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Decided to play a serious PvP match after what seemed to be a few months.




All in All: Draaaaaaaaaaaaaaaven.

And I still want Academy Ahri.

(You could also guess that Garen d/c'd mid game. Enemy Kha'Zix d/c'd as well.)

Man the community is so horrible... Last two games are making me question why I even played LoL in the first place...


I had a dumb Leona who was just being... well... completely salty and a serious turd...


and Yasuo is atrociously balanced.


I could get into a long rant about why I just uninstalled it, but I won't.


You just need to play with friends. That'll make things much better.

gonna take you out

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lol, you reminded me of dunkey's recent video

Dear god... That caused so much uproar in the community. It reminds of when Tommy Oliver did his rant video.

I play on eu west so I can't add you :( but if you want you can create an account to play with me in eu west I don't use my diamond account but my level 10 smurf, my smurf name is flutterbat yay :)

O yeah, I have a level 9 smurf on EU West. I don't play on it often though. Reloaded Dice is the name. I'm Plat 5 on NA


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You just need to play with friends. That'll make things much better.

Exactly league of legends is a really fun game when you play with friends, you just need to be fine with them on the schedule and you can have a great time with them. Just don't play so seriously and don't rage on your friends it's a good way to lose them

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this is why I play nocturne full ad and I have a win rate of 70% in 120 ranked games with him ^^

Nocturne. Oh Nocturne. My second champion ever bought xD ^.^ Perhaps you can teach me how to play him? I haven't played him for days now, therefore I'm not good at him anymore.. '~'

Decided to play a serious PvP match after what seemed to be a few months.




All in All: Draaaaaaaaaaaaaaaven.

And I still want Academy Ahri.

(You could also guess that Garen d/c'd mid game. Enemy Kha'Zix d/c'd as well.)


You just need to play with friends. That'll make things much better.

Thresh. The God. xD You know you agree :) 


Equestria Girl Artist Infernus's adorable brother  :kindness: / PROJECT: Echo, My Little Kohai   B)

Having a bad day? Come relax in my profile, I'll try my best to make you at least smile a bit..  :blush: 


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Nocturne. Oh Nocturne. My second champion ever bought xD ^.^ Perhaps you can teach me how to play him? I haven't played him for days now, therefore I'm not good at him anymore.. '~'


I play with 21/9/0 masteries, attack speed quintessence, blue mr,dmg red,armor yellow my stuff is red smite with attack speed upgrade, botrk , youmuu, berserker boots, trinity , IE

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I play with 21/9/0 masteries, attack speed quintessence, blue mr,dmg red,armor yellow my stuff is red smite with attack speed upgrade, botrk , youmuu, berserker boots, trinity , IE

Do you have a specific build order? :) 


Equestria Girl Artist Infernus's adorable brother  :kindness: / PROJECT: Echo, My Little Kohai   B)

Having a bad day? Come relax in my profile, I'll try my best to make you at least smile a bit..  :blush: 


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in 20 min I got jungle item with upgrade berseker and botrk and 20 minutes in this order , then I youmuu and trinity and do IE last

But why trinity? o.O It makes sense his e scales with ap but.. I don't think it will change that much :?


Equestria Girl Artist Infernus's adorable brother  :kindness: / PROJECT: Echo, My Little Kohai   B)

Having a bad day? Come relax in my profile, I'll try my best to make you at least smile a bit..  :blush: 


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Does anyone wanna play games together on EUNE with me. My username on EUNE is: DJ Pon and NiGeL

And on Russian server its Sunset Shimmer

If you dont have an account on my server but you wish to play with me, I can borrow you one of my smurfs. I have a lot of those.

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I am a level 8 North America, if you ever want to add me I am alegitstalker (not kidding)

Ooh! I'll try to get back into this game so we can level up together!  :pinkie:

Next time I'm on I'll add you, my summoner name is twithetotodile

lol, you reminded me of dunkey's recent video:


I watched that video because people were talking about it everywhere and it is the dumbest thing I've ever seen. Like, he thinks he has some special privilege because he makes youtube videos? I heard some toxic people when I played but he is by far the worst of the worst. If you say horrible things to people, you're gonna get punished just like everyone else, that's just how things work.

