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open Casual Baltimare RP


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Ember had slowed to a walk; his mad dash away from the site of his accident had left him fairly winded.  Fresh wisps of smoke still rose from his mane and tail, but he was too concerned with his thoughts to even pay them any mind.  I lost almost all of my supplies in that explosion...  And now I don't have a place to stay.  How am I supposed to make any bits if I can't afford to make any fireworks?  He adjusted his saddlebags on his back, frowning at how they were noticeably lighter than earlier that day.


"I still have enough supplies to make a few...  I just...  Just have to start at the bottom and work my way up.  I can't afford to use any in a demonstration though...  I'll need to get lucky if I'm going to make enough bits to be able to give Bubble the show I promised."  With a loud sigh the stallion looked around the busy street, trying to figure out where in Baltimare he was going to manage to sell what fireworks he still had...  And where he was going to restock his supplies afterward.











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Caramel lowered her head as she noticed she had sung without anyone noticing. Well, no one said it would be easy, besides, she was happy she had sung that one. Funny enough, a strange stallion...who looked as though he had just escaped a fire in regards to the smoke still coming off him...grabbed her attention. He looked sort of confused...that or riled up. Caramel shrugged, 'I suppose the best way to meet people is to be the one introducin'.' She wiped away the tear and put on a smile as she trotted over to the pony.



"Howdy sir! Everything alright?" she asked with a smile. 

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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The passenger train was still puffing along the line heading towards Ponyville.  The train ride was going smoothly and they were currently chugging on through a vast green and lush country side with trees of green everywhere they went.  Rut-light though he was driving the train was amazed at the sights of this place, he never really got the job of taking a train of passengers to Ponyville that often but he enjoyed it a lot.  The locomotive was currently going at a smooth and steady speed of 63 mph which was six miles under the speed limit on this particular branchline, up ahead Rut-Light spotted a big red barn surrounded by multiple expansive fields of apple trees; they have reached the edge of Ponyville.  Soon enough the train pulled into the station and with the brakes applied by yours truly came to stop at the station platform, one second ahead of schedule.  


Signature made by:  )O( Scarlet )O(                          Equestrian Empire Cast: Iron Will

"A word can save a person from suicide, another word can make her fall in depression."~ Doc. Volt

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Ember blinked and turned towards the voice, giving a nervous smile as he saw the friendly mare.  "Oh, umm, hello.  Yes, everything's fine...  Just having a bit of a business issue."  The stallion laughed quietly, one of his ears flicking.  "Sorry, you wouldn't be interested in that.  Not unless you want to buy some fireworks anyways."  Quickly changing the subject, he held a hoof out towards the mare in a friendly gesture.  "Uh, I'm Ember by the way."











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Caramel met the hoof and shook Ember's happily and firmly. "Name's Sunny Caramel!" she said proudly. She quickly began eyeing Ember's bag that he was carrying and then modestly continued, "Business issues huh? Nah, I don't have much bits on me heh...didn't expect to need too much but I guess I was wrong." She smiled for a second before continuing, "You know I'm new here in town and kinda lookin' fer stuff to do, if ya want, I could tag along with ya. I'll help ya in any way I can...it's a sorta neighborly support thing." Suddenly looked at Ember curiously. "So what would somepony need fireworks for in the city anyways?"

Edited by Aero Orchard

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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The stallion chuckled a little sadly, turning to look at his almost empty bags.  "So you see my issue..."  He shook his head and smiled at Caramel again.  There was no point in dragging her down with his problems, after all!  "To be honest, I'm new in town myself.  So, I really don't know where to go...  But if we're wandering aimlessly, it may be more fun to wander around together!"  He tilts his head slightly, his goofy smile back on his face.  "I'm just hoping to find a place that would buy my products before it gets -too- dark.  I need to scrounge up enough bits to re-stock my supplies as soon as possible."











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

Pokemon fan? Play X and Y? Wynaut check out the

MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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"Sure sounds dandy to me!" Caramel smiled. She was very happy to have made a friend in such a strange place. "And I don't mind helpin' ya out with findin' a place to buy your firecrackers. I ain't sure who would but it's worth a shot. Lead the way partner!" the mare said kindly...while she did a twirl, backflip, then pointed her hoof ahead. "Er, uh, sorry about that. Course ah habit heheh."

