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Are Some of Us too Harsh?

Adam Jensen

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I was looking at a video submitted by a youtuber about Brony Haters and as I looked through the comments I saw and Screen captured this:


So we all know Brony haters are an issue, but isn't this extreme? The guy as far as I could tell wasn't a Brony hater, or an MLP hater for that matter and this guy just acts like a total douche here. Am I wrong for thinking this? P.S. I wasn't sure exactly where to put this.

Edited by Evilshy
Grammar Nazi'ing it up in the title (changing "to" to "too".)
  • Brohoof 7
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Well to be fair, he's complaining about something that he doesn't really need to complain about.


We fans of our show will do as we want with it in extension, ultimately resulting in the frequent ponification of many well known characters, actors and the like. The first person is basically bashing fan work, because someone making a ponified version of an actual person or character not related to MLP could be considered fan work of both MLP:FiM and whatever the person being ponified is from. (Or the person themselves.)


However the bronies response was not proper when it comes to keeping the hate down. Instead of having a calm explanation and pointing of logic to the "hater" (which is hardly much of one might I add) the brony became aggressive, which results in aggression, resulting in more aggression, ultimately resulting in making both sides, especially the one who acted worst look awful. 


Many haters are justified in their dislike of bronies as many have had bad experience with ignorant, arrogant and intolerant (ironically) bronies that have much louder voices than others. This results in a common misconception of "the loud people are like this, therefore all of them are like this."


So yes, I agree that bronies can be really harsh sometimes. They get defensive and aggressive, and we don't always keep our cool. But I've found on this forum that this happens rarely. Most of the people here are thoughtful, smart, and considerate. I've never had a better experience on any forum and I find that being involved in this community lets you see the positive side of the brony fandom that the haters frequently will ignore. 

  • Brohoof 7

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all i can say is  HATER GOIN HATE idk anything we can do really to stop them, they say that we bronies are low because we watch MLP and draw pictures, well anti-bronies are so low that they don't have anything better with their life then to make fun of bronies...

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This thread appears to be related to the My Little Pony franchise and/or the Bronydom in general. Thus, it has been sentenced to Sugarcube Corner.<br /><br />This is an automatically generated message, by the way.


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all i can say is  HATER GOIN HATE idk anything we can do really to stop them, they say that we bronies are low because we watch MLP and draw pictures, well anti-bronies are so low that they don't have anything better with their life then to make fun of bronies...

No offence but, did you even read the screenshot? This thread is about whether or not we bronies are too harsh, not if the haters are harsh. 


Frankly I think you're enforcing the thread title. :I

  • Brohoof 1

~Relax and enJOY life. True joy is a BLESSING.~

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It seems a bit unfair to go around posting this. Haters are going to hate if that is what they choose to do, but it's wrong to persecute them because they go against an opinion of yours. 


He didn't exactly need to get all fussy because a character got ponified- there's absolutely nothing wrong with that at all. But try not to fuel these people in the future. They are just as entitled to their opinion as you are to yours. 


To address the main question though, yes, some bronies are actually very harsh. Practice what you preach; not many bronies do this, regardless of the message they claim they're trying to put out there.


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They were both pretty harsh. The non-brony (though nowhere NEAR as venomous as true 'haters' are) had kind of an overreaction to what was apparently ponification art. Homaging is nothing new, and people have been drawing characters as other things since WAY before ponies even existed. I've seen art of characters drawn in Powerpuff style, I've seen art of characters as Transformers, I've seen art of characters as Lion King lions, I've seen anime versions of Western cartoons and Western versions of anime cartoons, and I've seen ponies drawn in the styles of other shows (humanised, lionised, robotised, animeised, furryised, you name it). So again, it's nothing new, and it's certainly not unique to bronies. It's just meant as homage by a fan, no harm done.


HOWEVER, the brony's retaliation was not exactly ideal. I understand where he's coming from, but there's far better ways of defusing the situation than by adding more kindling to the fire. He was being quite aggressive and combative which goes against our overall message that most of us claim to follow, and that's not really something we ought to be doing if we want to try to prove to others that our bad reputation is undeserved. Plus his whole childish name-calling (which the non-brony notably did NOT do) are just distasteful in general.

  • Brohoof 4


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While I agree that the bronies response was unnecessarily harsh he does have a point, is it really necessary to get upset because alot of bronies like to ponify things? Nobody is holding a gun to anyone head and forcing people to see ponified pictures so I really don't see the big deal about it, even before I became a brony I didn't mind it. I only found ponified pictures for the most part when I was either looking for them or the friend who got me into ponies sent them to me.

