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Broken champs? How about broken game? This season has been nothing but fuckup after fuckup, and Riot's way of handling this game's issues are ineffective at best and damaging at worst. The biggest names in the league community are taking note of this and heavily criticizing Riot lately. What do they do? Jack shit. There was once a time where this was the only multiplayer game I played, where I actually enjoyed the game, where it felt rewarding to win but not painful to lose, now I only ever have fun playing some gimmicky game-mode with a friend.




I'm just gonna leave this video here, in fact gbay99's whole channel has plenty of criticisms about league as a whole and I'd say it's worth checking out. But anyway, It's too early to say League is a dead game, and I'm fully aware that this game is going to be incredibly difficult to kill given its popularity, but it certainly is taking a plunge and I'm just not sure if Riot can get their shit together before something like this happens.

Edited by Kitty~
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Broken champs? How about broken game? This season has been nothing but fuckup after fuckup, and Riot's way of handling this game's issues are ineffective at best and damaging at worst. The biggest names in the league community are taking note of this and heavily criticizing Riot lately. What do they do? Jack shit. There was once a time where this was the only multiplayer game I played, where I actually enjoyed the game, where it felt rewarding to win but not painful to lose, now I only ever have fun playing some gimmicky game-mode with a friend.




I'm just gonna leave this video here, in fact gbay99's whole channel has plenty of criticisms about league as a whole and I'd say it's worth checking out. But anyway, It's too early to say League is a dead game, and I'm fully aware that this game is going to be incredibly difficult to kill given its popularity, but it certainly is taking a plunge and I'm just not sure if Riot can get their shit together before something like this happens.

When does season 6 start? :/ 


Equestria Girl Artist Infernus's adorable brother  :kindness: / PROJECT: Echo, My Little Kohai   B)

Having a bad day? Come relax in my profile, I'll try my best to make you at least smile a bit..  :blush: 


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Broken champs? How about broken game? This season has been nothing but fuckup after fuckup, and Riot's way of handling this game's issues are ineffective at best and damaging at worst. The biggest names in the league community are taking note of this and heavily criticizing Riot lately. What do they do? Jack shit. There was once a time where this was the only multiplayer game I played, where I actually enjoyed the game, where it felt rewarding to win but not painful to lose, now I only ever have fun playing some gimmicky game-mode with a friend.




I'm just gonna leave this video here, in fact gbay99's whole channel has plenty of criticisms about league as a whole and I'd say it's worth checking out. But anyway, It's too early to say League is a dead game, and I'm fully aware that this game is going to be incredibly difficult to kill given its popularity, but it certainly is taking a plunge and I'm just not sure if Riot can get their shit together before something like this happens.


Sorry, but his video isn't criticizing League or Riot at all. He is rather saying that League will probably last quite some time since Riot doesn't fuck up on balancing and doesn't make decisions against the community.


I will agree that Season 5 had some balancing issues, like Skarner or Warwick to mention the worst examples but it hasn't made the game broken. New champions have always been either a bit too overpowerd or a bit too underpowered and then been balanced in the following patches. I think Riot is doing a pretty decent job at balancing the game, I've heard way worse about DotA 2 for example...

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Sorry, but his video isn't criticizing League or Riot at all. He is rather saying that League will probably last quite some time since Riot doesn't fuck up on balancing and doesn't make decisions against the community.


I never did claim this video was a criticism of Riot or League, I simply said if you went through his channel you could find some.


I will agree that Season 5 had some balancing issues, like Skarner or Warwick to mention the worst examples but it hasn't made the game broken. New champions have always been either a bit too overpowerd or a bit too underpowered and then been balanced in the following patches. I think Riot is doing a pretty decent job at balancing the game, I've heard way worse about DotA 2 for example...


It's not just the horrible balancing issues that were fuck-ups, but there were several of those and they were all terrible. Cinderhulk was a fuck-up, runeglaive was a fuck-up, devourer was a fuck-up, leaverbuster was a fuck-up, Skarner was a fuck-up, Sejuani was a fuck-up, Fiora was a fuck-up, all the reworks were fuck-ups, the current ranked system is a fuck-up, laddering and promos are a fuck-up, Riot's way of handling punishments is a HUGE fuck-up, There hasn't been one moment this season where something wasn't horribly broken or fucked up. Saying Riot is doing a decent job of balancing their game is a joke. Dota 2 is a fine example of cyclical imbalance whereas League is just broken. 

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I'm not sure we're playing the same game... Sure there were some slight balance mistakes and the whole tank meta has been very annoying for me as an ADC and Support main but aside from that the game is pretty balanced overall. The punishments are questionable but at least Riot is finally addressing the issue of toxicity and bad behavior, they'll eventually figure something out that's actually helpful... The ranked/ladder system has been pretty weird this season, I got to admit that...

