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After playing some games in the new meta I can summarize the following things:


1. Graves is ridiculously OP, even more than he has been after his last buff before he got nerved again.

2. ADCs were buffed and seem more fun to play BUT now you have Quinn Jungle, Sivir Top, Cait Mid etc. without having a tank and get one-shotted by the enemy APC (Mid or Top; Vlad or Cho) so you actually have a harder time carrying as ADC xDD

3. It will take some time getting used to all the item and vision changes :/

4. Being Gold V with 0 LP despite being around Plat I/Dia V in actual skill is a pain in the ass and the people that play this game still make me rage so fucking hard...

5. The fact that my DuoQ mate has the same attitude if not worse and plays (a bit) worse doesn't help...

  • Brohoof 1
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Whenever I play ADC now I like to contemplate between Shiv, PD and Runaan. Shiv burst is better late game, PD is great for surviving and Runaan if you wanna dish a lot of consistent damage. In the case of Jinx, I'd better stick to Shiv. Also to be honest RFC is quite underwhelming for me.


Essence Reaver tho. I build it on Sivir and shenanigans ensue. W downtime on 2 seconds, Q up often, can ult every fight and spell shield is now used as a safety tool, not a mana refill tool. I lost as Sivir twice tho >_> and one of them was because Cowsep Style AP Yi rekt my team.


FYI, Cowsep AP Yi is (excluding boots), Devourer, Guinsoo, Hextech and 2 more items. I'd put Zhonya and Nashor in it, although Lich Bane is good too. The result is Yi with roughly the same damage that deals 3 types of damage at once that heals better and have more consistent damage, compared to Regular Crit Yi.

Edited by Magnum Flare



Alicorn Sunset Shimmer!

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Yasuo is really strong this patch though...

Weaker than usual, actually. They nerfed AD scaling all across the board. Yasuo has always been a ridiculously strong pick, but now he's just above average IMO. His building is now not as effective. If we were talking about Graves... He's ridiculous this patch. Crit Graves is god tier, probably.


Speaking of which, WHAT HAPPENED TO TIAMAT? It was my fave for Tal... The waveclear procedure was so simple. An AA and a Rake could clear a whole wave... Plus, it was so reliable as an item choice to snowball...


But I guess Essence Reaver can replace nearly everything with how bonkers the new one is... It should get nerfed. Just the Crit Chance-CDR conversion. One IE+ER= 30% CDR, 250% damage crits, AND mana restoration on crit... Sounds like it's a new Talon essential. Had to play 3 games before I got the idea. The build's four-core looks like this: Essence Reaver, Boots of Mobility w/Homeguard, Infinity Edge, Youmuu's Ghostblade. It turned an entire game upside down. I won of course.

Edited by TwillyFSniper
  • Brohoof 1


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Hey here's a question, why do you guys pick the champions you do? Is it purely mechanics, the champion's theme/backstory, maybe you relate to them, or any combination of those?

i have a mixture of them all between all the champs I play. I chose Annie as my main mostly cause of how adorable she is, but other than that I just find her damn fun for whatever reason. The only champs I play for mechanics are like, Vayne and Leblanc maybe. Wouldn't mind Lee Sin for the same reason, but meh.


Actually, a lot of mine are cause of looks. Lulu and Trist are waifus and my preferred chars for their respective roles.

  • Brohoof 1


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Hey here's a question, why do you guys pick the champions you do? Is it purely mechanics, the champion's theme/backstory, maybe you relate to them, or any combination of those?

With my friends we just use random to chose our champ. After, when I solo queue, I really like play ez, lee and thresh because I have allchamps, already try them all and those 3 are ,for me, the funniest champ to play. After I think I play them because they all require a lot of skill to be mained and considered as good when you play them.

  • Brohoof 1
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Hey here's a question, why do you guys pick the champions you do? Is it purely mechanics, the champion's theme/backstory, maybe you relate to them, or any combination of those?


When I use a champ It depends on what I'm feeling. I want to use someone tough or someone with speed. I bot main. Doing support or ADC. When I support I use taric and Morgana mainly. Cause I like how they feel. I build Taric like a damn wall so he can tower dive  lot so one of my team can get a kill while I take the tower hits.


