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Rainbow Dash Element Of Loyalty = Best Girlfriend?


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Really, what guy could be a good boyfriend for Rainbow Dash?

I think somepony who is an athlete like her but who is a bit calmer and has less of an ego. I think somepony like Soarin' (it dosen't have to be him specifically though) would be a good match for Rainbow Dash because he would be able to keep up with her and would be able to balance out her brash, arrogant side. Somepony like Big Macintosh might also be a good choice (it dosen't have to be him specifically either) because while he is not much of a talker he has a calm, patient nature that would make him fairly easy to talk to and he would also have no problems keeping up with Rainbow Dash though in my opinion he would be a bit more suited for Fluttershy or Twilight.




Some people may not like Dash's arrogance and how self centered she is, or lack of femininity,

For me personally I find tomboys to be very attractive, but I prefer Applejack over Rainbow Dash because though they are both tomboys Applejack is less reluctant to embrace the more feminine aspects of her personality while Rainbow Dash is afraid of how it will affect her "cool factor". It is not any lack of femininity for me, it is more of a matter of being true to yourself and there are few things that turn me on more than a woman who is secure and confident enough to be herself and not care what others think. Because girls like that will not play games with you and are more likely to be honest and open up to you. Despite those and other insecurities Rainbow Dash is still high up on my list of characters I would date if I had the chance but not as high up as Applejack. But I can understand why some guys would be more attracted to girlier girls like Rarity of Fluttershy for example.

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I agree. I think Rainbow is definitely the best girlfriend you could have of the Mane Six. I'm sure the others would be lovely too, but what I like about Dash is that she's different. She isn't your average weak and smiley girly-girl. She's got a strong personality and would be a good source of motivation if you needed a cuddle or a helping hoof. <3

I also love the fact that her element is loyalty because she definitely wouldn't betray her coltfriend, and that's a good quality to have. And only a stupid idiot would dare cheat on this amazing pony and let her down; to hell with anyone that ever does!! 

  • Brohoof 1

British Pegasister, aspiring writer, and dedicated Rainbow Dash fan.


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I think Dashie would be an amazing girlfriend but so would any other pony because they all have qualites that people like. But I personally think Dashie would be an amazing gf. I'm happy I have some one that has all the qualities of every pony 



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As far as I'm concerned she would make an above average girlfriend. I've dated Pinkies (huge mistake) and Twilights, and even a Fluttershy and Rarity all were decent or better(I'm not trying to catagorize women it just so happens they fit personality-wise. But her attitude is what would drive me nuts, the exercises I can handle, but I would go nuts dating her. I want an Applejack! Honesty rules, and you expect that with such she would be loyal anyway. However, on the other side I am currently with someone who is like a mix of Twi and Fluttershy, which has lasted three years without any major fights even. So this is what I feel is perfect.

  • Brohoof 1


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I think somepony who is an athlete like her but who is a bit calmer and has less of an ego. I think somepony like Soarin' (it dosen't have to be him specifically though) would be a good match for Rainbow Dash because he would be able to keep up with her and would be able to balance out her brash, arrogant side. Somepony like Big Macintosh might also be a good choice (it dosen't have to be him specifically either) because while he is not much of a talker he has a calm, patient nature that would make him fairly easy to talk to and he would also have no problems keeping up with Rainbow Dash though in my opinion he would be a bit more suited for Fluttershy or Twilight.





For me personally I find tomboys to be very attractive, but I prefer Applejack over Rainbow Dash because though they are both tomboys Applejack is less reluctant to embrace the more feminine aspects of her personality while Rainbow Dash is afraid of how it will affect her "cool factor". It is not any lack of femininity for me, it is more of a matter of being true to yourself and there are few things that turn me on more than a woman who is secure and confident enough to be herself and not care what others think. Because girls like that will not play games with you and are more likely to be honest and open up to you. Despite those and other insecurities Rainbow Dash is still high up on my list of characters I would date if I had the chance but not as high up as Applejack. But I can understand why some guys would be more attracted to girlier girls like Rarity of Fluttershy for example.

