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movies/tv Movies Everybody Loves That You Don't Like?

Lauren Ipsum

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Alright, time to list some movies that I just don't see why people love so much. This time, I think I'll provide reasons for why I don't like them. Let's begin.


  • Avatar- All this movie is is just special effects. They look nice, but just detracts everything else.
  • The Avengers- It's nothing more than just The Avengers beating up some bad guys...you know, if they actually get there. 
  • Iron Man 3- Dull and boring. How ironic. *dodges tomatoes*
  • Man of Steel- Story was shallow and all over the place.
  • The Dark Knight Rises- Bane isn't a very good villain, and how the hell did Bruce Wayne get all the way from some prison in the desert all the way back to Gotham?
  • Les Miserables- The songs are forgettable, the story is shallow, and the characters are dull.


What do you have to say?

  • Brohoof 3

1069380_225185867630471_1919660758_n.jpg               "A man chooses, a slave obeys." -Andrew Ryan

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To be honest I actually agree with you on most of these movies. The one thing I would have to disagree with is the Avengers. I thought it was a fun, adventurous superhero movie. I mean, it's full grown men running around in tights shooting lasers from their fingers and such, it's fun, and it's not meant to be taken too seriously.


To answer your question *pause* I HATE with a PASSION....





  • Brohoof 2

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To be honest I actually agree with you on most of these movies. The one thing I would have to disagree with is the Avengers. I thought it was a fun, adventurous superhero movie. I mean, it's full grown men running around in tights shooting lasers from their fingers and such, it's fun, and it's not meant to be taken too seriously.


To answer your question *pause* I HATE with a PASSION....





I understand that's the point of The Avengers, but seems to have gotten WAY too much attention than it deserves...at least that's how I see it.


And yes, Transformers, is fucking terrible.

  • Brohoof 1

1069380_225185867630471_1919660758_n.jpg               "A man chooses, a slave obeys." -Andrew Ryan

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I never really cared for Avatar, it was all flashy CGI to me and the only reason I was ever attracted to it was because I thought it was going to be about airbenders


Also the modernized movie of "Romeo and Juliet" was dumb, and I already didn't care for the original story


And lastly I never cared for any of the Superman movies

Edited by Megas75
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Forrest Gump - Can't watch it. Hokey right-wing propaganda the whole way through. It's well-made, has some good characters and cinematography, but the subtext is so strong that it turns me off of the movie completely. (In contrast, for an example of a left-wing propaganda film that's quite similar - and almost surely a direct response to Forrest Gump - see Pleasantville.)


Independence Day - For me, the beginning of the "incredibly dumb action" movie trend.


Moulin Rouge! - Baz Luhrmann is style over substance every time, and his directing antics drive me nuts. I think he's a moron. I got to "Your Song" by Elton John and then had to turn the film off.


The Notebook - Such build-up to this one from my female friends. It came off as cheezy Lifetime Channel junk. Hell, it even had James Garner to complete the Lifetime connection.


300 - Zzzzzz. Slow-motion battle scenes are dull to me.

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I agree with all of those in the OP except for Les Mis since I haven't seen that yet. I try watching Avatar but it just bores the hell out of me and I have never been able to finish it. I don't see why everyone loves it so much. And am I the only one who dislikes superhero movies?

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Well, no offense to the people who like these movies:


Titanic - I just thought the characters weren't interesting and it was overall boring to me; way too long as well to me. I would rather research the actual Titanic or read a book about it.


Any Pixar Film, other than Wall-E - I honestly don't like any of the Pixar films except for Wall-E. I prefer Disney and Dreamworks A LOT more. The characters are always dull to me.


Friday The 13th Movies - The killer is boring, and the movies are boring; Freddy's better and more interesting (Yeah, I'm biased...)


I have some others, but none seem to come to mind that quickly. 