With Morgana I go full AP and cooldown so I can slow everyone I meets and really feed my team.


When I ADC I like to use Tristana and jinx. Mainly cause their fun. I like Tristanas AD and jinx for her speed. one time I want full attack and movement speed. No one could catch me. I was making back doors left and right.


Plus I just got the slayer skin for her so it a bit more fun to play her. I like spamming the recall.

  • Brohoof 1
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I just play the champs I can play best mainly due to enjoying the playstyle that comes with the champ. And I mainly play support since it's what I'm best at and my Duo mate mains ADC so I can't play that anyway xD

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These icons rewards are BS. They look so bad. And not to mention that Diamond icon looks almost the same as SIlver. If I were color blind like my friend I would't see the diffrance.






First one is Diamond

Third one is Silver

4th one is Plat

But to me they all look the same.

Edited by NiGeL
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I'm gonna be in bronze forever. It's either lag, shitty teammates who don't knwo their head from their ass or I'm sucking really badly. So fare it been just the first two. But the lag I get makes me want to crush someones skull with my bare hands.

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After playing some games in the new meta I can summarize the following things:


1. Graves is ridiculously OP, even more than he has been after his last buff before he got nerved again.

2. ADCs were buffed and seem more fun to play BUT now you have Quinn Jungle, Sivir Top, Cait Mid etc. without having a tank and get one-shotted by the enemy APC (Mid or Top; Vlad or Cho) so you actually have a harder time carrying as ADC xDD

3. It will take some time getting used to all the item and vision changes :/

4. Being Gold V with 0 LP despite being around Plat I/Dia V in actual skill is a pain in the ass and the people that play this game still make me rage so fucking hard...

5. The fact that my DuoQ mate has the same attitude if not worse and plays (a bit) worse doesn't help...

1. Eeyup. Graves is probably the most OP this patch other than Jinx (Double buffing Nerfplz's choice for most OP ADC pick... What the buck Rito?)

2. Don't forget Varus mid :P But that's been viable since his release in Season 3. Cait mid has probably been viable since her release as well, but nobody ever really tried it until now.

3. It's probably worst for people who main AD burst assassins or AP carries, like Talon and Pantheon or Veigar and Viktor. The new buildpath for Ravenous Hydra flat-out SUCKS. But new Stalker's Blade is good for Jungle Pantheon. New AP nerfs. Why Rito, why? I don't get it.

4. Same here. Bronze V 18LP, probably like Gold maybe even Plat (probably ambitious) in actual skill level. S5 ranked had such a terrible ranking system. Carrying out of Bronze is almost impossible because you practically DON'T have teammates. Mistakes in placing cost me a decent season. Shouldn't have.

5. I did duo a couple of times with a support on my friend's list and he doesn't know how to coordinate that well. He's like Silver IV I think (I suck at supp compared to ADC or mid, and I probably play his level at it. It's the main role he plays too...)


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Hello! Here's Polenimiuvunga from EUNE!  :lol:

Any thoughts on the new champ?
 That E though, a nice counter to the hit-and-runs.

I think that she's a pretty funny champ. Strong, wild woman and her tentacles. I hope she'll be more balanced than last new characters.

Also, I think Rito should add ARAM ranked games. That would be interesting xP

Edited by Christine Eggston IV
  • Brohoof 1

Avatar by Darkonix & Joelashimself, Signature by 3dapple

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Just discovered that I really enjoy playing as a support with Morgana! 

Same here Morg Support is just amazing. That's my main pick but it depends on the enemy team comp. I alternate between Morg and Sona.

  • Brohoof 1

I play League of Legends and I main both Ezreal and Lux for both bot and mid.


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I'm partially with Kitty, I'm at least trying to take a month long break from this game, maybe longer. If not a full break, then mostly arams and sparingly at that.


ok has any one played poppy as a support full tank it is op she wont die

I have done this and it's hilarious no matter how the lane goes.
  • Brohoof 1


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