Edited by Twi the Totodile
  • Brohoof 1


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I follow the tournament games some times. I've always wanted to play in them, but I don't have the team for it... Plus I don't think I'm anywhere good enough XD. I am online all the time so you want a game with me feel free to ask


same i am even teaching  someone how to play so i can create a league team would you like to be on it i am shynight01 on lol as well i play NA and i play with lvl 30s so i know a lot even thogh i am lvl 13 i always carry the game unless i am sup, i play any position so you can play with what you are comfterable with



I'm actually quite excited for this champion. We really need better team fighting ADC's


so am i i will get him as soon as he comes out

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I'm actually quite excited for this champion. We really need better team fighting ADC's

so am i i will get him as soon as he comes out

yeah me too but it's because I got 40000pi useless cause I got all champs/runes :)

Edited by deathpioupiou
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wow if you have a NA account lvl 10 could you help me get champs for me and my friend i only have 4-5 champs trying to save up for varus and my friend dose not have any she just started i will be teaching her how to play tonight and i will also buy her a champ also 

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wow if you have a NA account lvl 10 could you help me get champs for me and my friend i only have 4-5 champs trying to save up for varus and my friend dose not have any she just started i will be teaching her how to play tonight and i will also buy her a champ also 

I have a level 18 account :P If you wanna add it its: DarkRider247


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I'm actually quite excited for this champion. We really need better team fighting ADC's

Well, at least they don't actually look oddly borked as all hell as some of the latest ones did when first previewed. I'll definitely give them a try since I apparently do adc. It'll probably turn out like Kalista, dislike them a bit at first, but grow to quite like them.


yeah me too but it's because I got 40000pi useless cause I got all champs/runes :)

Im sitting on about 46k simply cause I don't actually have champs I want anymore. xD

I've still plenty to buy and I plan to eventually, but eh. until I really either want to complete that list or just want to play someone I won't be spending much. I could always finish up collecting runes, but eh. Going to hit 50k just for the hell of it first.


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Apparently, Rito is deciding to classify Kindred more as a Jungler, according to the reveal's webpage.


While Kindred should be a decent ADC, I think that he is better at the jungle because Mark of the Kindred marking large creatures as potential perma-buffs is awesome in a way. I think we have a new Bonetooth Necklace Rengar, everyone.

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I'm actually quite excited for this champion. We really need better team fighting ADC's


Oh. My. Teemo. I'm.So.Hyped!!!! :DDD  :wub:  :wub:  :wub:  :pinkie:  :pinkie:  :pinkie:  :pinkie:  :pinkie:  :pinkie:  :pinkie:


Equestria Girl Artist Infernus's adorable brother  :kindness: / PROJECT: Echo, My Little Kohai   B)

Having a bad day? Come relax in my profile, I'll try my best to make you at least smile a bit..  :blush: 


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i for some reson cant get a good game ether i am to good or i am getting unlucky picks i like a challenge but i end up carrying the game with solo top master yi i even when 1v2 against a shivona and a wokong, and i destroyed them badly they could not heart me when i turned lvl 10 with yi because of how fed i was 

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I watched that video because people were talking about it everywhere and it is the dumbest thing I've ever seen. Like, he thinks he has some special privilege because he makes youtube videos? I heard some toxic people when I played but he is by far the worst of the worst. If you say horrible things to people, you're gonna get punished just like everyone else, that's just how things work.


Late response I know, I was originally gonna post that video a few days ago but I put it off because my interest in MLPforums kinda waned.

I've been spending the past few months wondering why each passing game I've played of league, it started feeling like a chore. Seeing my favorite league youtuber harshly criticize riot and their game is probably the best thing to happen in the league community since I've joined. The thing about dunkey is, yes, he's toxic as fuck, he's offensive, that's his thing. I honestly couldn't give a shit less about toxicity in league, it's completely natural and it's a part of literally every competitive game out there. CS:GO and CoD's communities are far more toxic than league's and I have way more fun playing them than I do playing league. If you're gonna judge the message of that whole video by that one little bit where he asked for an unban to finish a video, you're silly in doing so because the larger point there he was trying to make is that toxicity is not a rampant issue that riot needs to deal with anyway. Regardless of the toxicity issue, I wholeheartedly agree with everything he says in the video and I hope a few executives at Riot saw it too, because it feels like Riot's giving the LCS and competitive scene their full, undivided attention while everyone else can just buy the new shitty project skins and go fuck themselves.


On a more lighthearted note, I really am super hype for the new champ. I love their design and concept so much, I actually think I might shell out $15 for the full kit if I feel any better about league by then.

Edited by Kitty~
  • Brohoof 1
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I think toxicity has never been a main problem of League, it's always been there and hasn't changed anything. If anything, the system to punish players for toxic behavior is contributing to people getting tired of the game and not improving their behavior. It's complete bullshit. The thing to remove ranked rewards for toxic players is also the most ludicrous thing I've seen... As if being toxic has anything to do with your accomplishments...


I don't really think League has any problems that need fixing... Maybe the ladder system, it's fucked up so badly... Or matchmaking in general...

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Toxicity is actually a bigger issue than people are making it out to be. One of the big reasons I quit league awhile back is because I was sick of everyone raging and calling me an idiot or a noob just because I was still learning how to play. Sure trolls and intentional feeders are bad, and they deserve to get banned too, but there's really no good reason to be so rude to someone who's just trying to improve. Games are meant to be enjoyed, but if you're constantly being ridiculed for every single mistake it's really hard to find any enjoyment in the game.

I completely understand if you like the game despite all the rage, but please don't act like it's just some issue that's less important than the rest.

Edited by Twi the Totodile


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