.  You already know what's gonna happen, don't you?  Of course you do.  The protagonist either steps toward the villain (often either chambering a round or cocking the gun--which means they started out threatening with a gun that wasn't ready to fire), or allows the villain to start taking steps toward them while monologuing.  Usually the protagonist knows the villain is a completely irredeemable psychopath who means to do Terrible Things to her and/or her children (if the protagonist is a woman), destroy the world, or do something comparably nefarious (either sex).  The scene often drags out, as one character sloo-o-o-w-l-y steps closer to the other.  Step.  Step.  Steeeeep.  We already know exactly what's going to happen as soon as the situation presents itself, so dragging it out doesn't create dramatic tension.  It turns the scene into a slow-motion train wreck, and gives us plenty of time to start shouting at the protagonist, "YOU GO DIE!  YOU ARE TOO STUPID TO LIVE!"  By the time the sudden-but-inevitable melee attack from the villain disarms the protagonist, we've already reconciled ourselves with their well-earned death, and it's almost disappointing when the Deus Ex Machina (there's almost always one of these) rescues them in the end.


The neat thing about a gun is, it's a long-range weapon.  You can kill somebody from all the way across a room with a gun!  No, really!  Also, it's not a knife.  A gun doesn't become more intimidating if you move closer to your target.  What are you gonna do, stab 'em with the barrel?


I just despise this trope.  Especially since it's used so often that, realistically, any protagonist in that situation (especially a woman who isn't some kind of combat-trained stupendous badass that wants to fight the villain hand-to-hand in a display of Warrior's Honor) really ought to know better.

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When a B-rated movie think's it's A material and try's too hard to be "Badass" and all you get is a super over done fight, Some crap plate of bad acted romance and a topping of a terrible bad guy, make's me sad panda i love when they know it and have no shame they embrace it knowing there bad.  

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One that first comes to mind is Source Code.


The movie as a whole was great but at the end there's a massive panoramic freeze frame. I won't reveal what was in the scene or anything like that but where there was supposed to be the outside of a train, there was part of the studio set.


It was only on screen for a few seconds but it was enough to take me out of the experience of what was mostly a brilliant movie.


Though I'd still recommend watching it.



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