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The anti-brony, for lack of a better term, seemed to be getting mad about a non-issue. The great thing about the internet is that stuff you don't like can be gone in seconds. It's usually easy to ignore things, and unfair to ask people to stop doing what they like when it harms no one. There's always going to be something everyone dislikes on the internet, it's the nature of humanity. People have different interests and everybody isn't going to like seeing something. 


That out of the way, the way the brony responded was completely inappropriate and uncalled for. Name calling and baseless assumptions are never okay in a discussion/debate. It's disrespectful, and it's also damaging to our fandom reputation. I don't like the way some bronies act about the fandom. However, much like with the haters, I accept that there is nothing I can do but be polite and respectful myself. Every group has it's rude members, bronies aren't an exception, unfortunately. 

Edited by lincolnshirepony
  • Brohoof 1


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Oh hey Blunty3000, been loving this guy's videos ever since I was in middle school!


But seriously, can I get some context on this? Like, Blunty doing this kind of thing isn't really new but I'm confused beyond all belief here and I gotta say did you really have to bring in the whole mlpforums thing into this?


Also I really don't think he's being harsh at all because it is kind of ridiculous. It's a very common theme to hate bronies because hurr they draw things and all that and I can totally understand his anger. He has to deal with crap like this in the comments section all the time from what I recall and yeah.

Edited by Lord Bababa
  • Brohoof 2

Just editing my signature to say that my behavior on here was cringe. I don't regret the friends i made but man i was cringe here

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Brony arguments on YT typically get started by the non-brony complaining on any pony content brought up by a brony on a non-pony video, then the argument continues if said brony complains about what was said, and insult the non-brony to some degree, and my throw in "Love and Tolerate" as a closing statement. Frankly, it gets annoying.


As for bronies in general, I think most of us are smart enough to not get into fights, despite the reasoning behind some haters. Most of them would just ignore them or leave a simple response, and move on. On the internet, you can simply ignore everything you don't like, and if you happen to see it, just walk away. While I do think it's unnecessary for haters to comment or complain on how much they hate MLP on a pony video, it can easily be ignored.

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Bluntly said that!?!? (UNSUBSCRIBED -1 Subscriber For Him!) Wow I though Blunty was a nice guy. I aggre some bronys can go CrAzY sometimes and when they try to defend them self it looks a little bitty aggressive

  • Brohoof 1


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Yes we as bronies are harsh. Why? Because we are human. Just because we like an innocent show like this doesn't mean we aren't subject to being mean or hostile like our haters. When we see that something we love or enjoy is being torn down and 'hated on' we will react. Sure we might say "love and tolerate' to those who to be mean to us but sooner or later we will return the hate. It's an inevitability.

We may not return the hate to the person who delivers it but we bronies will unload the hate on someone or something else. Being a brony doesnt mean youre a different species or that you transcended into a higher state of existence.

 Getting back to the matter at hand, it seemed that the guy was trolling or egging people on. The thing i love about youtube arguments is that people cant be logical and have a nice, well thought out debate.

  • Brohoof 2

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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Sometimes bronies are the culprit for hate, but most of the time its because people are ignorant and obnoxious.

These people make fun of us and waste our time, if we just ignore them, then they are wasting their own time trying to waste out time, the best way to battle ignorance is to counter it with more ignorance. We ignore the feelings of those who ignore our feelings, karma? irony? well we can be trolls and love and tolerate them till they give up.

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I do think Bronies have the ability to be harsh, for example some people on this forum have a tendency to pass a few fairly mean comments

But in the context of this.. It's Blunty, one of the main things he does on his channel is ranting

But I personally think he was a being a bit facetious with this comment

Have a nice cold pint, and wait for all this to blow over..

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I don't think it was all that harsh, I think it was rather mild to be honest.


Frankly speaking, I'd rather be too harsh than too mild. Harsh is good, gives you some backbone. You insult me or something that I like and I'll bite back. It's not that he was "stating" an opinion, the hater was doing so with an unnecessary amount of aggression.

I think people should understand the difference between stating an opinion, being passive aggressive and being straight insulting. In this case, the hater was obviously the last. We can do whatever the hell we want, that also includes ponifying characters.

I'll have to agree with the other side, AverageWhiteGuy was a frickin' whiny bitch.


Plus, reasoning with people who state their opinion this way is just a waste of time. You can't be nice to people who don't even try to work with you, so why bother?