  • Brohoof 6


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Batman Dark Knight Rises: They really screwed up Bane's character quite badly in this. Yes Bane is a brutal monster but he is not a clone of Raz Al Ghul, but I could have forgiven that if the plot wasn't so pointless and convoluted. It is like they packed everything in there but the kitchen sink, amped up the violence and added a few extra explosions.


Lost In Translation: Where is the fricken plot? I realize it is a chick flick and all but seriously where is the fricken plot? While I am not a fan of the cliched so and so sleeps with/cheats on so and so even that would have been preferable to this snoozefest.


Avatar: Yes the special effects are good but it just dosen't do it for me.

  • Brohoof 1
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I agree with all of the OP's choices apart from The Dark Knight Rises (and Les Miserables, but for different reasons)
But still, I'd probably say The Hunger Games.


Everyone went mad for it when it came out, but I just couldn't see it.. Literally, the camera was moving at 2000 mph, I had no idea what was going on!
But still, the story was pretty dull, the acting was a bit flat and everyone kept calling it an original concept even though it was pretty much a watered down version of Battle Royale.

That and the book wasn't that good either.

  • Brohoof 2

Have a nice cold pint, and wait for all this to blow over..

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Pretty much any modern action movie, they just can't seem to get it right anymore. Just look at the 80's, we've got Die Hard, Predator, Commando, Robocop, Rambo, etc, etc, all great movies. Now name one great action movie of that kind made in the last 10 years. I miss the days when action movies we're big guys with big guns fighting ridiculous bad guys while coming up with the silliest one-liners, and most of them we're quite well writen despite all that.


I especially hate Jason Statham's movies, those are the worst, they're made entirely for moronic meat-heads who can barely put a coherent sentence together. I don't get how people can watch anything like that.

  • Brohoof 1


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Forrest Gump

- I just cant see the appeal. Truthfully, I find the characters more annoying than endearing and I just can't enjoy watching it. Simple as that, I suppose, but it's kind of funny... I actually really like a rather similar film called Big Fish.


Mary Poppins

- I never watched this when I was young. I only saw this in grade 12 when the school band was forced to watch it when our teacher was away. The whole time, I was just asking one question: WHY!? The scene that brought me closest to insanity was Dick Van Dyke dancing with cartoon penguins. Impressive at the time the film was made, but I thought my brain was about to explode trying to comprehend what was going on.

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The Hunger Games - The concept although called original is not original and inspired off of other pieces of media. I found the characters to be corny and exaggerated. Katniss and her "magical" bow powers. Plus with all the tight rule the districts have over them why is it so easy to escape? I just can't take it seriously enough to enjoy.


Lord of The Rings - I never could get into it for some reason, I never really liked movies based on fantasy universes and only like games. Probably because I think the special effects look out of place.

  • Brohoof 1


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Lord of the rings-I love the hobbit movies, but I just can't take LOTR seriously. It just doesn't appeal to me.


Batman: The Dark Knight-Joker was awesome yes. Besides that I was bored to tears with this film.


New Star Treks-Meh, I just was never a trekkie. 

  • Brohoof 1


Credit for the signature goes to Kyoshi

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Harry Potter - It's too convoluted for me and the pacing is bad. Never really been into these kind of movies.


Chronicles of Narnia - Not really into the fantasy genre.


"I keep the walking on the right side, but I won't judge the next who handles walking on the wrong. 'Cause that's how he wants to be. No difference, see."


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I know some people might hate me for this buuut:

Harry Potter (Whole Series) - Don't really hate it, but never saw what all the fuss was about. It bored me after a while


Pirates of the Caribbean (Whole Series) - Had some laughs but all in all... Meh, all the stories just seemed very ehh to me


LOTR - They were SO LONG, I wouldn't mind but I just wasn't entertained during a lot of them


Chronicles of Narnia - Was never entertained, nothing happened that made me want to keep watching


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I'm not really into superhero or action movies. I'll watch superhero movies if my friends are watching them but in general, movies about car chases, gun shooting and people beating each other up bore me. I'll give any movie a chance especially if I'm told it has a good storyline, can make you think, etc. The thing that annoys me the most is because I'm friends with a lot of self-proclaimed "nerds/geeks" and love a lot of the same things as they do, they automatically assume I'm into comic books and superheroes like they are. I don't mean anything bad about them or the things they like but it annoys me when everyone constantly asks me "Have you seen this? Have you seen that? What did you think of 'Man of Steel'?", etc. I don't have any interest in those movies and I feel bad telling people that.