Edited by Aero Orchard

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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they have reached the edge of Ponyville. Soon enough the train pulled into the station and with the brakes applied by yours truly came to stop at the station platform, one second ahead of schedule.


Starshine jolted away from his seat the moment the train stopped. He was about to run for it before pausing mid-gallop. "Uh... Wait a minute. Why am I galloping?" he asked himself. He looked around and facehoofed, of course there won't be anypony chasing him for being a stowaway, he had actually bought the ticket for this particular ride. The colt laughed nervously as other passengers shoved their way past him out of the train. He followed suit.


Shortly the colt found himself staring at the edge of the Everfree forest, the path leading to Ponyville behind him. He sighed and slowly made his way into the gnarly forest. "Home sweet home."


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Ember laughed as he trotted past her, smiling at the mare.  "Nice moves there!"  He started heading the way she had pointed; he didn't have a set goal in mind anyways!  He tried to make small talk as they walked, keeping watch where they went in hopes of seeing a place he could sell some of his wares.


"So, where are you from Caramel?  If you don't mind me asking, that is...  I just, uh, I really like your accent I mean.  I'm from the Fillydelphia area myself."  











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

Pokemon fan? Play X and Y? Wynaut check out the

MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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Caramel blushed, "heh, sorry about that there. Back home in Appleloosa where me and my family work a farm, I'm quite a well known dancer and singer if you'll believe that heheh." She nodded at Ember as they continued walk, "Ever heard of the Caramel family's famous cider-sugar? All the folks use it back home. It makes some mean pies." Chippery as ever, the mare shook her mane. "So what about yerself? What brings ya to Baltimare?"

Edited by Aero Orchard

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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@, & @Skycoaster


Pondah sat as Bubble spewed words at him without pause. As he tried to decipher what she'd actually said, Skycoaster gave a much easier to understand view of things. "Skating sounds like it could be interesting," ​Pondah said to the four at the table. He then turned to Bubble and continued. "If it isn't to much of an inconvenience, would you mind showing me the mystical arts of skating?"

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"We could head over to the Baltimare indoor Ice Skating Rink after we get done here. But you may want to bring a scarf or two, 'cause they keep that place pretty cold in there, for the ice." Thunder Dash said as he started to move around a little bit. He really wanted to explore Baltimare. 

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"See! It's a great idea! I can show you how to skate and... oh...!" Bubbles face fell as she realised that she was supposed to be meeting Ember when it got dark: she could possibly do both... If only she had some kind of device that would allow her to be in two places at the same time!


"I told Ember I'd go see his fireworks tonight though..." She explained dejectedly as she tried to think of a solution.

Never quite forgotten.

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@ &


Pondah nodded as Thunder Dash told him about a place that he could try skating at. He smiled as Bubble burst into her usual enthusiasm but his smile was short-lived as worry swept over the excitable mare. "The situation we have right now is easy enough to solve," ​Pondah said with a reassuring tone. "Tonight, you can go and see this Ember friend of yours and at another, more convenient time, we can do some skating."

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@, & @Skycoaster
"Oh! Thats a great idea!" The mare smiled at Pondah's brilliant solution. "How come I never think of these things?" She wondered aloud before shrugging and beaming around at the rest of the group.
"Shall we eat? Thats what we came here for, isn't it? I mean, It's really nice in here but some of the ponies keep looking at me like I've done something wrong..." 
She absentmindedly ran a hoof through her mane and pulled out one of the flowers, smelled it and replaced it. A forgotten twig that she had missed earlier fell to the ground.

Never quite forgotten.

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@, @, @,


Skycoaster looked around the table.

"OK everypony time to eat!" He said with a smile as the waiter came over. "Yes, I'll have large Hay Frys with lots of Ketchup and a large strawberry milkshake."

Sky looked around the table again.


"Put everypony's order on my tab. It's a work expense." He winked to the waiter.


"Everypony get whatever you want!"

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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"I'll take a classic Baltimare Burger with a side of fries and some apple cider." Thunder Dash said looking at his menu. He was about to take away the fries, but kept them in anyway. He had heard that this restaurant served some of the best curly fries in all of Equestria. 

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Bubble glanced at the menu, disregarded everything and pressed her hoof against it at random. "I'll have that please!" She declared cheerfully without looking at what she might be pointing at - it was more fun that way!


Passing the menu back the the waiter happily, she sat back, playing with the flowers she was sill wearing and beamed at everypony around her.