  • Brohoof 4
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The only guy being "harsh" in that conversation was Daeven Smith (who I'm 99.9% sure is OP). He was the one stirring up shit, getting himself blocked, and trying to stir up more shit by posting the screencaps online.


Blunty3000 was completely right, people need to stop bitching and moaning about fan art like it's the end of the friggin' world. His being sarcastic while he pointed this out wasn't "harsh."


There are ridiculous things some bronies do, but this is not an example of one.

  • Brohoof 1

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Both of them were wrong.


The hater was complaining about something that needed not to be complained about.


The brony was being a bit... over the top.

  • Brohoof 2

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Maybe it was a little unnecessary to resort to name-calling in the form of "whiny little bitch" - I'd have just left it at the second line, myself - but overall I think it's a merited response to an altogether unmerited complaint. "Oh noes, someone ponified my hero! How DARE they implement their artistic license in a way that they enjoy!" Boo-friggin'-hoo, right?


Still, better to be the bigger person and just ignore them. Hostility begets hostility, so retaliating against trolls is rather counterproductive any way you slice it.

  • Brohoof 2
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I can kind of understand why Blunty over reacted. I mean he has to deal with this a lot on his videos.
As a whole though, I think a lot of Bronies are capable of a lot of hate. I've seen some messed up comments in places like Youtube and such. But if you think about it, we are all just human. I have yet to act with hate to someone on stuff like this but who knows if that might change?


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I used to like Blunty, before I realised how rude he can be, and it's not always justified either he's deleted plenty of civil comments and exploded at anti-bronies and fellow bronies alike. I just brushed it off as "fine if you wanna be that way then I will waste no more time on you". But I accepted long ago that every barrel no matter how good has one or two bad apples. :P

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Well I am glad I posted this, I see a lot of different views and opinions on this.

Mandalore Dash

I am DaevenSmith as well as AverageWhiteGuy and if you will indulge me I will shed some better context on this story.



IF you had been able to read my initial 3 part post as AverageWhiteGuy you would have been able to see I had stated that as Someone who still watches cartoons, grew up with both Power Puff Girls and Fosters Home for Imaginary friends, and even still plays with my lego's even though Im going on 18. Hell I even run around with toy guns pretending to play soldier while shooting bbs at other people. I am in all respects still a kid at heart. Hell until a few Days ago when Edios Randomly posted the Ponyfied Adam Jensen (the One I found for my avatar here looks way cooler) on the Dues Ex Fan page, I didn't even know what a Brony was. So if you guys will indulge me I will start at the beginning.


A few Days ago I was on my fake Adam Jensen Facebook Profile (Yeah, okay maybe I have a wee to much time on my hands) I decided to check said Deus Ex Fan page to see if there was any news on the Sequel to Human Revolution. Their newest post was titled Deus Ex: Pony Revolution. I was not mad, or disgusted, only slightly annoyed and also curious about the comments. I found someone left a link to Blunty's video, and so further curious I proceeded to watch said video. I even agreed with a few of his points. In the original 3 part comment I left I even said this.I also stated I wasn't a brony hater, and again said cartoons I had grown up with. It wasn't till he deleted the second and third parts of my comment and left the relply he did I got a little mad. Even Then I kept my cool. At No point did I insult him, other Bronies, or even MLP for the matter even when I had to go to my backup youtube to reply. I had initally planned to be mean and post the screenshot on formus as a meme. But I realized that was wrong and took a different approach. Here is the only place I posted it. I did so because I wanted a better insight into Bronies or MLP fans, what have you. I've even started looking into the material and find some of it interesting.  The Point of this story is That people like Blunty give Bronies, fans of any specif thing in general a bad name. I wasn't rude with him, I didn't insult MLP, bronies or anyone at all for that matter, and he decides to be a dick. I don't care who you are, what you're a fan of or what you represent, its no excuse to be rude. Could I have voiced my annoyance better, sure. Can I admit I was wrong to so quickly be annoyed by Pony Adam Jensen sure. But at least I can admit I'm wrong, and I can also have a discussion without insulting someone, something Blunty clearly cannot.


P.S. Even when i found it annoying, I didn't hate the bronies. And Even though I don't care for Blunty I still dont have any issue with Bronies.

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Pointless comment left by a person who isn't a Brony with an immature response from someone who likes the show. The mature way would be to not name call and simply state a point without too much sarcasm, or better yet, just ignore it. I wouldn't say it's too harsh, it's just a really silly way to deal with these 'Haters'.

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