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I'm not sure we're playing the same game... Sure there were some slight balance mistakes and the whole tank meta has been very annoying for me as an ADC and Support main but aside from that the game is pretty balanced overall. The punishments are questionable but at least Riot is finally addressing the issue of toxicity and bad behavior, they'll eventually figure something out that's actually helpful... The ranked/ladder system has been pretty weird this season, I got to admit that..


The balance issues were anything but slight, and they've been CONSTANT. This season hasn't seen one patch where something hasn't been broken. 

Punishments aren't questionable, they're fucking stupid. You can get away with intentionally feeding or trolling but the second you get frustrated at the person who's doing it it's a 2 week ban. They should handle toxicity by putting out chat restrictions, and make punishments overall MUCH more harsh.

The ranked/ladder system has never been good. The simple fact that climbing is based on wins/losses instead of player performance is completely silly, and promotional matches shouldn't even be a thing.

  • Brohoof 2
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The ranked/ladder system has never been good. The simple fact that climbing is based on wins/losses instead of player performance is completely silly, and promotional matches shouldn't even be a thing.

Riot is not able to track that down. How would they know who's playing support? Adc? Wins and losses are brought by you, carry or get carried or lose.  

Edited by PROJECT: Simon


Equestria Girl Artist Infernus's adorable brother  :kindness: / PROJECT: Echo, My Little Kohai   B)

Having a bad day? Come relax in my profile, I'll try my best to make you at least smile a bit..  :blush: 


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On this topic:


The Tribunal is pretty bad, and the Leaverbuster system is a constant annoyance. You don't get punished for trolling people. Then your power goes out. LOWER PRIORITY QUEUE! YAY! TIME TO WAIT FOR HALF AN HOUR FOR THE NEXT 10 MATCHES!


The balancing is heading in the right direction, very slowly. But there's quite a few OP champions who've been simply ignored, Yi most particularly. Fiora got nerfed at least. Finally, after like 2 SEASONS. But, they did fix the recent problems with Darius being approximately as OP as Nasus or the new Ashe.


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Harder punishments? I feel like the punishments are dumb enough as is... different punishments would be good but not really harder. 


The ladder system could be better, f.e. like it is in Starcraft, when you win >50%, you get matched against better enemies and when you continuously win >50% there, you advance without having to play promo matches or some garbage like that.

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the new ashe is really op with that really fast attack, also darious is i think more op than nasus i can 1v1 a fed nasus but not a fed darius because of his sustain.

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Riot is not able to track that down. How would they know who's playing support? Adc? Wins and losses are brought by you, carry or get carried or lose.  

I can't take you seriously on this topic because you seem to think this game is about the person carrying rather than the team effort. Ranked shouldn't be laid out in a way that you can only climb if you're capable of carrying. Regardless of how good you are at the game, 1v5 simply isn't practical. 



The balancing is heading in the right direction, very slowly. But there's quite a few OP champions who've been simply ignored, Yi most particularly. Fiora got nerfed at least. Finally, after like 2 SEASONS. But, they did fix the recent problems with Darius being approximately as OP as Nasus or the new Ashe.


The thing about Yi is that he isn't exactly broken or OP. He does plenty of damage but he's super squishy and weak to CC. That's his trade-off, he's good in 1v1 situations and that's why the only times you ever see Yi get a penta is when he gets his kills spoonfed to him one at a time. Generally the only people to complain about him are lower elo players, especially in this season where he's at his weakest. Darius, on the other hand, is so braindead easy right now it's a wonder how I still see people feeding with him.


Harder punishments? I feel like the punishments are dumb enough as is... different punishments would be good but not really harder. 


The ladder system could be better, f.e. like it is in Starcraft, when you win >50%, you get matched against better enemies and when you continuously win >50% there, you advance without having to play promo matches or some garbage like that.


Different punishments are necessary, but the thing is they need to be much harsher since it serves as an effective deterrent to player-related issues like toxicity and trolls.


Ranked would be infinitely better of Riot just reverted back to Elo rating, LP gain/loss is a joke and there's no reason why you should have to play rock/paper/scissors to climb.

  • Brohoof 2
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Introducing even harder punishments will only diminish the community and not improve it. That's my prediction and I doubt that Riot will find any method to actively improve the community. It's just not going to happen; people will always flame since League is a very competitive game which is bound to cause people to be toxic. No amount of bans will change a person unless it manages to get rid of the players alltogether which isn't what Riot is aiming for since it means less money for them.

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Yi isn't awful, because he does have weak spots (he actually has an extremely weak early game because he scales a lot with AD, and a little with AS). But he is a good bit overpowered, particularly his ultimate. It gives him a bonkers Movement speed and attack speed boost, as well as immunity to ALL forms of crowd control (practically, Youmuu's on crack). His Alpha Strike can also make him become an ace at waveclear, as it's basically Juggernaut's ultimate (from DotA) except weaker, much cheaper, and much lower CD. I really should have been "complaining" about Nasus.