That's exactly the point though. Everyone has their own taste in women (or men). Personally, I am very attracted to very feminine girls, so I probably wouldnt date someone that was like Dash (or at least I would prefer someone more girly). And that's okay. What i'm saying is that just saying "element of loyalty = best gf" is too one dimensional. There are a wide range of people that can be loyal, and not all of them would be an ideal fit for any given person
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@, RD as best girlfriend? Sorry Rush, but no matter what the circumstances are, that is merely an opinion. While it's true that she would probably never cheat on you, you may not be able to keep up with her- or she might consider you too slow! While that does rule out cheating, that doesn't rule out breaking/falling apart. But great theory.

  • Brohoof 1
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  Loyalty would help make Dashie a good gf, but I don't think that alone would make her the perfect/ best choice.  Whether or not Dash makes a good girlfriend depends on the personality of the other person/ pony.  If the personalities clash, the relationship wouldn't get too far.  Like others have said, I think Rainbow Dash would need someone with a clam/ easygoing personality who could still keep up.  Dash did eventually choose a tortoise as her pet though, so maybe keeping up isn't super important.  As long as the two personalities balance/ complement each other, it should be fine.


  I'd count myself very lucky if I had Dash as girlfriend.  I'm usually pretty calm, and am attracted to people with large personalities, so Dash could work out fine smile.png .  I'm sure once you get past the walls she puts up, she could be affectionate too, which is a side of her I'd love to see wub.png

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I think that's the core of why RD's personality is attractive.


She's Tsundere.

Not only tsundere, but also she doesn't openly embrace her feminine side.


think about it.


the whole appeal to a tsundere, that while they are cold, guarded and sometimes bitchy on the outside, they will show certain special treatment towards you... or, your relationship with them will develop to a point where you get that special treatment.  


also, to get someone like RD to start embracing her feminine side more frequently would also be a reinforcement to their special regard for you.. it's all kind of just reaffirmation to your ego that "hey, this person is making exceptions for me, and treating me special"


Applejack's personality (i also find attractive) is more of a quintessential southern belle


she's kind, hospitable, and empathetic... but, she's also a bit rough and tumble.. she's not afraid to do what needs to be done or get dirty doing it.



women are often portrayed as back-stabbing, gossipy manipulative bitches and unfortunately, there are a lot out there that fit this stereotype... I think that's why most of the mane 6 have appealing qualities to their personalities.



I forget where I read/heard this but someplace someone had asked the question as to why so many older men liked MLP. They rationalized that the mane 6 triggered a protective instinct in men.


Ponies are cute, but vulnerable to some extent because of their character flaws. 

They also have well rounded personalities, and put value in things that are often forgotten by today's generation.


hasn't anyone else felt frustrated by most women's obsession with reality TV, tabloids, celebrity gossip, or otherwise cat-like behavior? or am I the only one?



..sorry if this ends up being a thread jack

Edited by daflyinskwirl
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Loyalty is important, but it's only one element to a good girlfriend.  I think that a lot of other aspects to her would get in the way, depending on the individual.  She can be very overbearing, for one thing.  Yes, she's learned to dial it back at times after coming on too strong, but that may be too much for a lot of people to handle.  And she needs someone who could keep up with her, physically.  That's why someone like Soarin' is a good choice to pair with her.

Edited by hawkflame


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I think somepony who is an athlete like her but who is a bit calmer and has less of an ego. I think somepony like Soarin' (it dosen't have to be him specifically though) would be a good match for Rainbow Dash because he would be able to keep up with her and would be able to balance out her brash, arrogant side.

While I am a Soarin/Dash shipper, we don't honestly know much about Soarin'.  We know that he must be a great flier and a good leader to be Lieutenant of the Wonderbolts, but what else?  That he loves pie?



Yeah, I love pie too; does that make me a good boyfriend for Rainbow Dash.