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Hangover 2


The first one was good, Interesting concept.

why? It's practically the same damn movie in a different setting. Have yet to see the third but not sure if i want to.

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Any zombie/horror/gore movie. I have never liked them at all, and never will. I don't see the appeal of them.


What else? The Hangover movies and other stupid comedy movies.

Edited by Fluttermoon
  • Brohoof 1


I support Princess Twilight Sparkle.

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Transformers, Hangover, The Scream movies, Iron Man 3, also Batman & Robin.


Just saying. Batman & Robin was only entertaining because, most of us saw it as kids so that is only why people say that they like it and it was a good movie.


Avatar, The Animated Titanic movies, and Avatar: The Last Airbender.


Why, the animated titanic movies? The plot holes, making no sense in the movies, and a rapping dog. -.-


Every Twilight movie!

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I hate hate hate Pearl Harbor.

Everyone at school was nuts over this. It bored me so much that I couldn't even finish it for my school project. I told the teacher, and she hated it so much that she understood, and gave me a B.


I don't really like Pocahontas. The characters are forgettable, and the story bores me. It's just a bunch of pretty nothing.

And I'm not wild about Despicable Me. The minions were cute, and I can stand the movie, but most of the jokes are annoying. You can have a good, funny movie without fart jokes.

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Okay I'm ready for the rotten tomatoes to be thrown at me

Despicable me: I never saw much in it, some parts were okay but to me the movie was meh at best

Les Miserables: I heard the movie was the musical which I have seen and when i saw the musical i remember being really bored

The Avengers: It's a good movie and all I just have trouble sitting through action movies

that new Star Trek movie: same as above



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Here goes:

Paranormal Activity:
I remember sitting in the theater with my ex who dragged me to see this film, and literally checking my watch the whole time.
The jump "scares" were predictable and I didn't find it suspenseful in the least.

pretty much for the same reasons that OP stated; it's an extremely below-the-average film, with flashy special effects and clichéd plot that anyone who's been paying ANY attention to movie plots can predict from beginning to end.

The Hobbit:
A needlessly long-winded film.
Peter Jackson tried to recreate his Lord of the Rings trilogy from source material that wasn't meant to be an epic story to begin with.
Not going to watch Desolation of Smaug.

Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides:
It was the same Johnny Depp antics that we've seen in virtually every one of his films before, and I'm, quite frankly, very tired of them.
The major villain, Blackbeard,  wasn't nearly as threatening as they tried to build him up to be, and the mermaid sub-plot with the preacher or whatever felt like a cheap replacement story for William Turner and Elizabeth Swan.
The last 20 minutes of the film were a pain to sit through.

Iron Man 1-3:
Maybe it's just because I don't like the superhero genre in general, but these films did nothing for me.
Tony Stark is a self-important douchebag, the technology in the film is not at all believable, and the plot of each film is essentially a rehash of the previous one.
Again, the only reason I saw these films was the fact that my friends dragged me to see them.

Any kind of Zombie film/film whose plot involves some sort of virus that turns people into hideous mutations/survival-horror genre in general:
This was done well in ONE film and one film only, and that film is The Thing.
Go watch it if you haven't already.
I don't even bother with Zombie flicks anymore, because I know going in EXACTLY what I'm going to get:
Clichéd writing, one-dimensional characters, (usually) terrible-looking special effects, cheesy one-liners, and needless amounts of gore.

So, there it is.
I have more films that I don't like/hate with white-hot, burning vitriol, but I can't think of anything right now.

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