I agree with you tier climbing. It's basically Mario Party 9 Ranked instead of LoL Ranked. It's so DIFFICULT because of that. At least for me. When you screw up your placement matches and end up in Bronze V, you're stuck. It's basically like 1v5 because everyone else has Bot-level experience. Thanks Riot. Please revert to ELO ratings. Thank you.


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Yi isn't awful, because he does have weak spots (he actually has an extremely weak early game because he scales a lot with AD, and a little with AS). But he is a good bit overpowered, particularly his ultimate. It gives him a bonkers Movement speed and attack speed boost, as well as immunity to ALL forms of crowd control

>all forms of cc

Uh, what kind of modified Yi are you fighting? He gets hit by all cc other than slows. .-.

It literally takes one good stun and he's just a sitting duck for everything else.

  • Brohoof 1


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>all forms of cc

Uh, what kind of modified Yi are you fighting? He gets hit by all cc other than slows. .-.

It literally takes one good stun and he's just a sitting duck for everything else.

v.s. heavy CC comps, that is precisely why I go tanky Yi! :)

But in draft I shouldn't be picking Yi into those comps in the first place

  • Brohoof 1
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>all forms of cc

Uh, what kind of modified Yi are you fighting? He gets hit by all cc other than slows. .-.

It literally takes one good stun and he's just a sitting duck for everything else.

That isn't only slows... But if you stun a Yi before he does anything, he is a sitting duck.


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Introducing even harder punishments will only diminish the community and not improve it. That's my prediction and I doubt that Riot will find any method to actively improve the community. It's just not going to happen; people will always flame since League is a very competitive game which is bound to cause people to be toxic. No amount of bans will change a person unless it manages to get rid of the players alltogether which isn't what Riot is aiming for since it means less money for them.


Good riddance. If a player only ever ruins other players' experience and doesn't decide to quit being a prick, there's no reason to keep them around. The reason we have so many trolls and toxic players around is because punishments are more or less meaningless if not completely sporadic, and the root cause of these issues in the first place is this game simply not being fun.

Actually, conveniently enough, the two most recent episodes of Extra Credits covers a topic I feel is relevant to this conversation.



Granted, this is information mostly centered around MUDs and MMOs, but I feel it applies to League perfectly right now in that the game caters too heavily to killers. The only socializing I get is hostility from either team, there really isn't much to achieve aside from unlocking champions, which isn't really rewarding beyond the one you really like to play, and explorers have it the worst. Riot seems to love actively shutting down any sort of gimmicky fun this game has, given that it may oh-so-slightly hurt the competitive balance the game has, which mind you, isn't that great to begin with.



That isn't only slows... But if you stun a Yi before he does anything, he is a sitting duck.


You seem to have Yi's ult and Olaf's ult mixed up.

  • Brohoof 1
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Good riddance. If a player only ever ruins other players' experience and doesn't decide to quit being a prick, there's no reason to keep them around. The reason we have so many trolls and toxic players around is because punishments are more or less meaningless if not completely sporadic, and the root cause of these issues in the first place is this game simply not being fun.

Actually, conveniently enough, the two most recent episodes of Extra Credits covers a topic I feel is relevant to this conversation.



Granted, this is information mostly centered around MUDs and MMOs, but I feel it applies to League perfectly right now in that the game caters too heavily to killers. The only socializing I get is hostility from either team, there really isn't much to achieve aside from unlocking champions, which isn't really rewarding beyond the one you really like to play, and explorers have it the worst. Riot seems to love actively shutting down any sort of gimmicky fun this game has, given that it may oh-so-slightly hurt the competitive balance the game has, which mind you, isn't that great to begin with.

I don't really see how those types relate to League... I doubt that the flamers in League fit into the category "Killer", I just don't see people playing League just to insult other players, it doesn't make any sense. Maybe like 1% of all toxic people are actually playing League because they like to insult people. Toxicity comes with the competitivity of the game; because it is a team game you are dependant on your team mates and if mistakes happen you are not the only person you can blame and thus you start to blame the other players, sometimes even when it was your own fault. I don't think there is any possible way to reduce toxicity without effectively diminishing the players in League by a huage amount of players or making the game less competitive which Riot isn't going to do, ever.

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The thing about online multiplayer games is that it's impossible to eradicate all negative players. Even if Rito does give out perma bans, they will always exist.

- There are ways to trolling while bypassing the summoner code.

- And since all games aren't recorded, there's no real way to tell who's doing what solely based on the chat log.

- And most importantly, the enemy team won't report the troll on your team if it caused them to win, or if they just don't care since it's not their problem. Without more than one vote, it might not even be seen as a case. (Not entirely sure, correct me if I'm wrong)


The only thing to do is mute and report, and that's only effective if the other members of your team goes along with it.


For me personally, I just ignore and play. Unsportsmanlike players aren't worth chatting to. And trolls are going to do whatever they want anyways, so just hope that the community is willing to put the small effort of pressing that red button.

Just gotta deal with the faults.

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