Now that I think about it...

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 We know that he must be a great flier and a good leader to be Lieutenant of the Wonderbolts, but what else?  That he loves pie?

You never know he might like Rainbow Dash's pie, but in all seriousness while it is true there is a lot we don't know about him but what we do know about him is that he very calm, collected down to earth and dosen't seem to have let his fame as a Wonderbolt get to his head. I believe this and the things he and Rainbow Dash have in common like their love of flying might make him a good candidate, it is no guarantee that is true but he seems like the best choice that I can think of.

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Eh, I dunno, I mean yes she would be loyal, but that doesn't mean that she would blindly love you forever regardless of whatever happens and how she feels the relationship is going.


Loyalty is important in a relationship of course, but that doesn't mean she'd never break up with you(Especially if you cheated)


However she could still break up with you if she felt things weren't meant to be or something like that, cheating isn't the only reason for a breakup, and however loyal someone may be to you, i don't know if it would mean that everything would be perfect and she'd never know when to walk away, or when it might just not be what she wanted.


Its hard to explain, but I don't think her Loyalty garenteeds a perfect everlasting relationship, unless you are compatible with her and also Loyal back.


Also she isn't always Loyal, all the elements break their Elements aspects at times, they're not perfectly bound to following those Elemental values blindly.


Sorry if that doesn't make a whole lotta sense but yeah, just trying to explain my thought I had a bit :P.


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Just because she's the element of loyalty, don't expect her to be loyal 100% of the time. We've seen the other characters brake their elements a lot!


We've seen Applejack lie to Pinkie Pie to her face about what was in the barn to hide Pinkie's surprise party.


Fluttershy became a flutter bitch after she took Iron Will's self-help seminar.


Pinkie lost almost all her laughter after she thought her friends didn't like her anymore.


And Rarity has shown selfishness multiple times such as choosing to hang out with the nobles instead of finishing Twilight's birthday gown and also taking Spike's Ruby during his birthday as well.


I'm not saying Rainbow would cheat. She would probably be more loyal than a lot of other people, but there is still the possibility of her breaking her loyalty element.

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What about Applejack for a Girlfriend? Honesty and Loyalty go almost hand in hand, and if anything, just because your GF is loyal doesn't mean she is honest.



"Hey babe, did you eat the last of the cake?" 

"How did this dent get in my car"

"Do these Jeans make me look fat?"


Thats all I got. But for your consideration: AJ is an equally good GF. 

Riley was here

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  • 4 weeks later...

Yeah, she'd make a good girlfriend, but I'm not sure that that's what she would want to do; Relationships just don't seem like Rainbow's style. That's just my opinion, of course.

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I'd love to have Rainbow Dash as my girlfriend. I've had a crush on her for a while now, and I think she'd definitely be a great girlfriend. Not only is she loyal, but I think she'd be a lot of fun to be with too. She's always exciting, and every time hanging out with her would probably be a great time. She is also a very sensitive pony deep down, and seems to build walls over her true self that are impenetrable. I think if we got really close, she'd let those walls down and express her soft side with me. This may sound kind of strange, but I've always wanted to see Rainbow Dash truly cry. Since she's always acting tough, it's pretty much impossible to see her express herself that way, and I think it'd be really sweet to see that. Oh yeah, I think she'd also be a great girlfriend because she's ALWAYS there for those whom she cares about. I think she'd always be there for me, like I'd always be there for her. I'd treat her well img-1607932-1-biggrin.png

Holy crap you took the words right out of my mouth. Everything you said is exactly how I feel about Dashie.




Well all Dashie has to do is maybe cut back a bit on the attitude and she will be perfect :)





Back, you two! Back! She's mine! Unless, of course, you guys are into that sort of thing.  ;)


In response to OP: does a loyal girlfriend help in the long run? Well, yes, but loyalty in return helps just as much.  -_-

Edited by Dinos4Ever
  • Brohoof 1


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The best GF really depends on the other party.