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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Sunny tilted her head, not quite getting it. "Do I want to...?

Then, it clicked, and her face went red all over again.
"I-I-I, uh-" she noticed she was stammering and  cleared her throat. She had no clue know how to respond.

I don't know if I'm ready... but I don't want to hurt her feelings or make her think I don't care about her or something... 

The yellow mare realized she had been standing there not talking for the past minute, just thinking and continuing to blush. She gave Candy an awkward smile, unsure what to say or do.

  • Brohoof 1
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@@Mint Drop


Candy's horribly mischievous grin still maintained, and was made quite obvious by her snickering now. She found her marefreind's confusion and anguish slightly amusing. Granted, the idea of...intimacy...was sound to Candy, but she wouldn't force her partner to get that close if she didn't want to. Her previously mischievous grin was now a defeated, yet accepting smile. She kissed the mare on the cheek and then spoke, "You know you can just say 'no,' right?" She chuckled, "It's whenever you want to, that we can get around to that..." She nuzzled the mare, "...but if the idea interests you...it is just us right now?" Her mischievous smile had now returned.

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@, and @Skycoaster


Pondah's eyes scanned the menu. There was barely anything on the menu that he had ever heard and with the prices being so high, the last thing he wanted to do was order somethingthat he would hate. "If I'm allowed I'll just have a lettuce sandwi..." ​Pondah said. Before he could finish, the voice in the back of his head returned.


'Really? Out of every culinary delight this place has to offer, you pick that? Even if you're not hungry, there must be something more interesting.'


​Pondah nodded in agreement with the voice and resumed speaking. "Actually," he said. "Scrap that. I'm feeling adventurous. If I may, I'd like to have a tomato sandwich."


'That's not quite what I had in mind...'

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((Really sorry for the late reply, I got absolutely with schoolwork last week so I haven't had much time to check in!))


 Ember smiled and shook his head.  "I'm afraid I haven't heard of your sugar, but don't feel bad about that.  I don't hear about a lot of important things."  Chuckling softly, he swishes his tail as he answers her next question, causing it to send off another fresh wisp of smoke.  "Well, I'm originally from a little rock farm...  I moved to Fillydelphia to try and start selling my fireworks, but I travel around a lot more than I'm at home.  After all, I'm not going to find a new secret ingredient to set my products apart from the rest if I'm staying at home!"  


The young stallion beams proudly as he speaks about his product, proud of his travels even if he hasn't found that special something his fireworks have needed quite yet.  "It's been pretty fun, though.  You meet plenty of interesting ponies when you spend most of your time on the road!"  He turns to smile at Caramel, flicking his ears slightly.  "How about you Caramel?  Travel much?"











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Caramel had listened intently to the young stallion's history. She admired how many places he had been and ponies he had met. Smiling kindly, she answered Ember's question with a laugh, "Nah, I aint much for travelin'. I've been to Canterlot and sang at the Gala in front of miss Celestia herself...but that about as far as I've been." Suddenly Caramel frowned and looked at the ground as they walked, "My family wasn't makin' much bits. It was some miracle that I got my voice and love for dance. I sent them all my earnin's but there's only so much one pony can do." She looked up wistfully in front of them, "I was hopin' to find some way to earn bits again but it seems like after the Gala, I was forgotten and everypony no longer knew me."

Edited by Aero Orchard

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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Sunny's blush faded a bit again as Candy seemed to accept her reaction, but couldn't help but notice the defeat in her smile. It gave her a twinge of sadness and guilt.
"Sorry," she started, and heard Candy's next words cut her off. The same fear made itself known again, stregthened by how defeated Candy had looked. She felt like crying.

  • Brohoof 1
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@@Mint Drop


Candy didn't take very long to notice the now, quite visible distress in the other mare's voice, breathing, and face. Seeing her love in such distress made Candy feel the same sort of guilt that the other mare had been feeling now. Candy quickly tried to amend. "You don't have anything to be sorry about, sweetie...so what's wrong?" Lightly, Candy wrestled both of them to the floor, to where they could both lay down and talk to one another. She nuzzled Sunny. "Now...really, tell me what's wrong. You look sad, and I don't want you to ever have to feel bad...so please let me try to fix it." Her pleas were calm, but still obvious. She smiled, "You have no reason to be insecure, if that's the problem...but still, do tell me."

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