For example, I think that if I ended up dating one of the Mane 6 it would be either Fluttershy or Twilight, because I happen to be an "egghead" who loves animals (I have seven cats, a snake, and two degus). None of the others would really mesh with me.


On the other hand, I have friends who would mesh with the others in the Mane 6. So basically, no pony is best GF for everyone. Same with girls in RL really.


On 4/22/2016 at 6:16 PM, The Nightly Spectre said:

One does not ask why The Questioner is awesome. One should instead ask their gods if they ever compare to the awesomeness of the one and only Questioner.

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Back, you two! Back! She's mine! Unless, of course, you guys are into that sort of thing.  ;)

haha :lol: I don't mind at all when I hear other people expressing their love for Rainbow Dash, surprisingly. My feelings for her are actually pretty complicated these days :o I feel like I still like her, but the crush is really mellow so it feels like I don't at the same time.

  • Brohoof 1
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  • 1 year later...

After really thinking, I started to notice that me a Rainbow Dash have A LOT in common. We both love sports, play soccer, love video games as well, her attitude, and she is just so adorable! Etc... There is so much to list here but after thinking, she has everything that I would look for in a girlfriend! In the post saying that she would push you to keep in shape and stuff, I DONT CARE xD I'm already used to that from soccer practices, since my coaches already push us to the limits! And plus! Ok she will push you to keep in shape and exercise, but what makes it better is that you get to do that WITH HER! She is just awesome, adorable, cute, nice, loyal, caring, cuddly :3, etc... To me, SHE IS PERFECT. She doesn't have to change who she is for me not one bit. And I know that she is shy to show her emotions in public, but that's what makes it amazinegg, that when she finally does show them towards you, it makes you feel much more special and good. And once she gets used dto it over time, she won't be shy, I'm sure. Sooooo yeah, this is the most feelings I have ever had for s girl, and it's from a cartoon! xD why can't she be real! I would treat her sooooo nicely, make her smile, happy, and make sure that someone cares about her and loves her. Because I would treat her like the most important person in the world to me!


So yeah! This was longer than I thought but I got at least most of what I wanted to say about Rainbow Dash, but I have much more to say and can't think of one flaw about her, or something bad to say about her because she is just PERFECT!

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Just because someone is loyal doesn't automatically mean they will be the best girlfriend or boyfriend.

Other characteristics can be important such as honesty, for example.


Also, a nasty attitude can ruin a pretty face.

  • Brohoof 1
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Sure, if loyalty is the only thing needed in a girlfriend, which is not true.


On 4/22/2016 at 6:16 PM, The Nightly Spectre said:

One does not ask why The Questioner is awesome. One should instead ask their gods if they ever compare to the awesomeness of the one and only Questioner.

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Loyalty is huge, it can be a deal-breaker for sure...

But how many would be the best match for her personality?

I think Fluttershy would be loyal because she's rather submissive. Twilight would definitely because she values good relationships and has very high integrity. I'd prefer either of their personalities (ponyalities?) over RD.

I suppose RD's loyalty hasn't manifested all that much for me.

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She would be great, I mean she is the most awesome pony in Equestria! I also have no doubt that she would be loyal, only problem is if she would make you do exercises. Being bossy would be fine and I guess doing exercises wouldn't be that bad. She would probably be protective, so it would be awesome just walking down the street filled with human hating ponies (if that exists in Equestria) and she would just be like "come at me bro". So I agree, she would be the best girlfriend.



Her reaction to this thread..

Yeah, I think she'll be the most awkward and bashful with the prospect of having a boyfriend, EVEN MORE THAN FLUTTERSHY  :o . Anyway, once she gets cofortable though, she'll be the same mischevous tomboy we know and love, including pulling pranks and making fun of you, but she'll stays forever at your side and never cheat on you. Bad I idea if you cheat on her  :comeatus: .


PD: The popular conception of Ranbow Dash sleeping with many stallions sound ridiculous to me, just read the fics  >_>

  • Brohoof 1


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